Zootopia: Ace Detectives

I do not own Zootopia, rights belong to Disney.

Chapter 5: Train ride to a lead.

Sorry for the wait, promise to upload some more.

The two detectives entered a Gothic style office as they approached a large bird post, you know, one of those special stands for birds to rest on, sitting behind a desk. They saw the Marquis walk past them before climbing onto the desk. "Over to your right," The vulture said before climbing onto his perch, he then shielded his eyes with his wing. "...The crime..."

To the left was a display that was utterly smashed, with whatever was inside missing. "My prized Zodiac Gear, Gone!" The Marquis Cried out.

"Weird, This display case is the only thing that seems broken." Kain said looking at the scene.

"Sir, Have you interview your staff?" Judy asked, causing the bird to gasp.

"Maybe one of them flew off with it?" Nick asked as well. This horrified the master even more.

"How...Dare you, My stewards are as loyal as my own family." The Marquis said, turning away. "Feel free to ask more questions, but make it quick, My servants are going to clean up soon..." The three then looked at each other.

Kain was riffling through the case files Judy had put together, looking through them on the way to the ZPD. "Okay, we know whoever pull off these heist belonged to a group." Kain said to the two. "Judy, Nick, do you know the date when the comet fragment from the Dogberg Museum is supposed to be shipped to the Zootopia natural museum?"

"In about...Two days... I think." Judy said in thought as she drove.

"We should tell Bogo about the list, The thieves may be planning on stealing it while on route to Zootopia." Kain Nine said closing the folder.

"You mean, there's a chance we could ride..." Nick began, only for Kain to finish.

"The Hightail Express? The first ever train built for national travel? Yes, Bogo might let us on as extra paws" Kain answered. "If we can catch this "Hacker" In the act, we may be able to get more information on the other thefts. And since the train is a piece of technological and automated marvel, A hacker can easily bypass the automated locks." Kain then looked out the window. "Now, Nick, I can guess your giddy on being the first one on board this train, but remember, catching the culprit comes first..." Kain then looked back at the two. "I'll pitch my idea to Bogo, See if he'll agree to it." He said thinking.

The sun was setting as the three walked down the steps of the ZPD, With Nick stretching. "Well, Kain, I'm impress, you somehow managed to convince the chef to a plan you devise, If it was me, He would've shot me down in an instant."

"It was thanks to my rank as detective that he listen to me." Kain said to the fox. "Honestly, He seem to understand that after the thieves botched heist in Dogsberg, The chef would want to put in some extra paws in keeping it safe." Kain then started to walk away from the two. "I'll see at work the day after tomorrow."

"Wait, What?" Nick said crooking his head. "That's it? Your going home? Tomorrow's our day off!"

"Nick's right, We should take the time to just, hang out." Judy agreed, causing Kain to stop. "There's this diner that's having this special on deserts-"

"I, uh, appreciate the offer, but it's getting late, And I'm REALLY tired from the trip here from Dogsberg and from work, So-" Kain tried to make up an excuse, however, it was clear these two wasn't going to take no as an answer.

"Come on, Relax a little!"

"Huh?! Hey! Quit shoving me!"

"Kain! You need to get out more, Tonight we're going to celebrate our new partnership!"

"OW! That's my tail!"

The two then dragged the barking canine away, in two days, the longest train ride will began as the case for the missing relics, begins.