Okay, I will admit, I was wrong. I got engrossed in Fickle Things and pretty much forgot about God-#...
I've had this chapter for weeks now, and I completely derped on publishing it.
Welp, here you go.
The mere sight of Surga in the sky put Vale to a standstill, even from miles away. Ziz had already been introduced, cloaked within the mountains to the north, but this.
Surga was on a scale unto its own.
At a distance where Draga didn't even register despite his contrast against the white of the massive Nevermore's mask, it blocked out the sun.
And then, as it sped towards Vale at speeds completely unheard of by both machine and man, Draga spoke.
"Greetings people of Vale, I have come to relieve your fears and instill a new one."
The voice boomed against the borders of the walled city, echoing throughout at a volume that allowed even those underground to hear.
"I have attained control over the Grimm, including the legendary beast beneath me."
For the sake of emphasis, he makes Surga cry out over the land with visible sound waves leveling the unfortunate mountain in front of her at the time.
"Any questions will be directed towards me and my massive bird. On that note, do any of you have any questions?"
There are very few answers, and the few he gets are all pertaining to his plans for the future.
Specifically if he was going to kill them.
"I see you fear for your lives."
There are nods from a lot of people, but many more are still standing in confused silence.
"Well fear not. I have not come to kill you all, and even if I had I'd have done it already. Instead, I wish to, how you say, take over the world."
More responses, although it was hard to hear many of the whispers even with his frankly ridiculous sensory capabilities.
Unfortunately for them, one person stood out from the group...
Because he was on top of the bird too.
Draga disables his voice enhancement, his aura awakening to replace it. The pressure the newly blackened soul he'd been granted has is powerful enough to bring many humans down below to their knees and many children pass out, but Ozpin stands there defiantly without any visible reaction.
"And why would we let you take over the world?"
Draga smiles broadly, although his plague doctor mask prevents it from being seen.
"And why would I tell you if you could stop me?"
It was true that Ozpin was powerful, that much was obvious, but there was a tiny flaw in his plan.
Chaos rules supreme.
No matter how capable Ozpin was, it mattered not if Chaos wanted him to let Draga work and was able to stop Ozpin. Before he even glanced in his direction, Draga already knew he stole his Chaos Token.
And he could see what it was doing to him, even though Ozpin couldn't.
"Please, do tell where that came from. I'd love to turn a thief over to their god."
Ozpin glowers, a hand entering his jacket pocket to pull it out.
But it doesn't. The moment it touches the trinket, Ozpin loses control over the limb.
"You absolute fool; didn't anyone teach you not to take what isn't yours?"
The answer was actually yes, but Oz wasn't going to say reply to that.
Draga smiles, tilting his head in amusement.
"Ah... Did I hurt the little headmasters feelings?"
Ozpin still doesn't respond, but a twitch in his eyebrows gives away his annoyance.
You know, this is actually kind of fun.
"Tzeench, come on out, would you?"
Ozpin convulses spaztically for a second before his eyes level at Draga's.
"You called?"
Draga smirks, his calm gaze mirroring the Chaos God's own.
"I assume you want something?"
The corrupted man smiles, a pleasant one full of warmth in complete opposition to the meaning of his words.
"I just want a little entertainment."
Draga's smirk morphs, turning into a cruel grin.
"Enjoy the show."
As those words settle, Draga lifts his hands upwards and into the Abyss.
"Oh, I will."
Draga's hand falls down out of it, a massive data file about a certain Alex Mercer sitting in his hands.
In a flash of light, the file is gone and the knowledge and skills it contained were all beamed into his head.
Draga's hand bursts into a mix of red and black tendrils, the shattering of his skin not even causing a single ounce of pain in his body. The tendrils wrap around themselves, forming a massive tentacle that had a name but...
Extendotentacle. Way better.
Especially with the range the skill offered.
It didn't.
That's right... He had an infinite range melee attack. Brilliant design.
But, it was just a start.
Soon, this world would know fear.
I must apologize again. These were supposed to be a lot more frequent then they are, but I swear Villain!Draga is gonna be a thing I write. It's actually kind of interesting writing like this. It's like writing the original Grim again, but with even more ridiculous powers.