February Prompt - Day One: Love at First Sight

Pairing: Lyvia suggested by anonymous

Title: Eyes on Me

Word Count: 635

Rated: K

Summary: It was the eyes that bore into her back that intrigued her at first. When they were no longer behind her, they appeared before her. Who was she to say it wasn't love at first sight.

Eyes on Me

She felt it in her back, the intense stare that bore through her entire being, engulfed her in subconscious shivers and yet it was comforting. It wasn't a glare of envy nor was it of humor or anger. It was almost soft in a way if you can say such.

The feeling that these eyes gave her made her want to cover herself in a plush duvet. It left a warm feeling in her heart, similar to the way her cheeks began to radiate and her stomach burned with the hot chocolate she sipped from.

Warmness. Gentleness. Softness. Caring.

What was it that led the man two booths behind her to look so intently at the blue haired women? What was it that caused Juvia the wish to turn around, to meet this captor in the same eyes which cherished her?

Her pulse began to quicken, her fingers fidgeting around the ceramic mug in her hands, a humming rampaging between her ears. Juvia knew this act well as she was used to being anxious at times.

Juvia nibbled on her lip, staring blankly at the oak wood table she chose to relax at. The small coffee house buzzed in conversation that Juvia drowned out with her own insecurities.

Yes, she was told she was pretty multiple times, however, she did not believe she was pretty enough to capture someone else's attention. She was never the best in relationships but, for some reason, the gleam to her back made her lungs contract in approval. The fluttering of her heart came then the watery eyes and the petrified smile that quivered.

At this point, she could not hold back anymore. Taking a deep breath, Juvia closed her eyes, willing herself to turn around. When she did, those eyes were no longer there.

What stood before the women was an empty chair at an empty table.

Her courage fell, her mouth open slightly in a somber realization. Even if the eyes she felt had any interest in her, the chance vanished.

Juvia's chest began to hollow the longer she gaped at the wooden stool, hope dwindling down.

Her lips quivered again, no longer out of anxiety, a deeper sorrow aching at her walls.

Whoever it was who watched her so, whatever it was that kept their eyes glued to her, however it be must not have been enough for them to stay. For all Juvia knows, perhaps it was not some romantic situation. Perhaps she had read too much into it and they were only looking in the distance at nothing in particular. Maybe her form had only gotten in the way.

No matter though, she still gave a small smile, the event lifting her spirits at least a little. Her fingers tapping at the swirled patterns that ran along the polished table top, a welcoming sigh sung with the very last thump.

"Excuse me, miss?"

With the introduction of another's voice, a cool palm placed just over her shoulder, Juvia's heart leapt. Her heart did not leap in fear, nor did it leap from surprise.

The voice was well drawled out, deep and enchanting yet… bubbly and a tad bit nervous.

Juvia felt as her cheeks began to heat up again, navy orbs widening while the others hand rubbed her tense joints firmly. She began to feel the same emotion as before with the man's eyes lingering at the top of her head.

Taking a swallowing gulp, Juvia raised her chin meeting beady onyx eyes, short silver locks and the most sincere smile she has ever seen.

"Um, hello. I'm Lyon. I saw you from over there and I just thought that maybe you would like some company?"

That day she swore it was love at first sight. Not only for her, but for him as well.