They were in his mind again, but now there were three rooms instead of two.
"Careful, Yugi. I was able to keep Bakura out of your soul room before only because you were conscious. Now that you're asleep, I might not be enough."
Yugi shook his head slowly.
"Don't say that. Whether it's true or not, I have faith in you. You'll be able to keep Bakura-san at bay."
In the dim lighting- like moonlight, but directly from Yugi's soul- the King smiled softly and looked down at his shorter companion.
His crimson eyes were bright, as always, but Yugi could make out his other features, too, this time. Maybe it was because of the Shadow Game they'd played against Bakura before? But Yugi didn't care to know the reason; he was just happy to finally see more of his other self.
"You know I just don't want you getting hurt," said the Pharaoh after a moment. Distantly, Yugi heard the sound of Bakura pounding against the door of his own soul room.
"Yes, I know. And surely, I've just made it harder for you by dragging Bakura-san into this- and I really am sorry for that- but, he's my friend, too, and-"
"Because of that, you wanted to save him."
Yugi nodded, not at all minding that he'd been cut off. The King continued.
"I can understand the sentiment, aibou, and I'm sure that's just one more reason for me to love you, but even so," his face took on an expression more serious than what was normal for him, "promise me you won't ever do something like this again."
Yugi frowned, conflicted. He wanted to promise at least this much to the god who'd helped him so many times before, but he couldn't risk leaving another friend in danger if it came to it. Naturally, the Pharaoh sensed his partner's hesitation.
"I suppose I shouldn't ask such a thing from one as selfless as you," he sighed tiredly, " but just realize that if it happens again, I may have to take drastic measures to ensure your safety."
The Pharaoh stared intently at him, and Yugi considered his words only a moment before nodding.
"Un. I understand. I'll try to stop worrying you, Pharaoh-sama."
That was the best he could give. Any more would be against his nature, and they both knew it then.
"Could we check on Bakura-san...?" Yugi tried to change the subject. The King shook his head patiently, smiling softly at Yugi's predictability.
"Not yet. Let's give him a while to calm down."
Yugi nodded, seeing the sense in that, "Alright."
And then he woke up.
The next day, Ryou returned to class looking much healthier than Yugi could remember seeing him. It made him smile, even as he felt Bakura-san and the Pharaoh attack each other- like an electric shock sending unpleasant tingles up and down his spine.
The first time, it made him jump, and he was glad no one was around to see it-the last thing he wanted was for anyone to worry over something they wouldn't be able to help- but as they became more rhythmic, he'd learned to brace himself for it, and now it didn't phase him as much. Of course, he knew he could talk with Ryou about it (Bakura-kun, he reminded himself) and he could tell the silver-haired teen was just itching to confront him if the frequent glances were anything to go by.
But Yugi brought this upon himself, so the last thing he wanted was to complain to Bakura-kun about it.
Though apparently that didn't matter much as his classmate came up to him at lunch, just as he was about to open his bento.
"Ano...Yugi-kun...are you alright?"
The voice- gentle, still, but a little louder: a bit more confident- made him pause and look up. He could feel it as both the Thief and the King froze in their attacks.
"Hm? Daijoubu, Bakura-kun. Why do you ask?"
Green eyes were brimming with concern.
"'s just...I know that when he gets angry- or impatient, or frustrated, or even annoyed- it can be...painful. So, I just wanted to make sure you could...handle it- oh! And, Yugi-kun..."
The shorter boy blinked. "Hai?"
"Please, call me Ryou. I owe you that much at least."
Yugi beamed. "Arigatou, Ryou!" The name rolled off his tongue easily. But then Bakura and Yami- as Yugi sometimes referred to him- started fighting again, and Yugi couldn't stop himself from cringing this time. Ryou gave him an empathetic look and a soft pat on the shoulder.
"Ganbaro, Yugi-kun."
Over the course of the next few days, Ryou slowly became a part of Yugi's tiny circle of friends. Just as Yugi expected, they all got along well.
Now, if only the same could be said for those two...
Evidently, being of the same basic class- as in light and dark- did nothing to keep Yami and Bakura from tearing each other's throats out. But Yugi had grown used to it- somewhat- and was able to conceal the physical affects of their fights on him well enough. Of course, Ryou always noticed, and Yugi wouldn't have expected anything less.
But the days went on, and gradually, things settled. The pain in Yugi's chest became a dull ache, and eventually, Yami decided it was safe for him to pay a personal visit to the other god inside his soul.
Bakura's door, like the King's, was large and foreboding, and decorated with various hieroglyphs. Unlike the Pharaoh's though, his radiated darkness and instantly put Yugi on guard.
The door swung open loudly, ominously, and Yugi was taken aback by the darkness inside it. It was as if he'd crossed over into a void, into an endless landscape of despair and all-consuming darkness. He suddenly felt sorry for the spirit here- and the Pharaoh, too, if his room had been even a fraction as dark as this. To be alone in this kind of place for so long...
As if responding to his thoughts, the room lit up a little. Now, Yugi could make out a pair of intense violet eyes, and the maelstrom of emotions within them. There was hatred and anger and hunger and suffering, and Yugi's kind nature demanded he make that negativity go away.
He took a cautious step forward, aware of the King's protective hovering.
Bakura was dangerous, and he couldn't afford to forget that.
Another step.
"...Why...why did you do it, tifl min alshshafq?"
The words were spoken bitterly, and the last half was foreign to Yugi. It was probably Arabic, but he didn't know for sure.
Whatever. That wasn't important.
"...I...I did it to save my friend!"
"Hmph. A little amyr like you would make a nice meal for the alshshatatin. In a world like this, frienship will only lead to ruin."
"I never said which friend I was saving, Bakura-san. It could've been you."
Something flickered in the god's eyes, and Yugi allowed himself to smile. The words left him before he could even process them.
"I'll share my light with you, too."
The Pharaoh made a sound of protest.
"Daijoubu, Ou-sama. I know what I'm doing."
Yugi made himself sound as stern as he could, using the honorific for emphasis. The King sighed, clearly agitated, and Yugi silently promised to make it up to him at some point before looking back to Bakura and offering his hand.
"So? How about it, Bakura-san? All you have to do is try to get along with the other me."
A harsh laugh was his answer.
"Ha...! Hahahaha! You really are a fool, shaqi alththalmin! I will drain you dry until there is nothing left but an empty husk! I-"
"You will not," interrupted the god of kings. "I will protect my rayiysi-syd with my life, and you will only take what he offers you! I'll end you if you ever try to take more! Do you hear me?" The Pharaoh was clearly upset, but Yugi wasn't sure if he could calm him just yet.
The god of thieves seemed to realize this was not an empty threat, and was silent for a moment, before he abruptly grasped Yugi's hand, his claws piercing his palms, but painlessly.
"Very well, shaqi. I accept your offer- but I won't promise I can get along with the kiddie-king there. Such a miracle's beyond me. Now shoo. 'Akhraj."
And then he woke up again.
When he got to school the next day, Yugi was hardly surprised to see Ryou standing in front of his desk.
"Ohayou, Yugi-kun..."
"Ohayou, Ryou-kun! How did you sleep?"
"Oh...I slept well. Did you?"
The worry in his friend's green eyes had been present ever since he'd gotten the ring.
"Yes, I did! Bakura-san and Yami-san are finally being civil towards each other!"
The worry faded almost instantly.
"I'm glad. Your soul must be especially bright if you can handle him. Not like mine at all..."
"Don't say that, Ryou-kun! I'm sure before Bakura-san came, your soul was very bright!"
Ryou smiled softly, growing fond of Yugi all over again.
"Yes...perhaps it was. In any case though," he grew serious again, "be careful. The other me- the one inside that ring- he's very good at tricking people. But also...there's something else in that puzzle, too- something much darker and far more dangerous than Yami-san."
Yugi felt Yami bristle at the mention of a second presence within the puzzle and made a mental note to ask him about it later. For now, the boy decided to send him a bit of his own confidence and faith, and then Yami settled down again.