Thanks so much for your lovely comments on Hope is a Four Letter Word. I don't intend to do an epilogue, at this stage, but I never say never - so don't forget to follow or fave if you want to be kept in the loop :) It was quite a different story for me to write, so I very much appreciate your comments and feedback :)
Speaking of different, I have a new story for you. Called 'Unforgiven' it's all human - a first for me! The first chapter is up now, and I've included an excerpt below.
"Fuck you, Dimitri Belikov!" Rose muttered under her breath, applying wild cherry tinted lip gloss to her lips and pursing them in the mirror hanging on the inside of her locker. She undid her lazy braid, letting her long dark locks tumble artlessly in loose curls down her back. She intentionally kept her makeup subtle and light, her clothing attractive but not revealing. Her Babcia had had a saying - dress like Halloween, and you'll end up with ghouls in your pants. It probably lost something in the translation, but she understood the gist; if you dressed like a slut, you'd only end up attracting guys that liked that sort of girl. The best way to drive a guy mad was to look like you weren't trying too hard. In fact, to look like you weren't trying at all.