King Cigaredstumpoj walked down the long corridor of the Olympus Mons armory, with his two twin children, Bürunarkus and Skarlazya following shortly behind, along with his advisor, Faluso of the Australe Montes. That day they were to be meeting with the Benevolent Alliance on the topic of the virus. Usually the Alliance would send out recruiters, but Mars was a special case-since there was only one monarch of the planet, and Mars was known for being a strong military planet in sector E9-42 of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Alliance figured it best to meet with the king himself, so they could discuss the recruitment of warriors.
King Cigaredstumpoj brought his children along, so they could watch business unfold, so they would know how to handle deal making, when they would both rule the throne together, in the future. His children were about 6 1/2 Martian years old, about thirteen in our earthling years. They entered the decently sized meeting room, in the center of the armory building. He took his seat, his two kids to the left of him, and his advisor to the right. The entire Martian council sat in the remaining nine seats. At the other end of the table, sat the elders, and General Blorgon of the Alliance.
"King Cigaredstumpoj, it is an honor to speak with you today. You, as well as many other planets in the galaxy, know the situation with the virus. It has spread to this sector of the Galaxy, and soon it may infect the Hominum Three of this solar system. We are well aware of your Martian Military Academy, so we figured to speak to you first, before doing our usual recruiting, on Mars."
Cigaredstumpoj nodded in acknowledgement. He spent a moment thinking. "And it is an honor to host you, General Blorgon. Might I ask what you are looking for in recruits?"
"Preferably good fighting experience. We can teach them of the virus, and how to properly vanquish it. All we need are your strongest warriors. We will provide them battle balls."
"Battle balls?"
"Yes. The balls will bond with them, and super power them, as well as charge their new powered being. Of course, this is no small task-you must choose your warriors carefully, as they will die if separated from their ball for too long. They are permanently bound to protecting their planet from the virus."
"Hm, alright. How many of these battle balls did you bring with you?" King Cigaredstumpoj asked, inquisitively, tapping his finger on his chin.
"I brought 7." General Blorgon replied.
King Cigaredstumpoj narrowed his eyes, in deep thought, to figure out who he could select to be virus warriors. "I have made my decision. I will make the 6 generals of my army the virus warriors."
"And who will take the seventh ball, your highness?"
"You may return it, I only have six generals so I believe I do not need-"
The door whipped open, and Count Venamus came in. He had a wicked grin upon his face.
"Count Venamus!" General Blorgon narrowed his eyes. Usually Count Venamus didn't make big entrances, as he was cloaked by his invisibility, but it was clear his big entrance was to strike fear into the hearts of the Martian council.
He gave an evil laugh. "If that is alright, I'd like to speak with to the members of the council, especially the king." Venamus stood on the table.
Faluso, at that very moment, ran out screaming. Bürunarkus and Skarlazya were both terrified, and hid under the table from Venamus, because he was pretty terrifying.
"How would you like to try my new VIRUS MIST?" Count Venamus sprayed the Martian council with a mysterious red spray, and then they all began to deform in hideous ways. So hideous, that you could find it at a republican debate, spewing raw sewage out of its mouth.
The Benevolent Alliance watched in horror, they weren't quite sure what to do. Skarlazya saw that her father had transformed into a monster and looked angry, a crunching her nose a little. "No one does that to MY DAD!" She started to head out from under the table, but Bürunarkus grabbed her arm.
"Bro, let go of me!"
"Scar, are you CRAZY? Those monsters are dangerous!" Bürunarkus was no doubt a bit of a wimp. At the Phobos military school that the twins attended together, while his sister excelled in most of the physical tasks, Bürunarkus didn't hold up. He lost energy much too quickly, and felt like he was close to dying when he did too much. He was terrible at combat-both regular and mortal.
Skarlazya rolled her eyes, and broke from his grip, pulling herself onto the table.
"Hey Count VenamASS!" Skarlazya threw her boot at him.
The Count turned around, narrowing his eyes to the girl. "A little girl can't defeat me." He crossed his arms.
Skarlazya threw her other boot. "I'm not little! I'm almost 7! That's adolescence on Mars!" She yelled.
Count Venamus just laughed, placing his face in his hand. "It doesn't matter HOW old you are. You can't possibly fight-"
Skarlazya ran at him, giving him a nice hard punch in the face, knocking him over. She kicked him, as well, when he fell down. She panted.
The Benevolent Alliance stood in shock, that a girl so young could take down COUNT VENAMUS, without the slightest bit of fear. General Blorgon stood up, and applauded her. Count Venamus took this as his opportunity to escape.
"Now to capture Count Venamus-wait where did he go?" General Blorgon was puzzled. But he gave it up in favor of now solving the burning issue...
"Princess, do you wish to be a virus warrior?" General Blorgon asked.
"Well...does it mean I can return my father back to normal?" Skarlazya asked.
Bürunarkus peeked out from under the table. HE wanted to be a virus warrior.
"Yes, you can turn all of them back to normal." General Blorgon grabbed a long box, and opened it. Inside were seven battle balls. "Choose your battle ball."
The red one caught her eye, so she took it.
General Blorgon showed her how to mount it to her chest and activate it. He explained her new ability. Skarlazya shapeshifter into several different Martian animals as a test. The glarmiandyr, the martilief, and the jaldyoon. Then General Blorgon showed her how to summon her extractor, and she extracted the virus from her father and the other council members.
King Cigaredstumpoj stared at his daughter, with a battle ball mounted on her chest, in shock. "Daughter, no, you're much to young, I couldn't live with myself if you were to get hurt-"
General Blorgon interrupted. "Your highness, your daughter has displayed conduct becoming of a virus warrior."
The king looked surprised, and then slowly nodded in understanding. He turned to his daughter. "Alright. And with that, I supposed I might as well name you the new, and youngest, general of the Martian military."
Bürunarkus stood up, and pouted. He couldn't help but feel jealous of his sister. Of course, this, unfortunately, would set up years of negativity, between the twins. The twins, who were once very close, would soon find their sibling relationship broken, and it all started that very day, the moment Skarlazya set her hands on the battle ball.