Age warning notice before reading. The age reading rating is 14+. Some parts have sexual content and mentions of abuse. Nothing graphic, but if you don't like reading about sex and abuse then read with caution. Again, it's nothing too graphic. A little detailed, but nothing worth being rated M.

Hello guys. It's been awhile since I've published anything. This piece actually took my MONTHS to write. I think I started this back in summer. It took awhile to write because I had trouble with my computer. Some of the keys on my keyboard don't alway work very well so it's hard to type. That's why things come in slower than normal and I apologize for that. That's a little notice to those of you waiting for updates on other things. They're being worked on but it's going slow.

Anyway, I want to introduce this short, but hopefully good read for you. It has two parts to it. The second part I'm still working on now. It's an alternate version of the time jump. There's no Spaleb. Yvonne does not exist. Instead, it's a twist in the story of what's going on. Spencer does something and gets caught deep. Toby sees Spencer in Rosewood and notices she's in trouble with something. Soon someone. He does whatever he can to help her. It's nothing special but I hope you guys will like it. Here's the first part and the second part hopefully will be up shortly. Enjoy. Xox

P.S I'm apologizing now for any grammar mistakes. I read over it some, but I might've missed things cause I've been busy with other stuff. Plus I mentioned I had trouble with my keyboard. Some words may have an 'I' 'K' and or commas missing. Just so you know why that is.

Being with him was like getting a taste of fresh water on a hot day. It was like a fresh breath of air that saves a life. Feeling him against her skin was like a fire ignited inside of her, warming her chilled soul. She couldn't breathe with the way his blue eyes stared into hers, as if he were staring straight into her heart and into her soul. His lips on her neck made her feel like she was in heaven. When he moved his hips forward, going deeper, her eyes rolled back so far, all she could see was the black insides of her eyes. She may have even blacked out for a moment. He continued thrusting against her, deeper, but never going harder. He wanted to savor this moment and take time, make her feel loved. Her mouth hung open as he kissed her body, making sure to pleasure every inch with hot wet kisses. Spencer could feel her insides getting tighter. Her legs arranged themselves around his hips, moaning when he went deeper. Her breath was hot against his skin. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew they should not be doing this. She lightly brushed her lips against his sun kissed skin and nuzzled against his ear.

"We shouldn't be-" her breath was hot in his ear. "We shouldn't be doing this."

Not long after those words left her mouth, a loud moan erupted from her. He stopped his movements for a second and paused himself from kissing her neck. He hovered over her and stared into her with those riveting blue eyes.

"You really want me to stop?" He asked, arching his brow.

He pressed down on her a little so their chest were close together. He rubbed his nose against hers, kissing her softly.

"I'll leave if you really want me to."

He then kissed her cheek, the side of her neck, and nuzzled his face against her sweet spot. Spencer closed her eyes, gripped her fingers against the back of his head, and moaned.

"No," she breathed. "I don't want you to go."

She paused to moan when he began moving against her again.

"But if he catches on to us..."


Again, he stopped moving and looked down at her.

"Everything is going to be alright. I'll take care of everything. You don't have be afraid anymore, okay? What we have is real." He brushed his hand along her hair.

"I love you."

He kissed her ever so softly.

"I love you too, Toby."

3 months earlier

After taking a two-year leave to get his college degree, Toby will be returning to his job as a Rosewood police officer. He's glad to be going back but he's also annoyed. Detective Tanner is making him work under some officer that thinks he's a hot shot. When Toby arrived to the station, a short man with tan skin, short black hair dressed in a suit and tie approached him. Toby could tell by the way his lip was curved into a smirk that this guy was cocky. It's written all over his face that this guy thinks he's better than anybody here. He reached right out to give Toby a hand shake.

"Detective Marco Furey," he grinned at Toby.

Toby flinched at his handshake. His grip was rather tight and when he shook Toby's hand, he gave it a hard tug. Toby tried his best at attempting a smile.

"Officer Toby Cavanaugh," Toby introduced himself.

"It looks like you'll be my partner for sometime," Marco said. "You get to learn from the best. I don't mean to discredit anybody here, but these others guys are total duds."

Toby cleared his throat, "good to know."

A middle age man came up to Marco and whispered something. Marco nodded and told him he'd be right there.

"If you'll excuse me, I have something to take care of in my office. You can fill out paperwork that I left for you to do on my desk."

Toby had to hold himself from rolling his eyes. His first day back and he's already being started off doing paperwork. It's not like today's his first day on the job. Toby took a seat at his desk and sighed at the four folders of paperwork that need to be filled out. He grabbed the first folder from the stack and flipped open to the first page. After looking over the first page, his forehead wrinkled and his eyes narrowed forward. This is Marco's paper work. Marco is supposed to file this stuff out not him. Did that guy really think Toby came back just to do his paperwork? Toby closed up the folder, grabbed all four folders and stood up to take them to Marco's office.

When Toby was halfway to Marco's office, he noticed that the door was slightly ajar. He could just peek inside enough to see that Marco was having a pretty intense conversation with someone. By the tone of Marco's voice, Toby could tell that things were not going well. Marco tried to keep his voice done, but that didn't hide the annoyance in his voice. As Toby got closer to the room, he could see the other person Marco was talking to. It was a young woman with long, wavy brown hair. Her back was turned towards Toby's vision so he couldn't make out who the woman was. That was until Toby heard a familiar voice whisper back to Marco.

"When you said you would help me, I wasn't expecting all these strings to be attached."

"Don't get feisty with me," Marco hissed back, waving his finger at her. "You came to me with this problem so I think it's only fair that you follow my rules."

"I was fine with that at first, but now…"

Toby had to interrupt their little confrontation by knocking on his door. Both eyes turned towards him. The second she turned around, her eyes met his. Toby was right when he first heard her voice. It was Spencer. She's back. She's back in Rosewood. Her hair seemed darker to him and she had bangs. Most women her age with bangs would look like they had a mental break down and decided to chop them off, but Spencer made them work. She looked good. She looked amazing actually. The only thing different Toby noticed about her was her facial expression. It was a similar expression she wore on her face all the time in high school. A time before they ever really knew each other. That's also how she looked for the first few weeks after getting out of the doll house.

If Toby were blind or dumb, he probably would've missed the slight cheer up on Spencer's face when she saw him. Marco turned his body away from Spencer. He sighed and rolled his eyes at Toby.

"What do you want?" He asked forcefully. "We're kind of in the middle of something here."

"Actually," Spencer pushed the strap of her purse up higher on her shoulder. "I was just leaving."

Spencer muttered "excuse me" as she snuck between the two men and walked out of Marco's office. Toby noticed the way Marco's eyes checked her end as she walked away. Toby had to clench his fist together so tight, trying to restrain himself from giving his boss a good pop in the mouth. Marco finally stopped staring when Spencer was out of sight and spun around to face Toby.

"What is it?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Uh this paper work that you asked me to do," Toby started, holding up the folders. "This is your paperwork."

"Yeah, so?" he shrugged.

"So," Toby said like it was obvious to anyone with a brain. "Shouldn't you be the one filing this paperwork out?"

"Look Cavanaugh," Marco said. "I am a very busy man. I don't have time to sit at my desk doing hours of paperwork. Not when I have several cases to run over."

"Marco I'm your partner not…"

"That's right," Marco firmly interrupted. "You're my partner so as my partner, you get to handle my paperwork. You haven't been working here for awhile, so you need to learn how to get back into the system on how things run here."

"But I do know how things run here. I've been working at this station since I was nineteen. None of this stuff is new to me. I just took a break to get a business degree."

"Between the time you took off and started working here again things have changed. Until you've got a firm grip on how I run things here, you will follow my orders. You work under me now, Cavanaugh. You had your chance to have my job, but you chose college. Now, stop screwing around and take care of this paperwork. I would like it back on my desk and completed by noon, got it?"

Toby wanted to argue but didn't really feel like getting into it his first day back. He mumbled "okay" then returned to his desk. Toby spent three hours filling out all this paperwork for Marco. When he finally finished, Toby dropped his pen and stretched out his hand to get rid of his hand cramp. It's just after 11:45. Toby is to have this on Marco's desk by noon. Before getting up to deliver this work to Marco, Toby tossed his empty coffee cup in the trashcan.

Marco's office was a lot bigger than his own. On the wall behind his chair, there's a framed picture of his college degree. He also has awards that he's won in the past. Marco wasn't in his office when Toby walked in. He left a half empty cup of coffee on the desk. Toby walked the paperwork over to Marco's desk and set it on top of his calendar. For some reason, Toby was curious to know more about this guy. Toby walked around his desk and opened Marco's top drawer. He doesn't have much of anything in his top drawer. Just a bunch of pens, pencils, sticky notes, and paperclips. Toby closed that drawer then checked the middle drawer. Jackpot. In this drawer, Marco has a few case files. Not just case files. He has a several magazines of women in bikinis and some magazines of woman posing naked. So, this is the hard work he needed to get done?

While searching through his bottom drawer, he found two other magazines. Toby noticed a small piece of paper was sticking out of one of the magazines. Curious, Toby pulled the picture out from the magazine to look at it. Toby nearly gasped at the photo. It's a picture of Spencer… naked. How? Why does Marco even have this? By the way Spencer was standing in the photo, she looked like she didn't want to be getting her picture taking. That or Marco snuck a picture of her through her bedroom window.

"Can I help you find something?" A voice caught him off guard.

Toby hurried and hide the picture back where he found it. He shut the drawer to Marco's desk and looked straight ahead. Marco stood there in the doorway giving him a stern look. His hands were on his hip as he stepped forward.

"What the hell are you doing in my office?" He asked.

"Uh," Toby stuttered. "I was just dropping off the paperwork I finished."

"I said to leave the work on my desk not in my desk," Marco walked over to where Toby was standing. He nearly took Toby's hand off when he slammed the drawer all the way shut.

"Leave the work on my desk and get out," Marco ordered.

"Yes, sir," Toby mumbled. He moved quickly over to the door and out the door.

It was late evening when Toby got off work. He was supposed to get off at 5 that afternoon, but Marco had him do some "extra" work for him. Before heading out, he went to let Marco know he was leaving. Marco just waved him off trying to focus on his computer screen. Toby was adjusting the sleeves on his jacket while walking out of the station. To his surprise, Spencer was standing outside. She looked up and their eyes met.

"Spencer," he said.

"Toby," her voice was dry.

"What are you doing here?"

Spencer gave him a smirk, "would you believe me if I told you I came to see you?"

"Maybe," he responded taking the last few steps down. "If it were the truth."

She sighed, "okay, I'm not here to see you, but I was still hoping you'd be here when I got here."


Spencer shrugged, "just hoping."

Toby gave her a little smile, "I've never known you to be one to hope before."

"Well, I was trying something new. It's nice to know the first time I hope for something to happen it does."

"What are you still doing back in Rosewood?" He asked. "I know you came back for Charlotte's hearing, but that ended weeks ago."

Spencer bit her lip not knowing how to answer that. "Well, you know my mom had that campaign so I decided to help her with that."

"Didn't that end last week as well?" Toby questioned.

"Alright," she sighed. "The reason I'm still here is because I got fired from my last job and I closed my apartment in D.C. so looks like I'm going to be stuck here for awhile."

Toby's face fell, "oh, Spence I'm sorry. I didn't know."

She shook her head, smiling, "don't apologize. Emily told me you got your college degree." Toby just nodded.

"Wow," Spencer dragged out the sound. "Way to go, Toby."

He took a step closer to her and smiled shyly, "yeah, I thought I'd get a degree in business incase I ever decided to start my own business."

"Are you still doing carpenter stuff?"

"Yeah, sometimes. When I took a break from the station, I built a shed for Ms. White and helped Mr. Sanders build a boat. I'm currently in the process of building my own house."

"You're building your own house that's impressive, but I wouldn't expect anything less from you."

"Maybe you could come over sometime," Toby suggested. "To see the progress and if you're still in town when I finish, you could see the place."

Spencer nodded, "yeah, sure. I'd really like that.

"Good," he smiled at her. "So, I'll call you to set up a time?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

The night after Spencer and Toby spoke outside the police station, Toby had called Spencer and asked her to meet him for coffee at the Brew. She accepted his offer and agreed to meet him at the Brew on Friday at 2pm. After they get coffee, Toby plans on showing her the house he's been working on for years. That Friday, Toby had to be at work at 6 in the morning. Marco was supposed to work this shift, but requested Toby to work instead. Toby had no idea why Marco couldn't work his shift, but showed up anyway. He worried with all the work he had to do, that he wouldn't get to the Brew at the planned time. Finally, at 1:30, Toby got out of work.

He didn't have time to go home to change, so he showed up at the Brew in uniform. Surprisingly, Spencer wasn't at the Brew early. Normally she shows up rather early to things just to be sure she won't be later. Spencer wasn't here yet, so Toby ordered two coffees while he waited. When 2 o'clock rolled around, Spencer still hadn't shown up. Toby checked his own watch just to make sure he has the right time. 2:17 and Spencer still hasn't shown up. Should he be worried? Spencer's usually on time to things and when she's not, she's never this late. Toby waited around for five more minutes. Then five minutes turned into ten. Ten minutes turned into fifteen. At 2:55, Toby took his third empty cup of coffee and the cup he bought for Spencer and threw it in the trash. He put on his police jacket and stepped out of the stuffy coffee place. The second he stepped out onto the sidewalk, somebody called out to him.


He turned around and Spencer was walking quickly down the sidewalk. She was out of breath by the time she reached him. Toby noticed the way she was shaking and her hair was a tad messed up. Her clothes appeared wrinkled and he noticed that the top button on her blouse was hooked up the wrong way.

"Spencer," he sighed. "Where have you…"

"I'm sorry I know I'm really late."

"I was worried about you."

"I'm sorry. I'm so…" She spoke in a pleading tone. "Do you still have time to meet and have coffee?"

Toby sighed, "I already had three cups."

Spencer smiled in surprise, "wow three in just one hour, I'm stunned."

"Spencer I gotta…"

She put her hand on his chest, "Toby wait."

He stopped, "Spencer I was really worried about you. You're not usually late to things especially not an hour late."

"Something came up and I couldn't be here at one, but I'm here now. I didn't forget about you if that's what you were worried about."

"You didn't forget?" Toby scuffed. "If something came up, why didn't you just call to cancel? If you didn't want to meet up, all you had to do was say so."

"No, I didn't want to cancel," She said honestly. "I'm really sorry. I got caught up in something else and I really couldn't get to a phone to call to tell you I would be late."

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Did somebody hurt you or something?"

She hesitated before answering, "no. I just had something I needed to take care of. Look, it's only 3 o'clock and I have two hours of free time. We can still catch up."

Toby sighed, "well, I was planning to show you the house."

"Okay," Spencer smiled. "So, take me to see the house. I really want to see the progress you've made on it."

"Okay, we'll go. Uh, do you have your car or?"

"Yeah, I'm parked around the corner, so I'll just follow you."

Toby nodded. Spencer got in her car and followed Toby to where he's building the house. They drove thirty minutes out of Rosewood until they reached a clearing. Spencer was amazed at the small, but still very nice blue house. She loved all the flowers and bushes out front along the pathway. Spencer got out of her car and met Toby at the end of the stone path.

"So, this is it," Spencer looked up at the house.

Toby nodded, "yeah, this is it."

"It's pretty and very… You."

"Thanks," he chuckled. "So, you want to see the inside?"

"Oh, you mean I get to see more than just the lovely paint job on the outside?" She teased.

Toby playfully rolled his eyes and guided her up the pathway with his hand. She waited for him to unlock and open the door. The door opened and they stepped onto the threshold. On the right side of the wall, there were three wooden hooks to hang coats on. A small, brown rug with welcome stitched across of it laid underneath their feet. The house had a warm cinnamon feel to it. The place felt… inviting. Like this was home.

They took a step further in the house and entered into the living room through a hand carved arch way. The room was furnished with a three seater brown couch with a dark red throw blanket. To the left of the couch, Toby had built a fine rocking chair. On the right side of the couch, Toby had built a table and bought a nice red lamp with a white shade. On the floor in front of the couch, there was a reddish brown persian rug. He had a nice fireplace made out of brick in the corner of the room. There is another entrance way that leads to the kitchen and on the other side of the living room, there's a hallway with several doors on each side of the halls. Spencer supposes the bedrooms are down the hall and the bathroom is at the end.

Toby told her the kitchen still needed some work. The stove hasn't been delivered yet and the floor needs work. Plus, the walls still need another coat of paint. The place has two bedrooms and one bathroom. It's small, but it's home. Spencer was looking around the living room when Toby came out of the kitchen with two beers. He hand one to Spencer and they took a seat on the couch.

"This place is really nice, Toby," Spencer said. "You did a beautiful job on it."

"Thank you," he blushed. "I was thinking if I ever get around to getting that kitchen done, you could come over and I'd make you dinner."

Spencer adjusted herself so she was sitting on one of her legs, "i'd love that."

"Good," he said. "You know I've really missed talking to you and seeing you. After the breakup, you would at least check in every other month plus you're on social media. For the past year and a half, the only time I'd hear from you were the birthday and Christmas cards you sent in the mail."

"Uh, yeah," Spencer played with the back of her curls. "Sorry, I've been busy with life you know."

"Yeah, I totally get it and it's fine."

"Anyway, Emily told me you were working on your last semester of college and I didn't want to bother you."

"You wouldn't have bothered me," he insisted.

"Well, I promise to check in more."


"So," Spencer took a sip of her beer and smiled. "Who are you building the house for?"

"What do you mean?" He chuckled nervously. "What makes you think I'm building it for somebody?"

She gave him her famous Spencer look, "because I know you."

Toby's cheeks turned a tint of red, "maybe I'm just building this house for myself? You know sometimes I build stuff for my own personal use."

She patted his chest with her hand and laughed, "okay. If that's the story you're sticking by."

Spencer picked her beer back up and brought it to her lips. Toby watched the way her pink lips locked around the top of the bottle and the soft gulp sounds she made when she swallowed. Her hair was in messy curls and partly hung around her face. Her long, smooth legs were hiked up on his coffee table. After all these years, Toby still finds her to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Spencer finished her beer and made a satisfying "Ah" sound. She set the empty bottle next to her foot on the coffee table. Toby watched the way she ran her fingers through her hair and slowly dragged them down the length of her hair. When Spencer finally looked at him, she tilted her head and asked what was wrong.

Toby shook his head, "nothing. You're just so beautiful."

"Um," she laughed nervously, biting her lip. "Thank you."

She looked at him and couldn't help from being at awe at the way he's looking at her. His eyes are a special shade of blue and are completely trained on her. She felt her cheeks flush and her lips turn into a shy smile. When she looked down at his lips, she couldn't help but think how kissable they look.

Neither one of them knew how it happened. One minute they were looking at each other then the next their bodies were lying horizontal on the couch with their lips intact. Their legs were intertwined and bodies close together. They were still fully clothed, but their hands were all over each other. Spencer's body was halfway on top of Toby. She could feel his rise underneath their clothes. Her body craved for his touch and her lips craved for the taste of him. They exchanged saliva as their tongues continued to roll and push against the other.

Spencer breathed hard as Toby pulled away from her lips. He looked at her for a second, brushing the curls out of her eyes. Her eyes closed again as his lips found that sweet spot on her neck. If she wasn't already aroused, his lips on her neck always did the trick. Toby's hands trailed up her legs and reached up her skirt for her panties. Spencer moaned as he began dragging her black panties down her legs. In the meantime, Spencer began on the first two buttons on his shirt and went back to kissing his lips. When she got to the third button, she struggled a bit so she had to open her eyes. When she did, her eyes landed on the clock on Toby's table. 5:48 Spencer's eyes went wide.

"Oh my god."

Toby smiled thinking it was a moan or a response to kissing her neck again. That was, until she pulled away and sat up on top of him.

"I'm late," she said, swinging her leg over to get off of him

Spencer got up from Toby's lap and started fixing her hair. She frantically looked around the room for her purse and shoes. Toby deep sighed and sat up on the couch. His light hair stuck up in all different directions.

"Late for what?" He asked.

"Um my parents they're coming home today and I'm supposed to meet them at the airport at 6. It's like a forty minute drive from here."

"Do you really have to go?"

Spencer stopped when she had her shoes on and purse in hand. She looked down at him and her heart melted. His hair was a mess and his shirt was still halfway undone. When she got a glimpse of those abs, she had to hold everything inside of her to keep her from jumping on top of him once more.

"I'm really sorry. I told them i'd be there to pick them up when they got in."

"Okay," Toby gave in. "if you must go then go."

"I'll call you. Bye," she whispered against his lips to kiss him goodbye.

Toby held on for a moment trying to make the kiss last for as long as she'd allow his lips to linger. When he began kissing her back, Spencer giggled.


"Okay, okay," he pulled away, smiling. "Bye."


And then she was out the door.

The next time he saw her was a few days later. She hadn't called him like she said she would. Toby can't help but worry about her. At the end of the week, he finally picked up his phone and tried calling her. She didn't answer. He tried several times to call her in the last couple days. Each time, she wouldn't answer.

Work rolled around Monday morning. Marco has meetings in the afternoon, so that meant Toby would have to take over his paperwork. After he finished Marco's paper work, he'll be on ticket patrol downtown. When he got to work, Marco's door was closed but there was a little gap between the window and the blinds. Toby could make out two figures inside the room. One was standing and one sat on the dest. Both of their voices were in hushed tones. Toby shrugged it all off and went to the break room for coffee.

When he came out of the break room, he walked past Marco's office and heard a thump against the wall. That alarmed him to stop. Even though the voices were muffled, he could hear Marco yelling at somebody.

"You know how this works," Marco said. "I help you out as long as you follow my terms."

"Doing all of this was not part of the deal," a female voice replied.

That was when Marco jumped off his desk, grabbed the woman by her neck and shoved her up against the wall. The girl whimpered and tried to keep her tears from falling. Marco kept his hand on her neck as he spoke.

"As long as you're under my terms, everything I want is part of the deal. I thought you'd learn that by now, but you're so damn stubborn and thick headed it's beginning to get annoying, Spencer."

Toby had just about heard enough of this. It didn't help for him to hear Marco saying Spencer in that tone of voice. So this is the person Marco has been having secret meetings with. It's been Spencer all along. Toby walked up to the door and touched the door handle. Should he go in? Marco has yelled at him numerous times for coming in his office without permission. But, Spencer's in there. By the tone of their voices, things are not going well. With a heavy sigh, Toby turned the doorknob and slowly opened the door. When the door was barely halfway open, Toby saw Marco's hand in the air and Spencer holding her bright red cheek. Oh no, he didn't Toby thought. Marco did not just do to Spencer what he thinks he did. As soon as Marco noticed Toby walked in, he quickly dropped his hand and tried to play it cool.

"Toby," he said calmly, but he could sense the annoyance in Marco's voice. "Um, have you got that paper work finished already? I was thinking I'd give you an extra day, you know? Since you've been working a lot lately."

Toby wasn't paying any attention to what Marco was going on about. His eyes were focused on a teary eyed Spencer avoiding his gaze. Spencer wiped her nose against her sleeve and sniffled. She grabbed her purse that was on the corner chair.

"Um," she sniffled, not bothering to look at either of them. "I'm going to get out of here."

"We'll finish this later, Spencer," Marco said.

Marco must think Toby's pretty stupid to not know what he meant. And Toby noticed the flash of fear in Spencer's eyes before running out of the station. Toby finally looked at Marco.

"Sorry, you had to see that," Marco forced a laugh. "She's kind of a crazy lady."

"Don't think I don't know what you just did to her," Toby nearly barked at him.

Marco was a bit taken back, "it was nothing. She just came in here asking for my help and I kept trying to explain to her the rules about the process."

"I see," Toby crossed his arms. "I don't remember excessive shouting and slapping part of the process."

"Do not tell me how to handle my cases. Shouldn't you be out patrolling the mall parking lot?"

"You can't be doing that to her," Toby said. "Not to her or any other woman. I'm not going to let that happen."

Marco chuckled, dropping his hands to his sides and walked up to him, "and what are you going to do about it? I'm your boss. It's not the other way around. You work for me meaning you have no authority over me."

Toby stared back at him with angry eyes, "this isn't over."

Toby turned away and out of his office. He walked out of the station hoping Spencer would still be out on the steps. Maybe she would wait for him out there. When he reached the steps, Spencer was nowhere to be found. Something is definitely not sitting right with him. Without even checking with his boss, Toby got in his truck and drove to the only place he was sure he'd find Spencer.

End of part one. What do you think is going on between Marco and Spencer? Toby's on his way to find out and soon you will have answers too. Stay tuned for the second part. There's some good stuff coming your way. P.S reviews aren't required but deeply appreciated. *Hint* *hint* (: