Chapter 10- Strawberry Cake soup?

First off, Viktor might have some explaining to do if anyone found out. What, you might ask. He... left the strawberry cake outside on the counter before he went to sleep.

He forgot that it was an ice cream cake, too. He didn't remember requesting it to be ice cream, but they gave it to him anyway, and now there was a giant puddle on the floor of Nikolai's kitchen.

Even though that wasn't even remotely close to the actual problem he was facing, but you know, if cake goes bad, your day goes bad.

Anyways, while Viktor was looking for a trash bag to throw the cake away in, Otabek walked into the kitchen in his Kazakhstan flag pajamas while holding his Ted plushie under his right arm, he still looked miserable, as if he didn't get enough sleep last night.

"What happened?" he asked before yawning.

"I left the cake out on accident"

"Good job" he said as if trying to sound sarcastic.

Viktor finally found a bag... inside of a bag that was filled with bags. He dropped the box of Strawberry Cake soup into the plastic bag.

He sighed as he threw the bag into the trashcan in the kitchen.

And we got it for free, he thought.

He saw Otabek had placed Ted on the counter as he was on his hands an knees wiping the floor with the rag.

"You don't have to" Viktor said.

"Don't worry, I've been pretty useless until know" the kazakh said, slightly snoring.

"Hey, Otabek?" He looked up at him.

"I'm sorry if I intimidated you yesterday, you know how it is, the fact that I had to take care of two individuals with almost the exact same problem, kinda... makes you used to overprotecting them a bit" he gave a small side smile to make that statement a little less gloomy.

"Don't worry, I would like to know more so that I can keep him in a safe enviroment" Otabek said standing up with the rag drenched in a sugary liquid. Viktor wanted to tell Otabek everything, to throw the can of beans at him and spill it, but he felt it would be better if Yurio told him instead, because Viktor was absent for a good three years in that story, a story he really wished he knew happened then, or he would've given up figure skating to protect him.

"I think it would be better if Yuri told you instead, I wasn't there for all of his past, maybe that way you might have a better grasp of it then me" Viktor said. Otabek nodded in agreement, wetting the rag.

"I see, so you're my grandson's significant other" a voice said. Viktor and Otabek froze, knowing exactly who it was. Nikolai walked into the kitchen, with wild bed hair pushed to one side.

Viktor and Otabek knew they were goners because no one said a word, allowing the tension to build up to an uncomfortable level.

"Don't worry" the old man said, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed that Yuri didn't tell me earlier" That was a relief for both of them, but they both kept their guards up, in case something was done or said.

"Also, Vitya, how's your fiance, I forgot to ask earlier" Nikolai said.

"Yuuri's doing ok" Viktor said with a cautious tone.

Why was Nikolai being so casual at the moment? Before Viktor could say anything else, Nikolai walked over to Otabek and hugged him tight.

"Please, protect my only grandson as much as you can, I almost lost him once, I think you'll be the key to keeping him grounded, and yes I give you my blessing to go out with him" Nikolai pulled away and smiled at the Kazakh and patted his back.

"If I had to be honest Nikolai, I thought we were goners" Viktor said, still shaking.

"Why would you be scared of me?!" the old Russian exclaimed, "I'm an old man! I can barely walk to the door without being winded"

"If I had to be honest" Nikolai continued, "I'm glad that he isn't fooling around with just anyone, I watched that performance and if my son were a bit taller and bulkier, he would be just like you"

This was when Viktor and Otabek realized... Nikolai was way too hungover because Nikolai kept babbling about how he loves his grandson and how his daughter is a piece of sh*t, yadda yadda yadda.

Besides what happened, everything was going surprisingly well, Viktor managed to save the rest of the Ichigo kekki (yeah, that's right, he's fluent now.. not really) and ate what was left. It was delicious despite how pathetic it looked (after the incident, not before).

Now Otabek and Viktor contemplated what to tell Yurio and Yuuri when they got back to his house. It's only been two days and they've probably killed each other already.

This time, the day so agonizingly slow for Viktor, he didn't know why, it just did. He helped doing chores around the house, did Nikolai's... laundry, and other stuff, that qualified him to take care of the elderly.

Otabek did what he could, but he just mostly sat there, staring at the Russian News channel as if waiting for something to happen.

"Hey, Viktor" Otabek called from the living room, "you might want to see this"

Viktor stopped washing the dishes and went to the living room, "what is it?" Otabek just pointed to the TV.

They were passing a news story of an anchorman that got fired due to homophobic actions. Viktor obviously recognized who it was and thought nothing of it, until it was mentioned that, Oleg Kuznetsov was trash talking him and Yuuri. Viktor wasn't actually surprised he got fired, since it was illegal to discriminate against anybody, but it did seem odd though, it was almost as if Russia was reverting back to their old ways, but Viktor didn't nothing of it, it was only 2 people that have been fired, the first for being rascist, and Oleg being the second. [A/N: I am not stating that all Russians are homophobic and racist, I am just emphasizing the ones that are for dramatic effect, please do not kill me, thank you]

However, they might have to cut their little "vacation" short to make sure that Yurio and Yuuri were ok. They might have to take Nikolai with them to clear any understanding, but even then, Yurio might not want to open the door.

God knows what could've happened while the two were gone. Viktor felt like having a nervous breakdown in the middle of the living room, but he learned to keep his cool in situations like this.

So, Viktor packed his things back into the suitcase he brought with him. Otabek was standing at the front door with Nikolai, and it looked as if they were talking about something and Nikolai was smiling as if listening to a funny story.

"You ready to go?" Viktor asked. They both nodded and went to the car.

The car ride to Viktor's house was filled with a lot of suspense because they didn't know what occurred in that house while they were gone for the past two days.

The house could've burned down, one could've gotten injured (god-forbid), anything could've gone wrong, but they won't know until they get there, the suspense was killing him.

Then again, everything could be fine and dandy and he was just overreacting as per usual, but he was still worried cause Yurio could've hurt Yuuri, Yurio could've hurt himself, he just shook those thoughts out of his head.

It felt like an eternity that they were in that car due to the unnerving silence, no one had to say anything cause everyone was thinking the same thing. It wasn't until they finally arrived to his house that everyone let a sigh of relief, it wasn't burned down, everything was intact.

Viktor quickly got out of the car and fumbled with is keys, dropping them at some point because his hands were shaking so much. When he opened the door, there was no one in the living, it was empty, Makkachin and Ein were on the couch, asleep, and there was a blanket on the love seat.

He has never been so glad to see the house a bit messy.


I apologize for not updating sooner, I got standardized tests coming up, tests are becoming more frequent, and i'm becoming more and more busy due to sports and clubs, so I might not post for a while. Again I am so sorry, RHYS OUT