Here we are guys. The end of this story, I'll let you enjoy this final chapter and see you at the end of it!
Chapter 9: Obvious
Kara opened her eyes, feeling dazed as she tried to focus her senses. She was lying on her back on a soft surface, with a bright yellow lighting panel positioned above her. She could feel a soft hand holding hers, and felt comforted. But before she could turn to see who was with her, she fell back into the blackness.
When she regained consciousness, the first thing she saw was the same yellow light. It was too bright, almost blinding her. Turning her face away, she groaned as the movement sent pain coursing through her entire body.
The door opened as someone hurried to help her sit up.
"Take it easy, sweetheart." Kara recognized her foster mom's voice, and felt a wave of relief crash over her. "What hurts?"
"Everything," she replied, flinching as Eliza's gentle hug caused her more pain. "Where is everyone? Alex? Jeremiah? Are they okay?" As she tried to stand, the feeling of her hand still being held distracted her.
Turning, Kara found herself gazing into familiar green-blue eyes, red-rimmed from crying. Lena.
"Lena?" The sight of the CEO's pained expression broke her heart, and she squeezed the brunette's hand comfortingly. "What are you doing here?" Behind her, she heard the door click shut as Eliza quietly left the room.
"I had to see you," Lena replied, sniffling. "I was so scared."
Kara frowned, pulling Lena into a gentle hug. "I'm sorry," she murmured. "I don't know what happened, but I'm okay."
As they parted, the door opened and Alex entered, wasting no time in wrapping her little sister in a one-armed hug.
Kara paled as she realized the DEO agent's other arm was in a sling. "Oh, Rao," she breathed. "Alex, what happened? Are you alright?"
Alex nodded. "I am now that you're awake," she replied, looking relieved. Seeing the blank expression on the blonde's face, she explained. "It was a trap. Someone tipped them off, but they didn't have time to leave before we raided the warehouse, so they fought back instead. They had kryptonite." She stopped, taking a deep breath. "I saw you go down. I thought…"
"Alex," Kara interrupted her, taking her sister's good hand in her own. "I'm fine."
After a moment of silence, Alex gave her a grateful look. "Anyway, they had us. I didn't think any of us would make it out of there alive. But then Maggie – who apparently didn't listen to me when I told her to stay behind – showed up with most of the NCPD force." She chuckled quietly at the memory. "We were able to arrest most of them, and rescue Dad. Maggie took a blow to the head, but she'll be okay. She's resting. You, on the other hand, had us worried. You'll need a lot of sun over the next few days. I doubt you even have your powers back yet."
Kara paused, realizing she couldn't hear her sister's heartbeat. It was too quiet. "Nope," she confirmed. "No powers." But despite being as weak as a human, she felt relieved, as if the weight of the world was no longer on her shoulders. Jeremiah was back, everyone was safe, and Lena was there with her. Smiling, she allowed Alex to pull her in for another hug.
As the sisters embraced, Lena stood. "I think I'll get some coffee," she announced, squeezing Kara's hand before letting go and slipping out the door.
Taking a seat beside her sister on the bed, Alex gave the blonde a small smile. "As soon as she heard the news, she called me up and begged me to let her come see you," she said, glancing over her shoulder at Lena's retreating form. "She was really worried. I've never seen her look so… human. She's been here for hours."
Kara blinked, pleasantly surprised. "I'm not really sure what to do with that information."
"Yes, you are," Alex gave her a gentle nudge with her shoulder, before moving on. "I've been trying to think of a way to help you," she said, her expression cautious. "I know you've been having a rough time, so I reached out to Cat Grant and asked if there was anyone she trusted and would recommend. She gave me the name of a psychiatrist, and the DEO already vetted her. If you want to, she's willing to talk to you." She paused, giving her sister a chance to object; but Kara remained silent. "I reached out to Clark, too. He wants you to know he'll be there for you if you want someone to talk to. And so will I."
"I don't know what to say…" She was touched that Alex cared that much, and that she had so many people willing to help her.
"I hope I didn't overstep. I'd just never seen you that broken, Kara, and I couldn't bear to see you hurting while I couldn't do anything to help."
"Alex," Kara stopped her sister's backtracking. "Thank you."
The DEO agent smiled widely. But before she could say anything more, a knock at the door made both women turn.
"Hey," James smiled at Kara as he entered the room. "I heard you finally woke up." As he approached, Alex said a quiet goodbye to her sister and headed out to check on Maggie. "Here," the photographer handed the blonde a large yellow envelope. "I thought you would want to see these."
Curious, Kara opened the package. Inside were four pictures from the photoshoot.
In the first one, Supergirl and Lena stood near Lena's desk, both laughing. They were gazing at each other with such fondness in their eyes, anyone could see the feelings they shared from that one image.
The second picture showed Lena talking to Cat; but it was obvious she wasn't really listening, as her gaze was fixed on Supergirl's figure on the balcony. The look in her eyes clearly showed how much she cared about the hero.
In the third picture, Supergirl was gazing longingly across the room at Lena's back, as if resisting the urge to go to the CEO.
The last one showed Lena with a small smile on her face, biting her bottom lip as she watched Supergirl leap off her balcony.
Kara was speechless as she gazed at the gorgeous pictures. James had done such a great job, capturing every emotion with his camera. How could she be so blind to have missed all that?
"Keep them," James told her, seeming pleased at her silent reaction. "They're not going to be in the article. I didn't even show them to Cat."
"Thank you, James." Kara smiled gratefully, leaning forward to give her friend a hug.
At that moment, Lena returned from her coffee run. "Hi, James," she greeted the photographer, seeming at ease now that Kara was alright.
"Hi, Lena," James returned the greeting, before turning back to Kara. "I guess I'll leave you two alone." He winked, already backing out of the room. "See you later!"
As he disappeared out the door and Lena came closer, Kara tried to leave the bed. But as she lifted herself to her feet, she stumbled and nearly fell.
"What are you doing?" Lena protested, catching her and trying to easer her back onto the bed. "If you want James to stay that bad, tell me and I'll get him."
Kara chuckled at the way Lena's brows furrowed as she made the offer. "You're so cute when you're jealous," she commented, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind the brunette's ear. "I actually wanted to do something I should have done a while ago."
Leaning forward, she kissed Lena. It was a soft kiss, but passionate.
When it ended, it took Lena a moment to reopen her eyes. She seemed surprised, though not unhappy. Seeming unsure of what to say, she asked, "Should I still get James?"
"Yes," Kara nodded, trying not to laugh at the frown her answer brought to the brunette's face. "And you should thank him," she added, showing Lena the pictures James had just given her.
The CEO blushed a bit as she scrutinized the pictures. "Could we be any more obvious?"
Kara smiled widely. "I would very much like to find out," she answered.
So what did you think of that last chapter and the whole story?
I really liked writing it, it was hard sometimes to find the right things to say, and describing those feelings too.
I will forever be grateful to lexa-kom-skaikru, for the amazing idea.
And words can't describe how much I own to my amazing beta Song of LoN. Her patience was astounding with me, and she always found the right way to make things sound wonderful.
Follow these two on their tumblr: lexa-kom-skaikru and fantasybylon.
Also my final but not less huge thanks goes to you my adorable readers! You were so passionate, especially in your comments, thanks a lot for your support!
i'll see you around with more Supergirl and especialy Supercorp sweetness!
Take care of you!
(serievore-universe on tumblr ;) )