Peridots depression

Chapter 5

How could she not have seen it?

How could she not have seen this?

How could she not have seen how Peridot would hurt herself? How she would be her, crying silently in front of them all. How could she not have seen? Sure, Garnet didn't believe all the things her future vison shown, would happen. But she still would have checked it out. She was supposed to protect them, even from themselves.

Yet here right before them lie a silently crying Peridot. Not in physical but mentally pain. The latter arguably worse than the first. And she couldn't see it until now. A dark thought entered in to her mind. What else beyond Peridot could she have missed. Garnet felt like she was being ripped apart from the inside, literally. She shook her head. NO! This was not a time to break, this was not a time to falter. This was a time off action. The others need her to be strong. She need her to be strong. And most importantly, Peridot need her.

She kneeled to Peridots height. "Peridot, none of what you have said is true."

"I-I-I t-t-to-old you, you don't have to lie." Snivelled Peridot.

"I am telling you the truth, Peridot." Said Garnet in a calm and almost motherly tone. "All those things you have just said, their completely false. You're not stupid, clumsy, weak, disgusting, timewasting, useless or anything else you may think of yourself. You're smart, precise, strong, beautiful, hard-working and more useful than you can imagine. We don't hate you. We could never hate you. We love you. You're our friend. Our teammate. Our Crystal Gem."

Peridot, who had been looking down on the floor the entire time, looked up into Garnets eyes. And what Garnet saw was pure pain and sadness. She had seen this before. Many times. Too many times. But she also saw something which she also had seen as much. Hope. Hidden among all that sadness, despair and darkness, it was there. Small but still there.

"B-bbut all those things I did to you all." Sniffled Peridot. "Every time I hurt you, made you feel inferior, angry, sad. You can't forgive me for them."

"Yes, we can" said Pearl. She had also kneeled to Peridot. And she looked at her with sincere but loving eyes. The kind that would never lie. They all did. Steven, Amethyst and Lapis. "We can, and we have forgiven you Peridot. For everything. Sure, we were hurt and sadden but that doesn´t mean we can't forgive. We all make mistakes. We all at some point hurt those close too us but that doesn't mean we can't be forgiven. It doesn't make those things we did right, but it shows that we can and will change."

She laid her hand on her chest. "It hurt me when you treated me like a servant but too be honest on Homeworld Pearls are servants, slaves even. You couldn't have known that it was not the same on Earth and when you did, you tried to treat me like your equal."

Amethyst put her hand on her chest. "It hurt me when you said I was a defect, but you didn't mean to insult me or make me feel small. You were being honest with me. And when you realised you did hurt me you tried make up for your mistake. And that's makes me feel happy and big. And yes, it did hurt me when you said you didn't want to be my girlfriend but that's how you feel, and I can't change that. And it doesn't mean you can get rid of me that easily, you dork." Peridot gave a little snark at that.

Garnet laid her hand on her chest. "It hurt me when you wanted me to unfuse but I fully understand. On Homeworld fusion between different gems is viewed as an abomination to the very nature of gems and fusion. Of course, you would be uncomfortable. But when you realised the truth you didn't ask me to unfuse again and more importantly you became my friend. And sometimes action speaks larger than words."

Steven laid his hand on his chest. "It hurt me when I thought you had betrayed us for Yellow Diamond because you're a really good friend. You try really hard to understand and even when you misinterpret stuff, it doesn't make me annoyed or anything. I like teaching you about Earth and I love that you want to know so much about it. You even tried to make Yellow Diamond understand and when she didn't you stood up against her. You want to protect our home. That's makes you a Crystal Gem and my friend".

Lapis laid her hand on her chest. "It hurt me how you treated me when I was your prisoner. You treated me like I was worst thing in existence. Yelling at me, calling me names and handling me like trash. But from what the Diamonds told you about me, you couldn't have thought anything else. And when you learned that the Diamonds weren't always right, you tried to make up with me. But then I was the one who yelled at you, called you names and handled you like trash. And yet you still tried to be my friend. It was then I realised that you hade changed and let go off all the hate towards you. And then I saw you for what you truly are. A compassionate friend who always try to cheer one up when one feels sad."

Garnet smiled. "You see, Peridot. We have forgiven you. Even after all the times you have hurt us, we still forgive you. Your still our friend. You heal us, makes us feel strong, important, happy and loved. That's what friends do. That's what you do."

Peridot looked at them. Full of astonishment and hope. "You mean it? Y-You really mean it?"

Garnet nodded. "We do."

Then Peridot cried.

And then Peridot laughed.

And the she hugged them.

And they hugged Peridot.

Peridot still had doubts and fears. That they lied and secretly hated her. They were always there. But now Peridot didn't believe them. They no longer controlled her or made her insolate herself or her friends. Because now she knew the truth. The truth that no matter what they said could never change. Her friends loved her and had forgiven her. Peridot was loved.