Disclaimer: I own nothing
Thank you to Dawnbreak55 for the idea! Also, this is a spin off of One Shot A Day, chapter 29: To Hell And Back, but you don't have to read that to understand this.
I guess it began with the pancakes.
You see, the seven- except for Leo, who was catching up on some repairs- were eating breakfast, and Jason and Percy were arguing over which was better: pancakes or waffles.
"They're the same thing for Pete's sake!" Piper sighed.
Jason and Percy gasped as they spun around to face her.
"They are not the same thing!" Jason sputtered, horrified. "Waffles are way better!"
"No, pancakes!"
"Honestly, I think pancakes are better."
"Hah!" Percy shouted before his back went rigid. "Wait, what are you doing here?" He growled as he turned to face Hera.
She was standing in the doorway, towering over the demigods, but her expression caught them off guard. She was disappointed without a doubt, but she also looked... kind of sad. Like a mother may look when they find out their child is getting bullied.
"I am here to discuss Leo Valdez," she said.
"Leo... wait, where is Leo?" Hazel demanded.
"He's right here," Hera informed her, snapping her fingers.
Leo appeared on the floor at her feet, unconscious.
"Leo!" Piper shouted, springing to her feet and reached for her friend, but she hissed and pulled her hand back. It was blistered.
"You cannot touch him, for this may interrupt the process."
"Process?" Annabeth said, her voice flat. "What process?"
"You do not know Leo Valdez at all. Before you can protest, I have a way to prove it to you. I have a quiz over Leo's past for you, and before you can complain, the world outside is frozen. The quicker you take the quiz and go through with the process, the quicker you can continue your quest and get home. Good luck, demigods."
Hera vanished, leaving a piece of paper on the table.
Annabeth picked it up. "At least it's only twenty questions and not a hundred, like the teachers at school used to give us. Now, let's get to it."
1. What was Leo's mom's name?
A. Elena
B. Ana
C. Lola
D. Esperanza
"Oh, that's easy," Hazel told them. "Esperanza."
2. How many foster homes did Leo go to, excluding orphanges and group homes?
A. Seven
B. Six
C. Nine
D. Eleven
"Six," Piper informed them.
3. How many foster homes was Leo abused and/or neglected in?
A. Zero
B. Two.
C. Five
D. One
The group paused.
"Go with one," Jason said. "It wouldn't be on the quiz if it was zero."
4. What was the name of Leo's first foster mother?
A. Sarah
B. Teresa
C. Zoe
D. Christina
"Christina," Annabeth told them. "He mentioned a foster mother named Chris once. Maybe short for Christina?"
5. How many gangs has Leo been involved in?
A. Zero
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
"Zero. You think Leo would've mentioned if he were in a gang," Jason told them.
6. What was the name of Leo's first lover?
A. Stephanie
B. Sam
C. Andrew
D. Lily
"Let's go with... Lily. I think he mentioned a Lily once," Frank said, "while we were on guard duty."
7. How old is Leo?
A. Fifteen
B. Sixteen
C. Seventeen
D. Fourteen
"Fifteen. He'll be sixteen on July 7th," Piper said.
8. How did Leo's mom die?
A. Fire
B. Machine shop accident
C. Car crash
D. Cancer
"B," Jason told them, shortly. "He told us back on the quest for Hera."
9. How many of these deaths did Leo witness?
A. Holly Westland
B. Julia Smith
C. Brandon and Alice Marshall
D. All of the above
"Go with Julia," Percy said after a pregnant pause. "That name sounds familiar."
10. Which of these is a fear of Leo's?
A. Fire
B. Enclosed spaces
C. Dying
D. Both A and B
"Go with C. I mean, isn't everyone at least a little afraid of dying?" Frank told them.
11. What was Leo's worst foster home?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 3
D. 1
"Let's go with 1," Hazel told them.
12. Why did Leo run away from his last foster home?
A. Bullying
B. Abuse
C. Gangs
D. Habit
"Habit," Annabeth suggested. "After running away from so many foster homes, he probably didn't know what else to do."
13. Where is Leo's most prominent scar?
A. Arm
B. Back
C. Stomach
D. Chest
"Back?" Percy said, but they could all tell by his tone of voice that he wasn't really sure.
14. How old was Leo when he first drank alcohol?
A. 12
B. 9
C. 10
D. 13
"It better be 13, and remind me to chew Leo out for underage drinking later," Annabeth told them.
"Me, too," Piper agreed.
15. What was the name of Leo's social worker?
A. Martin Blake
B. James Monroe
C. Carlos Tarahoe
D. Jessica Londons
"Jessica, maybe. I really don't know," Jason said. "Leo never really talked about his past."
"Wonder why," Annabeth muttered.
16. What was the name of Leo's cousin?
A. Raphael
B. Andres
C. Michael
D. Diego
"Andres?" Piper said. "Leo never mentioned a cousin."
17. How long was Leo at his second foster home?
A. Two weeks
B. 1 month
C. 1 month and two weeks
D. Two months
"A? Leo doesn't seem like he'd stay in one place very long," Frank said.
18. Where does Leo have the MOST scars?
A. Back
B. Chest
C. Wrists
D. Legs
"Back, maybe," Percy suggested.
19. What is the longest time Leo went without sleep?
A. Four days
B. Two days
C. Five days
D. A week
"B," Jason said without hesitation.
20. How often has Leo considered running away from Camp?
A. Never
B. Once
C. Ten times
D. A dozen times
There was a long pause.
"A," Piper finally whispered. "It's gotta be A."
The paper vanished, and for several moments, the six sat there in silence, gazing at their unconscious friend.
After several moments, Hera reappeared, looking disappointed.
"It's time for the process. You will all be watching Leo's memories- both good and bad. Throughout this, you will not wake him, nor will you touch him. If you do, you'll get quite a few burns like Piper here."
"Why do we have to do this?" Annabeth asked.
"Because you got all but one wrong on the quiz."
"What!?" The demigods gasped.
Well, tell me what you think. Anything I can improve on? Thanks for reading!