Long ago, in the time before there were kings and queens, before there were societal constructs of gender roles, there was the sun, and there was the earth.
But, the sun loved the earth, and tried with all her might to reach her, but try as she might, she could only get a single drop of golden sunlight to touch the earth.
That sunlight grew and grew, until it was a beautiful flower with magical properties. If you sang a very special song, the flower had the ability to heal.
Eventually, a kingdom grew near the flower, ruled by them beloved King Frey and Queen Natalie, and Natalie was expecting to have a baby soon.
However, nearing the end of her pregnancy, Queen Natalie grew ill, and nothing the kingdom's finest doctors could do would cure it.
The kingdom had one last hope. The people had heard legends of a magical golden flower that could heal anything, even age, and set of in search of it.
But, someone, a cruel man, knew the location of the flower, and he wasn't to willing to share. His name was Loki, and for centuries, he had used the magical flower to stay young, by singing to it. He placed a fake bush around the flower when he wasn't singing to it so that none would find it.
Sometime later, one of the guards searching accidentally knocked over the false bush, and found a glowing flower. The flower was brewed into a healing soup, which was fed to Queen Natalie, healing her and ensuring a successful childbirth.
A few days later, a healthy baby boy, a prince, with long golden hair, was born. The king and queen named him Magnus.
To celebrate his birth, the king and queen released floating lanterns into the sky.
Their happiness was soon cut short. Later that night, Loki snuck into the castle later that night, and sang the magical song to the newborn. To his unsurprise, the hair began to glow and make Loki younger. He then to cut the hair, hoping that it would retain the magical properties. Not only did the hair not retain its properties, it also woke the child up.
Magnus began to scream, awaking his parents and Aunt Freya, who had come to celebrate her nephew's birth, and had the room closest to the child.
Loki knew that if he left them alive, they would spread news of his appearance and find him, so he killed them all, and took the child.
By the time Freya's son, Blitzen, and his boyfriend, Hearthstone, had came into the nursery, all that was left were three bloodied corpses.
Since the king, the queen, and the king's sister were all dead, the next in line was Blitzen, who accepted the crown and later married Hearthstone. One of their first initiatives as kings was to attempt to find Magnus, but though the kingdom searched and searched, they couldn't find the child.
For deep in the forest bordering the kingdom from its neighboring coastal kingdom, was a tower. And in that tower, Loki was raising Magnus as his own.
Loki brushed Magnus' hair. The child had attempted to get out of the tower again, and messed up his hair. "Why can't I go outside?" Magnus asked.
Loki sighed. Magnus had asked him this question many times before, and each time, he provided the same answer. "The outside world is a dangerous place, filled with horrible, selfish people. You must stay here, where you're safe. Do you understand, flower?"
"Yes daddy," Magnus replied.