Kanan had know idea that Ezra was robbed of somuch of his childhood. Until Ezra really started to live with them.

"What are we going to do Hera ?" As Kanan sat down next to his best friend. It was late in the evening and everyone-elsehadgone to bed.

"What are we going to do about what?" As her mind started to do a checklist of different supplies they might have missed on there little outing today.

"It about Ezra Kanan begain to speak again." I can'teven think about teaching himthebasic of the force when..."

Hera gave Kanan puzzled look. "Why can't you trainEzra?" As she look at Kanan his eyes held such sorrow and pain in them. Her heart sunk little in her chest as she slowly understood what the young Jedi was getting at.

"It not that you don't think he can do it your worried about all the other things where all just learning that he struggling with". She slowly reach a hand out to Kanan across the table as his ruff hand grasped her own.

" He been robbed of so much Hera hehadtrouble eating, he can't wash his hair, he speaking isnot evenupto what he age range is, He wears the same clothes everyday!" As Hera quickly hug the distressed men. "Shhhh he safe
/now Kanan and where going to do everythingwe can to keep him safe and health."

"What if you can't " a young voice spoke up from the door way. As Kanan and Hera both sighed as Ezra leaning against the door frame. Arm crossed his clothes hung from his malnourished frame his hair still wet from a shower he took little bit short of
/an hour ago.

Kanan turned his body to face the teen. "

"Ezra what are you doing up?"

"Wasn't tired so I came down to..." as he stop mid sentence. "Never mind why don't you just send me off to lothal tomorrow all be out of your hair"

As he walkright up to Kanan his face showing no emotion. " the next time" Ezra began to speak. "You want another kid off the street remember that there going to more fuck up then you could ever imagine.

As Ezra quickly turned away from the two people he thought where going to change his life for ever. His heart ached his hand shook with anger. He could feel tears welling up inside his eyes. " no your not crying" he thought to him self. " you knew thiswasnever
going to end well."

Kanan watch the teen on front of him. " did Ezra really think they where going to shun him away"? As he gave Hera quick look. Hera face showed as much shock as he probably felt.

As he slowly raised his hand to touch the teen shoulder gently. What he was not expecting was a knife that was on the table moment ago was now at his throat. Ezra left kneecap wasdigging into his rib cage as the boys eyes showed complete utter
force flowed off of Ezra in waves.

Kanan didn't move a muscle the knife was at his jugular one wrong move and Ezra could make him bleed to death in matter of seconds.

" you thinkyou can fix some one as messed up as me!" Ezra began to speak in slowly and almost menacing tone. As he pressed the knife deeper into Kanan neck. Ezra knew how much pressure he needed to be able to kill the man.

"Ezra please put the knife down no one going to get rid of you" Hera spoke on the other end of the table she didn't move muscle. Ezra realised he had completely forgotten about the woman. As he turned his head but made sure his pressure on the knife didn'twaver.

" Your lying !"Ezra yelled out "no one cares for someone like me !" Ezra could feel his eyes began to water as tears began to fall from his face.

Kanan quickly took advantage of Ezra focus on Hera as he quickly disarmed the boy in less then second. As the knife fell to the groundEzra crashed to the floor. Hera quickly grab the knife off the floor.

As Kanan slowly made his way to the young teen who hadn'tmoved from thefloor makingKanan think he might have knock him unconscious by accident.

"Ezra you ok "

Kanan kneeled down to the teen but didn't dare touch him. "

"Ezra I need to know that your not hurt answer me please."

Couple of second pass and there was no sound that came from the teen. Kanan was about to roll the teen over but was stop when heard a faint cry escape Ezra.

It broke his heart to hear that sound come out of the boy as the sobbing got louder andlouderas Ezra slowly brought his knees to his chest and began to rock little on the floor.

His whole frame was shakingas his crying got louder and louder until Kanan couldn't take it as he wrapped his arm around the teen waiting for fight he was sure that Ezra wouldput up but it never came.

At first Ezra was stiff as abroad in his arms as Kanantried to calm him through theforce but it didn't seem to work Ezra body was so lock up that he had subconsciously cut him self off of everything around him.

As Kanan held the teen in his arms as gently as he could not wanting to spook the boy and have to deal with another kick to the rib or knife to his throat. As Ezra slowly snaked his arms around Kanan neck as he rested his head on kanans shoulder.

Kanan felt Hera hand on his shoulder as she whispered in Ezra ear."where not leaving you your stuck with us and you will find your self again."

As Kanan tightened hold on the boy as he felt tears fall from the teen eyes they where going to bring the kid back from the streets and he was going take on one ofthe biggest challenge of his life but it was so worth it because this kid was worth


The end