Hey everybody! So I have had an idea for a story that has been festering in my mind for a few days. To be honest, it's not leaving me alone. So I'm going to plant the seed and watch it grow. This takes place at the beginning of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. Goku is a young woman, instead of a man. She'll be getting affection from someone that you won't expect. Ready? Here we go!
Bulma, Master Roshi, Launch, Oolong, and Puar stared at the new revealed, grown up Goku. Her shoulder length, wild hair was in a braid draped over her right shoulder. Her multi-colored kimono was wrapped snugly around her waist, showing just how grown up she was to Roshi and Oolong. Goku looked down as the little girl tugged on her pant leg. "Lady, my balloon, please."
"I'm sorry, little one, here you go." Goku gave the little girl her balloon. She smiled at her friends. It began to falter as her friends still stared in unmasked shock. "What's the matter, you guys? Is there something on my face?" She began to feel her face for anything out of the ordinary. When she didn't feel anything on her face, she went to feel her teeth. Maybe something was stuck in her teeth. She looked at Bulma knowing that her oldest friend would tell her.
"Goku? Is that really you?" Bulma slowly walked up to her friend. She reached up to touch Goku's face, when Goku suddenly gave Bulma all the proof she needed.
"Bulma! Why are your lips all ready? Are they bleeding?" Goku reached up to touch Bulma's lips.
"Goku! It's lip-stick you moron! Huh? Goku? It really IS you!" Bulma turned around to look at the others. "Goku's back!"
Suddenly Goku was rushed for hugs from the others. Goku looked around and asked, "Where's Krillin, Tien and the other guys? Isn't registry time almost up? I want to see how much stronger everyone has gotten."
Roshi walked up to Goku, ogling her chest from behind his dark sunglasses. "Goku, after the last tournament, they all followed your example of going out on their own to do their own training. Hopefully they will be here soon. You better get registered yourself registered Goku. Otherwise we won't be able to see how much stronger you've gotten over the last three years either."
"Right!" Goku went and registered. When she returned, Bulma began to ask her questions about when she started wearing her hair different and if she had every thought about wearing make-up for her matches, at least the matches that everyone will see. "But why would I wear make-up when I'm just going to sweat it off? Kami suggested I kept my hair tied back when I fight. Why give my opponent or enemy an advantage over me? All because of loose hair. I'm not going to help the other guys if I can help it. Tee hee!"
Suddenly, Goku got serious. "It's time."
"Huh? Time for what?"
Four flashes of color zipped passed the group. Once they realized that they were unharmed, the waiting friends looked toward the registration table. There stood Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, and Yamcha.
"Bulma, did you make a new friend while we were all away?" Krillin asked, looking at Goku thinking that he probably should have known who she was, but just couldn't remember or recognize her. And he NEVER forgot a pretty face, such as hers.
"Krillin, it's me, Goku! How could you not remember me? Have I really changed that much?" Goku practically whined at him. When she looked at her best guy friend she was met with a dropped jaw and bugged out eyes. She waved her hand in front of Krillin's face, trying to get him to focus and more importantly, breathe. She looked to the other guys for help, but was met with the same look from all three of her friends. She turned around to see if there was anything behind her to warranty their looks. "Guys? What's wrong? What are you staring at?"
Yamcha was the first to regain his composure and approached Goku. "Goku! How was your training? You look great! I bet Kami didn't let you slack off at all, huh? I have a feeling I could take you down this year." He chuckled as he gave her a hug.
"I can tell you have gotten stronger, Yamcha. You just might have a chance against Tien, but you'll have to try pretty hard to take me down. Ha-ha."
"Goku, you'd be easy to take down. All we'd have to do it pick you up and lay you flat." Tien smirked as he walked forward and threw Goku easily over his shoulder in order to prove his point. She laughed.
"Tien, you big oaf! Put me down!" Goku squealed while trying to fend off tickle attacks from Yamcha and Krillin. Chiaotzu just watched the scene unfold before all of them. He knew that after the last tournament, Tien had developed feelings for the gentle fighter. He noticed that every time he thought about her, he'd smile. Much like the smile he wore now while rough housing with the four friends.
He finally put her down at last call for registration. "See? Two time champ coming up. Piece of cake, Goku."
"We're going to get cake this year? I'm really hungry. Can we go eat now?" She looked around and saw all her friends chuckling at her normal antics.
So this is just a small taste of my idea. This is a TienXGoku. As if you couldn't tell, right? If you want more, Do the drill. Read (check), Review (please?) Follow (Cause you never know, I may continue this) and Favorite. Thanks all! Love ya! High Five!