A/ N: Hi! I'm new to this fandom as I only recently just watched Gintama (I started from ep 1 and now only at ep 200+ ahhahahahahhahahah) but I absolutely love this ship. I've typed out quite a bit but I thought I could post the first bit.. Please forgive me for any errors, OOCness and whatnot. I am not sure if I will proceed with a full blown lemon because I have never written a lemon before. Limes, yes. Lemons, not yet.

I hope you enjoy this first chap!

I own nothing! D:

She had done it. She had somehow tricked him into coming and making him stay by shock.

Well. She had to sacrifice her underwear and her pride but, she's horny. And Gin was the perfect man to scratch her itch.

Honourable. Useless. Not to mention she had a massive crush on him. She didn't have enough courage to tell him and she would never resort to sake for a little bit of liquid courage.

Damn those broad shoulders and chiseled muscles.. He would look absolutely divine above her, sweating as he struggled to come into her.

"Oi." His voice broke into her thoughts. "You called me here to show that you forgot your underwear?"

His deep voice made her lower region clenched. Tsukuyo managed to maintain her cool and bit her lower lip. "I didn't forget." She was sitting comfortably on her bed, legs open and she leaned back on her hands.

"If there's nothing, I'm just going-"

"Make me cum, Gin."

He stared at her. She stared at him. Seconds passed and her blood rushed to her face.

Oh God this was such a bad idea! Why did she even do this? Where did she even get her earlier courage from? Sake seemed like a really good idea now.

Tsukuyo jumped up, looked down, patted her clothing back into place and started to ramble. "T-this, this! It's not- Oh no I'm so sorry for being disgusting. It's just- I really like you and you make me so horny but I can't seem to make myself come and I don't know it seemed like a good idea to ask you to help me- "

"Sit down."

"-I'm so sorry please let me treat you a parfait in exchange for your trouble I'm so sorry-"

"Sit. Down."

"Okay." Tsukuyo squeaked as his voice hardened with every word. She still didn't dare to look up at him, she could only look at her hands. Oh dear, the embarrassment!

He walked around until he was behind her. Tsukuyo's heartbeat sped up.

"Don't kill me, Tsukky. I'm just going to put this blindfold on you."

"Wha-?!" Darkness covered her eyes. As she blinked, she could still see parts of her room. As he tied the blindfold, who knows from where he took it from, he settled down behind her, making her back flushed aginst his front. His legs were just beside her own thighs, letting Tsukuyo feel his heat, from her thighs all the way to her neck.

"Relax." He gently spoke. Oh no, he was so near to her ear!

"Now show me how you touch yourself, Tsukky."

"Eek! What, what?!" She turned around to look at him but Gintoki stopped her head.

"Show me." His voice was softer. And more, silky. Tsukuyo could feel herself getting wet. Should she ask for that sake?

With trembling fingers, she pushed aside her clothing to reveal her lower region. As she rubbed her sensitive nub, he hummed.

"What do you think of when you're touching yourself?"

"Y-you." She was getting wetter.

"And what would I be doing?"

"Touch-touching me."

"Are you sure I touch that lightly?"


And her finger was then pushed aside and his rough finger brushed her clit.

"Ah!" His other hand wound around her stomach to hold Tsukuyo as she jerked from his touch.

Gintoki brushed once lightly and then he proceeded to rub her clit in slow, measured circles. Lightly pressing and then with more force. He continued to do so, until Tsukuyo's breathing became erratic and fast.

"What else would I do?" He blew on her already red ears, making her squeak again. "Show me."