Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Summary: Sequel to Devil's Sweet Temptation. Youko Kurama was a fox spirit. Cunning, ferocious, and merciless, he was detached of any emotion and attachments. It was wrong for Botan to feel the way she did, but matters of the hearts could never be ignored that easily.

Chapter 10

"What the hell are you doing?"

Kuronue looked up from the food he was stuffing in to the short fire demon staring at him with his arms crossed over his chest. Kuronue blinked, before shrugging one shoulder lightly. "Uh… eating?" he responded unsurely, uncertain if that was the answer his friend wanted to hear.

Hiei quirked an eyebrow at him. "That much?"

"What?" Kuronue scoffed, "You've got a problem with it or something?"

Hiei's crimson orbs gazed at him, studying him in a way that made Kuronue feel somewhat as if he was a test subject under the fire demon's unwavering scrutiny.

It felt like forever before Hiei finally broke off the awkward silence that had managed to engulf them, "No, not really," he snorted, "You can stuff yourself as much as you want. I'm just wondering what's bothering you this time."

"Why would you assume that there's something bothering me?" Kuronue asked, despite already knowing the answer.

Hiei rolled his eyes at his companion's futile attempt at playing dumb, but he decided to reply anyway, "Well, for starters, you always eat like a bird. It's only when you have something stressing you out that you have moments like these."

The bat demon held back a smirk. "Moments like what, exactly?"

"Moments where you devour… uh… a rather large amount food," Hiei elaborated, awkwardly pointing at the said large amount of food situated on the table, almost filling every space on the large, brown furniture.

"… Nothing goes past you, does it?" Kuronue sighed softly, but evidently, there was a small smile on his face.

Hiei sounded a scoff, "Well, what is it?"

Kuronue hesitated only for a moment, before opening his mouth to form out honest words, "It's just that… well, this whole Youko and Botan thing is really taking its toll on me."

Almost instantly, there was a deep frown marring the shorter demon's features. "The omen? What about it?"

"Well," Kuronue gulped, before shifting his gaze to the fire demon to stare at him in uncertainty, "Don't you think we should tell Youko?"

"Why should we?" came Hiei's response, sounding slightly exasperated, "Not like it's going to change anything."

"I know that…" Kuronue murmured, turning to peer at the plate-full of steak before him, which he poked a little with his fork. "But I feel bad for hiding such an important thing from the two of them." He then looked at Hiei again, sounding firmer this time as he inquired, "Don't you?"

When Hiei was unresponsive, Kuronue knew that he felt the same way.

Botan bit her lip, halting in her tracks as she stared up at the three females standing before her, blocking her path. It wasn't as if she didn't recognize them; no, in fact, she knew them all too well, and although it angered her, it also terrified her that they had came all the way to see her just to put their plans of vengeance into action.

It's those three again, she mused bitterly to herself, those three who hurt me… and during the time Youko found out about the female demons here bullying me… But, that hadn't been happening for a long time. The fox had went out of his way to punish every last single one of them; in regards to what the punishment had been, Botan hadn't the inkling of idea. Although, she had heard that they had been subjected to torture and even though Youko had promised her not to do anything to extreme, to him, torture probably was the easiest punishment for these girls, especially after everything they had put Botan through. And he never mentioned it, either, so she never really had any intentions of discussing about it. It had been better that way. And besides, the girls had been leaving her alone ever since then; perhaps scared of what Youko might do if they were to make the same mistakes. If that was the case, there was no way these three in front of her had plans to do anything terrible to her, did they?

"What do you want?" Botan finally spoke, after a while of a tense, interminable silence. They didn't say anything, merely stared at her. And the longer their gazes remained fixed on her form, the more she began to fear the worse. "I-I'm going to go now," She gulped briefly, "c-can you step aside?"

They remained dead silent, and after what felt like forever of them gaping at her in such a weird, terrifying way, they finally stepped aside to allow her access to walk further down the hallway. She inwardly expelled a sigh, relief overwhelming her senses and bringing a smile of gratitude to her face. She made to stalk past them, only to blink, a deep frown coming to etch on her forehead as he saw the three sets of feet on the floor step closer towards her.

Heart racing in increased, rising trepidation, Botan shakily took a step back, inhaling a sharp intake of breath as they took two steps forward. She looked up with eyes wide in fear, her blood running cold as she caught the hint of malice and bloodlust darkening their irises. Knowing now that they had no friendly intentions for her, Botan immediately spun on her heels, going to run away. Although, she hadn't even managed to move a muscle before an arm shot up and grabbed at hers, harshly tugging her back and pushing her down to the dirt. The ferry girl yelped as her butt connected with the cold, hard floor, wincing for a moment, before flicking her head upwards.

"You know," The rat demon, the one with the curvy, blue hair, spoke, her voice chillingly low, "If we can't have Youko-sama," She smirked, "then, neither can you."

"What—" Botan's sentence was cut short, reduced into a pained whimper as the rat demon's clawed hand reached out and clutched her bangs, tugging her head roughly upwards, the brute force causing the ferry girl to momentarily suspect that her neck would break if this went on. "Stop," she hissed, and despite her trepidation, glared up at the other three, "If Youko finds out…"

"He'll send us to the torture chamber again," the rat demon finished for her, her voice sharp as she bent down until she was eye-leveled with Botan, "But, that's fine. If we can have our way with you, make you suffer the slowest, most tormenting death, then that's all worth it." A shrill, maniacal laughter left her throat, teasing at poor Botan's rattled nerves.

"You don't have to do this," Botan started, her lips pale and trembling, "There are better men out there than Youko. You can always find another."

"But, we don't want someone else other than Youko-sama," the rat demon spat at her, one hand meeting Botan's right cheek in a smacking slap, as she growled, low and dangerous, "Why don't you get that through your thick head, you stupid, silly little girl?"

Botan tried to ignore the numbing pain at her cheek that traveled through each cell of the rest of her face from the sudden, harsh slap, attempting to appear composed as she met eye contact with the angry demon. "And why don't you get through your thick head that he doesn't want you?" she roared back, watching with slight interest with a mingling anxiety as the rat demon's features grew fierce at her words.

"I've changed my mind," the demon sneered, as her claws tugged at the locks of Botan's hair, the ferry girl's wince bringing a self-satisfied smirk to her lips, "I'll torture you like Youko-sama did to us before I kill you."

Botan bit her lower lip, in an attempt to stifle a smart remark, knowing somehow that it would only worsen her predicament. She was acutely aware of her heart pounding in her chest and the salty taste of blood in her mouth, the terror showing in her pools of amethysts, despite her heated stare. She shut her eyes tight as the demon grabbed her throat, clenching tightly, the razor sharp nails digging painfully into her flesh.

The rat demon narrowed her dark blue eyes at the ferry girl, somewhat baffled by her prey's silence. She wondered briefly if the girl had gotten too terrified of her that she was unable to speak, a smirk resting on her lips, before wavering as quickly as it came as she realized something odd. All of a sudden, her palms were sweaty and clammy, and her face drained of any color as her body began to quiver. She slowly turned her head around with dread, eyes widening into saucers in a mixture of alarm and fear as they locked with a pair of smoldering, glinting gold. She immediately released the tight hold she had around the ferry girl's hair, and in an instant, kneeled down to her knees, her other two peers mimicking her actions. The trio started to beg for mercy, just as Botan began coughing for air. She took greedy inhales of oxygen, before finally regaining her composure, and fluttering her eyelids open.

She lifted her gaze, eyes widening at the sight of Youko advancing towards the three demons, every step as deadly calm as the last. With shaking legs, Botan struggled to stand up, almost rushing for the fox before she grabbed at his arm. "W-wait…" she started, but one look from him silenced her immediately. Youko was furious. He was very furious. And no doubt he was planning to murder the three demons who dared to hurt her.

The fox looked away from her, shifting his gold orbs to the cowering female demons on the floor. His features hardened, his vibrant molten gold darkening into a murky yellow as the raging fire within him grew rapidly stronger and stronger. Ignoring Botan's protests, he tugged his arm out of her hold, before grabbing the rat demon by the hair and throwing her into the wall.

"Wait, Youko, stop—"

"How long will it take you to realize that no matter how much you give these whores pity, they'll never change? That you can't save them?" he cut Botan short, his voice cold like ice, and sharp like the tip of a sword, but his gaze remained fixed on the blue haired rat demon coughing out blood and holding an arm to her stomach.

Botan felled silent; did it seem that way? Did it seem like she was trying to save them? Well—maybe it did. Maybe she was trying to save them without realizing what she herself was doing. And Youko was right; demons were a lost cause. Very much like him, none of them could be saved even if she tried. Was I being stupid and selfish for thinking that I can change them? That I can change him? She thought, taking a step back as she watched Youko summon a large, scary looking plant, its mouth opening and revealing sets of razor sharp teeth. Its drool dripped on the floor, acidic as it burned through the concrete surface.

The sound of the demons whimpering snapped her back to reality, and before she knew it, she was already tugging at Youko's arm; no words escaped her, but it was enough to give the fox the clue that she didn't want any of this. Maybe if she had never left Reikai… maybe if she had never came here… For a moment, she could have sworn she felt Youko hesitate, but then, the malice and menace quickly returned, darkening his once bright, warm gold irises as they stared at her for a fleeting second, before turning to the three demons.

"This plant's drool is very special," he spoke, his voice chilling, with a dangerous edge, "It's acid," He narrowed his eyes, "but at the same time, it also has healing powers. Once its drool comes into contact with your skin, it will melt and dissolve everything, everything down to your bones. And just as you're about to die, just as you're about to breathe your last breath, it will regenerate you again. It will almost kill you and heal again and again. The process will repeat for all eternity. You'll be in pain for the rest of your life… Would you like that?" He smirked, watching as the plant drew closer and closer to the cowering female demons.

"N-no!" the rat demon practically begged. "I-I beg of you, my lord, please… please, let us go!"

"Do you swear you will never land a finger on my woman again?"

"Y-yes, we swear! But, in return, p-please…"

A chuckle rumbled in his chest, sounding mocking, dark and amused as it was let out in the air. The demons' pleas died down in the air, the sound teasing and taunting at them. Youko's gold eyes flashed in a dangerous way, the smirk touching his lips baring his sharp fangs as he said, "Unfortunately," His smirk broadened, "I don't have any intention of sparing your pathetic lives."

And in just a split second, the plant was biting into their skin, its acidic drool dissolving every tissue as their ear-rupturing shrieks for help echoed in the once dead silent hallway.

"Are you okay?"

Botan averted her gaze from the gruesome sight to the silver haired fox. He seemed like a world apart from the cruel beast that he had displayed before her as he reached a hand out to gently caress her cheek swollen cheek. The pain from the rat demon's slap seemed to dissipate under his warm, comforting touch, and she looked straight into his gold, reflecting love and worry, all for her.

Was she okay? Was she? She didn't know; she didn't know what she was feeling. She was disgusted, of course, but strangely satisfied. Was it wrong for her to feel triumphant over what had happened before her very own eyes? Was it cruel of her not to pity the ones who had once harassed and bullied her? Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn't. And when she answered Youko's question with an 'I'm fine', when the joy practically radiated off of him as he smiled in relief, Botan felt oddly happy. Contented. Now there was no one to stand in between them. No one to bother her for the relationship and affections she shared with Youko—her lover.

And she smiled back.

Maybe, before she knew it, she was already too far gone.