
"You don't take the bus?"

"No, my mother wouldn't allow that. My house isn't that far anyway. Sure you still wanna come?"


Three boys set off from school. Their names were John Griggs III, Manny Carlson, and Sidney Pines, the latter of them walking his bike to keep up with his friends.

Sidney Pines felt a little nervous, if he was being honest. It was hard enough being "that kid with the weird eyes" at school, he wasn't sure how people would react if they found out what his life at home was like.

He trusted John and Manny though. Like him, they weren't exactly the most popular kids in school. John was the kinda kid who reminded the teacher when she forgot to collect homework, so not exactly well liked. Manny, for some reason didn't really like anyone, except John and Sid. Why? Sid sure didn't know, but it was nice having friends, strange as they may be. Rather apt in fact, he had to admit.

It was on a whim John had asked if they could hang out at Sid's house after school, and Sid said yes without paying attention, which brings them to now.

He wasn't so much worried about what they'll think of him, but weird things tended to happen at Casa de Pines, and he wouldn't know how to explain them coming home with extra arms or ghosts possessing them.

"This is your house?" Asked John.

"Air quotes on house" added Manny.

Less of a house, more of a building, really. Tall, made of red bricks, it used to be a store of some kind before Sid's parents bought it. They weren't even inside and Sid's strangeness was already coming to light.

Walking in to the his home, Sid began the rounds, as it were. "So this is kind of like the living room, and the kitchen is over through that door. All our bedrooms are upstairs, the top floor is just storage and a guest room." He went on.

"What about that room?" Manny asked, and Sid already new what room he was talking about. He pointed to a brown wooden door that was closed.

"That's my dad's study. I'm not usually allowed in there while he's working."

"Is he in there now?" asked John.

"He should be." Said Sid.

Sidney led the boys into the small kitchen to get them some sodas.

"Pit cola?" asked John.

"My parent's order it in bulk from Oregon." Sid explained, careful not to say where in Oregon.

Leaving the kitchen intending to go upstairs, the boys bore witness to a curious sight. Sid's father, panicked, leaning against the door to his study. Dipper looked at his son in surprise "Hey you brought friends. That's, uh, great!" he said nervously. Dipper approached them "Hey I'm…" but his introduction was cut short by a pounding on his study door.

"Hang on kids." He said, hurriedly walking back into the living room. Dipper retrieved a small satchel from a table cabinet, and took a crossbow that was mounted on the wall, which Sid was astonished his friends hadn't commented on earlier. He took a vial from the bag and emptied the contents over several crossbow bolts. Finally, he picked from several pendents on the wall having symbols of various religions. He took what Sid recognized as a Celtic Knot, and made his way back toward the study.

He turned and said "Sid, if I don't come out of this room in 15 minutes, call your mom, and tell her we have a code 23." Before quickly reentering the room.

Sid's friends were silent for a moment, and really he was getting tense waiting for their questions.

"…What did you say your dad's job was again?" asked John.

"He's a scientist"

"And a scientist needs a crossbow because why?"

"Vampire hunting, duh." Of course Sid knew it probably wasn't a vampire this time.

Sid turned to his friends. "Look, my dad's work is kinda weird, and sometimes strange things happen; you get used to it. I don't like talking about it at school, but you guys are my friends, and I trust you. That said, can you guys not say anything to your parents? They might think my house is dangerous or something."

John and Manny looked at each other, before looking back to Sid, and signing out that their lips were sealed.

Sid smiled. "You wanna go to my room and play some video games?"


Moving in to his room, Sidney was relieved at how his friends felt, but really should have expected the questions they were sure to have.

"Where did your dad get the scars on his arm?"


"Where's that painting in your kitchen from?"

"France. Mom bought it."

"Why does your dad have all those necklaces?"

"He found them on digs in a bunch of different countries. He's kinda like Indiana Jones."

"That's so cool."

Sid smiled. "Yea, it is."

The door to Sid's room opened, prompting the boys to pause their game.

"Hey kids, up to no good?" A blonde woman entered the room with cans of soda for the boys.

"Hey mom. How's dad?"

"Oh he's fine, he'll just be cleaning up his study for the next few days. I'm home early today which is good because I can meet your friends."

Sid smiled. And then he realized that his mom was about to meet his friends.


"So, you must be John…"

"Yes ma'am"

"And you, must be Manny"

Manny blushed. "Y-yea"

"Sidney talks about you often. Hope my husband's shenanigans didn't scare you guys."

"Oh no ma'am" said John. "I think it's really neat."

"Well that's good to hear. Y'know, Sid used to be terrified of his dad. He would check for him under the bed every night!"

"Mom!" Sidney interjected. "I was three, and dad was keeping an actual mummy in the house!"

"Why did your dad have a mummy in the house?" asked Manny.

"He was asking it questions." Said Sidney.

"He was just studying the sarcophagus." Pacifica corrected.

Pacifica ruffled Sidney's hair. "Anyway, just came up to let you know your dad's fine and to bring you kids some soda."

With that, Sidney's mother left the room.

The afternoon went by quickly after that. The boys played games, ate snacks, and had a grand time. Soon enough, however, it came time for goodbyes.

"Thanks for coming guys, this was great." Said Sidney.

"Oh yea we'll have to come by again. I wanna see more of your dad's stuff." Said John.

Sidney rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah. Thanks for not freaking out about my dad and stuff too."

"Okay, dude, you gotta stop acting like that. You've got tapestries and ancient talismans and crossbows hanging on your walls. My dad's an accountant, the coolest thing you'll find hanging on my walls are his old Star Wars posters. Walking in to your house is like walking into a game of Clue or something; it's awesome!" John said.

Sidney smiled. "Thanks."

"Yeah and your mom's really hot." Added Manny.

Sid did a double take before speaking. "Dude!"

"I mean he's not wrong." John agreed, blushing. "Didn't you say she's like a model or something?"

"She works at a design studio!"

"Did your dad use witchcraft to keep her young or something?"

"No! Well- no. Probably not."

The other two boys laughed. They all shared their last goodbyes when Manny and John's parents came to pick them up.

Sidney was overcome with relief, knowing how his friends felt. That said, he had a whole knew concern.

"Hey dad! You're not used weird magic to keep mom young, are you?"