Happy 25th Birthday to me and Happy 51st Birthday to my Dad
This chapter is also dedicated to Rosie who was like a grandmother to me who passed away from cancer. Love you Rosie may you rest in peace
Chapter .2.
Jasper sat in the chair reading a book as Bella slept. He could feel the pain and sadness in her even in her sleep. Soon she begins to talk.
"No…No…Why don't you love me?" Bella moans in her sleep
Jasper goes over to her as she begins to thrash.
"NO DON'T LEAVE ME!" Bella screams
"Bella darling wake up. Your dreaming sweetheart. We won't leave you", Jasper says sending calming waves to her
"You don't love me?" Bella says in her sleep
"Bella I love you darlin. Just wake up", Jasper says softly shaking her gently
Bella sits up in a fright. Her heartbeat was fast and her eyes looked around frantically.
"Jasper!" Bella says throwing herself into his arms crying
"It's alright Bella. We won't leave you. I swear", Jasper says rocking her gently
"I am going to kill Edward", Emmett mummers loud enough for Jasper to hear him
"There will be a line", Rosalie mummers
"Shh Bella. I will never leave you. Same with Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rose and Alice", Jasper says softly
"Really?" Bella asks
"Really. I will even change you when you finish school", Jasper replies kissing her temple
"You promise?" Bella asks
"I promise", Jasper says
"Can you help me sleep?" Bella asks
"Of course Darlin'. Anything for you", Jasper says sending her lethargic state
The night goes on and Jasper continues to hold Bella sending her peaceful emotions. The other Cullen's where finishing Bella's room. They worked quietly so not to wake Bella up. He lets up as the morning approaches. Bella yawns as she wakes.
"Morning Darlin", Jasper says
"Morning Jasper", Bella says snuggling into Jasper's chest
Jasper purrs.
"Esme is making breakfast. If you want to get ready. Not that I am complaining", Jasper says
"Ok. I need a shower. Tell Esme I can make my own breakfast", Bella says
"She says she is your mother and she loves to do it", Jasper says with a chuckle
"Then I better hurry. Thank you Jasper for staying with me all night", Bella says
"Your welcome Darlin", Jasper says helping her up, "I will wait downstairs"
"Thanks Jasper", Bella says blushing
Bella picks up her clothing and goes into the bathroom and thinks about what has happened in the last 24 hours. Edward dumps her and now she was the mate of Jasper. She flinches as she thinks about what Edward had said.
"Bella I have new clothes for you! I will help you dress", Alice says as Bella gets out of the shower
"Alice I like my clothes and I can dress myself", Bella says as she towels herself off
"Come on Bella", Alice whines
"Fine. But nothing too out of my comfort zone", Bella agrees
"I'll do your hair first", Alice says
"Alice are you sure it is alright that I am with Jasper?" Bella asks
"It is fine. Like I said last night we were just companions. I am happy for you Bella. Anyway I feel like I will find my mate soon", Alice says
"Can't you see who your mate is going to be?" Bella asks
"No I can't. For some reason I can't see a thing. I hate being blind", Alice admits
"Do you know why you can't see?" Bella asks
"No I don't", Alice says
"Have you seen Carlisle or Esme finding their mates?" Bella asks curiously
"No. I have a gut feeling about Esme's though. But I won't tell you", Alice says smiling
"Please tell me Alice", Bella asks begging
"You will find out soon", Alice says grinning
Alice helps Bella dress in a red blouse and a pair of denim jeans.
"There how is that?" Alice asks Bella
"Thanks Alice", Bella says
"Your welcome sister. Now Esme has breakfast for you down stairs", Alice says
Bella goes downstairs with Alice and into the kitchen. Esme had pancakes, cinnamon rolls, bacon, and eggs ready on the table.
"This is too much Esme. You didn't have too", Bella says looking at all the food
"It was no trouble dear. Anything you don't eat I will give away", Esme replies
Bella grabs a couple of pancakes, a cinnamon roll, two strips of bacon and a fried egg. Bella eats quickly.
"Ready for school Bella?" Jasper asks
"As I ever will be", Bella replies
"I will be with you the whole time", Alice says
"Thank you", Bella replies
"I will see you after school", Jasper says hugging Bella
"See you then Jasper", Bella replies
They get into a Mercedes after saying goodbye to Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper. They park in the parking lot and get out earning them stares as to why Edward wasn't with them.
"Hi Bella where is Edward?" Jessica asks wanting the gossip
Bella flinches at Edward's name.
"Edward got a scholarship to a music academy in New York. So he won't be attending here anymore", Alice says the cover story the family had come up with
"What does that mean about you and Edward?" Lauren asks nastily
"We broke up", Bella says softly
"Come on Bella first class", Alice says getting Bella away from Jessica and Lauren
The first half of the morning went quickly with rumours already going around about Edward and same about Bella.
"Bella do you want to go out with me?" Mike asks as they sit for lunch
"No", Bella says eating her lunch slowly
"Come on. You and Edward are history. I can take you to the movies", Mike asks
"She said no Newton. You need to learn the meaning of the word", Alice replies
"I am sorry you and Edward broke up Bella", Angela says kindly
"Thanks Angela. It just wasn't meant to be", Bella says
"Bella will you go out with me?" Tyler asks
"Or me?" Eric asks
"No. I am not going out with either of you", Bella says angrily
Alice pulls Bella away and they go outside luckily it wasn't raining.
"Everything will be alright Bella. You know Jasper can always threaten Newton, Yorkie and Crowley", Alice says lightly, "I am sure even Emmett will join in"
Bella chuckles, "Maybe I will say that next time"
"Yeh. We have biology now", Alice says
"How did you get in all my classes?" Bella asks as they walk to class
"Esme called the school", Alice says
They spend the rest of the day ignoring Newton, Yorkie and Crowley and Jessica and Lauren who were spreading rumours about Bella and Edward's break up. Alice was growling by the end of the day. Bella was upset about one of the rumours about her being pregnant and Edward dumped her because of her cheating on him.
Bella was glad to be home when they arrived Jasper had her in his arms in seconds hugging her tightly.
"You alright Darlin?" Jasper asks
"I am now", Bella replies hugging him back
"Bella we have finished your bedroom", Esme says, "Follow me"
Esme leads them up the stairs and to a room near Jasper's. The room had been painted turquoise. She had a double bed with purple and gold bedding. Book shelves were also in the room. She sees a desk with a laptop on it.
"Esme this is too much", Bella says thinking about how much they have spent
"Nonsense. You are my daughter", Esme says hugging Bella
"Your my daughter too Bella what is ours is yours", Carlisle says hugging Bella too
"Your my sister Bella I wanted to do this", Rose says also giving Bella a hug
"Little sis I wanted to do this too", Emmett says swinging her into his arms
"Your my mate Bella. I would do anything for you", Jasper says
"Thank you all", Bella says
"Charlie will be here in 5 minutes", Alice says
They all head downstairs ready to greet Charlie. Bella hears his cruiser pull up outside the house. A couple of minutes later there was a knock on the door. Carlisle goes and answers it.
"Hello Charlie. Welcome to our home", Carlisle says letting Charlie in
"Thank you for taking Bella in Carlisle. You and Esme both", Charlie says
"We think off her like a daughter. Everyone is in the living room", Carlisle says
Charlie walks in and eyes land on Bella.
"You alright kiddo?" Charlie asks hugging her
"I will get there Dad", Bella says hugging him back
"Would you like something to drink Charlie?" Esme asks
"Sure if that is not a problem", Charlie replies
Esme was back in a minute with a glass of water as soon as Charlie and Esme touch hands they gasp and look into each others eyes. Esme gasps again in shock. Charlie was her mate! All the Cullen's but Alice look at her in shock. Bella sees the look and can't believe her father was Esme's mate. Explaining everything to him was going to be fun…
Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)