I'm so sorry it has took me so long to update this story, and every other story on this account. Life has not been great at the moment but I am slowly getting back into writing. Also, my laptop is broken so at the moment the only writing I can do is in University on the computers- but it's fine because I am in 4/5 days a week and basically live in the library!
Okay so this chapter is really small and kinda a filler but things will start rolling faster now that the team know about Charlotte!
Enjoy and don't forget to review!
JJ lent against the sink in the restroom, trying to control her breathing. She felt like someone was sitting on her chest, stopping her from breathing normally. The faces of her team members flashed in her mind, Derek's lingering longer than the others. How could she carry on now that they knew? Everything was going to change, her life wouldn't be the same anymore. She slid down the wall, her head in her hands, silent sobs shaking her body.
The team continued to talk to Charlotte, them all really liking the young teen already. Derek, although invested in the conversation, was distracted, his eyes flickering between Charlotte and the door. Hotch noticed this, motioning for him to step outside. He shut the conference room door over, Derek running his hand down his head in frustration.
"Tell me what you are thinking." He looked up at his boss, letting out of a sigh, shaking his head in bewilderment.
"I accused her of so much man. If I had known even half of what she had been through I wouldn't have jumped to conclusions the way I did." He scoffed at himself, Hotch placing his hand on Derek's shoulder to calm him down.
"The fact you aren't blaming her for keeping Charlotte a secret is already a step in the right direction. She was terrified you would alienate her." Derek was shocked at Hotch's words, shaking his head, an exasperated sigh escaping his lips.
"Alienate her? How could we? Yes, I am a little upset about her keeping such a big thing a secret but I, nor would any of the team, think to kick her out into the dirt after everything she has helped us with. She is the heart of this team, and I will be damned if she thinks anything less of herself." Neither had noticed Charlotte pop her head out of the door, a smile on her face as she listened to Derek defend her mother. She cleared her throat, the two men turning around in shock.
"Thank you. My mom thinks a lot of this team and to hear you defend her status like that is really comforting." She suddenly threw her arms around Derek's waste, the man melting as he hugged her back. Hotch looked over to see Joe watching from afar, a huge grin on his face.
"I'm going to find JJ, if that's alright." Garcia spoke up, everyone nodding, Emily following her as Derek lead Charlotte back into the conference room with everyone else.
Garcia and Emily checked JJ's office before heading into the restroom, Emily's heart shattering as she grabbed Garcia's hand, pointing to the blonde on the floor. JJ hadn't seemed to notice their arrival, her body jolting in shock when she felt two bodies sit down either side of her. Her eyes were wide and full of tears as she looked between her two best friends, the blonde and brunette grabbing a hand each.
"That little girl of yours is truly something isn't she?" Emily noted, Garcia nodding in agreement.
"She is just like you, very sassy." JJ suddenly laughed, looking down slightly.
"You don't need to worry, we aren't mad that you kept this from us. We're a little upset, but we all understand why you did what you did and we are so incredibly proud of how strong you both are." She sniffled, Emily using her free hand to wipe away a tear that rolled down JJ's cheek.
"How about we head back up to your girl, hm?" Garcia said, squeezing her hand, JJ nodding with a smile. The three stood and exited the restroom, JJ hovering behind them slightly as they reached the conference room. She felt a hand on her shoulder, turning to see Joe next to her.
"Secrets out. Now what do we do?" He shook his head with a smile, ushering her forward.
"You go and spend some time with your family. It's finally complete." With a deep breath, she nodded and pushed the door open, Charlotte at her side in seconds.
"Did you know that Spence has never read the Harry Potter books?" She exclaimed in utter shock, JJ nodding her head solemnly.
"I've already tried Charlie, he won't even try them." She shook her head, pointing at the genius who looked cornered in his chair.
"He will read them and he will be in Hufflepuff!"
"What if I don't want to be a Hufflepuff?" He shouted in a scared tone, Rossi bursting out into a fit of laughter, everyone following in suit. Charlie left JJ's side to thoroughly explain the Hogwarts houses to a very confused Reid, Derek taking this opportunity to take JJ's hand, pulling her away to the side.
"Jayje, I want you to understand if I had known even half of what you told us today, I wouldn't have treated you the way I did. I jumped the gun and was horrible to you, and I am so sorry." She shook her head, squeezing his hand softly.
"You reacted the way anyone would to protect themselves. I'm sorry I never told you sooner. You were the only person I came close to telling but I couldn't risk her life like that. I'm now starting to think it was all for nothing because I don't know how I am going to protect her now. The team knows and so does most of Joe's unit know so anyone could get wind of her." The fear in her voice was heart-breaking, Derek lifting her chin up with his spare hand, shaking his head.
"I promise you, we will do everything in our power to keep you both safe. You have an army behind you now." She nodded, wrapping herself around him, feeling safe just in his arms. She knew he was right and that everything would work out in the end. She stood in his arms watching her daughter and the team, a content smile on her face. Everything would definitely work out in the end.
Okay I know a lot of you were hoping JJ and Derek were going to have a moment like they did back a few chapters ago but don't worry, that moment is still to come but this was not the time for it... things will get very angsty again soon and the moment needs to be saved for that!