No. He can't be dead. It just can't be so. Especially after the week she's had. He was the last good one his family. Well Almost. Yes, she was pregnant with his baby.

How could they kill him? Their own blood. Their son and brother. That's right Gerard and Kate killed him. They Killed Chris Argent. They Killed her baby's father.

Flashback – (Four days ago)

They were in a brutal battle. How did someone get killed when it was just Kate and Gerard on the opposing team? I mean they had followers that were fighting most of their team. On their team, it was Scott's pack including the Usual, Stiles, Lydia, Malia, and Liam who is now an alpha, and Hayden. Chris and Peter were working alongside them. Some of the packs old friends even came to help including Isaac, Jackson, Derek and Kira. Everyone was doing their best to stay alive. The killers were trying to kill and non-killers were trying to defend themselves and protect others. He looked to Stiles who was getting extremely hurt. He was bleeding and Chris went over to him to help. He couldn't see Kate or Gerard anywhere. As he was getting Stiles away and into his jeep, Kate and Gerard took their claws out on him. He tried to defend himself but it happened so fast. Within a minute, he was dying. It didn't matter if he got to a hospital he was going to be dead within minutes. Stiles was unconscious in his jeep and he would have been dead next if it hadn't been for Isaac and Liam following the moment they saw Chris taking Stiles. They clawed and fought till they completely killed Kate and Gerard. They were so lucky. They could have been killed themselves but they barely even had any scratches. The others had finished fighting and Scott seeing everything instructed his pack on what they should do now with Chris. Trying to not even think about what he was going to tell his mom. Chris had been dating her for seven months now. He put his thoughts on to Stiles and got into his jeep and drove to the hospital. He was driving and trying to forget that his mom was on shift that night.

When he got to the hospital he got Stiles out of the jeep and carried him inside as quick as he could. When he got inside he tried to get some help while trying to avoid his mom. He got a doctor who brought out a gurney and Scott laid Stiles on it. As they rolled Stiles to a room Scott heard a voice. It was Lydia she sounded really upset she'd probably had been crying. He completely understood her boyfriend's life was in danger. He would have been crying too if he didn't feel the need to be strong for everyone else. He saw her in the distance and ran over to her to give her a hug. They waited a long time before hearing anything on Stiles. Noah came to join them. After seven hours, the doctor finally came out and told them the surgery was a success and that Stiles was sleeping, but they could go in and see him.

They stayed with him all night. Around noon the next day Stiles was waking up and the doctor came in to check on him. Lydia went home and Noah went to get food. Scott would have gone home but his mom would have been home by now and he really didn't want to face her especially when she was probably tired from working the night shift. He really didn't ever want to have to tell her but he knew he would have to. He ended up staying with Stiles all weekend up until today.

Today was the day they let Stiles go home. It was also the day Scott knew he had to tell his mom about Chris.

He went home

His mother walked up to him and gave him a hug. Scott was trying to hold back his tears but seeing his mom made everything he was about to tell her so much harder.

"Mom," he said tears forming in his eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I don't know how to tell you this". The tears started coming out now and he could see his mom getting worried. "The other night we were in an extremely bad battle with Kate and Gerard. He was taking care of Stiles and didn't see them anywhere. They came after him and" The tears were getting worse. Now Melissa had tears in her eyes. "he didn't make it. They killed him." Full on tears were coming out of his eyes. Melissa tried comforting her son but she was crying too. She asked "who didn't make it? Who did they kill?" Scott stayed quiet. No noise was made except for the cries. "No no no absolute not. There's no way." She said as the realization started to hit her on who had died. He hugged his mom tightly and they cried on each other's shoulders. "Mom he was so brave." "Please tell me they are dead" She said with an anger and upset tone. "They are completely dead with no way of coming back. Isaac and Liam came right in time and killed them. With Liam being an alpha now they didn't stand much of a chance." He said as he continued to keep her head on shoulder to let her cry.

End of Flashback.

She was sitting at the table across from Scott. They were just sitting there. Neither had said a word since Scott had told her that the killers were dead. She and Chris had only found out about the baby the morning of when the battle had been. They hadn't even thought about how or when to tell Scott. She guessed now was a good a time as ever.

"Scott. I have something really important to tell you." She choked back tears thinking about how Chris wasn't going to be there to see his child grow up. "What is it you can tell me anything. I'm always here for you, you know that right"? he said. "Scott. I'm" tears were coming down faster. "I'm… I'm… I'm pregnant."