Unsteadily making her way through the dimly lit alley, Jiyu leans against the brick wall. The street light barely reaches into the narrow passage. Taking a deep breath she allows herself to sink to the ground, leaning against the rough wall. Holding her hand out she transforms her ring into her soul gem. It was a shade of pine green with a cross, each tapered off into a tiny triangle at the end, a symbol meaning wind. The forest green soul gem is thick with pollution, black swirling with the steadily declining green. Eyebrows furrowing the tan girl only sighs before descending into a coughing fit. Ignoring the blood that splatters onto her hand her dark eyes slide to the left, revealing a small white bunny cat like creature.

"You knew this would happen, didn't you?" It asks, its voice still sounding innocent and nonchalant as ever.

Raising an eyebrow at the creature Jiyu replies tiredly, "I know many things, Kyubei. Be more specific."

Kyubei tilts his head to the side, his white and pink ears flopping, "You knew that there were too many Puella Magi in this city, yet you still stayed. You also knew of the eventual fate all Puella Magi eventually face and you have not killed yourself yet. I have never met one who has not done so once realizing the end that awaits you. Why is that?"

With a smirk the dark haired girl replied as she stifled another coughing fit, "I was going to die anyways. You'd make sure of that you sneaky bastard. Can't have a Puella make it to adulthood, now can we? As for turning into a witch? ...It isn't right if I off myself. I've preyed on those who came before me as part of the cycle of hope, and now that I have reached this point I will now aid that cycle by falling to despair."

Looking at her critically Kyubei almost seems to frown, "You truly are the only Puella Magi to understand and accept the consequences of your wish, along with all that accompanies."

With a slight smile Jiyu turns her gaze to the darkened sky, "It is only to be expected that most lash out against their fates. 'Tis a human trait, Kyubei. We hate being controlled and manipulated, although I admit you did so beautifully. Not many of our species has such a talent for omission. I can't even find fault with you. I suppose you could call it a case of the 'Greater Good.' Sacrifice one for the needs of the many."

Kyubei lets out a sigh, "It really is a shame to see you go, but your witch form will be most intriguing. Perhaps it will even become a walpurgisnacht one day, you certainly have the potential."

With an amused smile Jiyu rolls her eyes, "If I'm going to be a witch I may as well be the biggest and baddest of them all, huh? Besides, from what I know it doesn't seem that bad to be a witch anyways. You make your own ideal world within a labyrinth and you live there until a Puella Magi kills you. Seems alright in my book, even if a couple of people do die."

Letting out a small shriek, Jiyu nearly drops her soul gem before sliding to the ground, her hands curling around the darkened green gem protectively. Looking at the approaching white alien she smiles lightly, "Thanks, Kyubei. You gave me a wish, a single miracle, and I do not regret a thing."

The gem loses the last of the its green colouring. A loud crack echoes through the alley as the soul gem shatters. The tan girl's dark brown eyes go blank, reflecting the stars as the grief seed begins to form.

Kyubei departs and waits at the entrance of the labyrinth, waiting for the runes to form,"Aergia, the witch of indolence," the alien reads in his ever lilting voice, "It suits you well."

I really liked writing this, and I may consider writing a story about this character sometime. Depending on how many people want me to of course, but it wouldn't be for awhile yet, I still have other projects that I need to write. I hope you liked this, and I hoped you liked Jiyu, my OC.

*Aergia: The greek goddess of sloth, idleness, and laziness.

*Indolence: Avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness.