"Huh?" Lynn says, pausing

"I said, that I. Love. You" Luan enunciates

"How do you mean?" Lynn asks

"I think you're pretty, you're awesome, you don't get scared, you're perfect. In every way, and from Linc's testimony, you're a pretty good kisser" Luan admits

"Luna!" Lincoln says, knowing Luna told Luan about the kissing thing

"Sorry!" Luna responds

"So… you didn't try to murder me?" Lynn asks


"Sorry I freaked out, and thought I kicked your ass, and have been mean to you for all these years. Oh who am I kidding, I've been a shitty sister!" Lynn says, before bursting into tears

"No Lynn, don't cry! I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this yet, but…"Luna says, producing a guitar similar to Mark Slaughter's "Pictures of you, aw they're still on my mind, you had the smile that could light up the world, now it rains, it seems the sun, never shines. As I drive! down! This lonely, lonely road! Oooh I got this feelin', that I got to let you go. But now you got to fly! Fly to the angels! Havin' to waste your heart, and flowers bloom in your name! Woah-oh-oh, you gotta fly! Fly to the angels! All the stars in the night shiiine in your name" Luna ends, singing the lyrics to "Fly To The Angels" by Slaughter

"That's an awesome song! I like Up All Night."

"I can do that one too" Luna says "When evening comes, I am alive-"

"Luna! Only the first one was helping, sing more ballads!"

"Alright, alright. Bayyybay, you're my angel, come and save tonight. You're my angel, come and make it all righhht! What else, Um, You know I'm a dreamer, but my heart's of gold, I had to run away high, so I wouldn't come home low, just when things went right, doesn't mean they're always wrong, just take this song, and you'll never be left all alone"

"(sniff) That was nice of you Luna, but (sniff) I still don't know if I can live with myself-" Lynn says sadly

"Woah! Lynn. Don't even finish that sentence!" Lincoln interjects

"Yeah! I forgive you!" Luan exclaims

"But I-I can't forgive myself" Lynn sulks

"Lynn Lee Loud Jr. remember how much fun we had at the bar! Where'd that Lynn go?" Luna questions, still too drunk to be sympathetic

"She's g-gone" Lynn chokes

"I'll sleep with you! I'll do whatever you want, Lynn just stay on this earth so I can see your beautiful face every day, that's the only thing that keeps me alive!" Lincoln cries

"Wha-What?" Lynn asks, shocked

"You keep me alive!" Lincoln summarizes

"You keep us all alive in different ways!" Luan exclaims

"Where the hell would I be without the best drummer I've ever seen!?" Luna says (How about sober up, your sister just said she can't live with herself)

"How would I know if my jokes really aren't funny, if not for your cute groan?" Luan asks rhetorically

"You could just-" Lynn starts

"No, we couldn't! You're our everything Lynn!" Lincoln says

"I-I don't know what to do with myself-"

Luna plays the guitar riff from Jack White's version of that song


"What do you mean?"

"I've been on and off the bench for months, with injuries and gigs, and that's about the only direction my life's got"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you were ever even hurt."

"It's okay, they were never major injuries, just scratches, and some sprained wrists and ankles"

"No, not like that, you never show when something's hurting you"

"Well then I guess this is the best time to say, that I'm always hurting a little"

"How s-so?"

"Well, I wonder what life would be like, if we hadn't fallen in love? I mean, I still wouldn't have a direction in my life, but maybe I could have friends, or a boyfriend I wouldn't have to hide from everybody… maybe I'd already have been accepted to Clemson (Rain is Gamecock tears), maybe I could have a car, and a license, we could go on tour, I maybe wouldn't be an alcoholic, although, that's more Luna's fault, I could move to LA like I wanted to do so long ago? But, it's a little late for that now. isn't it?"

"Are you saying, that we-we're not good for each other?"

"No! No. I was just wondering, what it would be like, not that I want to not be with you"

"But, those are your dreams, am-am I killing your dreams?"

"No, it's just, we do so much together, I haven't had time to follow them"

"Well then that tears it, I'm not going to ruin your life any more than I already have, I'll leave you alone for a few days, and we'll see how your life goes"

"I don't want you to leave! I was just thinking-"

"No, don't, just don't talk me out of this, I won't do anything romantic around you for three days, that's 2553 days less than Shenandoah, and I bet your life will go better"

"I guess, but can we kiss now?"

"Eh, what the hell? Starting tomorrow, what I said a bit ago"

"Cool, cool. Hey why haven't Luan and Luna said anything for a while?"

As they both look around, they see a disturbing, yet arousing, sight Luan and Luna kissing, and scissoring, with their clothes and hair a mess

"Aw what?! Never seen love before?" Luna drunkenly shouts

"Lynn, she's drunk! Get her off me, I mean I like this, but I'm tired of you two's cliche shit, and tired in general"

"No problem, but yeah, sorry for being a prick without one to ya, for 18 years or so" Lynn says

"Water under the bridge sis, water under the bridge" Luan says softly