Chapter One

"Come in," Arizona called out as she glanced briefly at her office door after hearing the soft knock before returning her attention to her work. She'd been reviewing the tests results that had just came in on her newest consult patient from a doctor at Seattle Pres. She knew this patient needed to come in to see her soon and was hoping to get the results read and a viable plan for further testing written up this afternoon so she could get her assistant to make the necessary arrangements to have the patient transferred to Grey-Sloan within the next 24 hours.

Meredith pushed the door open but remained quiet as she observed the blonde with her head down over the tablet she was reviewing. She knew that the other woman must be distracted by whatever she was looking at because she never even acknowledged the opening of her office door. She knew these fetal surgery cases could be really intense and very time sensitive so she just watched Arizona curiously for a few more moments until Arizona lifted her head and addressed her.

"Oh hey, Meredith is there something I can do for you?"

"I just wanted to talk to you about somethings but I can see that you have your hands full at the moment."

"Yeah, unfortunately, this maybe an instance where I was consulted too late to make a difference but I'm hoping that I'm wrong. I just need to finish reviewing the original test results and have her transferred ASAP from Seattle Pres. If you can come back in half an hour, I'll have some free time to grab some lunch and we could talk then if that's okay."

"Sure that's fine. I have an open schedule the rest of the day with no scheduled surgeries. So as long as no 911's come through between now and then, I'm free. Hey, why don't I head across the street to the cafe and pick up lunch for us and meet you back here since what I want to talk about doesn't need an audience with nosy hospital gossipers near by."

"That sounds good. Can you pick me up that Winter Green Salad they have with a bottled water and have them put it on my tab."

"Nope, no can do. Lunch is on me. I'll see you soon." Meredith says before walking out the room and closing the door softly behind her.

Arizona just shakes her head and turns back to her task so she has everything done before her lunch guest returns.

Meredith heads towards the elevator with a slight frown as she realizes that was really the first time they have spoken since Callie left with Sofia. She and Arizona were never really that close until she returned from her hiatus after Derek's death, during which she gave birth to their 3rd child alone. Ellis was a blessing and she hadn't wanted to be seen as the grieving widow to be pitied. Plus, needed that time to come to terms with what she'd lost and unexpectedly gained in their daughter. Upon her return, she and Arizona became close friends when the blonde unexpectedly popped by to help her unpack a few days after she'd moved back into her mother's old house. Just remembering that night brought a smile to her face.

"Hey, I just thought that since everyone seemed busy at the hospital when I headed out that you'd need a little help with the kids and unpacking. So here I am." Arizona smiled as she stood in the doorway. Stepping aside I allowed her in and motioned that she was free to hang up her coat and place her purse on the table by the door as I made way back into the living room to check on the kids.

"Actually, I haven't even begun to think about unpacking. Maggie and Amelia were supposed to help with the kids this week so I could get it done but they've both had major cases and personal affairs keeping them at the hospital. So even though they agreed to move in and help, it's like I'm all alone. What about you, why are you here when you apparently have time away from the hospital?" I asked as we sat on opposite ends of the sofa.

"Oh, well, Callie has Sofia this week and I really didn't want to head home to an empty apartment. And honestly, I miss having a noisy house on days like this one has been. I lost a patient today that was 23 weeks pregnant because she either didn't know she had a clotting issue or failed to mention it. So I was hoping you'd need a hand with the kids or the boxes even, as I could use the distraction."

"Arizona, thank you for the offer and I wouldn't mind the help at all. But can I ask why you chose this as a distraction over going out and possibly meeting someone who can become your distraction?" Meredith hoped she didn't offend the blonde or overstep but she was curious.

"Honestly, dating really doesn't appeal to me right now. I know Callie is dating and that's fine with me really but I didn't ask for the divorce, she did, and I still try to make her happy even if I failed at that during our marriage so I gave her what she wanted and let her go. That doesn't mean that I was ready to let her go however, so the idea of looking for love doesn't interest me since I'm still trying to let go of the love I have for her. It may seem crazy but I've learned a lot about myself and healed a lot since I've been on my own. I continued seeing our therapist and I realize now what I ultimately want is her happy. If I can't do that, I need to let her go be with whomever does. I'm not ready to find my new happy yet since I'm still learning to be myself and actually like who I am again."

As Meredith headed for the cafe she mused about how the rest of that night was spent tending to the kids, unpacking, and talking about things that they didn't really talk about with others. They both opened up about how they'd been dealing with the loss of their loved ones, even though they'd lost them in two very different ways, they still felt at ease with one another enough to know that what was said would never go further than the two of them. They formed a bond and a friendship that week as Arizona stopped over everyday to help. They talked about everything from their near death experiences including the plane crash, how they both dealt with it all, to wondering how to move on with life now that they were both essentially single after losing what they both felt were the loves of their lives, and about how the interns thought them to be immortal. Their friendship and bond had just continued to grow behind the scenes of everyday life as they either texted one another or spoke every night they had a chance to before they went to sleep just to see how the other was dealing with life or just needed a friendly ear to vent their frustrations to when something wasn't going their way. She even listened to Arizona talk about her trivia nights with Richard and how even though she dated and slept with some of the women she met, she never really found a connection with any of them and admitted that it was mostly her way of dealing with the Penny situation.

She knew that Arizona was consulting a family lawyer before Callie did and even though Callie was also her friend she knew that what Arizona was doing was the right thing for herself and Sofia so decided to let them work it out and stay out of it. She thought Callie was rushing into a decision by chasing Penny to New York without really thinking this through. She was not only leaving behind her people, her village, Sofia's village, her hospital, her lab, the Wounded Warrior Project, but she was taking away Sofia from Arizona like it was no big deal for Arizona to lose her daughter. When Callie asked her to testify she agreed because she knew that she was going to offer to do the same thing for Arizona but when she approached Arizona about it she said that she didn't see how that would be a good idea and she wasn't looking to isolate Callie from her friends but just wanted her to realize that she was wrong for trying to take away her daughter. She even admitted to Meredith that she thought they would reach an agreement long before they took the stand truly believing Callie would see the hurt she was causing everyone.

Unfortunately, things didn't go that way and Arizona won full custody of Sofia leaving Meredith to deal with a distraught Callie until one day she came home to find Callie packing hers and Sofia's things for New York. All she got out of Callie was that Arizona had shown up with tickets and told her to go be happy and that they agreed to terms for Sofia. Meredith tried reaching out to Arizona after Callie left the next day but she didn't get a response even though she saw her in passing that first week at the hospital they both seemed to be extremely busy. Meredith soon discovered that the blonde had taken a few weeks off and was gone to DC to see her parents. She realized that she actually missed the text and calls they'd been sharing since the move, hence her journey to the blonde's office with the offer of lunch. She missed her accomplice, as she'd taking to calling her and really just wanted to be in her presence for a while. She had really missed Arizona these past three weeks, more than she cared to think about truthfully, and couldn't wait to see how she was actually doing. There were times when her feelings towards Arizona scared her because she knew that she could fall hard for the other woman and she had moments when she wondered if she had already started down that very road. Not to mention she wanted to find out what the hell she was thinking letting Callie go to New York with Sofia.

She had made it back to the hospital with lunch and was standing in front of the blonde's office door again before she even realized it she was knocking for the second time that day since she had spent the whole trip reminiscing.

Arizona finished going over the test results quickly after Meredith had left to pick up lunch and wrote up her testing plan, transfer, and admittance paper work quickly so that her assistant could get it all handled soon. Time was against them with this case and she just hoped that she had enough left to give this woman and her baby a chance. The equipment here at Grey-Sloan was much more advanced than that at Seattle Pres so hopefully once she had a better picture of things the outcome wouldn't look so bleak.

She sat on the couch once her assistant had left to handle things. She'd told her assistant that she'd be taking a hour and a half break and would be in the office but didn't want to be disturbed unless necessary but that Dr. Grey was allowed in. Her assistant had been with her long enough to understand that she'd be giving her leg a rest and didn't want anybody just walking in on her. So as she sat down and slid her pants leg up to be able to remove her prosthetic she couldn't help but remember back to the first time she allowed Meredith to see her remove it.

It had been a long day and yet she still showed up at Meredith's to help her with the last of the unpacking. The past week had been an eye opener for her regarding the other woman. They actually had a lot in common and similar views on parenting. They had formed a tentative bond over their pasts and had shared things with each other that they felt the other would understand because they had experienced it as well. Hell, she even talked about losing her brother Timothy with Meredith and she rarely spoke of him, even with Callie. As they finished the last box, she realized exactly how tired she was and how much pain she was beginning to feel. She knew she needed to get her prosthetic off soon or the swelling would become unbearable.

"You look tired and you look like you're in pain. Sit down while I take this last box out to the garage and break it down. I'll grab you a glass of water and some ibuprofen for the pain on my way back up."

"Meredith, that's not necessary, I should be going anyways. It's late and you need to take advantage of the peace and quiet while the kids are asleep and your sisters are at the hospital still."

"Nonsense Arizona, you're too tired to drive across town, not to mention the pain you're trying to hide. Sit there and I'll be right back and then we can get you settled in the guest room for the night."

With that Meredith walked out the room leaving the blonde a little stunned that she had basically told her to sit down and shut up but with nicer words. She couldn't help but grin as she realized that was just how the other woman was and it felt good to have someone around who noticed these things. She just sat there rubbing her thigh to try and relieve some pain until Meredith returned.

"Okay, here's the pills and water. What else do you need? I'm sure that I can find something around here for you to sleep in."

"Meredith thank you for this but I really should head home." I wasn't opposed to staying but I had a routine at night. Unfortunately without my crutches, I couldn't get around once I removed my prosthetic and with the swelling already this bad it was definitely a bad idea to sleep with it on.

"Arizona, why don't you want to stay, really? I can see the pain and you really shouldn't be driving this tired. It's almost midnight so what's the real problem here?" Meredith asked as she sat down besides me on the edge of her bed where we had not long ago unpacked the last of her things into this room.

"I have a routine at night and without my crutches…"

"Oh, well just stay in here with me it's a big bed and if you need to get up I can help." Meredith offered.

"You don't have to do that, really."

"What else is it? You know that I don't have a problem sharing a bed with you or any of my friends really. Hell, just this month Alex, Amelia, and Maggie have all shared the bed with me more than once."

I couldn't help but laugh at her a little for that. "Gee, so I'd be one of your many bed partners hun? Way to make me feel special."

We both grinned after that before she placed her hand on my leg causing me to look up at her again.

"I hope you know that I'm not concerned about having you in my bed just because you're into women. Hell, if anything you should be concerned because I snuggle indiscriminately. Seriously, I've accidentally groped Christina so much she swears I'm a secret lesbian. She'd probably stroke out if she ever found out that hers wasn't the only boobs I've handled. And Alex, poor fella, woke up last week with me cupping his junk, thankfully over his pajama pants or that would've been really awkward."

We both broke out laughing at that point. Once the hilarity of that confession wore off, I knew that I could trust her with this.

"I have never let anyone besides Callie, and Alex a few times, see me remove my prosthetic or help me with it. I know it's something that I need to get a grip on or I'll never get past a few dates or the occasional one night stands if I don't but I just don't want to see anyone else look at me like they did. That I am someone they need to fix. I understand Callie to an extent didn't even realize that she was doing it but it still hurt to know she saw me that way. It was actually one of the major issues that drove me into that on-call room with Lauren Boswell that night even if I regretted it immediately after. She knew and still found me attractive and didn't look at me like a project to be fixed or someone to be handled with caution. Alex, well, I just recently learned that he made the actual cut and carries the guilt for it so he doesn't even seem to notice he does it either but the look on their faces sometimes just really cuts into me, you know."

"Well, I don't see you as a project nor do I feel bad because you have one leg because it means that you are still alive and right now that's all I care about. I can't look at you any different once you take those pants off since I've never seen you do that before now. Not that I'm going to sit here and watch you take off your pants."

"Actually, would you watch? It might help me get used to doing this in front of others. I feel comfortable with you here and if I can see that it doesn't always cause people to make the same face then it may help me later on."

After explaining to Meredith that I slept in boxers or just panties when she offered me pajama pants and finishing my nightly routine in the washroom, I returned to her bed and she watched the process of removing my prosthetic from beginning to end. She even helped me ice my leg while we talked over any and everything we had discovered about each other that week before finally drifting off into a good night's sleep just to awake the next morning to Meredith's arms wrapped around my waist while she was spooning me from behind. Since that week we have become really good friends, and I have to admit we've shared the bed more than once and all of them ended up with her wrapped around me at some point during the night.

My friendship with Meredith was easily the most intimate relationship in my life at this point. I felt like she was not only my friend but my best friend and confidant, my person, as she likes to say, in a way no one else has ever been. Alex is her person and I'm her person too but she says that it's different because she feels like she can tell me things that she never told either Alex or Christina and that sometimes that confuses her on what to actually classify me as. So she has taken to just calling me her accomplice since she claims that I know things that should be illegal for anyone to know about her. At this point I'd agree with her since she knows me just as well. I've never had that type of friendship before really. I was as close as could be with Callie but we were never just friends. We went from me kissing her in the bathroom at Joe's to being divorced and fighting a custody battle with some of the best and worst experiences of my life in between but never were we just friends during all that time. Hell, until the ruling came down from the judge in my custody hearing Meredith was usually the last person I spoke with daily, if we couldn't speak for some reason we'd at least text. It seems somehow our friendship has mostly flown under the radar of those around us and we actually agreed that we liked it that way since no one could try to influence it or us for that matter when it came to hospital or personal business. We're sure Maggie and Amelia know we're close friends since it would be hard for them not to notice being they live at Meredith's.

I haven't really spoken to Meredith in the last 3 weeks. The first week after Callie left with Sofia was really hard on me so I pretty much avoided everyone while I arranged for a few weeks off. I had asked for Sofia back that next weekend so that Sofia could see that I wasn't really gone from her everyday life but also so that I could see as well. We skyped that first week every night and every night since. We spent that weekend catching up on how her first week in New York had gone. I listened as she talked about their new apartment, visiting the new school she'd start when she returned, and about how she missed me so much that she wished her Mami would just come home to Seattle without Penny. I tried my best to explain things to her and ease her worries but only time would tell how well she was really adjusting. The schedule we worked out may need to be revised as we go but one thing was for sure, I would not be kept out of my daughter's life.

The week after Sofia went back to New York I took 2 weeks off and flew out to DC to see my parents. I spent the first 8 days with them and really had a heart to heart with them both about everything I'd been through since the plane crash. I told my dad how I felt so disappointed in myself for failing in my marriage and for not being the 'good man in a storm' he'd raised me to be but that I felt I was on my way back to being the best me I could. I spoke with my mom about my friendship with Meredith and how sometimes it confused me because it was easily the most intimate relationship I have in my life right now and how sometimes it blurred the lines a little too much for me to think clearly.

I liked Meredith and could easily fall for her more than I was afraid I already had and sometimes I wondered if she realized just how close we had become or how intimate we could be sometimes. I explained that the sleeping in the same bed, the gentle touches, the cuddling that often occurred on one of our office sofas or the sofa in her living room, sometimes left me with the urge to just grab her and hold on or to just kiss her senseless and see what happened.

My mom said that I should just be honest with Meredith about how I was feeling in those moments and that we'd built a solid friendship over the past year and that it wouldn't cause any problems between us. She also said maybe Meredith was experiencing the same things I was and just wasn't certain what to think since she had never really been with another woman. I didn't discuss Meredith's past with my mom so she didn't know that wasn't exactly the truth. While I learned that Meredith had never been in a relationship with another woman, she had slept with one more than once. Apparently, backpacking across Europe with her friend Sadie Harris had been more interesting than we'd originally heard.

The 9th day I flew into New York and stayed at a nice suite in a hotel near Callie's new place. I'd arranged to have Sofia stay with me the next 3 days so that I could take her to and from school Thursday and Friday so that I could have the chance to go in and meet her new teacher as well as make sure that the school had all my contact information. I wanted it to be perfectly clear that even though I wasn't in New York that I was very much apart of my daughter's life. I wanted to be given the same updates as Callie while making it clear that I would be available to schedule visits for anything needed if time allowed in advance and if not I would be available through Skype unless I was in surgery in which case I would contact them back as soon as I was able (except for emergencies which I left strict instructions on what to say to be patched through to me immediately even if I was in surgery).

I spent Saturday seeing as many places as I could with my baby girl before dropping her off late that night since I had an early flight to catch the next morning. Sofia had asked to come home with me numerous times so she could visit her family and friends and it was getting harder and harder for me to explain why she needed to give New York a chance so her Mami had a chance to be happy. I made plans for her to fly out on her next break from school which was in a few months and would last 2 weeks. Callie claimed that she couldn't ask for the days off to just fly back and forth so frequently since she had just started her new job.

I honestly think Callie believed that I would let it go at that, however, she should have realized that I'd thought of all of this before agreeing to let her take my daughter so far away from me. I'd spoken to Vivian, our usual nanny, a few days before I showed up on Meredith's doorstep and we'd negotiated a new contract that would be very beneficial to her and would rack up my frequent flier miles. She agreed to be Sofia's escort on any trips to and from New York over the next year and would continue to be her nanny anytime I had Sofia in Seattle. She also acted as a back-up nanny for Meredith and a few others from the hospital but her contract with me stated Sofia was priority number one and I made sure she was paid well for it.

Callie seemed surprised that she wouldn't be needing to visit Seattle over the next year as an escort for our daughter but I think she was secretly relieved. I really wish her well with Penny in New York but I think one day she will realize exactly what she's left behind in Seattle and will have to face everyone when the time comes. She acted impulsively when she made this decision and left the life she'd built here to follow someone she'd barely known for a year across the country. I honestly want her happy and hope letting her go will make that possible but I will do all I can to stay connected to Sofia while giving Callie her space away from here and away from me apparently.

I've barely spoken to Callie since the day I said goodbye to her and Sofia in the airport. We arrange visits, pickups, and drop offs through text or email. I bought Sofia her very own cell phone and iPad before she left so that we could contact each other without involving Callie everyday. It has worked well so far and hopefully this year will fly by and then it will be my turn to have her in Seattle for the next year while Callie can arrange visits with our daughter if she intends to stay in New York.

I didn't mean to avoid Meredith these past 3 weeks but I really needed the time to adjust to my new situation. I've really missed her and I hope she's not too pissed that I basically checked out on her and everyone else. I miss seeing Zola, Bailey, and Ellis as well since I've gotten used to being around them on the days I help Meredith with the kids when Amelia or Maggie can't. Hell, I'm sure she misses Sofia too. I need to give her Sofia's cell and Skype numbers so that she and Zola can stay in touch. I'm sure that Callie and Meredith can work out a time once a week so that the girls can talk or possibly Skype to keep their friendship up. I know Sofia has told me more than once how much she misses Zola not to mention her collection of aunts and her uncle Alex. We really do have a village here in Seattle.

I was so lost in my own head that I jumped a little when the soft knock sounded at my door again as it jolted me back to the present and the ache in my leg that I'd been absent mindedly rubbing while waiting on my lunch guest to return.

"Come in." Arizona called out after she regained her composure.

"Hey, did you take care of everything for your patient or do I need to just drop this off so you can finish up?" Meredith questioned as she approached the small coffee table to set the food down.

"I finished everything and have about a hour now before I need to get back to work so please sit with me. I'm sorry that I haven't really spoken with you these past three weeks and if you're not totally pissed at me I sure could use that time to talk to my accomplice." Arizona flashed a full on magical dimpled smile as she glanced up at her friend.

"Well, I'm here so you should know that I'm not totally pissed at you but I am not a happy camper either. I've missed you damn it and I want to know what the hell you were thinking when you showed up on my doorstep with those plane tickets for Callie and Sofia to New York but first you need to go ahead and remove your prosthetic since I can see it's bothering you while I get our lunch ready."

With that said Meredith began taking containers out of the bags while Arizona just grinned at her as she removed her prosthetic and sat it aside before removing the socket as well. She really needs to make an appointment with David in PT to see if she needs an adjustment. She's lost some weight over the last few months and she's noticed some slippage which she believes has been causing all the extra pain and swelling recently.

"You really need to go see David about that you know," Meredith began as she sat next to Arizona on the sofa. "It seems to be giving you a lot of grief these last few months. Do you have an ice pack in here I can grab so you can ice it while you rest?"

"Yes, there's one in the mini fridge by my bed in the suite."

"I can't believe you negotiated your contract to have a private suite inside your office. I guess being the Chief of Pediatrics and Fetal Surgery has it's benefits. Not to mention, being one of the only fetal surgeons on the west coast." Meredith trails off as she enters Arizona's suite only to resume talking as she steps back into the office before closing the door to the suite. "I'm extremely jealous of you right now."

"Well, you know the code to my office and can totally use the suite anytime you like. Just think about how much better it would be to use a private shower and sleep in an actual comfy bed instead of an on-call room next time you're stuck here overnight monitoring a patient. Just thinking about the amount of sex that goes on in those rooms is enough to give me the creeps now."

"Well, now that you mention it, it freaks me out too, even though God knows we've both had our fair share of on-call room hookups. Especially, since I saw how frequently Maggie and DeLuca exited one until recently not to mention what I walked in on Owen and Amelia doing while you were MIA. God, it scarred me for life I think. Then just the other day, I saw Richard and Catherine Avery exit the one closest to my office acting like interns. So I hope that was a serious offer and not your way of trying to butter me up over your absence."

"It was," Arizona laughed as they both settled down and dug into their lunch. "Seriously Meredith, you can use it anytime you need as long as it's just you. I don't want to catch you curled up with someone in my bed or in my shower."

"Well, since I have no urge to curl up around anyone except you lately, I don't think that's a problem. Seriously, I've missed you these past 3 weeks and I think it's worse since we've hardly spoken except for a few vague 'I'm fine' and 'will be back soon' texts. I mean if you think about it, at least once a week or every other week we've ended up curled up in my bed since that first night you stayed. So to go 3 weeks without even knowing that you're truly ok, is really getting to me Arizona."

"I'm really sorry about that and I've missed you too. More than I probably should if we're honest. We need to talk about this. You know that right? I can't be the only one that is starting to think that we need to have a serious discussion."

Meredith sat her lunch down and took a drink of her water while she collected herself for a minute while Arizona just watched her collect her thoughts.

Turning to Arizona, Meredith reached over and grabbed her hand with hers interlocking their fingers easily, as she looked up into those blue eyes that seemed to draw her in even more lately. "I know we do but I also don't really want to discuss it here and now. I would like to see if we can meet at your place this weekend since we're both off and not on-call barring major emergencies. I already asked Maggie and Amelia to watch the kids for me Saturday and to not expect me back till sometime Sunday. I told them I needed a night out and they didn't ask questions after that so they either suspect I'm going out with you now that you're back or that I'm secretly seeing someone. I'd like to sit here with you and finish our lunch, then I want to cuddle in beside you while you tell me what you've been up to while you were gone, and what your reasoning was behind allowing Callie to take Sofia to New York. Not only have I missed you but I have missed the little miss as well and so has Zola."

Squeezing Meredith's hand Arizona impulsively leans over and places a quick kiss on Meredith's cheek before pulling back and noticing a faint blush now adorning it, "Okay, lunch, cuddle, and explanations and I agree to shelve any talk of what's happening between us until Saturday."

Giving one more squeeze to Meredith's hand before she releases it, Arizona settles in and begins to explain everything that's happened over the past 3 weeks while they eat. She explained Sofia asking her why her Mami was sad and crying all the time, her decision to give Callie the last thing she could to give her the chance at happiness Arizona couldn't give her, the contract with the nanny she negotiated, the talk she had with Sofia before she showed up and offered the tickets to Callie, the agreement they came to over custody, saying goodbye to Callie and Sofia that day in the airport, that first week of being so depressed before Sofia was back for that first weekend, spending time with her parents and explaining that she finally told them everything she's been through since the crash, her days with Sofia in New York as she made sure Sofia and everyone else knew that she is still a major part of Sofia's everyday life even if she's thousands of miles away, and finally her thoughts on Callie believing she'd just accept that since she couldn't take off work that Arizona would be fine with not seeing Sofia as much and that they've not really spoken to one another since the airport and that oddly enough she's actually okay with that.

Lunch was long finished by the time Arizona wrapped up her story. Meredith was curled up into her side while tracing random patterns on her right thigh while Arizona absently massaged her left thigh since the ice pack had really helped with the swelling.

"Well, I agree that one of these days Callie will wake up and realize exactly what she left behind to chase a mediocre resident she's barely known a year thousands of miles away. She not only left her cartilage lab, the Chief of Ortho position, the Wounded Warrior project, the hospital that she's part owner of as well as a board member, but she left all of us too. We have a village here and she was part of that and so was Sofia. I know that we'll see Sofia as much as we can and I definitely want her cell and Skype numbers for Zola and myself but I don't know that I can forgive Callie so easily this time. I mean she not only acted like her old impulsive self but she seemed to disregard everyone's feelings this time except her own, including Sofia's. If she makes an effort to stay in touch, I won't ignore her but I'm not going to be the one to reach out after all this. She was one of my best friends and she just left the day after you gave her those tickets with barely an explanation."

"I understand where you're coming from and I honestly don't see her realizing anything is actually wrong for a long time either. Sofia is my only priority now where Callie is concerned. Any lingering thoughts or feelings I may have held onto was ripped apart when she allowed her lawyer to say those things about me in court and imply that I am any less Sofia's mother than she is and it truly hasn't bothered me that she has become someone who I exchange schedules concerning our daughter with over email or text. I would like to have a civil relationship with her for Sofia's sake and if that has to happen this way then I accept that but I had hoped that we could at least be some type of friends rather than co-parenting pen pals, which is basically what we've become."

They spent the rest of Arizona's break just sitting cuddled together on her sofa until a pager decided it was time for them to go back to work. They hurriedly straightened themselves and the office quickly but as Meredith was about to open the door for them to step out she turned and pulled Arizona into a hug and said, "I missed this, I missed you, and hopefully Saturday we'll get a chance to talk about the things we didn't today. Thank you for shelving that talk till then."

As she pulled back, she kissed Arizona on the cheek and then left her standing inside her office with a blush that rivaled her own from earlier.