A/N: You can ignore this chapter.

Tony's pov.

Turning a corner Tony sees just the man he was looking for.

"Hey, Coulson! Quick thing. How come that Shield have files on one of my employees?"

Not even glancing up from his tablet Coulson turns with a sigh. "Shield have files on everyone, Stark."

Rolling his eyes Tony walks up to him and leans against the wall. "Oh, how very ominous. I already know you guys don't believe in privacy. But how come his files are classified?"

Sighing Coulson finally looks up."Whose files are classified?"

"Peter Parker's."

Raising a brow Coulson simply looks at him.

"What? It can't be 'cause of the Deadpool thing from a few weeks back. Right?"

Not responding Coulson simply keeps looking at him.

Straightening Tony frowns. "Seriously, what? Is it because of Deadpool. Please don't say that you've marked the kid as a security risk because of that."

Still not getting any answers Tony frustratingly runs a hand through his hair. "Is it even because of Deadpool? I can't read minds, Coulson. And haven't Spider-man turned him good or something?"

Sighing Coulson simply looks back down at his tablet again.

Pouting Tony reaches out a hand to tap on the agent's tablet. "Come on throw me a bone here. I was nice. I could have had Jarvis hack into the files."

Suddenly there's laughter from the vents. "How you can call yourself a genius is a mystery"

Frowning Tony looks up at the ceiling. "Barton get out of my vents."

Oh, my goodness you read this? Well... okay then. Ehhh... Thanks. (b^_^)b
This was just something that I couldn't get out of my head and I couldn't really post it as a separate story so... here it is.

I personally feel like Tony wouldn't have figured out that Peter is Spider-man. Don't know why, just think it fits.
Like it's so obvious and under his nose that he doesn't see it.

I assume Sheild have two separate files for vigilantes/heroes with secret identities.
Like Peter have a file and Spider-man have a separate one. They're both classified. Maybe there's a third extra secret one that connects them. Seems paranoid enough for shield. Right?