Ch 18

The last of torch finally went out casting them into darkness. After short time little bugs on the ceiling begin to blow. All of the bugs were collected and placed into one of the jars. "That was the last one." Shazza said to the other two.

Before they could do anything else they heard the rock shift in front of the cave, it move to the side revealing Riddick. "Never had a doubt. Jack." Shazza try to look past Riddick. "Where is she?"

"I made her stay back at the ship. Now anyone not ready for this?"

"There is my God, Mr. Riddick." Imam looked at the man that had changed so much sense crashing on this planet.

After everyone was out of the cave Riddick placed his strap of lights on Shazza. Fry took the light that Jack had while Imam carry the bottle of glowing larva.

"We're going to do this at a run soon as we make it over the hill the settlements right there. There's no stopping unless I say so and be ready to move at a moment's notice." They set off at a slight run.

After running they came around a corner and Riddick shot out his arm to make them stop. He crouch down along the cavern walls and the others followed. He could see four monsters and as soon as they backed away enough from each other, he grabbed onto Fry's hand and they made a break for it.

All four of them made it to the base of the hill. "Don't stop! Come on! Move! You know the way!" He helped all of them up the hill. The ground was slippery from the rain, he had to help push some of them up to keep them from sliding back down.

As they're running to the skiff, Riddick ran a different direction, because he was cut off from the others by a monster flying down from above.

He managed to get right up in its face in it's blind spot. He move with the creature back and forth staying in its blind spot relying on his animal instincts. Right when he thought he was home free almost ready to slip away from it when it wasn't looking another one came down blocking his exit.


They finally made it to the ship, Jack was standing there waiting for them. "On board. Come on. Get on." Once everyone was on board she looked around for Riddick not seeing him anywhere. "Where is he?"

"Come." Imam tried to get her back on the ship. He walked up to her trying to get her to get on the ship, but she wouldn't budge.

"Wait." Riddick yelled in the distance. Jack broke from Imam's grasp and ran towards Riddick into the darkness. She carried no light but she could still see where she was going.

She finally found him he was barely standing. She got up underneath one of his arms to help him support himself. That's when she looked down and saw that his leg had a deep gashes. The creature must have gotten his leg.

"Okay. Hold onto me. We're gonna get out of here.

Okay. I got you. We'll get out of here together I promise." They started make their way back to the skiff.

Riddick all the sudden drag Jack to the ground, making the creature just barely missed them as it flew overhead. "You're not allowed die for me sweetheart so get back to the skiff."

"And I'm not going back without you. So get up and lets go." That's when the creature circled back around and landed in front of them. Riddick let go of Jack and stood on his good leg pulling out his shiv. But before he could do anything Jack had hers out and ran towards it slitting the stomach open upwards all the way up to the bottom of its jaw. It's guts and blood fell out all over the ground at her feet.

As the creature was coming down with its last bit of strength it reached forward dragging its claws across Jack shoulder. She screamed in pain.

Riddick had forgotten all about the pain in his leg and started pulling her towards the skiff. "Don't you ever do something like that again. Not for me!"

They both made it back to the skiff once they walked into the light, Shazza, Fry and Imam ran forward to help them on to the skin.

Shazza immediately started trying to fix up Jack. After her shoulder and back was clean and rebandage. "Jack you can open your eyes now."

"No it's too bright. Go fix up Riddick now I'll be okay." Shazza listen to Jack. Telling herself she would come back to her to make sure she was okay.

"With so much prayer to make up for I scarcely know where to begin."

"I know where I'd start." Jack said still with her eyes closed.

Shazza finished patching up Riddick's leg before going back to see if Jacks eyes were okay.

Riddick went to the pilot's seat. Fry was occupying the copilot's chair, she still seemed a little frazzled from the hole ordeal.

He was powering up the ship, turning on the headlights, then all of sudden he stopped and look back at Jack noticing that her eyes are still closed. He turned off all the lights and continue powering up skiff.

Jack just barely started to crack her eyes open. "What are you doing?" She asked Riddick. "Can we just get the hell out of here now?" They could hear the scratching of the creatures climbing onto this skiff.

"We can't leave without saying good night." Riddick powered up the engines right after several of them climbed onto the front glass. Punching the engines into full gear, they could hear the screams and cries of the creatures around the ship dying from the afterburners. As they flew through the sky they hit several more killing them on impact as they made into the outer atmosphere.

"A lot of questions, whoever we run into. So, what the hell do we tell them about you?" Fry asked him.

"We could even run in to a merc ship." Everyone looked at Jack finally seeing her with her eyes open, the pools of silver looking back at them.

"Tell them Riddick's dead. He died somewhere on that planet." He said the fry before looking back at Jack. "And if it's merc's Jack and I are just natives you picked up."

"Jack sweetie are your eyes okay they look like Riddick's." Shazza said as she looked at Jack's eyes.

But before Jack could answer Riddick did it for her. "Mine never stay that way for long when I was young until I had the doctor do something to them. I still don't really know what he did he seemed kind of shock about the results."

Imam leaned forward. "We could have a doctor look at both of your eyes when we get to New Mecca. Maybe you'll both be able to see in the light and the dark when it's all done."


Notes: That is the end of my rewrite for Pitch Black I'll be starting the sequel soon for The Chronicles of Riddick Dark Fury.

I would love it if you guys left reviews about what you thought for the overall story and I can keep in mind some suggestions before starting the next story.