Hi! Aithne here. (That's not my real name.) I am new to FanFiction and this is my first time publishing so please let me know if there are any formatting errors!

With that said- this is just a poem that I made for Percabeth at two AM the other day. I know it repeats a lot- that's because I originally wrote it as a song. Hope you enjoy!

When we first met

None of us knew

Actually, in fact

No one could guess

I woke with you over me

You looked at me a moment

Then turned away

We weren't exactly friends

Nor enemies either

But now, we both know

It would just take time

Remember that time

When you were gone from my side?

When you held the weight of the world?

Well, that was when the thought began

There's a saying, you know

"You never know what you have 'till it's gone."

If you went all the way

to the end of the earth

If you fell off the edge

Into the dark

I'll follow you always.

To the darkest of darkness

To the blinding sun

To the highest mountain and higher

To the deepest pits and deeper

To hell and back

If you should fall

I'll fall with you.

I'll fall with you always

No matter how far

We'll always pull through

As long as we're together

You won't get away from me

Never again

We're not two, but two halves

We always fall together.

Remember that time

when we fought back-to-back?

When a blade came for my heel

That no one knew of

You sensed what it was

And you took that knife for me

Because then, we both knew.

Later that day

As you lay with shoulder bound

I told you of my heel

I asked "How did you know?"

And you said, "Instinct."

I think we both knew then

Though we did not confess

I know I felt something

But you never know what you have, 'till it's gone.

If you went all the way

to the end of the earth

If you fell off the edge

Into the dark

I'll follow you always.

To the darkest of darkness

To the blinding sun

To the highest mountain and higher

To the deepest pits and deeper

To hell and back

If you should fall

I'll fall with you.

I'll fall with you always

No matter how far

We'll always pull through

As long as we're together

You won't get away from me

Never again

We're not two, but two halves

We always fall together.

There were other times too

I'll name a few now

Remember when I vanished

and we were both only half?

Remember when you went alone

To face your worst fear?

You wouldn't let me come

Said it had to be solo.

I found you again

The ending was grim, yes

But I wouldn't do it any other way

I fell with you

Because I wanted to

You told me to let go

And I told you

You won't get away from me

Never again

And you know what you said?

"As long as we're together."

I let go, and we fell

To the deepest of darkness

But it was okay, because we were together.

If you went all the way

to the end of the earth

If you fell off the edge

Into the dark

I'll follow you always.

To the darkest of darkness

To the blinding sun

To the highest mountain and higher

To the deepest pits and deeper

To hell and back

If you should fall

I'll fall with you.

I'll fall with you always

No matter how far

We'll always pull through

As long as we're together

You won't get away from me

Never again

We're not two, but two halves

We always fall together.

We always fall together, together, together.