The girl's hand twitched around the hilt of her sword as she was forced to dodge out of the way of one of the monster's black and red limbs. She looked to Kirito and Sachi taking positions across the other side, then considered the use of Crescent Rose. The boss was a level 45 monster, 5 levels higher than Kirito and some 20 above Sachi. The girl sighed, pointed the tip of her sword at the Nuckelavee, then rushed ahead... Suddenly, as her feet pushed her forward across the floor, she saw the blue banner below the Health Bar, the one with Aura, flashing. Immediately, the girl felt a surge of power in her bones.

Her blade and cloak shined her crimson red as she pushed ahead, dodging both of the creature's arms as it gargled and shrieked from time to time, in both surprise and anger. The girl barreled past the two outstretched arms, sliced the one on her right, then jumped on the second one as it retracted, holding on. The girl, as she finally arrived close to the creature's body, cut the other arm and flew toward it, sending a powerful cut across its chest and making it scream in absolute pain, a hellish shriek. She did a midair somersault and landed, feet against one of the boss chamber's walls, then pushed herself ahead and sliced, but was forced to parry as one of the creature's arms, reattached to its body already, struck at her, sending her tumbling across the floor.

"Holy warpfuckery, Ruby." Kirito said, drawing his Anneal Blade and going beside her "The fuck did we just see?"

"That speed." Sachi continued, raising her shield to parry the creature's strike and deflecting its arm back. She then looked at Ruby and smiled, then said "You were so frickin' fast my eyes couldn't keep up." And the silver-eyed girl smiled, taking a combat stance, then said "Well, I'm pretty strong and that usually translates to speed, don't it?" To which Kirito smirked and said "Strong thighs, then."

"Yep." Ruby smirked, then looked at the creature and added "Aim for the nape?"

Kirito smirked "Sie sind das essen und wir sind die jaeger!"

"The wha-" Ruby asked as a theme tune played above them, seemingly powerful and motivating, but also fast and strong in its instrumental. Strange. Kirito looked up with a glare that could tear through a Grimm Goliath and said "Copyright, much?" Then he sighed and looked to Ruby "Let's just go. I'll explain the references later." And the two attacked the creature head-on, Ruby parrying one of its arms and Kirito jumping over the other. The two approached from both flanks, blades behind their backs as they charged, preparing their swings. The creature didn't know who to focus on, so it tried to take them both on, but before it could react, it felt two cuts clean across its human torso's back and part of its Health Bar dropped (To be exact, the first half of the first bar)

Two more cuts came from both sides and its health dropped considerably. Nearly another bar and a half, leaving it at the one bar and in the yellow zone. Three health bars for a 45-level monster was a stupid design choice by name... Ruby smirked, looked to Kirito, then said "This is too ea-" And before she could finish her sentence, reality hit her as one of the creature's arms caught her and dragged her across the wall, cutting her own health bar to near zero. Kirito chuckled, then said "Serves ya ri-" And he got scooped up too, receiving nearly the same treatment, but thankfully blocking the strike. He was in the red like Ruby, while the hit would've killed him at that level.

"What the hell is wrong with this thing?" Kirito panted, glaring daggers at the creature. "It's like the motherfucker isn't even trying!"

"From the looks of it... It ain't..." Ruby responded, leaning herself on her sword and panting. The girl scowled as she stared at the monstrosity. She stood up, took a combat stance, brandishing her sword, then charged ahead at maximum speed, her blade creating sparks as it skidded on the floor and leaving a burning white mark across the stone floor of the cave. The Nucklelavee's eyes flashed orange as it targeted Ruby, proceeding to charge toward her as if in a joust. Ruby raised her sword from the floor, utilizing both hands and her own strength, then fell to her knees, skidding under the creature's arm as it struck and slashing again across its horse body, leaving a massive red gash from which pixels began to emerge.

The girl swiveled about, planting her blade into the ground and stopping herself. She then yanked, thrusting herself and her weapon toward the creature. Think of all of your enemies as Grimm... Easy to kill if alone! Her thoughts told her. She smirked, then thought up a plan to defeat the creature as Kirito joined the fight, slashing at its arms with renewed vigor. Sachi joined in too, defending with her shield and attacking an arm herself. Ruby, all the while this was happening, jumped onto the creature's back using her powers, shocking it and the others at the sudden transport, then she sliced across its less armored, but spiky back, cutting spikes and finally digging into its dark 'skin', before bringing her blade up above her head, then slamming it down upon the creature, splitting its human top of the body in half. Her blade then thrust into the regenerated horse-head as she cried a battle cry so loud it reverberated throughout the cave.

Its health bar dropped to 0... And Ruby saw it vanish, shattering into pixelated shards and finally dissipating into the air. The girl landed on the floor on her knees, sword against the ground to support herself, the Red Crusader panted, virtual sweat falling from her brow and landing with a quiet plop onto the cave's floor... She smirked, then looked to Kirito and Sachi, who were hunched over and said "We... We did it..." Panting heavily.

An 'Item Received' window appeared ahead of her. It was a weapon... Ruby pressed her hand against it, to reveal a new blade that appeared into her hand. It looked like a daemon-sword, with the Chaos six-pointed Star as its hilt guard, alongside a blade etched in strange symbols. The girl stood up, examining the blade's every intricate detail, them she smirked, slashing forward with it, only to leave a cut across the wall behind Sachi and Kirito, which then exploded, scaring both of them.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Kirito snapped, looking at the sword fearfully "THIS IS A CHAOS-CORRUPTED SWORD WITH THE 4 GODS' HERALDRY! THE FUCK!?"

"What's it doing in SAO?!" Sachi gasped, staring at the weapon with newfound respect. Ruby looked to them, then asked "I-Is it bad if it's Chaos-corrupted?" to which Kirito sighed deeply, then said "That thing can and will tear through the world with ease... It's an OP Sword our dear old admin must've forgotten to remove or hit with the Nerf Hammer... Its stats should be like 999 damage and 999 speed, plus 999 Strength, since going up to the thousands for gear stats is beyond him... Also, the Trademarking for the Chaos symbols must've been a bitch to get a hold of, since Gee-Dubs went out of business 4 years ago and the trademarks were all sold to several companies... And yet Warhammer 40k Still thrives..." He exhaled happily, with a smile "Ah, what a community will do to a game."

"Hey, walking pop culture of humanity references that I don't understand..." Ruby sighed, sheathing the Chaos-corrupted sword. "The blade is named the Wrath of the Immaterium... Any idea why?"

"The 4 Chaos gods live in a different dimension called that, or the Warp." Kirito explained "It's basically a huge seizure-inducing realm of soulstuff and other crap, like dark thoughts and shit."

"Oh..." Ruby's eyes narrowed upon the sword. "Well... I'd better not start hearing those 4 gods from it... Who are they by the way?"

As the trio walked out with their new weapon in sheath, Kirito started explaining "Well, there's Khorne, the-" He saw Ruby chuckle, then say "You said Corn..." making the boy roll his eyes as he continued "The chaos God of War. He is an always-angry paraplegic with a chainsaw ax and a blood and skulls fetish." And seeing Ruby's and Sachi's faces turn into those of disgust, he continued happily "Then there's Grandfather Nurgle, the gigantic space trash bag that creates all sorts of crappy diseases, like crotch rot, eternal nose itching and stuff like that... Oh, and a zombie plague that one time, but I think the Inquisition in the Warhammer-verse dealt with that. Long story. Anyways, then, there's Slaanesh... It's... I can't even comprehend myself what she/he/it/Insertgendertaghere is supposed to be, but she/he/it/Insertgendertaghere has something to do with pleasure and pain. And finally, my personally favorite, Tzeentch. That fuckwit of a space mollusk that'll turn your head upside down both figuratively and literally with all his riddles and FUBAR plans."

"Jesus Christ..." Sachi exhaled, looking at the sword. "It's strangely alluring, I'll say that much..."

Kirito shook his head, then said "Well, too bad, so sad! We're fucking selling it. I don't want to know what Kayaba has programmed it to do(Probably turning people mad or some shit) and we're splitting the profits." He smirked "And I know just the bastard to sell it to." looking at the two girls, who blinked in confusion. He nodded, then said "Follow me..." Taking out his teleport crystal.

Tiff's Shop.

Coming in from narrowed streets in the middle of the night after dropping off Sachi at the hotel, into a store, Ruby was happily smiling upon seeing her old pal. The giant black man with a woman's name swiveled about from his shelves, with a grin, then gave them a mock salute and said "Ah, Kirito! Ruby! How's my least favorite and my most favorite customer, respectively, doing!" to which the two laughed.

"Tiff. Thought I'd seen the last of you on Floor 5." Ruby admitted, holding her cloak over herself and her new sword. The man smirked, then said "Nah. I switch shops regularly. Sell the first property for some money and get this new one with the sales and all." to which Kirito then asked in mockery"Who did you rip off for this place?" Looking about at the inside of the store.

"I feel like I was actually ripped off for it." Admitted the afro-American "Anyway, what brings y'all here? Got something you need, or perhaps something to sell?"

Kirito looked to Ruby , then nodded. Ruby rolled her eyes, then muttered "I would've given it to Keita and let him sell it, but I think the poor idiot would've kept it..." and drew the Chaos-cursed sword, making Tiff snap back and stagger upon seeing it. He gasped, then said "T-That thing is..." to which Ruby nodded calmly and said "Yep. Legendary sword from one of the Field bosses of this game."

"Dude... I've had customers comin' in here asking for that thing and its location... How did you..." Tiff stuttered, to which Ruby shrugged and said "Unlike them, there was three of us."

"They had ENTIRE PARTIES of well-armed level 25 personnel with'em..." Tiff said. Ruby and Kirito exchanged glances, then looked to Tiff and shrugged "Must've been idiots." to which the Black man sighed, bowing his head in defeat, then said "Just hand it here and let me appraise it." to which Ruby merely gave it to the man, then proceeded to explore the store with Kirito. Neat place. It had food, weapons, potions for healing and even teleport crystals. So this was a good place to be...

They heard Tiff drop the sword and looked toward him. He raised his hand and spread his fingers, then yelled "1,000,000 COL. THIS SHIT IS EXPENSIVE AS FUCK!" making their eyes widen in shock. That WAS A lot for an early-player to the game, considering you could buy all of this floor's early gear and possibly a new house on this floor, WHILE STILL HAVING SOME MONEY LEFT.

"So it is a rare sword... Like, rarer than even S-Class ingredients..." Kirito chuckled awkwardly... "Uhm, we just wanna get rid of it Tiff. Opening bid?"

"I'll give you 500,000 for it! Just please let me keep it!" The man yelled, hugging the weapon. Ruby and Kirito looked at each-other, then Kirito said "Think he's..." to which Ruby nodded "Yyyup. Chaos possession." and then she smirked "Let's just destroy the sword."

"WHAT?" Tiff asked, eyes wide as the two approached him menacingly. He started yelling "OKAY, GUYS, I'M NOT POSSESSED, BUT SERIOUSLY, GOOD SWORD AND ALL! PLEASE DON'T! SERIOUSLY AWFUCK-"

Cut to a few moments later, the sword shattered and its remains, red-crimson crystals instead of normal ones, scattered into the night sky. Kirito and Ruby left the place after the red girl comforted a crying Tiff by giving him a hug, a bit of food and saying "There's always the next weapon to sell." before leaving. The redhead rubbed her temples and said "God, I feel so much better... That sword was ACTUALLY giving me headaches..."

"Oh... Crap."