"Bandits! In the village square!"

The Dragon Warrior and Furious Five advanced towards the village square, where they found the infamous crocodile bandits attempting to rob an innocent goose.

"SHAKABOOEE!" Yelled Po as he kicked the leader of the bandits (forgot his name) aside, saving the poor goose.


"Yeah!" I exclaimed happily as a bunch of cookie chunks fell off my mouth. I loved watching Kung Fu Panda during the night, and this episode was called "The Legendary Outsider". Interesting as it sounded, but for the first five minutes I never saw the so called stranger.

Anyway, after a bit of Kung Fu action, the scene changed to the Jade Palace. In that part, Po reunited with Master Shifu and the Five for dinner.

As usual, he narrated a "legendary" story...

"Legend once told of a legendary traveler, a stranger who walked day and night, under the most ardent of suns and beyond the coldest of mountains!" Po started with an epic tone... again, as usual.

I chewed a cookie as the scene played on. "Thish ish getting intereshting." And slurped my chocolate milk.

"She who traveled far and wide, carried secret knowledge. It was so secret that not even the masters of Kung Fu knew about it!"

Between flying leaves and curls of wind, the figure of a tiger was shown. What could only be seen about this tiger was its golden eyes... and a bamboo stick that was its exact same size.

"Her name was Jian.

Even though this traveler knew little about Kung Fu, she fought with courage, earning respect from those who knew her. Any time someone called for help..."

"Help!" An elderly sheep screamed.

"Hiya!" Jian attacked an evildoer with her bamboo stick. The evildoer was sent flying.

"Jian and her bodaciously awesome bamboo staff saved them!

But she couldn't stay to watch over the people. I know, it's sad.

While she earned the love of many citizens around China, Jian continued her endless quest to find the Valley of Peace."

After Po ended his typical story narration, he received a variety of raised brows from Shifu and the Five.


"Po, that story's a myth." Said Tigress.

I almost choked at that part. I couldn't laugh harder.

"Tigress, don't confuse myths with legends. What if it was true that a stranger like Jian finally came to the Valley of Peace?"

I was expecting Shifu or any of the Five respond to that before the TV went static.

"What the...? Stupid TV!" I exclaimed whilst tapping the remote to work, but it wouldn't budge.

What I saw next was the screen showing those color lines as if there was something wrong with the signal or something.

"Ugh!" I got up, allowing my cookies to fall to the floor with my sheets and stuff, and paced towards the TV, constantly banging on the screen.

"Curse... you... stupid...!"

Then came the WEIRDEST part.

My TV erupted some sort of energy shockwave that pretty much shattered everything in my room. It destroyed my cookies and milk, blew off my Kung Fu Panda action figures, and even some wind whirled around my room!

The wind changed its direction towards the TV. I screamed as the TV itself attempted to suck me into itself! Holding onto the edges of my bed wasn't a good idea, but it was the only thing I could hold on to.

"Aah! My cookies!" I shrieked. My cookie pack got sucked into the "white hole".

The wind became stronger each second that my fingers slipped off the edge of the bed. I gasped.

"NOOOO!" I shouted as I got sucked into the hole.

Everything then became black.


I opened my eyes to green surroundings. As the blur in my eyes faded, I realized I saw bamboos, and my body laid flat on fresh grass.

Speaking of which, my body felt... different, in a way I couldn't understand.

"How did I end up in here?" I moaned, stretching my limbs. I felt very flexible... and smooth. "And what- *gasp*!" I looked down at myself. My hands were no longer hands, but PAWS! Also... FOUR FINGERS?!

I suddenly heard rustling. My ears perked up as if I was some sort of animal, and my eyes looked into the bamboo trees for the source of the sound. I then felt something wagging behind me. My sight immediately turned to what I saw, and it was a TAIL!

I gasped harder.

"Wait... Paws with four fingers, hunting instincts, wagging tail..." I muttered.

I hurried to find a pond somewhere. But my legs felt odd, and seemed shorter than my arms. I felt like my balance was off and my body forced me to fall forward. I was literally running like a dizzy person.

I felt a surge of power in my arms, and a stronger force brought me on my fours. I didn't know how I did that, but I ran like an animal! And the thing was, I sort of liked that feeling...

My heart pounded furiously with every pace, making me run faster and faster every second. But then... a puddle. I stopped in a cartoony style and took slow steps towards the water puddle. As I went closer, I stared at my reflection...

No human skin, but light grey and white fur...

I had black markings around my head, fluffy fur on each side of my "cheeks", small, fluffy ears, a somewhat flat, black nose, large whiskers (what kitties have), and golden eyes in light yellow sclera.

My arms and legs felt bigger and less flabby, and my arms had black horizontal stripes. My fingers carried powerful claws...

And last but not least, I wore a pink Chinese qipao and black pants.

I slowly gazed away from my reflection and held my hand- I mean, my paw on my chest, panicking...



Desperation took over. I ran on all fours, screaming insanely. Too much craziness blinded my attention when I suddenly bonked my head with a tree.

Aaaand I blacked out.
