Tales of Berseria: Wrath

A/N: Hello readers and welcome to my little spot in the fan fiction archives. Just recently beaten Tales of Berseria and boy was it a challenge. A difficult game, but a great story. I felt an urge to write a tale of events after the endgame of Berseria so expect spoilers and the sort. Read, rate, review, do what you want. Feedback is always appreciated. With that, enjoy my story: Wrath

Chapter 1: Inbalance

Man is born and doomed with sin but he has the choice to walk the path of good or evil. Some choose a path willingly, others force those to choose either out of cooperation or force.

Good and evil is viewed in endless forms, whether it's backed with reason, morals, etcetera.

One particular woman didn't believe in what defines good or evil, there's either justice, survival, or victims. Enter Velvet Crowe, formerly a human now the power thirsty daemon who sought to avenge the death of her younger brother Laphicet from the hands of her brother-in-law Artorious.

Revenge didn't seem to cut out for the daemon, especially the many obstacles she endured, one that triumphs them all is when Velvet tragically learns that her brother wasn't killed, but revived to become the powerful demi-god Innominat and "purify" the world from pain and sin.

The idea seemed nice on paper, but cleansing the world by robbing their free will, pain, or any emotion defeats the purpose of anything that makes life worth living for.

Thanks to the aid of some unusual but powerful allies, Velvet foils Artorious and Innominat's plans of the world's purification, but it doesn't cover what Velvet committed after the many lives she robbed of to achieve her goal. We take place at where...

Present Day, one year after Innominat's fall

Her task finally fulfilled, Velvet Crowe embraces and drains her younger brother embodied as Innominat the Suppressor to end any plot of robbing mankind's free will. Some can say it as an act of redemption for the daemon.

The malakim she named Laphicet (Phi for short), his voice echoes fadely as she and the Empyreon God in her grasp plummet into an endless void of nothingness.

Velvet didn't care, as long Phi lives on to give hope to the world, she was more than happy to give herself up.

And her wishes were kept, Phi kept to his word and restored order and hope to the world and mankind, sacrificing his malak form as the new Empyreon Maotelus to replace the Suppressor.

The world is now free from evil and tyranny with the aid of Maotelus's power and guidance. Despite the malevolence and sin existing in the world, Maotelus and his allies strive to protect the world from those who wish to corrupt it with ideal on enslaving it from sadness or pain, where the hardship is what builds a great world.

A world Arthur always wanted, Velvet thought. Only this time, a world of true happiness instead of forced content.

That said, the Suppressor and the Lord of Calamity fade into oblivion, never to be seen or heard again. So the tale goes, but another says otherwise.

The Nether, the empty world of the dead where souls are punished to thrive in a perpetuating land of nothing and loneliness. Well, loneliness is a lie as the population increased to one, Velvet Crowe.

Velvet didn't care, she felt her punishment was just for the evil so brought to her loved ones. The hatred that dwelled in her heart was one of the many creations of daemons in Midgand, creatures with the sole purpose of leeching off the goodness the world can provide.

But even this punishment wasn't enough, the true punishment was Velvet couldn't die or feel anything but despair, a true sentence to the pain she wrought to the living.

"Perhaps for the best, my emotions drove me to madness." Velvet mumbled to herself. On the plus side, the powerful Innominat ceased to exist due to the lack of sustenance and malevolence in the Nether to fuel his body. Velvet would be affected by this need, but the remainder of her humanself kept her going, for the time being at least.

She examined her bandaged arm that hides her true form, a daemon arm with the power to consume daemons and humans for nourishment and power. There was nothing for Velvet to nourish her body, yet fate refuses her true peace in death. Days, months, years, Velvet lost count for how long she's lived in the nothingness that's the Nether.

"Getting bored already? Good."

A second voice caught Velvet's attention. She quickly spun around weapon in hand, ready to face the owner of said voice. This world was supposed to be void of anyone else, who else could be here beside her?

The voice eventually confronted Velvet, in the form of a silver bear. Its fur well kept and glimmers brightly to the Nether's white void. Perhaps the second most beautiful thing Velvet has ever come across.

"Fear not child, I come bearing a message." The animal spoke.

"If that's your way of a joke, that was barely funny." Velvet scoffed after sheathing her weapon.

"Ah, even empty of emotions, you manage to retain a sense of humor." The bear chuckled.

"Whatever, what do you want?"

"It's not what I want, it's rather what you want."

"I have no time for riddles, what do you want?" Velvet asked.

The bear simply nodded delightfully, marching its way towards a small puddle created out of the void.

"Tell me Miss Crowe, if you could return to the world of the living, to see your friends and family once more, would you?" The bear asked.

Velvet stopped in her tracks upon the question. Surely it was a hypothetical question, yet the tone from the bear sounded serious.

"If there was some way or power to do so, I wouldn't hesitate."

"That'a good answer, who would wish to live in this realm." the bear mumbled.

"What are you..."

"Young Velvet, I am Shi Foresworn, the last line of Foreseers and master of the Nether, I come to offer you a second chance to redeem yourself. Even a daemon vile as yourself still has good in the heart. To that, I shall return you to the world among the living."

"What!? How so!?"

"Funny you should ask. You and your merry band broke the balance by awakening the Four Empyreons to ensure you achieved your goal in defeating Shepherd Artorious and Innominat the false savior. You intrigued the Gods, you've done terrible things to achieve your goal yet you found kindness along the way, and even brought a malakim to life, scratch that a new Empryeon to life. To that, you've been rewarded a chance of redemption."

"Is it possible, for me to return?"

"I don't jest, and I take this offer."

"Even so, what is else for me redeem myself?" Velvet added.

"For starters, help your friend Laphicet bring Midgand out of danger from the battles ahead, make amends with your allies, whatever you feel it's right."

"In that case, I accept the offer."

"The expected answer from the hero." Shi mumbled. "You'll return back to the world, but take caution, you'll regain your emotions once more. Control them for greater pains and misfortunes lie ahead. There's more to your return but I'll let you learn along the way."

Velvet nods in agreement, a part of her feeling joy, something she wouldn't expect to feel after being sent to this forsaken realm. That said, Shi the Bear softly growls a mantra, a beam of light engulfing Velvet, sending her to the world of the living.

"Enjoy your new life, Velvet Crowe. I pray you can last a bit longer than the previous life."

A/N: And that's the end of the first chapter. Hope you've enjoyed so far. Tales of Berseria and content belong to Bandai Namco Studios.