warning: mentions of suiced (just the word). kinda of sad way of thinking I guess, idk how to make warnings, bit I dot't want to make anyone fell bad soooooo...

Since the beginning of her sixth year, Helena has been doing a lot of sneaking around, and differently from what her friends believed, it wasn't just because of Sirius death.

She had grieved her godfather during the summer, and found comfort on the fact that he was on a better place, with her parents and other friends that died.

In truth, she was only saddened because she would miss him, but death was never a sad thing in her mind. On the contrary, when people die, they are moving on from all the horrors of being alive, and going to a better place to be happy in peace.

Hermione had expressed concern over her way of thinking when Helena mentioned it in the end of last year, but she wasn't suicidal, as her friend has thought, just indifferent.

Helena was indifferent to a lot of things, her grades sadly weren't one of them. She lost sleep many times to study and do her homework, this worried Hermione too.

But one thing she suddenly found herself caring for was, surprisingly, Draco Malfoy.

He first approached her on fourth year. Saying that he was sorry for being horrible to her, but was afraid of what his father would do to him and his mother if he showed any indication of being against Voldemort. He was actually neutral on the beliefs, and, with time, she turned towards neutrality as well. As soon as her friends were safe, she would officially leave the light side, no unnecessary fights for her anymore.

Draco had helped her a lot. He gave her a lot of information on fifth year, and thanks to him, she was able to keep the DA secret from Umbridge, and was able to keep it going sixth year.

On sixth year, they started to be even more careful than they were before, meeting at a hidden room in the dungeons that only opened if one spoke the password in parseltongue. She didn't knew the password when she found it, bu after so many years without being discovered, the enchantments forgot it and she put another one.

Turning a corner, she could see the suit of armor that guarded the entrance. Stepping in front of it and waited for a few seconds.

She heard a quiet tapping in Morse code, that said the words they agreeded on the night before, random things no one could connect to them. Not very effective, buy if they tried to question each other outside, they would attract too much attention from the night patrols. Words echoed amazingly in the dungeons.

Nyx, she heard.

Erebus, she tapped back.

Inside, they questions each other properly and as soon as it was done, she threw herself at him and locked their lips.

"Missed me?" he asked cheekily as they broke apart.

"Shut up," she replied, rolling her eyes with a fond smile. "And you know I did. I always do."

He smiled an kissed her again. And that's how they spent most of their night, kissing and exchanging love promises that both Helena and Draco knew they couldn't keep.


this is kind of a prequel to my one shot Summertime Sadness. just to give a little bit of context cuz I think that oneshot was a little rushed. hope you guys like it :)!!I personally think this one is much better written and want to rewrite the other one in the future but idkthis was NOT editedplease review!!(you just leave a smiley face or a heart )pls pls