In her office, Cat is watching the random coverage of the press conference. Something happened in the back of the crowd that caused Director Henshaw to rush her away from the podium and into her private elevator with gruff instructions to wait in her office for Supergirl. It has now been fifteen minutes and the hero has not arrived. Unsure if she should be worried or pissed, Cat clicks on her social media filter to see if #SUPERGIRL is out being 'super'. Immediately an array of videos posted to various social media outlets appear.

Cat begins watching one video after the other, each showing the same scene from different angles, the audio hard to hear due to the surrounding crowd. Detective Sawyer flashing her badge at a young woman, who launches herself upward. A moment later Supergirl appears with the same woman and sets her down while the detective handcuffs the woman and marches her over towards a waiting police car. But before she can get her inside it, the woman shouts out, "Supergirl is really Kara Danvers!"

Cat panics and checks headlines again. No one is reporting on Supergirl's secret identity being revealed, which doesn't make any sense. What else could have happened for everyone to ignore this story?

The media mogul sorts through more of the same videos. Finally, she finds one that is longer than the others. She clicks on it and although it begins at roughly the same point, it doesn't stop after the woman yells from the police car. Instead it cuts to a shot of Supergirl turning towards the crowd and laughing. Then a moment later, Kara Danvers is seen pushing through the crowd.

"Detective, Kara Danvers with CATCO Magazine, can you me tell why you are arresting this woman?" Kara asks holding up her press badge.

A hush goes over the crowd. "Wait, that's her, that's Kara Danvers!" A man shouts.

"Ms Danvers, you'll need to contact the station for a statement," Maggie says as she pats the top of the patrol car and practically ignoring the reporter.

"Supergirl, would you care to make a statement?" Kara asks turning towards the hero.

At this point the video captures both women in profile and Cat sits back in her chair to marvel at the sight. Then she watches it a few more times. She has no idea how the hell Kara and Supergirl can be there at the same time, but she has to admit that the stunt is effective. Side by side the two women somehow look nothing alike. Supergirl appears vibrant and larger than life, while Kara Danvers seems small and frumpy. Most people would never believe they are the same person.

Cat glances out at the empty balcony again. What the hell was Kara thinking? She was supposed to come here and let the police handle Lumos. And it's not that Cat is pleased that this Lynai Lumos is in NCPD custody, it's just that she almost got away from the police and what if she had gotten away. Did she know that Cat was up here in her office? Would the girl have tried again to get to her? Unable to sit still with all of these thoughts swirling in her brain, Cat heads over to the bar and pours herself a drink. She takes a long sip and tries to quell her fears. Kara was probably on her way here when she saw Lumos almost escape so she grabbed her and aided them in the arrest. The video clearly shows the girl taking off into the air, it's not like the police or even Hank Henshaw could fly after them, Cat reminds herself. She closes her eyes and takes another long sip, practically draining the glass. She sighs and is about to top off her glass, when she notices the reflection of Supergirl landing outside.

"The plan was for Hank to assist the police with Lumos and for you to come here and protect me," Cat remarks sharply, preferring to show anger than fear.

"Cat, she almost escaped. I couldn't let that happen and you were safe as long as I had her contained," Supergirl points out sincerely. She knows that Cat doesn't like to admit fear.

Cat just glares at her and takes another long sip of her drink as she leans against her desk.

"She revealed your secret identity, which is exactly why the plan was for you not to aid in her arrest," Cat argues.

"Yes, but we handled it," Supergirl replies."Look Cat I'm sorry that you were worried, but I am not sorry that I helped get her into NCPD custody. You are safe and now your life can return to normal," she adds with a smile.

"Hmpf," the media queen scoffs at the thought of her life being normal. "I suppose I should thank you for saving me yet again," Cat remarks feigning annoyance as she looks out over the people in the bullpen, glaring at the few who dare to look up.

The hero grins, she knows better than to fall for this charade. "Cat, I will always keep you safe," Supergirl replies brightly as she closes the distance between them.

Cat dodges the advancing hero, by slipping back around the desk. "Oh no you don't, the whole bullpen is watching us and Supergirl does not comfort me. Don't make me look weak in front of my staff," she whispers harshly, knowing that the hero can hear her clearly.

Supergirl deflates a bit and Cat immediately regrets the harshness of her words, but there is no fixing it now. Not when half of the bullpen is still watching them through the glass.

"Thank you for the update Supergirl," Cat says loudly in a softer but still dismissive tone.

"You are welcome," the hero responds loud enough for the bullpen to hear, but she doesn't turn around for them to see her face, instead she abruptly crosses the room in two long strides and takes off from the balcony.

Cat watches her and takes another sip of her glass. When Kara arrives, she will explain herself more clearly.

"What are you doing here Danvers?" Snapper grumbles when he looks up to see the young reporter standing in his doorway.

"I thought that maybe I still worked here," Kara replies hopefully.

He sighs heavily before relenting. "Come in and shut the door," he directs her as he shuffles a few things around his desk.

Kara does as she's told and stands in front of the desk.

"You will be reinstated. IT confirmed that your accounts were hacked and they traced the IP address to the WiFi at Lumos' apartment complex," he informs her.

Kara just nods, she expected this after all.

"Thank you," she says finally.

"So what did you get out there, anything?" He asks softening a bit.

"Nothing really, I have a few quotes from witnesses, but the FBI and NCPD officers wouldn't answer my questions, oh and the NCPD spokesperson isn't releasing anything until tomorrow morning," Kara says sounding tired and a little defeated.

"Figures," Snapper mumbles under his breath and returns to the file open in front of him.

Disappointed Kara turns to leave the office.

"Danvers, I expect a first person account of this by the end of the week," Snapper bellows causing her to pause at the door.

"How long should it be?" She asks trying to suppress her excitement.

"Don't worry about length, just get it all down," Snapper replies gruffly. "It's a feature for the special edition we're putting out next week. We will edit it together on Monday."

"Thanks Chief," Kara replies barely hiding her smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Now get out of here and get to work," he grumbles and dismisses her with a wave of his pen before grabbing a new file and opening it.

An hour later and Kara is holed up in her secret office writing away. She wants to get it all out while it is mostly fresh and the writing keeps her from thinking about what happened earlier with Cat.

"Where the hell have you been?" Cat asks flinging the door open and entering dramatically.

"H-here, why?" Kara stammers in surprise. "Is something wrong?"

"You haven't answered your phone or responded to any of my messages in over an hour," Cat replies relieved but annoyed and worried that Kara would think that she needs to avoid her.

"I'm writing. Snapper wants a first person account of everything for the special edition and he wants it by the end of the week," Kara explains.

Shocked that Kara would go see Snapper first, Cat tries to hide her disappointment. When Supergirl left, she expected that Kara would appear a few minutes later, then when she didn't Cat was afraid that Kara was upset with her.

"I'm sorry that I turned off my phone, but I needed to focus," Kara replies.

"Well, that is understandable. Commendable really," Cat admits as she takes off her glasses and taps the arm on her lip.

Kara stands up and moves around her desk. "Cat have I done something wrong?"

"Oh Kara," Cat replies softly. "Of course not, I was just worried that maybe I was a bit too harsh earlier and that you were upset," she explains.

"I-I understand. I know that you were scared when I didn't show up," Kara confesses and the words hang in the air between them.

Cat clears her throat and looks away.

"How exactly were you able to interview Supergirl today?" Cat asks, wanting to change the subject.

"It wasn't exactly me interviewing Supergirl, it was another agent," Kara explains carefully.

"Another agent? But she looked exactly like you," Cat challenges.

"Yeah, but I can't really explain it to you, it's classified. You know the government likes to protect it's assets," Kara replies.

Cat rolls her eyes and ignores her explanation. "How did they managed to do it on the spur of the moment? The plan was for you to be here with me, so how did they know to have her ready to go?" She asks persistently.

"Also classified," Kara answers apologetically, the frown on her face clearly showing her distress at not being able to answer honestly.

"So this person, or alien or whatever is able to step in and be you at a moment's notice? Can she only be Kara Danvers or can she also be Supergirl?" Cat questions and Kara frowns again. "I know, I know, that's classified too," she groans.

"I would tell you if I could," Kara offers.

"No, no I think that she can be either of you. Months ago, the first time I accused you of being Supergirl, you and I were in my office and Supergirl appeared briefly and then left. You stayed, so I know that you were definitely you, so this other agent would have been Supergirl. Then there was that very odd day that you didn't call or show up to work until after noon and you brought me a latte with whole milk in it, she was you that day," Cat remarks.

"Cat, I don't want to lie to you and I'm not good at it, so can we please stop talking about this," Kara pleads.

"I suppose," Cat acquiesces. She can appreciate that Kara doesn't want to lie to her.

They stand in silence a moment.

"Carter will be home tomorrow," Cat mentions nervously, changing the subject again.

Panic flits across Kara's face quickly but Cat notices it.

"Which is why we should have dinner tonight, it would give us a chance to discuss things," Cat continues.

"Yeah, okay," Kara replies slightly overwhelmed at the potential of that conversation. Now that the crisis is over and her son is returning, will Cat change her mind about everything? Anxiously, Kara walks around her desk and sits back down.

Caught off guard, Cat stares at her a moment. "Kara," she says softly, but the girl doesn't look up.

"I-I really need to finish this, I'll come by later," Kara remarks, adjusts the glasses on her face and returns to writing.

The door opens and closes. Alone again, Kara takes off her glasses and tosses them on the desk. She picks up her phone turns it back on and is immediately met with a cacophony of beeps and chimes. She sighs heavily and begins to scroll through her phone. Ignoring the ones from Cat, she listens to the voice mail from her sister.

"Where are you? You need to come in for debriefing." As usual Alex's message is succinct. The three text messages that followed are similarly brief and to the point.

"I'm working. I'll come by soon," Kara types the message and hopes that Alex won't push it.

"Are you okay?" Alex messages back.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon," Kara replies.

Cat returns to her office and heads right out to the balcony, she's barely there a minute when Eve is at the door.

"Ms Grant, is there anything you need?" The girl asks the southern lilt to her voice almost unnoticeable.

The media mogul clears her throat before replying, "That will be all Eve and we're done for the day, you may go."

"It's not even four yet, Ms Grant," Eve remarks, still reeling from the CEO calling her by her first name.

"Yes, well we both have had a hell of a day," Cat admits turning around to give her assistant a tight smile. "Thank you," she adds.

"Have a good evening Ms Grant and thank you," Eve replies before turning to leave.

Cat turns back around and takes a deep breath. She saw the panic on Kara's face when she mentioned wanting to discuss their relationship. Is it possible that Kara doesn't want this to go any further? It's true that since she returned they have gotten closer and Kara did initiate the first kiss. But still, that doesn't mean that she wants an actual relationship.

All these months Cat has held back her feelings trying to protect Kara from them and now the tide has turned, she has so many feelings for Kara that she can't help but want to pull back to protect herself. If only she knew why Kara was holding back right now.

"You've been reinstated and assigned a feature story for a special edition?" Alex asks excitedly after J'onn leaves the debriefing room.

"Yeah, Snapper asked me to write a first person account of being hacked for a special edition of CATCO Magazine. He's writing an expose on the trend of news outlets gleaning stories from social media than from actual reporting." Kara explains.

"Well, that is great, but they're not going to use photos of you are they?" Alex asks worriedly.

"I don't think they'll do photos, but I can talk to Cat about it if they do," Kara replies and her sister can tell that something is on her mind.

"Hey, Maggie is still doing paperwork, you wanna grab some dinner?" Alex suggests reaching out and giving her hand a squeeze.

"I-I would, but Cat wants to talk tonight," Kara says and her sister can tell that she's worried about the conversation.

"Kara, what's going on? Why are you suddenly gun shy about talking with her?" Alex asks.

"W-we kissed last night," Kara blurts out. "I mean, I kissed her first, but then last night she kissed me."

"Kara, I know that you two are close, but Cat Grant is the CEO and owner of CATCO Worldwide Media, she is your boss," Alex argues incredulously.

"S-she's not my boss now and I'm sure that it was probably a one-time thing. The stress and adrenaline from everything" Kara stammers through the explanation.

"Are you sure about that? Cat Grant doesn't strike me as someone who acts without thinking things through. Kara, I know that you trust her with your identity, but are you sure that you can trust her with your heart?" Alex blurts out all at once.

Kara drops her head onto the conference table. "Alex, it doesn't even matter because she only invited me over tonight to let me down easy. You're right, she is Cat Grant and she doesn't date people like me, especially not people like Kara Danvers, junior reporter."

"You're also Kara Zor-El and she would be lucky to date someone like you ," Alex points out quickly. "Now why do you think that she's changing her mind? The two of you have been growing closer since she returned to National City, have you even considered why?"

"I can't let myself think that way Alex. Carter, her son, he returns tomorrow. I-I think that she wasn't thinking about him when she kissed me and now, now that she is thinking about him, she's changing her mind about us," Kara answers.

"Or she could just want to know what you're thinking, because she is a mom and her son is part of the deal," Alex remarks.

"Why are you pushing for this? You've been warning me about getting close to her for weeks," Kara argues.

"I am still worried, but Kara you've been so happy these last few weeks and if she makes you happy, then I want it to work out. I'm still going to have a talk with her and she will need to sign a few hundred pages of NDM paperwork, but you deserve to be happy, so go talk with her. Maybe she will surprise you," Alex suggests hopefully.

Cat is rinsing off dishes and loading the dishwasher when there is a knock at the door. Drying her hands quickly she goes to the door and opens it to find Kara standing before her with a small bouquet of flowers.

"Kara," Cat says opening the door wider. "These are lovely, but you didn't have to bring me flowers."

"When I'm worried about something, I have a special place that I like to fly to, it helps me to clear my head. Today when I went there, these flowers were growing all over the hillside and they were beautiful. They made me feel hopeful and happy, which is how you make me feel," Kara replies nervously shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "T-they looked better before..." she adds sheepishly noticing that the wind was not kind to them.

"They're beautiful, but I should get them in water," Cat says before turning around to head into the kitchen.

Kara follows her and notices that the vases are on the highest shelf, so she steps up behind her. "Let me," she says resting a hand on Cat's shoulder before reaching over her and pulling one down.

"Thank you," Cat replies with a soft smile taking the vase and moving over to the sink to fill it with water.

"Dinner smells wonderful," Kara remarks glancing around surprised that there are no take out boxes.

"I hope that you like it, I haven't cooked in months," Cat admits.

"You cooked?" Kara blurts out.

"Yes, I don't always have time. But I made time today, because I wanted tonight to be special," Cat confides as she turns around to face the younger woman.

"I don't understand," Kara replies earning a smirk from Cat.

"You don't understand why I wanted tonight to be special?" She clarifies.

"Earlier in your office, it seemed like you were pushing me away," Kara explains.

"Kara, I wasn't pushing you away, I was pushing Supergirl away," Cat replies hoping that she understands the distinction.

Kara looks confused, "But I am Supergirl," she reminds her.

"Yes, but we can't have Supergirl bursting into my office and sweeping me up in her arms, it would not look right especially when people find out that we are involved," Cat explains softly.

"Are we involved?" Kara questions carefully, because she knows that she is, but she wasn't sure that Cat was.

"Kara, what did you think was going on?" Cat questions arching her brow curiously as she turns to look at the girl carefully.

"Back up. So today when you were pushing me, I mean Supergirl, away, it was because you didn't want people to get the wrong idea about you and Supergirl, because you and I are involved?" Kara clarifies.

Cat nods. "Yes, but only if that is what you want."

Kara nods and exhales dramatically. "Wow," she finally exclaims.

Cat smiles again and shakes her head. "Kara, Carter comes home tomorrow and I don't want to hide this from him, unless you are uncomfortable with him knowing."

"You want to tell Carter?" Kara questions, as she runs a hand through her hair.

"Yes, you have to admit, he would figure it out rather quickly the first time you came over. What did you think I wanted to talk to you about?" Cat questions.

Kara walks around the kitchen and stands on the opposite side of the island. "I thought since he was coming back, you were going to tell me that this wouldn't work actually," she admits.

"Oh Kara, no. It's true that I've been fighting my feelings for you for a long time, but I never would have kissed you if I wasn't ready for us to take the next step," Cat confesses.

"H-how long have you had feelings for me?" Kara asks.

"Since you wrote that letter to Adam, no one has ever cared enough about me to do anything like that," Cat replies.

"Why did you push me to go out with Adam if you had feelings for me?" Kara questions.

"Because I saw how he looked at you and it was easier for me to push the two of you together than to face my own feelings for you," Cat confides. "And you went along with it so easily, I just assumed that was what you wanted as well."

"He was so great, but I realized that I was going out with him to make you happy," Kara informs her. "Which is why I was so upset when the two of you didn't get along. It occurred to me later that I was probably a bit more invested in that than I should have been as your assistant."

"That also occurred to me, but I was afraid to trust that it was about anything other than you being a wonderfully generous and loving person, I even convinced myself that you extended that to me because you were afraid to lose your job." Cat explains.

"I haven't taken many of your threats to fire me seriously since the first year, by then I was pretty sure that you wouldn't fire me because I had reorganized everything and no one else knew my system," Kara points out with a smile.

Cat smiles at her. "It is a phenomenal system, the transition to Eve was unbelievably smooth," she admits with a laugh.

They take a moment to smile at each other and finally Kara reaches across the island and takes Cat's hands into her own.

"This will be really complicated, you know that my life is not as simple as it seems," Kara points out.

"I left National City convinced that we wouldn't work, because my life was too complicated and I convinced myself that you deserved better. But Kara I followed your stories and I could tell that you were coming in to your own as a reporter. I was so proud of you and then Snapper even began sending me advance copies of your articles, which meant that he was proud of your progress. When James resigned, I thought that maybe it was a sign, so I called you and asked you to dinner, because I needed to try to get a sense of what you thought of me. And you seemed to be willing to spend time with me, even going so far as to open up to me. I selfishly encouraged it and then when you kissed me I realized that this wasn't one-sided," Cat explains walking around the island to face her.

"But you didn't kiss me back," Kara reminds her.

Cat places her hands on Kara's hips and pulls her closer.

"You could always try it again and see what happens," Cat challenges her playfully.

Kara smiles and takes off her glasses before leaning in and pressing their lips together.

Cat hums into the kiss, which makes Kara laugh. Cat feels her lips open slightly and takes the opportunity to bite Kara's lower lip. Kara gasps in surprise, but recovers quickly and spins Cat around so her back is against the island. Wrapping her arms around the smaller woman, she pulls her in and deepens the kiss. Cat moans in response and Kara pulls back.

"Wow," she says sheepishly, a hand going to her lips.

"Indeed," Cat replies. "Are you okay?" She teases.

"So, so okay," Kara answers. "I didn't know that it could feel like that," she admits.

"Well, if you do it right, it should always feel like that," Cat answers playfully.

"Hmm, maybe we should try it again then, for science," Kara jokes as she ducks her head again to capture Cat's lips in another kiss. Her hands roaming over the other woman's body as she pulls her even closer.

"My god," Cat exclaims breathlessly a moment later. "K-Kara are you sure that this is what you want?"

Kara nods, not trusting her voice. Instead she leans in and begins kissing a trail from Cat's ear down to her collar.

"Kara, stop," Cat says breathlessly.

The taller blonde stops and steps back, "I-I'm sorry, too much?" She asks.

"Too soon, w-we haven't even had a proper date," Cat reminds her.

"I think we both know that we've had several dates now," Kara argues playfully.

"Don't you want to go out, like normal people?" Cat queries.

"We're not normal people," Kara answers. "And I don't think you want me to do this in public," she adds pulling the media queen in for another searing kiss.

A/N: Just a short note to thank everyone for reading this story and commenting and sending me messages. I hope that you enjoyed it. It went quite a bit longer than I had intended when I began.

I am excited and worried about the finale, it's like they saved up to do this huge big thing, but as we've seen they usually fall short on what they hype, (Ahem, musical episode).

I am planning to go on a ff hiatus for a few weeks, as I am working on an original piece, but then you know how I am, the finale could motivate me to write another fix-it. Self-preservation makes it tempting not to watch it, (like I've done with Grey's), but I am certain that my curiosity will prevail and I'll be live tweeting with the rest of you.

Thank you again for supporting my writing, you are amazing!