Alrighty! Welcome to the story that's going to be added to my weekly lineup! As you guys have probably figured out, I only post a new story if I have more than one chapter waiting, technically five more waiting. However, this story has only two more chapters waiting but there's a reason I'm posting this extra early. I am moving around my update day for To Save A Brother's Life to a day earlier, Friday. This is because Donquixote Prince is going to be updated on Monday. Hopefully you guys can see the pattern. Mondays: Donquixote Prince, Wednesdays: Death's Gift, and Fridays: To Save A Brother's Life. Anyhow, so, before I explain this story, I like got a review on Death's Gift telling me they stopped reading because it was non-canonical. I was like wut? It's a HP/OP crossover what made you think it was going to be canon in the first place? Anyways! As some of you may know from my HP story, that won't be updated for a long while because of lack of a muse, Investigative Wizard, you know I have a habit of turning bad guys good. Originally this was going to be a story about how Akainu raises Luffy and becomes good and ends up raising Ace and Sabo too. But because I couldn't do as much plotting as I could if I did Doflamingo I nixed it. But if you guys want to read that story then let me know and suggest plot ideas for it. Because as far as I know they'd be stuck on Dawn Island unless you give me an idea to get them off. Hopefully you appreciate this and technically speaking this does become an ASL story around Chapter Four but you'll find out how and why by Chapter Three/End of Chapter 2. Onwards to the story!

Disclaimer: Don't own One Piece, if I did well… hopefully you know enough about my Ace obsession by now.

Donquixote Prince

Some would say that Doflamingo Donquixote was a cruel man. And those some would be correct, especially considering the fact that Doflamingo killed his father when he was young in front of his younger brother. But despite being cruel, he wasn't so cruel to kill a baby or a toddler. Which brings him to his current situation. A twenty three year-old Doflamingo was currently staring at a wrecked ship and in the remains, on the beach, was a one year old toddler. The toddler had messy black hair and coal eyes that seemed to stare into his soul as if it was judging him. Suddenly though the toddler reached out and giggled at him. Seconds later he found him with the toddler in his arms. Looking the toddler over and seeing that the blanket the toddler was wrapped in had a name on it he looked at it. Sewed into the blanket was the name Monkey D. Luffy. As a former Celestial Dragon he had an ingrained fear of people with D in their name, even though he was never told why to fear them. Just that they would be the end of the Celestial Dragons. But Doflamingo felt no fear whatsoever when he looked at the toddler. Just… an odd feeling of content. That was weird for the man because he rarely felt content, years of nightmares and anger did that to a person. Nevertheless, Doflamingo found himself walking away with the toddler to his hideout in Spider Miles. When he got there one of his elite officers, Trebol, a large man who perpetually had snot coming out his nose looked at him funny.

"Hey, Hey, Doffy, what's with the toddler?" Trebol asked.

When Trebol said that, everyone else in the room looked at Doflamingo. They had never saw Doflamingo with a toddler, let alone holding one.

"Found him at the beach in the debris of a wrecked ship." Doflamingo said.

Jora, one of the officers under Trebol approached Doflamingo with a curious look on her face.

"What are you going to do with him, young master?" She asked.

"I think I'll adopt him." Doflamingo said with a contemplative look on his face.

Everyone was shocked at that statement. Sure, Doffy was known to recruit kids but never babies or toddlers. But the fact that he wanted to adopt someone rather than recruit them was a shock.

"Eeer, are you sure about that young master? You don't know how to take care of a little toddler." Senior Pink, a man wearing a suit and an officer under Diamante's control said.

"Fuffuffu, it can't be that hard." Doflamingo said with a laugh before he asked them to go get toddler supplies.

Okay, so Doflamingo was very wrong when he said it wouldn't be that hard taking care of a toddler. His first problem was the fact that the toddler ate a lot. At first Doflamingo had given the toddler the amount of food that Jora, who had raised plenty of kids, had said kids his age ate. But even after eating that small amount Luffy was still hungry. Thankfully though they found out that meat filled the boy up faster. Of course, Jora still argued that he needed more nutrients and milk otherwise he'd be a short kid so they tied that into his meals as well.

The second problem was the fact that the little boy liked to wander a lot. Doffy would be looking elsewhere for a second and then return his attention to Luffy, and find him gone. That resulted in him making a rule where if they left a room they'd close the doors to make sure Luffy didn't wander off and get hurt. Of course, Doffy was thankful that he could distract Luffy with stories of pirates. The boy's favorite story, from his reactions, seemed to be the story of Gol D. Rogers, which made Doflamingo happy.

The third problem, which only really lasted for a day, was that if Luffy was put to sleep somewhere in which Doflamingo wasn't in the room, he'd cry and scream. This resulted that same day with Doflamingo moving Luffy into his bed, seeing as the boy didn't like cribs at all. That caused him to wake up with Luffy curled up against his stomach every morning, but he didn't mind at all.

Overall though, everyone liked the little boy. With his introduction to the Donquixote Pirates they noticed something with Doflamingo. The man was slowly changing, in a way that Trebol didn't like. Doflamingo was becoming severely less cruel, his argument being that he didn't want 'his little ball of sunshine' to lose the happiness that he had. Trebol had spent a lot of time encouraging Doflamingo's cruel side, but he didn't say anything. This was because the one time he had, Doflamingo sent him a look that said he would hurt Trebol if the man tried anything. Everyone else didn't mind it at all, in fact people like Jora, Senior Pink, and Machvise liked it a lot, as they were naturally kind people. Of course that didn't mean they too couldn't become ruthless against their enemies. So, thus proceeded the Donquixote Pirates' new lives with baby Luffy.

When Luffy turned two, about a month later something shocking happened. At least, in the minds of everyone but Luffy. The little boy really didn't mind either way. The event that happened was that Doflamingo's brother, Rosinante, returned.

"Brother?" Doflamingo said, Luffy currently sitting on his lap, playing with a crayon and a pad of paper that Aunty Jora, as professed by the woman herself, had given him.

Rosinante held up a pad of paper that read "Hey Doffy, long time no see.". Doflamingo looked at him with an odd look.

"Can you not speak?" He asked, playing with Luffy's hair which seemed to make the boy giggle in happiness.

"Something happened, I lost my ability to speak. What's with the kid?" Rosinante wrote on the pad of paper.

Doflamingo's face lit up in a smile that Rosinante had never believed his brother capable of. What Doffy said next would shock him as well.

"This is Donquixote D. Luffy! Your nephew." Doflamingo said cheerfully.

Luffy looked up at Doflamingo with a smile, having heard his name, before he was distracted again by his drawing. Rosinante however was quickly scribbling his answer.

"Nephew? D? What?" Those were the words written on the paper.

"Fuffuffu, he's adopted brother. He was originally Monkey D. Luffy and I don't mind the fact that he's a D." Doflamingo said.

Monkey D. Luffy? Wasn't Garp the Hero's full name Monkey D. Garp? He remembered Sengoku recently talk about how Garp was acting depressed because he lost his grandchild. So… this kid was Garp's grandson. How was he going to deal with this? Rosinante wasn't really sure.

"But don't worry about him, I'm glad to have you back Rosi!" Doflamingo said with a smile.

Later that night they threw a party to welcome back Rosinante. Luffy, being two, didn't exactly understand what the party was for but enjoyed it nevertheless. It was at the party that Luffy presented Jora with his drawing that she awed over. It was a drawing, albeit a poor drawing but what do you expect he's two, of everyone and Luffy. She proceeded to show everyone who all awed as well at it. Later that night though, Rosinante went off to go make a call to Sengoku. When he made it to an alley, thankfully without tripping, he used his Devil Fruit ability to create a bubble of silence around him as he pulled out a Den Den Mushi. He then dialed the number that would link him to Sengoku.

"Yes? Sengoku here." Sengoku said.

"Ah, it's Rosinante, we may have a problem." Rosinante spoke.

The face of the Den Den Mushi turned panicked, showing the other person's emotions at the moment.

"Rosi?! Did Doflamingo find you out?" He asked quickly.

"No I got in fine, but Doflamingo has a son." Rosinante said.

The Den Den Mushi's face then went confused.

"Son? I don't remember any information regarding that." Sengoku said.

"The boy's adopted. Doffy adopted him a year ago, having found him in a shipwreck on the beach here. That's not the problem. I believe the kid to be Garp's lost grandchild." Rosinante said.

The panicked look returned to the Den Den Mushi.

"The kid's Monkey D. Luffy?! I can't have Garp finding this out." Sengoku muttered.

"What do you want me to do? It actually seems like Doffy cares for the kid. In fact, from what I've observed and heard, his personality has changed a lot because of the kid." Rosinante said.

Sengoku's curious expression was showing on the Den Den Mushi.

"How exactly?" He asked.

"Well, apparently Doffy's lost most if not all of his cruelty. The small amount that still exists, only shows if someone attempts to harm young Luffy. He's very different from how I remember him when I was younger, his smiles are genuine and kind." Rosinante said, his confusion very much evident on his face.

Sengoku's facial expression changed to contemplative after hearing that.

"Hmm, for now leave the kid with Doflamingo. I want to return the kid to Garp but… at the time with what information Doflamingo has the Celestial Dragons will throw a fit if I do anything. At least the situation's not completely hopeless if the kid seems to be having an effect on Doflamingo." Sengoku said.

With a sigh, Rosinante assented to that and finished his report before hanging up. Inwardly he was complaining because technically speaking he was already failing at his mission. He was supposed to keep an eye on Doffy and make sure no kids joined him. But… seeing the kind side to his brother was really nice. In fact, it seemed like Doffy was emulating their father, which Rosinante had to laugh at since the man had killed their father. With another sigh he made his way back to the hideout. It was there that he was shocked by seeing Luffy awake and staring at him, as if judging him. Luffy then turned around and went back to Doffy's room where the kid slept. Rosinante didn't notice that he had been sweating.

Slowly the year passed by and Rosinante gradually eased into the daily interactions of the Donquixote Pirates. During this year, Luffy learned how to at least talk decently, Jora saying that the 'little master' needed to be able to speak as soon as possible. Of course, nothing could wipe the smile off Doffy's face when Luffy called him Papa. It prompted everyone to throw a party just because of it. Also, in that year they acquired three other people, all young kids, well one of them was a baby. Dellinger, the baby, was a fighting fish-human hybrid that Jora had found abandoned by his parents. So she decided to raise him like Doffy was raising Luffy. The other two were Baby 5 and Buffalo who were in a bad situation and were rescued by Doflamingo. Baby 5 had been abandoned by her mother which resulted in her needing to please anyone. Buffalo wouldn't speak of his situation and neither would Doflamingo so everyone knew it had to be bad. Of course, the first test for the two had been whether or not they'd get along with Luffy. To say it was a success would be like saying that Doflamingo loved pink. Baby 5 absolutely adored Luffy and would spoil him a lot. Buffalo saw Luffy as a little brother and would also spoil the little kid. So it was safe to say that both of them passed with flying colors. Though to be honest, it was hard for anybody to dislike Luffy as the kid was seen perpetually smiling at everything and always cheerful.

When Luffy was three, on the day that Rosinante was supposed to return from a mission, something happened. It started out a normal day with Luffy waking up curled against his Papa. Luffy rubbed at his eyes and slid out of bed, clutching his flamingo stuffed animal as he made his way to the dining room. It was there that Senior Pink was already setting the food on the table.

"Ah, little master, I see you're awake. You're the first up so go easy on the food alright?" The man said.

Luffy nodded and sleepily climbed into his chair that sat next to his Papa's chair.

"Alright Uncle Pink." Luffy said, grabbing the plate in front of him and starting to put his food on his plate.

Slowly after that the other officers came into the dining room. As usual, Jora took her spot to Luffy's left, Dellinger in her arms, and made sure that Luffy didn't eat just meat.

"But Aunty Jora, I want a lot of bacon!" Luffy whine.

She just chuckled as she fed a piece of meat to baby Dellinger.

"You want to be big and strong like your Papa, right?" She asked.

Luffy eagerly nodded. He wanted to be able to defend his family just like his Papa could.

"Well then you have to eat more than just meat. If you don't your body won't get all the things it needs to grow." She said, the other officers nodding.

With a lengthy sigh Luffy started to put some fruit on his plate and started eating it, causing Jora to smile at him. As he was eating he was eagerly talking to Baby 5.

"Uncle Rosi is coming home today!" He said eagerly.

Baby 5 giggled at him before speaking.

"I don't get how you're so eager about it. He doesn't like kids, though… He does seem to make an exception for you." She said, Buffalo nodding.

"That's cause I'm his nephew!" Luffy said with a smile.

What Baby 5 said was very much true. Rosinante seemed to hate kids, treating any kid he came across badly. But Luffy felt that it was a feint because Rosinante truly seemed to love Luffy despite the fact he was a kid. He also felt that his Uncle Rosi's mutism was fake but he didn't know exactly why he felt that. Sometimes he'd look at a person and feel something from them but he couldn't explain why that was. Soon after Luffy said that his Papa strolled into the room and sat down, patting Luffy on the head.

"Are you excited to see your Uncle today, kiddo?" He asked.

"Mhm!" Luffy said cheerfully.

About thirty minutes into his Papa getting there though a kid with white spots and wearing a weird hat came into the room with grenades strapped to his body. Everyone looked at the kid, shocked, expecting him to come here for a suicide bombing.

"I want to join the Donquixote Pirates." The kid said.

Doflamingo raised an eyebrow at that.

"Oh? Why's that, you look like a good kid, why would you want to join a group of pirates." Doflamingo said.

"I only have three years to live, I want to kill as many people as possible in that time period." The boy said.

Well, Doflamingo had to admit he guessed that made sense. But, what in the world caused that view of the world? Sure, before Luffy came into his life he shared that view of the world but he had reasons for his. Although, he still wanted the Celestial Dragons dead, that was definitely never going to go away.

"Well… we'll see. Pull up a chair and join us." Doflamingo said.

As the meal progressed they learned that the kid's name was Trafalgar Law, though Luffy couldn't pronounce the boy's last name and called him Torao, which prompted some laughter. Later, after the meal when Luffy was playing with Baby 5 and Buffalo with Law watching Rosinante came in. The man tripped before getting up, Baby 5 and Buffalo laughing at him, and then turned to Law. He then picked Law up and threw him out a window, shocking Baby 5 and Buffalo. Luffy however for some reason knew the boy was still alive so he instead tackled his uncle to the ground.

"Uncle Rosi! You're back!" Luffy said with a cheer.

Rosinante smiled at Luffy and ruffled his hair. He just let Luffy talk his ear off, telling him about all the things that he had missed while he was gone. Later Luffy saw that Law had returned and heard the boy vow to kill Rosinante. Luffy just shrugged it off and went to go play with his Papa, as the man would surely have some free time for him.

About a few days later they were having a Pizza Feast and Lao G was explaining to Law about the Blood Law.

"In this crew, we have a Blood Law, nobody attacks anyone in this with intent to kill without a good reason. If you do and don't have one then you are immediately kicked from the crew. If you attempt it after that then we'll treat you like any pirate trying to attack us." Lao G explained.

Law just turned his gaze onto Rosinante and glared at him. A little later though Baby 5 asked Law a question.

"Exactly how do you only have three years left to live?" She asked.

Law turned his eyes on her and glared at her, causing her to whimper. The boy rolled his eyes and answered.

"I have Amber Lead Disease." Law said.

Jora seemed to perk up at that.

"I heard that it's contagious." She said, freaking out Baby 5 and Buffalo.

Doflamingo rolled his eyes and scoffed at that statement.

"It's not contagious at all. It's a genetic disease acquired from living in Flevance." Doflamingo said.

"Flevance, Papa?" Luffy asked.

Doflamingo turned to Luffy with a smile.

"Mhm, it's a city that existed here in North Blue. It was said to be the most beautiful city in the world and was very wealthy due to one thing it exported and mined there, Amber Lead." Doflamingo said.

Everyone was listening eagerly now, wanting to know. Law just turned his head, already knowing the story, having lived it.

"They'd make a lot of things from it and all the items had a lovely pure white look to it. But mining all the Amber Lead had a problem. The powder was slowly poisoning the citizens. As generations went on, everyone began dying sooner and sooner and they came up with the term Amber Lead Disease." Doflamingo explained.

Luffy was wondering what happened to all the people. The way his Papa was wording it was as if by now everyone was dead. Luffy did as much as voice this question.

"Well, the Royal Family of Flevance and the World Government hid the fact that it wasn't contagious which led to a war between it and other countries. During the war the Royal Family escaped and the soldiers massacred the citizens. Which makes me question, how did you escape?" Doffy asked.

Law's facial expression turned dark.

"I hid amongst the bodies of the dead." Law said.

That caused quite a few people to gag at that but Doflamingo just raised a brow and nodded.

"Well, that makes sense, they wouldn't really search the dead bodies." He said.

Law said that he didn't care about the past and then said he'd have his revenge on Rosinante. Doflamingo just laughed while Baby 5 slapped Law, saying that he'd be booted from the crew. Law just glared at her, causing her to cry.

A week later when everybody but the kids and Rosinante were gone, out on a raid, Law figured he could finally enact his plan. With a knife in hand he charged at Rosinante and stabbed him in back, not realizing that two people were there watching. Rosinante slumped to the floor and Buffalo gasped Luffy just watched on.

"You broke the blood law!" Buffalo shouted in a panic.

Law immediately turned to them, realizing that they were there.

"I'll give you ice cream if you don't talk." Law said.

That instantly shut up Buffalo who was cheering about ice cream. Luffy shook his head.

"I don't want ice cream. But I won't tell anyways. Neither will Uncle Rosi." Luffy said.

Law looked at him confusedly. Rosinante was dead, wasn't he? Law shrugged and walked off. But a few hours later he felt like they weren't going to keep their promise and began to run. However, he was caught by Jora and Machvise who said Doffy wanted to see him. Inwardly Law was panicking, thinking the two kids had told on him. When he was brought to Doflamingo he was shocked to see Rosinante there, still alive, and Luffy sitting on Luffy's lap.

"What am I here for?" Law asked.

Doflamingo chuckled at Law's bluntness before answering.

"I've decided to make you a full member of our family." Doflamingo said.

A full member? What? So, neither boys nor the man he had stabbed had ratted him out? That really confused him since he was rather used to people only caring for themselves. And speaking of ratting out, the three-year-old was right, but how did he know? I mean, sure Rosinante practically dotted on Luffy, despite the boy being the thing the man hated. But how could the three year-old know what the man was thinking. Anyways, Law's thoughts returned to the offer presented by Doflamingo.

"You know I'm going to die in three years, right?" He asked.

Luffy giggled at that. He knew why his Papa was taking this chance.

"Papa deals in the underworld. Though, it's mostly in the trade of Devil Fruits, is that right Papa?" Luffy asked looking at Doffy.

Doflamingo chuckled again before ruffling his son's hair.

"Yup little one. I'm pretty sure we can find a Devil Fruit that can cure your illness." Doflamingo said.

Law had a disbelieving look on his face.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, really. If you manage to find one before you die, I'll train you to be my right hand. The holder of the Corazon seat." Doflamingo said.

Law was really interested in the offer. If he could find a cure for his illness he'd gladly accept the offer. Doflamingo then noticed the wound on Rosinante.

"What happened brother? Did someone attack you?" Doffy asked, concerned.

Rosinante just waved it off with a smile before writing something.

"An enemy attacked me, I took care of it." Rosinante wrote.

Doflamingo nodded at that before speaking.

"Alright, that's good. Just make sure you have Senior Pink look at it later. We don't want it to get infected." Doflamingo said.

Rosinante nodded at Doflamingo before Doflamingo laughed.

"I swear though brother, Senior Pink seems to get most of his doctor training from you. You get injured too much, from getting stabbed to burning yourself because of your clumsiness." Doflamingo laughed.

Rosinante blushed at that before writing something.

"It's not my fault I'm clumsy." Rosinante wrote.

Soon though the meeting dispersed and they went to the dining room where Dinner was starting. There Doflamingo announced Law's entrance into their family which caused everyone to cheer. A little bit later Law pulled Luffy off to the side to ask him a question.

"Why didn't you tell on me?" He asked, not understanding how the three year old was lacking selfishness.

Luffy just smiled and giggled.

"I can tell you're sad and angry on the inside. I don't want to see that! I wanna see Torao happy!" Luffy said.

Well, Law was stunned at that response to say the least. He was surprised even more when Luffy hugged him, prompting a warm feeling to run through Law. It felt just like when he was with his family, when he was taking care of his little sister. With a smile Law had one thought that was running through his mind.

'Maybe I will find a family with these guys.' He though as he hugged Luffy back.

Soooo what did you think? It gets better as it goes. With a baby Luffy it's very difficult to do much so that's why this chapter covers two years. And by the way yes because Luffy makes Doffy nicer a lot of things change a lot. Lemme know what Devil Fruit you want Luffy to have. I have one in mind but I'm still trying to put my unique twist on it because there's not much you can do with the element, yes it's a Logia I have in mind I mean they're so cool! As usual please put suggestions in your reviews or comments depending on what website you're looking at this from. I appreciate the suggestions more than a simple "Thank you for the story" not that I don't appreciate those, the feedback just helps a lot. That includes pairings. Personally, I'm leaning between Sabo and Ace because SaboLu and AceLu are so adorable. Sure, they'll become brothers but they're not biological brothers more like uh honorary brothers…