"Better start my day" y/n said obviously tired.
You opened up your arms and streched your back.
"Better get my self together" y/n thought out loud.
First you grabbed your blankest and set it so it was fully across your bed,
then y/n folded the blanket to be half way across the bed.
Then you walked to your bathroom.
Y/n then turned on the shower.
Slowly you began to strip down till you were completely naked, then you stepped into the shower and closed the curtains.
As the warm water hit your body you started to think abought what today had in store.
"Maybe you would finally be able to get some important information.
Then I could finally go home.
Back to the Kingdom.
Back to not having to hide who you were, at least not to this extent.
Back to mom..."
Y/n Ponderd on those thoughts for the length of your shower.
As you stepped out of the shower you dryed your self off with a towel.
Then you wiped the mirror to see your self.
You then relised you forgot to bring your teeth and nails back in from when you were cleaning your nails in the shower.
You then heard a knock on the door.
"We are having a meeting in 15 minutes!" annouced Johnny.
"Ok!" y/n responded.
You then heard Johnny walk away, most likely going to the next room.
You then dressed you self.
You then checked the time and saw that the meeting was in 5 minutes.
As you walked to the meeting room you thought abought what the meeting could possibly be abought.
"Does it have to do with my mom?
Does it have to do with me?
Im just being paranoid." y/n thought.
You finally reached the meeting hall.
You then sat down.
"Ok everyone today we have a very important mission!" exclaimed Johnny.
"We will be going to a place where there have been multiple sightings of Quan-Chi." Johnny continued.
"Does everyone understand?" asked Johnny.
"Question!" exclaimed Cassie.
"Yes Cassie?" responded Johnny.
"Stopping Quan-Chi is great and all, but where the hell are we going?" Cassie asked.
"Well thats the thing..." said Johnny.
FanFlixs23: ooooo... A cliff hanger.
Sorry for such a short chapter but I have finally gotten the results but I would like to ask you all a question!
Do you guys wan't me to do more polls on this story?
Type #Yes for yes.
And #No for no.
If I do end up doing more polls they will be at the bottom of each chapter.
The only reason I would like to do more polls is to make it more of your journey, not just the random guys vision for you.
So please type your response in the reviews, I read every comment.
( Yes I don't have a life thanks for that comment... :( )
Please write what you think of this chapter in the review section.
And have a good day!