Sorry for the long gap, I won't lie my passion for writing is pretty much spent. I've been busy with my health and other aspects of my life that it's just hard to sit down and get into the next chapter. I won't lie, I don't know when (Or if) the next chapter will be up after this one. To be fair how Fairy Tail ended also angered so much I stopped reading Manga and watching Anime for a long time...Sorry to rant I know you guys will likely disagree with me but damn...it had such potential and they ruined it for the whole Friendship BS
Chapter 11
With quick uneasy breaths Neji ran through the streets of Magnolia, the face of the woman who turned Cana to stone was burned into his mind. Neji had realized how deep his feelings for the Card wielding Wizard the moment they started dating, and seeing her turned to stone had unhinged him in a way he didn't like to feel, he needed to save her fast so his heart could be at ease again.
He turned the corner just in time to see Evergreen finish off Elfman, quickly analyzing the battle's conclusion he deduced her power to turn people to stone came from her eyes. "I saw you at the guild hall" Evergreen states upon noticing him "You must be new"
"I didn't come here to talk" Neji says coldly "I have little to say to people like you"
"There aren't many like me" she smirks pushing her glasses up to their usual position, she could tell her stone eyes would not work on him while his guard up.
"There are plenty of people like you, who see themselves as someone above their comrades" he retorts "When in fact you'd be nothing without them" he says and she frowns "Jealousy and over confidence go hand in hand" he takes his fighting stance "Consider this a lesson in humility" he says
"Time to put you in your place" she says "Fairy Machine Gun: Leprechaun" she summons her tiny needle like attack shooting hundreds at her Brown haired opponents, with a stunned expression she watched as He deflected every micro needle as fast as she shot them, her surprised was deepened seeing that only his upper body was moving. "His reflexes are inhuman" she thinks as her attack stops and the smoke clears she steps back in fear seeing the bulging veins around his eyes,
"Air Palm!" he says thrusting his open palm at her, and before she had a chance to react she is hit and overwhelmed by the blast of air, knocking her out "Lesson over" he mumbled standing over her. Elfman returned to normal "Good that means" he thinks feeling his nerves already settling. He really wanted to go back to see Cana and make sure she was alright but he knew he needed to either defeat Laxus or free Naruto "How can four people cause so much trouble"
Since the Council dissolved Itachi had become a wanderer, rather than settling into a guild like the rest. He wished to see more of the world, he wanted to join the council again and become integral to Fiore's politics. However, his main goal right now was evenly distributing the bales of hay for the animals at the farm he was sleeping at, the manual labor while time consuming was more rewarding. He noticed how both Naruto and his brother liked to flaunt their powers whenever they could 'This is a nice little town' He thinks looking around. This town didn't heavily rely on magic to get by, preferring to rely on themselves as honest workers, many food products are shipped from this town that fill supermarkets all across Fiore
"Mr Itachi, breakfast!" the elderly woman who was sheltering him calls "I made extra for a busy day" she smiled as Itachi took off his gloves stepping onto the porch.
"I appreciate it Miss Hardener he says in his usual polite manner taking a sip of freshly squeezed orange juice "How is your husband?" he asks, Mr Hardener usually helped with morning chores but suffered a head injury after falling from a ladder.
"He's fine, and ashamed of himself" she laughed, "He'll be out later to help with construction of the new barn, can you make sure our cows are settling in with the neighbors" she asks and he nods
"Of course" he smiled, after he finished eating he made his way over to the neighbors, usually he would be in his yard collecting the morning eggs from his hen house, however only silence greeted the Uchiha as he made his way to the door, as he went to knock he heard a familiar voice call from within
"It's open sweet Itachi" Upon opening the door, Itachi was greeted to Ultear standing over the unconscious bodies of Mr and Misses Glover, gently cradling their baby boy "Isn't he just precious?" she cooed but the malice in her voice filled the room.
Itachi studied her appearance and saw she wasn't in the right mind, her hair was frayed and her clothes where crumbled…clearly she had been suffering "This family is innocent" he says and she laughs
"Everyone is innocent…until they're not" she says "It could have been perfect, if only you'd seen the light and glory of our plan" she says
"It's not a plan…it's a fantasy, no matter how much you will it too be there is no reset on life" he says, despite him being resurrected and in a new world, leading a new life he would forever carry the sins of his past "In the end we are shaped by our choices"
"No" she shakes her head "I don't know about your powers buy Master Hades's power is limitless, he will reach the world of primordial magic and allow us to erase all the mistakes" she says "But for us to accomplish that we need your power…and I'm done being polite about it" she states darkly
"If you intend to threaten an infant then perhaps you are beyond saving" He retorts as he activates his Sharingan, Ultear's eyes widen as Itachi turns into a flock of crows surrounding her, the house they were in melts away replaced by water reflecting a red sky above them.
Realizing she was no longer holding the baby she uses her Arc of time orb to begin attacking the crows, however she could see no end to them 'I'm trapped' she thinks. When the world returns to normal she sees she is being loaded into the back of a carriage, her magic sealed away.
"While imprisoned, maybe you will find the answers you seek" Itachi says to her, she only looked past him.
"Perhaps you are right" she says, having already spotted Zancrow and Rustyrose waiting to intervene "Farewell Itachi" were the final words she spoke before the doors closed, locking her inside.
"Do not let your hatred consume you" he thinks, since him being here endangered the farmers, he would be leaving tonight to begin searching for a place to call home.
"I wonder how the others are doing"
With Evergreens defeat, those who were petrified had been freed. So in a last stitch effort to get his way Laxus had resorted to using the Thunder Palace to hold the entire town hostage. And with Freed still active, Naruto, Natsu and Gajeel were all still trapped. Naruto had been testing the barriers strength while Levy tried to deactivate it, she had tried to explain to them the complexity of the formula but she may as well have explained it to the floor she was laying on because it went right over their heads. Naruto had been studying a lot and was beginning to understand this worlds different texts and languages but he was a long way from being of any use…and all Natsu and Gajeel wanted to do was fight.
"That grandson of mine…I knew he was a reckless fool but to endanger the whole town for his ambitions" Makarov says
"So those orbs amplify his magic?" Naruto asks and the old master nods, "This guy…it's like dealing with Sasuke all over again" he mutters looking at Levy "How are you doing?" he asks
"I think I've found the sequence…Freed likes to overlap runes to make following the formula tricky" she says using her magic pen to negate a line "There is just one line I can't figure out…the translation book is in my room" she sighed.
"Maybe I can help" Naruto suggests sitting down "Which line is it?" he asks, curiously the blue haired girl points to the lone under a symbol that matched the wizard Said logo.
"What are you going to do?" she asks
"Well it's been awhile but" he begins as his eyes turn to gold with cross slits for pupils, he focuses all the element chakra he can into the palm of his hand like he was trying to make a Rasengan. Soon a black orb was floating above his palm "This is a Truth Seeker Orb…a spell unique to me, made up of all the elements"
"How can that help?" Makarov asks as the all study the orb
"Well think of it as a Magic eraser" The blonde grins sending the orb over to the barrier, and like he said the orb erased the line Levy wanted with little effort before disappearing.
"Amazing" Levy says as she begins to unravel the rest of the text
"Why didn't you use that from the start?" Gajeel asks with an annoyed look, feeling like the blonde had been wasting time.
"Well you see" Naruto chuckled "It's not easy to make, I mean it takes a lot of control to make one and they can be very dangerous" he explains. He also didn't want to make Levy's efforts feel meaningless.
Soon the barrier vanished and the two Dragons Slayers rushed out, "Naruto…please deal with my grandson" Makarov says "I will remain to watch over the injured, in case the worst happens and I need to use my power to protect the town"
"Don't worry, I won't let it come to that" Naruto smirked jumping high into the sky, looking around, thanks to his sensory ability he already knew where the Blonde Wizard was hiding, however he also sensed a lot of spiking energy near the entrance to the town, "Neji is on his way there…I'll send a clone" he thinks, defeating Laxus was the fastest way to end the conflict but he wanted to cover all bases. The clone speeds off to the location as Naruto himself arrives at the entrance to the church
"You've come, newbie" Laxus says, sitting on the steps of the alter "I wanted it to be you, from the second I laid my eyes on you I knew you'd be my biggest obstacle"
"Me huh? I'm honored" Naruto chuckled "But I'm just one man, Fairy Tail is more than both of us", while he still wanted to create a home for Shinobi, even still he had grown fond of this town and the Guild…and all the members, he was grateful both Sasuke and Neji were forming bonds and slowly but surely this world was becoming their home.
"Nonsense, the guild is full is spectating rats trying to get by on our reputation and fame, Fairy Tail used to have meaning but now it's become a brand, and the butt of every joke" Laxus spits "I won't allow it to be seen like this ever again, once I take my place as Master I will turn the guild into a dynasty to be feared and respected!"
"Even if you get your way" Naruto begins "You will never be respected…because a power that forces its way to the top can only be hated"
"I will force the guild to respect my power" Laxus declares and in a flash is in front of Naruto about to deliver a punch, however just as fast Naruto parries the punch before delivering a kick into the Lightning Wizards chest, sending him flying back
"Let's see if you can force me from this spot first" Naruto smirked indicating for Laxus to bring it
Outskirts of Magnolia
Mirajane, Cana and Juvia had arrived at the climax of Freed finishing off Elfman, severely punishing the white haired giant for trying to continue the game after being eliminated already. The shock and fear sent Mirajane into a PTSD like breakdown which activated her Satan soul and she began to quickly hunt Freed who tried in vain to fight her off but was quickly defeated and nearly killed, however Naruto's clone managed to stop her
"This is Mirajane?" Naruto questioned as he stared at the unhinged Wizard, her blood lust filled eyes burning a hole in his chest as she glared at Freed
"H-Her takeover…Satan Soul" Freed says "She was once and S Class like Laxus and Erza but after an injury and a traumatic experience…she lost her magic" he explained
"So…" Naruto's eyes widened, he wasn't sure why but when he focused on her he swore her shadow had four tails, "This uneasy feeling…is this how Sakura felt when I fought Orochimaru?" he thought "Mirajane…I…I don't know how you feel right now but you are better than this" he says "If you let this anger consume you, then you'll do something you will regret" he says raising his hands as he approached her "Your sister wouldn't want you losing yourself like this" he says. As fast as he can react she swipes at him, sending him through the wall.
"Stay out of this…I want Freed" She growled charging at the downed green haired Wizard, Naruto bursts from the wall and shoulder tackled her.
The force sent her into the adjacent wall, "Get out of here" Naruto instructs as Mira climbs from the hole in the wall "Mirajane, please calm down…it's over" he says but can see she has no intention of stopping "No choice…I'll have to wear her out" he thinks, with no idea what power she possessed he would have to wait for her to make the first move.
"Darkness Claw!" she growled as a Magic circle fired beams of purple energy with Claws at the end towards Naruto who side steps each one, forming a Rasengan to destroy the Claws.
"She's got power but it's unfocused and wild…Freed must be inexperienced with one on ones" he thinks as an orb forms between Mirajane's hands
"Soul Extinction" she cursed firing the beam towards Naruto, her glowing red eyes flickered back to their normal blue's as her magic began to run out…
Naruto quickly slammed his palms into the ground "Doton Chidōkaku" a massive wall erupts from the ground managing to survive the hit. Looking at the white haired wizard, Naruto could see she was getting tired, having fought both him and Freed had taken its toll on her stamina…soon she'd pass out and return to normal. Still despite getting tired she charged at Naruto, swinging her fists wildly but with enough force to give him some grief. "Come on Mirajane, calm down" he pleads as she yells, Naruto growled a little feeling close to disappearing having used the chakra stored in him when he was summoned "I'm going to have to let her finish me off" he thinks as she charges
However, before she connects she blacks out temporarily and returns to normal, her limp body is caught by Naruto who lays her down, using his hand to support her head "N-Naruto…what happened?" she asks
"I don't know all the details, but Freed managed to piss you off big time" he says and she was about to ask but he already knew "He's fine, his pride took the most damage" he chuckled "You're really scary when you're mad" he laughs carrying her from the cave
Natsu and Lucy
The two had tracked down Bickslow, the final member of the Thunder Tribe. "It's just you now Slow" Natsu grinned, "Unlike with Gray there are no traps to help you win"
"Like I need them for you fire boy, and who's the cheerleader?" Bickslow grinned, "Come on babies!" his eyes widened when Natsu's flame covered fist smashes him in the face sending him flying
"I expected more of a fight" Lucy says seeing Bickslow was out cold "Kind of feels like we got of light"
"Now we gotta find Laxus" Natsu says "He needs to pay for what he's done" he growled feeling even more fired up
"Can you beat him?" Lucy asks "I mean really beat him?" she adds with a serious look, this guy was meant to be stronger than Erza, and she easily beats Natsu whenever they fight.
"I…Of course I can!" he declares before looking down "OK no I can't"
Naruto vs Laxus
"I'm faster than him…why can't I hit him!" Laxus thinks moving as fast as he can, but no matter how hard he tries Naruto dodges him at the last second. It was extra annoying because now Naruto was inflicting minor damages by countering, "This guy…he is more experienced than he looks, there isn't a wasted movement in his stance…nor a gap in his defense, it's like he has eyes on the back of his head" he growled attacking again, this time Naruto ducked as Laxus came from behind before thrusting his palm into the lighting wizard's abdomen sending him into the roof.
"Heh got more contact that time" Naruto smirks looking up "Being fast won't be any use if all you can do is sneak attacks"
"Big talk chump" Laxus lands on the ground but is forced to make a last minute dodge as Naruto suddenly is right next to him, the incoming fist cuts Laxus's cheek "You annoying asshole, soon the Thunder Palace will go off and nothing will be left, surrender and I might spare this town"
"The others will deal with that" Naruto says as his bandage fist glows orange "I'll end this with my next attack" he states confidently
"You expect anything from those losers?" Laxus laughs, but suddenly there were a bunch of explosions outside "My Thunder Palace!" he growled
"We…we took care of the palace Naruto" Natsu says sounding hurt "Me, Lucy, and Gray…everyone worked together, now do us all a favour and knock some sense into Laxus"
Naruto smirked "See, even losers like us can accomplish something when we work together" Laxus began flying around the whole church.
"I will crush you all!" Laxus says lunging at Naruto, "Fairy Tail is mine!" where that last words he uttered as he sped into Naruto's waiting fist, the punch sent Laxus right into the ground laying him out.
"I don't know why you're like this…maybe we can talk about one day" Naruto says looking at the unconscious man.
_The next few days_
After Laxus defeat he was expelled from the guild, an action that angered Naruto but Makarov explained how his grandson actions left with him with little choice. The rest of the Thunder Tribe were spared from being kicked out but each made a very public apology. Despite everything that happened the Guild now felt closer, it seemed as a side effect to the forced confrontation helped the members open up more.
Cana had been asleep for the majority of the time as things settled down, Neji had remained by her side the entire time. Neji's eyes were closed when Cana's woke up, glancing at him she smiled "I really do like watching you sleep"
Neji's eyes opened "Welcome back…you had us all worried" he says
"Even you?" she teased, but looked down to see him gentle taking her hand
"Me most of all" he says "Until I remember you're Cana Alberona so I knew you'd be fine, but I still wanted to be here when you woke up"
Naruto watched from the door, chuckling he turned around "Cana's up" he says to Makarov "Now all that's left is Sasuke and Erza" he hears Makarov say "Nah don't worry about them, the fact we haven't heard anything means everything is fine" the blonde Shinobi says sipping his drink
"And how can you be so sure?" Makarov asks as Naruto smirked
"No damage on a continental scale"
Erza and Sasuke
It wasn't so much a kiss, more like their lips forcibly pushed together…it brought back painful memories of the time he and Naruto bumped lips…and it will be a cold day in hell before Sasuke acknowledges that as a kiss.
"Such a pretty pair you two make" their captor laughs letting them up to continue dancing for her guests.
"So any plans?" Erza asks as she is twirled
"…judging from her body movements, she needs to keep her arms at a certain level to keep us under control…I need to wait for the right time to strike" he says, since his attacking options were limited he was biding his time…he had hoped the woman would show remorse and let the older people rest but alas she saw all of them as disposable dolls.
"What do you need me to do?" she asks, since her Magic was useless she figured it would be better to let Sasuke take the lead
"When I make my move, get everyone out…I'm going to burn this house to the ground" he says and though she didn't like it, she agreed this place needed to be destroyed.
"Talking so much" the woman says "My little slaves should be grateful to me" she smirked
"Please! My husband is dying!" a woman says beside the Fairy Tail members
"Then I will get you a new partner when he does" the woman laughs, she fails to notice Erza dipping slightly, giving Sasuke a chance to act
"Amaterasu!" black flames suddenly erupt across the roof, everyone above was sent into a frantic panic, Erza watched as Sasuke suddenly switched places with the keys to the lock binding her magic. She freed herself and the other captives, leading them outside.
"My house!" the woman yelled turning to look at Sasuke "How!? I sealed your magic" she growled, she flinched when Sasuke activated Chidori which cut through the lock on his wrist.
"I needed to learn how your magic worked, I couldn't risk making my move until then without risking the others safety" Sasuke approaches.
"They were mine…you are mine!" she bellowed about to use her magic, only for the lighting surrounding Sasuke's hand to lunge out like a sword, scrapping her shoulder as it stabbed the wall behind her.
"This house is yours…everything that's burning is yours, I won't kill you" Sasuke says "I will see to it you have nothing left before you are thrown in jail…consider this punishment for torturing so many innocent"
"Who are you to judge? How can you understand what I've seen, the life I live entitles me to the world…people like you should be glad to have drawn my attention!" she barked as her other prisoners looked on "I am royalty!"
Soon enough the flames attracted attention and the local law enforcement were informed of what had happened right under their nose, Sasuke watched as Erza directed first aid efforts. The woman dubbed "The Marinate" was placed in the back of a carriage, ranting and raving like she had been for hours. Sasuke shook his head, soon this horrible event for the people would be a memory...although despite it all a small piece of him enjoyed "dancing" with Erza, since he came to this world he had wanted to make changes to himself to adapt and being able to see the lighter side in this whole mess was a positive...especially since before he came to this world he might have killed everyone here out of anger.
However he is pulled from his thoughts as the sight of flowing pink hair, pale skin and beaming green eyes catch his attention, staring at him for but a moment and as fast as he noticed her...she is gone
The End
Hope you enjoyed this chapter
Till Next Time