Jones Residence
Jenny, the four Librarians and Colonel Baird stumbled out of the door, onto a downstairs landing. They heard Martha's voice in the other room falter. The door opens, and Martha Jones walks out, pointing a futuristic-looking gun at her.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?" asked Martha.
"We're the Librarians," said Flynn
Martha frowned, lowering her gun slightly, then instead of pointing it at everyone, she moved it to point at Flynn specifically "Attack me psychically again, and I'll blow your brains all over the room."
"I-" Flynn began, but Jenny had had enough of this.
"There's no need for that… Doctor Jones?" said Jenny, as Martha's eyes flitted to her. And stayed there, widening in shock. The gun slipped from her fingers.
"Jenny?" asked Martha faintly "That's not possible. I saw you die. I checked your body. You had no pulse. Your hearts didn't beat. This-"
Martha broke off "Nevermind. There are more important things going on here. I don't know who you people are, or why you've come here, but I don't see what help librarians can give here."
"There is a lot to explain in both cases," said Jenny "Where's the Doctor and Donna, for one? Why was Earth stolen? What do the Daleks want with Earth?"
"Can you wait in the other room?" asked Martha "I'll answer what questions I can once we've tried to bring the Doctor here."
Jenny and the group of Librarians went into the Jones' living room.
"You died?" asked Cassandra, as soon as the doors were closed "How are you alive now?"
"I don't know," said Jenny "All I remember, is that I woke up not long after my apparent death. My father and his companions Donna and Martha already gone. So I stole a ship, and went off to find him."
"A woman after my own heart," said Ezekiel
"No flirting, Ezekiel," said Colonel Baird "We're on a mission."
"I'm way too young for you, anyway," said Jenny
"How old are you?" asked Jacob
"Seven," said Jenny, to the shocked faces of the Librarians and their Guardian "And I've spent those entire seven years looking for the father that didn't even stay for my funeral."
"Don't blame your father, Jenny," said Martha's voice from the door "He may not show it, but he carries almost a millennia of loss, coupled with the destruction of his own people. He couldn't bear to see you again. It may have broken him."
"Did it work?" asked Jenny "Is the Doctor here?"
Martha grinned "It worked. He's landed nearby. You need to go to him."
"You're coming too, aren't you?" asked Jenny
"I have a duty I need to perform," said Martha. She gave Jenny the coordinates.
"I'll be back," said Jenny "But I have to find my father."
"We'll head back to the Annex," said Flynn "See what we can do from there."
Jenny nodded, as the Librarians returned through the door, back to the Annexe.
"You might need this," said Martha, passing her the gun she had threatened the Librarians with "Where I'm going, I won't need it."
Jenny took the gun, and for the first time, she saw reluctance in Martha's eyes. "This thing you need to do," said Jenny "What is it?"
"I can't say, Jenny," said Martha "I'm sorry."
"Just consider before you do it," said Jenny "What would the Doctor do?"
Jenny entered the coordinates into her vortex manipulator, and vanished.
Deserted Street
The battered blue telephone box was the first thing she saw as she appeared on the street. The second thing, was the exploded Dalek, still smoking, probably from a hit from a highbeam laser. The third made her begin rushing towards where a familiar figure was lying on the ground, a burn from a Dalek gun visible, as the three people (a blonde girl, a red-head and a tall man) around him were starting to carry him towards the blue box. Jenny ran up, and helped to carry him into the blue box.
"Jenny," said her father, his voice faint "I thought you were dead."
"That was evident, Dad," said Jenny, as they pulled him into the blue box, putting him down on the ground.
Jenny stared around in amazement. "Ok. What? How?"
"Rose, Jenny, you need to get back," said the only other man in the room "He's dying and you know what happens next."
Jenny didn't move from her dad's side. She was looking over the wound, her field medic skills that had been programmed into her being useless due to the nature of the wound. On all accounts, her dad should already be dead.
"Get back, Jenny," said the Doctor, as he looked at his glowing hand
"What do you mean what happens next?" asked the red head "What's going on?"
"The Time Lords, when they die, they change," the blonde began "But he can't!"
"It's too late," said the Doctor "I'm regenerating!" He staggered to his feet, his face to the sky, and his hands now bleeding energy. But after a few seconds, it stopped, and he looked the same as he was. Only now, his wounds were gone.
"That's not possible," said Jenny "You just took a hit from a dalek. You should not have survived that."
"There's alot that you don't know," said the Doctor "And I'm sorry about that. There's' a lot I should tell you."
The Doctor turned to the others, and started babbling about regeneration and energy and stuff that Jenny didn't understand. Suddenly, the TARDIS lurched, as if it was being pulled upwards by something. All the lights in the TARDIS had gone out.
"Ah crap," said Jenny "Daleks have got us. Some kind of control lock.
"There's a massive dalek ship at the centre of the planets," said the other man "They're calling it the crucible. I'm guessing that's where we're headed."
"Well, this probably isn't going to do me any good," said Jenny throwing the gun Martha had given her to the side "Anyone got a plan?"
There was some more talking, this time by the blonde, who was called Rose. Apparently she was from a parallel world, where things happened ahead of this one. The stars were going out, and apparently, the red head, Donna, was important to stopping it.
"You've got a vortex manipulator there, Jenny?" said the Doctor "Can you use it to get back to Earth?"
"I'm not leaving you," said Jenny "I you're here to fight the daleks, you're going to need soldiers as many as you can get."
"That's never something I wanted for you," said the Doctor "You shouldn't have to be a soldier. If you travelled with me, that's what you'd become. You were better off without me."
The Doctor's words hit her like a turbolaser to the gut. "If that's really what you think of me," said Jenny "Maybe I shouldn't have been looking for you." She hit a couple buttons on her vortex manipulator, and vanished.
Jones' Residence
Jenny appeared back in the living room of the house of Martha Jones and fell to her knees, her eyes screwed tight shut, using all of her willpower to prevent herself from crying. Emotion showed weakness. Her training that had been programmed into her at birth had taught her to control her emotions. She was trying her best to use that training to shut down her emotions, but it wasn't working. The past five or six years looking for her dad, only to find out her dad didn't want her.
Jenny couldn't stop the tears falling from her eyes. She brought up her hands to cover her eyes, as she heard footsteps from behind her.
"What's the matter, Jenny?" the voice belonged to Col Baird. She felt hands take hers, and push a tissue into her hand. Jenny began drying her eyes "You don't need to tell me, but I think it'll help."
Jenny turned to look into Baird's eyes "I spent five years looking for my dad," said Jenny "Five years, and now he says he doesn't want me. That I'm better off without him."
"I can understand your frustration," said Baird "But the Library chose you, and as far as I'm concerned, that makes you part of our family. And right now, this family needs you."
Jenny wiped her eyes again. Baird was right. The daleks were still invading the world. From all of the stories she had heard, she was sure the Doctor would save the day. But whatever they were planning, there would be casualties. If Jenny could work out what the daleks were planning, maybe she could minimise those casualties.
She walked into the living room, where Flynn, Cassandra, Jacob and Ezekiel were waiting.
"The Doctor's been captured by the daleks," said Jenny "I managed to escape, and he will too, but depending on what the daleks are planning, there will be casualties. If we can work out what their plan is, we might be able to minimise casualties."
"Well, there are 26 planets in the sky," said Jacob "27 total."
"The laylines seem supercharged," said Cassandra "Like there's more energy there than there should be."
"Why 27?" asked Ezekiel "Why these planets? What's special about Earth and all of these planets?"
"Let me think," said Jenny, her brow furrowed in thought "If all the laylines on these planets vibrate at the same frequency, then maybe the daleks are harnessing that energy for something. But it can't be. The energy that would be generated by that could snuff out several universes."
"It's a good thing the laylines are nearly empty then, isn't it?" said Flynn, grinning. Jenny looked over at him "Most of the energy of the laylines was bled off in the Middle Ages, into magical artefacts. They'll never be able to use Earth as one of the 27 planets, unless…" The colour drained from Flynn's face.
"I know where the daleks will go," said Flynn "They need the energy of the laylines. That energy is stored in magical artefacts in the Library. We need to go."
Flynn ran back to the magical door, running back through to the Library. The others followed, Jenny closing the door behind them.
Still not quite sure where this is going. I'd like to take a different approach here. I'm writing this as I go, so not sure where this will go from here. Jenny's a bit unstable, mentally. Conditioned to be one thing, and trying to do another, based on what her father said, then her father dismissing her so readily. Things will happen with the daleks and magical artefacts in the next chapter.