"Greetings citizens. I hope you enjoyed this presentation of Amity Park's newest teen ghost fighting team Masters Blasters" The Vlad in the video announced. Danny, Dayla, Sam, Tucker and Andrew listened on as he continued, "As mayor, I provided city funding for this top notch troop equipped with the latest teen technology, they're going to stop ghosts and succeed where Danny and Dayla Phantom has so obviously failed"

"Teen ghost fighters?" Sam and Andrew asked.

"Teen technology?" Tucker then asked.

"Where Danny and Dayla Phantom have so obviously failed?" Danny and Dayla asked with a frown.

The video continued with Vlad smirking, "My plan is very simple: Out with the old and in with the new and the old should give up now if they know what's good for them"

Danny then thought of something as he stood up and looked at the portal. He then said, "This thing gave us our powers, maybe it could remove them"

Dayla heard him and stood up and asked, "Is it possible?"

"Danny, Dayla what are you two thinking?" Jazz asked as she along with Sam, Tucker and Andrew heard them.

"Name one good reason why we should keep our powers?" Danny asked.

"Guys stop!" Jazz called out.

"Dayla please this isn't the way" Andrew pleaded.

"You guys are heroes Danny" Sam pleaded. "We can talk about this"

"Don't do it! We'll find something that rhymes with Phantom" Tucker then tried.

But Danny and Dayla had already made up their minds as they both said, "Sorry guys"

Danny then pushed the ON button and then all around them started glowing red, the electricity then came and they both screamed as they were hit by it. Sam closed her eyes and Tucker held her close, Andrew covered his mouth in shock as they continued to scream in agony. On the computer, it showed that the ectoplasm was successfully removed from their DNA structures and then the machine stopped as the light on top of the portal blew up.

Smoke came out of the portal as Danny and Dayla weakly walked out in their human forms, their shirts were a little ripped and Dayla's jeans had a few holes where her knees were. Danny had a large streak of white hair on his head and Dayla had a few strands of hair that were now white making it look like she had highlights now.

They both groaned and fell out of the portal, Sam and Jazz grabbed Danny while Andrew and Tucker grabbed Dayla and they all pulled them away as the portal exploded and collapsed. Sam then asked completely worried as Andrew held Dayla's hand, "Danny! Dayla! Can you guys hear me? How do you feel?"

She placed her hand on Danny's chest and then Danny placed his hand on hers as they both answered before going unconscious, "Human"

"Everything! You guys got to fight ghosts after school, while other kids fought acne and you don't seem to really care about what you gave up" Sam said. "I think Dayla is the only one out of you two who seems to be regretting it"

"I care! It's just I care about you and my family more" Danny said. "And you don't know Dayla's regretting anything. She seems fine to me"

Sam then continued as they watched Masters Blasters collecting money off an old man, "Are you really sure about that? Have you even asked Dayla in the last two days how she's feeling? Besides Andrew, I'm the only one who seems to notice or maybe you don't know Dayla as much as you thought you did. All I'm saying is when you and Dayla had your powers, I knew that this town was protected from evil. But now, who knows where we're heading"

Sam then stood up and walked back inside after saying to Danny, "I'll always be yours and Dayla's friend Danny and I'll always be there for you guys, but I can't live life just sitting on the side lines. I'm surprised to think that you can"

"Dayla I'm sorry"

She stopped for a second and sniffled. She sat up and asked, "What are you sorry for?"

"I was too busy enjoying being normal that I never really asked how you were doing" Danny said. "Sam was right. If I really was your brother, I would know how you were feeling this whole time. I never should have made us go back into the portal"

"It wasn't your fault Danny. It's also mine" Dayla said as she wiped her eyes. "I thought also that by getting rid of our powers, we wouldn't cause any more problems for anybody. But now I just feel like a part of me is missing"

"Me too" Danny said.

The TV then showed two scientists announcing, "Earlier today, our stellar reading indicated that a massive asteroid is hurdling across the solar system, where its trajectory will send it crashing directly into the earth"

It then showed a live image of the asteroid near the earth as they continued, "If immediate action is not taken, our entire planet will be completely destroyed! We estimate we have one week before impact, the fate of the human race is at stake. One week, use it wisely!"

The TV then showed a simulation of what will happen when the asteroid hits the earth which sent the entire world into a state of panic. The Fenton's gasped in shock and Danny and Dayla then wished in their heads that they hadn't gotten rid of his powers at such an urgent time!

"This is really bad!" Danny and Dayla screamed in their heads


Screams of panic could be heard everywhere within Amity Park and other countries around the world about the oncoming asteroid (or as most were calling it, the Disasteroid). The next day, all countries combined their efforts to try and stop it by sending missiles into space to destroy it, but unfortunately it didn't work. The Disasteroid seemed completely indestructible.

After that plan failed, the Fenton's had no choice but to turn to Vlad in order to organise a fully funded mission to stop the asteroid. Danny, Maddie, Dayla and Jazz were at the computers and monitoring screen in the lab while Vlad stood on the sidelines as Lance Thunder showed a live report of the mission on the news.

"I'm here live at Fenton Works, where a privately funded mission to stop the Disasteroid is under way" Lance said to the camera.

"I can't believe we're just sitting here at a computer console when we should be out there stopping this" Danny whispered to Jazz.

All three of them then glared at Vlad as he just stood there smiling and filing his nails. Dayla then whispered, "And I still can't believe we have to do this with him"

"We never would have been able to get this mission up and running so fast if he hadn't paid for everything" Jazz whispered back. "So until the world is saved please chill"

"How's it going young man?" Lance asked Danny and placed the microphone to his face.

"Uh…our dad Jack Fenton is piloting our new…" Danny began when suddenly Vlad cut in with a smirk, "My new"

"Fenton Rocket and is on his way to destroy the asteroid" Danny finished as he gestured to the computer screen showing a really serious and determined looking Jack Fenton in an astronaut uniform along with the Masters Blasters.

"He looks very serious about his mission" Lance commented.

"You'd be serious too if you had to eat this freaky astronaut food" Jack said as he showed some astronaut food to the camera.

Lance then turned to Vlad Masters and asked, "With me now is Amity Park's Mayor Vlad Masters. I understand you've sent in your own team of experts?"

"Oh yes. Seeing as the world is in jeopardy, I felt that the Masters Blasters presence was an absolute necessity" Vlad answered. He then showed a bunch of Masters Blasters figurines and finished, "Plus think of how well their action figures will sell"

"Dad mission status?" Dayla asked.

"Readying cyber drill charges" Jack answered and then pushed the fire button and shouted, "Fire!"

Two large drill like missiles then shot out of the rocket and then drilled into the Disasteroid. They all then waited and then…


They all watched as the Disasteroid exploded and then they all began to cheer both in the rocket and back in the lab for the successful mission.

"Yes! I knew we could do it! There isn't a rock anywhere that can outsmart Jack Fenton" Jack said with pride.

Suddenly a shadow had covered their rocket, they all then gasped at the sight of the Disasteroid still intact and not destroyed. The Masters Blasters all glared at Jack as Download snapped, "That's the Disasteroid! You had us blow up the wrong one you idiot!"

"But I…I couldn't have! Vladdie punched in the asteroids coordinates for me" Jack explained completely stunned.

The Masters Blasters then ganged up on him and started beating him up. Back in the lab everyone except Vlad looked down at what happened as Maddie said in despair, "That was our last chance"

Maddie left the lab hugging Jazz close and so did Lance Thunder and his camera crew, leaving Danny and Dayla alone with Vlad. Danny and Dayla then turned around to leave the lab but then they both accidently bumped into Vlad.

"Oops! Looks like I put in the wrong coordinates" Vlad faked apologised. "Silly me. You know how bad I can be with computers"

"Save it Plasmius! We both know you did that on purpose" Dayla said.

Vlad merely grinned and said, "Perhaps but it seems though that your father has failed once again Dayla and at a time where the world needs a hero the most"

They both growled and then Danny snapped, "At least he tried Vlad! What have you done except send others to do your work for you?"

"And where are you Danny and Dayla Phantom?" Vlad asked pointing at them. "Looks like my plan to shame you both into hiding, was even more effective than I could've hoped"

All three of them got into each other's faces and growled, Danny then raised his fist and tried to punch Vlad but he merely moved out of the way which caused Danny to lose his balance and fall to the floor.

They all then heard Shelly on the news announce, "I'm just getting word that scientists now know the Disasteroid originated from the rings of Saturn two weeks ago"

"Wait a minute. Saturn? Your satellite exploded" Danny said. Dayla then shouted as she stood in front of Vlad, "That's what moved the asteroid and that means you're the one who caused this catastrophe!"

Vlad's grin grew wider as he then changed into his ghost form and then grabbed Dayla by her throat, Danny gasped but before he could get up and help her Vlad then grabbed him by his throat and held him up as well.

"Defeating you two was the just the first act of my little show. Get ready for Act Two" Vlad said as he held them close to his face.

They both looked at him in fear and then he tossed them inside the broken Fenton Portal, he then laughed evilly and then phased out of the lab. Danny and Dayla groaned in pain inside the portal as they fell unconscious.

The next day early in the morning Vlad had called an entire town meeting and the members of the United Nations to listen in. Live cameras showed him standing at the podium and behind him was Masters Blasters.

"Tell me again why are we here?" Sam asked.

"Because we've got to see what Vlad's up to" Danny answered. "He says he has news that will impact the entire world"

"Citizens of the Earth, I have news that will impact the entire world" Vlad began to announce. "Though every attempt in destroying the Disasteroid has failed, I have come to you today offering an alternative solution. One that I think you'll find most surprising"

Vlad then climbed up on the podium and then jumped in the air, the crowd gasped as they watched him float above them, but nothing had prepared them for what he did next. He then changed into his ghost form and revealed himself to be Vlad Plasmius!

He laughed at their faces as they all gasped and cried in shock, especially Danny and Dayla who were worried that he might reveal their secret next. Jack then said, "I did not see that coming"

Masters Blasters glared at their now former employer and were about to attack and capture him, but Vlad merely duplicated himself two times and took them all done with ecto blasts. He then formed back into one Vlad and floated to the front of Town Hall.

"Yes though I used my human half to walk among you, it's obvious that I'm a far superior creature" Vlad said with a grin. "Though the world has come to know me as Vlad Masters billionaire mayor of Amity Park, I prefer you call me by my chosen slightly more evil name Vlad Plasmius"

"Vlad's a g-ghost?!" Maddie exclaimed still under shock.

Vlad then continued, "I have a proposition for you; the nations of the world must agree unanimously to pay me five hundred billion dollars and make me absolute ruler and in return, I shall use my ghost powers to turn the Disasteroid intangible"

"Evil but ingenious" Maddie admitted. "That way it will just pass harmlessly through the earth"

"It's your choice world. Be destroyed or be saved, oh and ruled by me" Vlad said. "I eagerly await your decision"

He then laughed evilly once more before disappearing before their very eyes. Jazz then asked, "What happens now?"

"Looks like we changed the name of the Earth to Vladsylvania or we somehow figure a way out of this mess" Dayla answered.

By the early afternoon of that same day, knowing they had no choice the nations of the world agreed to Vlad's terms. At the sight of the Fenton Rocket, a member of the United Nations handed Vlad who was still in his ghost form the contract. Vlad grinned and then signed the contract.

"And that concludes of Act Two of what I like to call One Nation under Vlad" Vlad said. "Now on to the finale"

Jack and Vlad sat in the rocket in their astronaut uniforms and then the rocket was launched into space. Jack kept looking sadly at who he thought was his friend. Jack then said as they flew closer to the Disasteroid, "How could you hold the world hostage like that Vladdie after all the good fortune in your life?'

"Good fortune?! You infected me with ghost DNA and stole the love of my life! And you call that good fortune?!" Vlad snapped.

"I infected you? You mean…" Jack was about to ask as he realised what happened all those years ago in their collage days but then Vlad cut in as he stood up, "Yes fool! It was your bumbling that made me what I am today!"

Vlad then calmed down and grinned as he headed to the door. He then said as they approached the Disasteroid, "But I suppose I should be saying thank you for without you, I wouldn't be moments away from becoming ruler of the Earth"

"I never meant to hurt you! What happened was an accident!" Jack pleaded. "I'm your friend Vladdie! I've always been your friend. I even voted for you!"

"I'll remember that when I steal Maddie from you and make her my queen" Vlad said and the laughed as the doors closed.

Jack cringed and turned around feeling angry at his now former friend. Vlad then flew out of the rocket and headed towards the Disasteroid. He stopped and then placed his hands on it to use his intangibility power but then suddenly he cried out in pain as it began to hurt him.

He pulled his hands back and then shouted at the mini Holo-Maddie on his wrist watch, "What is the meaning of this?!"

"Asteroid is composed of unique anti-ghost element Ectoranium" Holo-Maddie answered.

"Ectoranium? Then I can never touch it. NO GHOST CAN! That means the earth is doomed and even if it wasn't I can never go back, I've revealed my true self. I'll be forever hunted" Vlad said in realisation that his plans have failed.

He then looked up to a really angry looking Jack who had just watched everything from the ship and then crossed his arms at his former friend. Vlad then asked hopefully, "Jack you have to help me, you wouldn't turn your back on an old friend would you?"

"An old friend? No. You? Yes" Jack answered and then flew the rocket back to earth leaving Vlad behind in the vast void of space.

Vlad then looked upon the earth again and closed his eyes in regret, he then flew off realising he could probably never return to earth and now he had truly been defeated. Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Andrew, Danny and Dayla had watched the entire thing that happened on the screens in the lab.

"What are we gonna do?" Andrew asked.

Danny then thought of something and asked, "What if we didn't make the asteroid intangible?"

"Then it would obliterate the Earth" Tucker answered.

"But not if we made the Earth intangible" Danny then added. Dayla's eyes widened and then said, "Of course. Since ghosts can't touch the asteroid, if we made the Earth intangible the Disasteroid would still just harmlessly pass through. That's brilliant Danny!"

"But you would need like a bazillion ghosts to do that" Tucker pointed out.

Danny and Dayla both then smirked and then Danny pulled out the Infimap and said, "Behold the addresses of a bazillion ghosts"

Sam smiled as she said, "Now that's the Danny and Dayla I know. So much for sitting on the sidelines huh?"

"Just one problem guys. We can't get into the Ghost Zone, the Fenton Portal is destroyed and we can't exactly get to Vlad's portal now that everyone knows who he really is" Andrew said.

"Remember what we first learned about the Infimap? The map can take us to any natural portal that will lead to the Ghost Zone" Dayla said. "All we have to do is use the map and it will take us to the closest one"

Everyone smiled and nodded in agreement to the plan, they all then climbed into the Spectre Speeder and Sam drove it near a billboard in Amity Park about Nasty Burger, they all then watched as a natural portal appeared right in front of them on the picture of the mouth on the billboard.

"Now I know how my chilly fries feel" Tucker said as they entered the portal.

Jazz looked at the Ghost Zone in awe and amazement as she said, "I don't believe this"

"Believe it Jazz. Welcome to the Ghost Zone" Danny said. "Sort of a Ghost R Us"

"But the shelves are empty" Andrew pointed out. Tucker then asked, "Where the heck is everybody?"

But before they could find out, suddenly they were hit by a blast and the Spectre Speeder landed in a giant blue box.

"What's going on?" Jazz asked in a panicked voice.

The answer came as Skulker appeared in front of them and asked, "Foolish of you to come here in your human form ghost children. Seeking refuge in the Ghost Zone like all the others?"

"What others?" Dayla asked in confusion.

Skulker then gestured to some of the ghost floating behind him as he answered, "All these ghosts. They've returned here because you humans put your world in danger. Now the Ghost Zone is bursting at the seams!"

"But it's the flipside of our world. If the earth gets destroyed, the Ghost Zone goes too" Tucker exclaimed which caused Skulker to get angrier.

He then pushed a button on his belt, which caused the box to send painful vibrations upon them. They all screamed in pain until Danny, quickly pushed a button on the controls that sent a ray to destroy the box. With the Spectre Speeder released, Sam pushed on the pedal and flew the vehicle at full speed. Skulker then began to follow them along with a whole bunch of other ghosts hoping to now get their revenge on Danny and Dayla.

Danny then told the others, "You guys get into the escape pod"

"But…" Sam and Andrew started to protest and then Dayla said, "Just go guys. We'll be okay I promise"

They all then climbed into the escape pod as Danny took over the steering wheel Dayla then pushed the release button for the escape pod and it flew right out of the Spectre Speeder as they continued flying ahead in an effort to lead Skulker and the ghosts away from them. Tucker activated the cloaking device on the pod which made the escape pod completely invisible and with that the ghost and Skulker just flew right by them.

The cloaking then turned off and they watched from the window and hoped that Danny and Dayla would be okay. Danny and Dayla continued to fly away from Skulker and the other ghosts, but unfortunately they were stopped by Behemoth Ghost who then floated in front of them and caused them to crash into his stomach. Behemoth roared in anger and then Danny and Dayla gasped at the sight of Skulker and the other ghosts had finally caught up with them.

"It's not enough you destroy your own world, but now you have to destroy ours too?!" Skulker exclaimed as he prepared his gun.

"WAIT! You don't…" Danny and Dayla began to try and reason but they didn't get a chance to when he they heard Skulker shout, "FIRE!"

He started blasting at them with his gun and then all the other ghosts started firing their own ghost rays, Danny and Dayla both covered their eyes from the blasts and screamed as the entire ship was destroyed and the blasts hit them both dead on. Danny and Dayla held each other's hands and continued to cringe in pain and kept thinking that this might the end, but what they didn't know that inside their bodies, the ecto rays had begun to merge with their DNA and their molecules began rearranging.

The blasts stopped and suddenly in a bright flash of light, Danny and Dayla Fenton was no longer floating there, but it was the one and only Danny and Dayla Phantom! They both glared at all the ghosts who now looked scared un-expecting that.

"You have just made a big mistake" Danny and Dayla both said in unison.

"Well gang there's good news and bad news" Danny said as he and Dayla both smirked. "The good news, our powers are back"

"The bad news, our powers are back!" Dayla then finished.

They both then took a deep breath and unleashed two powerful Ghostly Wails at Skulker and the ghosts, sending them flying across the Ghost Zone. They both stopped their wails and then smiled as they saw Sam, Tucker, Jazz and Andrew cheering for them inside the escape pod.

"Guys it's you!" Sam began. She then blushed at Danny while saying, "Well there's always you but…"

"I know what you mean Sam. Thanks" Danny said as they floated up to them.

"You were right Andrew. I now know who I truly am and now feel complete" Dayla said. Andrew smiled brightly at his girlfriend.

"Those ghosts are gonna come back and something tells me they're not gonna be too thrilled about helping us" Jazz said with a worried look.

"You're right" Danny said. "We better get out of here until we got this thing figured out"

Danny and Dayla began pushing the escape pod back to the portal. Tucker then said, "If we went into the billboards mouth, I don't wanna know where we're coming out"

The next day Danny and Dayla had called a town meeting early in the morning. Lance Thunder reported live on the news, "Danny and Dayla Phantom are back! After a strange absence the teen ghost fighters have returned with a message for the world"

Danny and Dayla stood at the podium and then Danny began, "Uh hello there. We have a plan that could save us all from the asteroid and this one is absolutely free. How great is that?"

"If ghosts can't touch the asteroid, how are you two gonna stop it?" A woman in the crowd asked.

"Because we're not gonna turn the asteroid intangible. We're gonna turn the Earth intangible" Dayla answered.

Everyone gasped in amazement. Danny and Dayla then moved to the side and allowed Tucker to take the stand with his laptop.

"Ladies, gentlemen, various nations and stuff. My name is Tucker Foley and I am a techno geek" Tucker said and then a bunch of nerd in the crowd exclaimed, "Hi Tucker!"

Tucker merely waved at them and then pushed a button on his laptop, which activated a large screen for the crowd to see images of what the plan is and then he continued to announce, "The new plan is very simple, with a strong enough ghostly power source and a big enough transfer device, we can send the ghosts intangibility across the entire planet! This way the asteroid will pass harmlessly through"

"That's the plan" Danny and Dayla said in unison. "Who's with us?"

At first all of them were in doubt but then Jack and Maddie smiled and started clapping, more and more people then joined in and before they knew it, they were all cheering in support for the new plan.

"They never put that much effort into their schoolwork" Mr Lancer muttered under his breath.

"Tucker Foley will lead the construction team in building the transfer device, while Jack and Maddie Fenton's team will spread the transfer cables across the globe" Danny said to the United Nations on a camera as they all stood at the North Pole. Dayla then announced, "If we all come together not as separate nations but as one world we can do this"

Over the next few days, everyone was busy at the North Pole putting the plan into action, the construction team had finally finished the transfer device and Jack and Maddie Fenton's team started were on their way back after finishing the transfer cables all over the world.

"Not bad" Sam said as she stood with Jazz, Andrew, Danny and Dayla outside. "Now all we need is a massive ghost power source"

"Are you sure you guys don't want us to go with you?" Andrew asked.

"We're sure. We can move faster on our own" Danny said. "By the way where do mum and dad think Danny and Dayla Fenton is right now anyway?"

"With them" Jazz answered with a proud smile. "I redressed TuckBot 9000 and the GothBot 9000 to make it look and act like you both. They'll never know the difference"

Danny then pulled out the Infimap and said, "We better go Dayla. According to the map a portal is gonna open up over the pole any minute now"

They both then received a hug from Jazz who then said, "See you back here soon little brother and sister and thanks"

They both smiled warmly at Jazz and then Andrew took Dayla's hand and took her aside leaving Danny with Sam. Sam grabbed his hand and then placed the class ring that he had given her to hold back when he was almost dating Valerie.

"It's the ring you were gonna give Valerie. You asked me to hold it for you remember? Something tells me that it was really meant for me" Sam said as she then flipped the ring upright and it now said her name. She then closed his hand around it and said, "Take it with you but promise to give it back. If you promise then I know I'll see you again"

"If we make it through this…" Danny started and then Sam intervened correcting, "When we make it through this"

"Right when we make it through this, I-I have a few things I need to talk to you about" Danny finished.

"I think I'd be willing to listen and no matter how this ends, this whole ride we've been on together I wouldn't change it for the world. Not one bit" Sam said as she held his hands in hers.

Danny then held Sam by the arms and began to say, "Me neither, I…"

Sam then leaned in and gave Danny a kiss on the cheek, which caused him to let go of her arms for a second as he went wide eyed. She continued to look down sadly, but then felt Danny lift her chin up and they both kissed. Danny held onto Sam's face as they kissed for a few more seconds.

They both let go and smiled as Danny said, "Wow! Remind me to save the world more often"


"How you feeling?" Andrew asked.

"Okay considering going on" Dayla answered. Andrew then said, "I was gonna wait but now I know now's the time to say something"

He looked deep into her eyes and said, "I don't just really like you. I really truly love you Dayla Fenton"

"I love you too Andrew Knight" Dayla said as small tears of joy.

They both then leaned in and then kissed each other passionately on the lips. This kiss was not like all the other times they kissed, this time there was fireworks in their heads. They both then pulled apart and Dayla giggled a little while they both blushed. They both then turned around to see Sam and Danny kissing each other!

"Finally!" Dayla and Andrew both said which caught their attention.

They all then laughed a little and then Danny and Dayla took off and phased inside the Fenton Jet and buckled in their seats. They both then looked at the sky and saw the natural portal to the Ghost Zone open, Danny then started up the jet and it started floating in the air. They both then looked at the window once more at Sam and Andrew and then Danny drove the jet into the Ghost Zone.

Danny then activated the giant ghost net and flew into a lair, they then came out with one ghost inside the net. Dayla then said, "Well that's one down and now 96 bazillion to go"

As they continued to grab more and more ghosts, the net became fuller and fuller. Danny and Dayla didn't need to capture their allies like Pandora, Wulf, Clockwork and Frostbite, they were more than happy to help save the world and they all left on their own to head for the North Pole. Even Dani and Dale were in the Ghost Zone and had agreed to help their cousins out.

They were both heading back for the portal as Danny smiled and said, "Awesome! I think this is gonna work!"

Suddenly something hit their jet and then a blast hit one of their engines and then cut the net off the jet and released all the ghosts they had managed to grab.

"Auto eject" The computer said, earning a confused look from both of them but then suddenly they were both ejected from the aircraft.

They both then phased out of their seats and watched as the out of control jet head through the portal. They both turned to see that the source of the blast was none other than Skulker!

"We warned you once ghost brat!" He shouted angrily.

They both suddenly found themselves surrounded by all of their enemies and millions of other ghosts they didn't even know and they weren't exactly happy with them at all. Lydia and Medusa tried to grab them but failed as they avoided them and Dayla then pleaded, "WAIT! Let us explain, our worlds are linked. If ours goes, yours goes too. We have a plan"

Skulker didn't seem to be listening as he blasted them both with his gun, which sent them into Vortex who then grabbed them by their hair and held them up, Danny and Dayla then cringed at the pain but then screamed in agony as Vortex electrified them with a burst of electricity and then tossed them in the middle of everyone.

They both floated their holding their bodies in pain, already bruises and cuts were starting to form. Skulker, Amorpho, Spectra and Box ghost came up to them and were ready to give him more pain, but then Danny said, "Look I know you hate our world and wouldn't lift a finger to help it, but I thought you might care about saving your own!"

Meanwhile back at the portal, everyone watched anxiously for Danny and Dayla. Tucker then smiled as he saw the tracker of the jet beeping and exclaimed, "They're coming back!"

Everyone gathered at the windows to watch, the Fenton Jet came through the portal which caused them all to cheer in excitement but stopped when suddenly the jet went crashing into the icy glaciers.

Sam ran up to the windows on the brink of tears and exclaimed, "Danny! Dayla! No! H-he can't be! They can't be!"

"No!" Andrew shouted and then covered his mouth his shock. Tears started to fall down his face as he thought the worst had happened to them

The radar beeped and Tucker shouted, "IT'S COMING!"

The asteroid covered the sun and sent them into darkness. Jack then hugged Jazz and Maddie close and said, "Listen I just want you all to know I love you and I'm so proud of each and every one of you for trying your best"

"We love you too dad" Jazz said. Maddie then said, "At least we're all together"

Jazz then began to cry and then said as she gestured to the robots, "Oh mum! There's something you need to know"

Maddie looked at the robots and then removed the wigs and gasped in shock to discover they weren't really Danny and Dayla and asked in panic, "Robots?! Where's Danny and Dayla?! Jasmine where's your brother and sister?!"

Jazz then gestured to the now destroyed Fenton Jet and both Jack and Maddie both gasped and realised what she meant! Maddie then cried, "Jack where's Danny and Dayla?!"

Sam then saw something and called out, "Look the portal!"

Everyone gathered at the windows once more and suddenly out through the portal was Danny and Dayla leading all the ghosts to the transfer device. Danny then said to Skulker, "I still can't believe you guys agreed to help us"

Dayla then said with a smirk, "Looks like there is a heart under all that cyber armour"

"Don't get too sentimental. We're not here to save you, we're here to save us" Skulker simply said as he placed his hands on the device.

"Let's just get this party started!" Danny and Dayla exclaimed as they too got into position.

Everyone inside went to the computers and immediately got to work, the asteroid was getting closer and they were running out of time. Jack signalled to Valerie to type in the codes and then she signalled Tucker to start up the machine. All the ghosts then put all their energy into the device, getting it all powered up and sending the energy through the transfer cables.

TUCKER! HOW MUCH LONGER?!" Danny asked through breaths into his Fenton Phone.

As the asteroid began to come through the atmosphere, Tucker shouted, "NOW!"

With that, all the ghosts activated their intangibility into the device, which sent it into the transfer cables and turned the whole world intangible. The asteroid began to go through the earth, the ghosts were staring to get worn out but didn't give up as they continued to stay intangible.

"Where's the asteroid?" Dayla asked as she like all the others continued to put all of their energy into the device.

The asteroid then suddenly burst through the ground and back into space, they had done it! Everyone gave each other hugs and sighs of relief that the plan worked. The ghosts turned made the world tangible again and flew to the ground.

Everyone came running out of the tower to cheer for their heroes, as Danny and Dayla landed on the ground then they were suddenly knocked to the ground by Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and Andrew into a huge group hug. They got off of them and then Sam said, "Awesome!"

"Nice job little brother and sister or should I say heroes" Jazz said as she helped them off the ground.

They then looked at Skulker who had his arms crossed and the other ghosts who stood before them.

"I don't know what to say other than thanks Skulker. To all of you" Danny said smiling at them. Dayla then added, "Without you we never would have been able to pull this off"

Skulker then grabbed them by their hazmat suits and said while grinning, "Don't get too mushy on us ghost children. Remember I'll never stop hunting you both and now that you've saved your world, you're both a much more valuable prize"

He then let them go and then all the ghosts then took off back to the Ghost Zone and then the natural portal closed. They all then heard Jack say as he and Maddie came up to them, "Nice job Danny and Dayla"

"Or should we say…" Jack began again but then smiled warmly as he said winking at them, "Danny and Dayla"

Danny and Dayla's both widened in shock and then Danny tried, "Uh…sorry citizen but we have no idea what you're talking about"

"Uh…yeah. You must have us confused with someone else" Dayla then tried.

Maddie giggled a little and then held their hands for a second as she asked, "Isn't there something you want to tell us?"

"It's okay guys. They know" Jazz said.

They both looked at their parents and then everyone around them, they both then nodded at each other knowing it was time. They both then changed back into their human forms and showed that they were really Danny and Dayla Fenton. Everyone was shocked at first but then everyone including Valerie cheered for their heroes and they both smiled that they were accepted by not only their parents but by the whole world.

A few days later, everyone had gathered at town hall where Tucker Foley the new mayor of Amity Park walked up to the stage next to something huge covered by a cloth.

"Citizens of Amity Park and of the world, as the youngest mayor of Amity Park history it's my great honour to present this commemorative statue, honouring the heroes who bravely saved us all. Danny and Dayla Phantom" Tucker announced and then pulled the cloth off to reveal a statue of Danny and Dayla Phantom standing side by side and holding a globe of the world above their heads

"An exact duplicate of this statue stands proudly in the capital of every nation of the world and it will stand as long as we have our world. Because thanks to Danny and Dayla Phantom, we still have one" Tucker finished.

"I still wonder how Danny and Dayla were able to fool us for so long" Maddie said as everyone clapped and cheered for Danny and Dayla.

"Good question but I gotta admit they were good" Jack said. "After all it's nearly impossible to fool me"

Tucker then walked off the podium and stood next to Jazz. He then asked, "Where the heck are Danny, Sam, Dayla and Andrew?"

"I don't know. Danny said he had some unfinished business to attend to and Dayla said that she and Andrew wanted to be alone for a few hours" Jazz answered.

The answer to both their questions was at the top of the hill in Amity Park and at the beach. Dayla sat down with Andrew on the sand as they watched the sun set.

"What a mad couple of weeks huh?" Andrew asked. Dayla giggled and said, "Yeah. It's great that we now have some time away from the madness"

"Are your parents cool with knowing you and Danny are the Phantom Twins?" He then asked.

Dayla continued to smile as she answered, "Yeah. I knew they would accept us. The time for keeping secrets is now over. Dad even says he wants us to team up with him now. He said we can be his sidekicks"

"So I guess you guys are stars now huh?" Andrew then asked.

"Yeah" Dayla said. Andrew then said, "I guess I won't see much of you since you and Danny will be very busy"

"But I'll always come back and you will see me because we started all this together and that's how it'll always remain" Dayla said. "So don't count on being left behind, whatever happens and whatever comes, we'll always be together"

"I promise to always be there" Andrew said with a warm smile. "I love you and I always will"

"I love you too" Dayla said and then they both shared another kiss.


Up on the hill were Danny and Sam as they watched the ceremony from there while sitting under the tree. Sam then said, "I can't believe you or Dayla didn't want to attend your own ceremony"

"Well you know me, I kind of like sitting on the sidelines sometimes" Danny said.

"And you're folks are cool with knowing you and Dayla's secret identity?" Sam asked.

"Yeah the time for secrets is over. The world is safe, time for new beginnings" Danny answered as he continued to smile. "My dad even says he wants us to team up with him now. Says we can be his sidekicks"

"You and Dayla are big stars now, probably the biggest in the world. You'll probably get pretty busy and I won't see much of you anymore" Sam said sadly.

Danny then said, "Oh I wouldn't count on that"

He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring, he then placed it on Sam's finger which caused her to smile and shed a tear of joy.

"Sam neither of us couldn't have done any of this without you and I don't care what's coming next. I just hope that whatever it is, your there to share it with me" Danny said.

Sam continued to smile warmly at him as she said, "I will be. I just have to warn you, I'm not pushover you know. I still have my own way of doing things"

Danny chuckled and said, "That's what I'm counting on"

They both then leaned in and shared another kiss and just like Dayla's and Andrews's, there was definitely fireworks. Meanwhile Vlad Plasmius was floating on a space rock still in outer space looking down.

"Actually being a free-roaming space nomad isn't half bad. At least it's quiet and I...AHHH!" Vlad shouted as he was hit by the asteroid.

Dayla and Andrew then stood and she asked, "Do you wanna go for a ride? And maybe a late night dinner at your place after?"

"Absolutely" Andrew said with a smile.

They both then held each other's hands as Dayla changed into her ghost form and then took to the air and started flying over the beach and the city.

Danny had the same idea as he stood up and changed into his ghost form and asked Sam, "What do you say, wanna go for a ride and see where the future takes us?"

"Why not?" Sam nodded with a smile.

He picked her up bridal style and then took to the air, they flew over the statue and then Sam said, "Cool statue. Personally I would've made it out of recycled materials but that's just me"





That's right the votes are in! There will be a season 4 of the Phantom Twins and it will premier sometime in June! So stay tuned and check out my other stories as you wait.