AN: I apologize for the length between postings but such is life sometimes. I also apologize if I make anyone unhappy with the characterizations towards the end of this chapter. Since I first decided to write this story character growth was a primary source of inspiration; that being said, I am setting a rather blunt benchmark with this chapter. I still have a LONG way to go with this story but I am not one to leave a story unfinished. Thanks for sticking with me, enjoy reading, and let me know what you think. Sadly still do not own these characters.
Serena stumbled back against the tree trying to regain her breath. She had to be about fifteen feet off the ground and a recent rain was making it difficult to maintain a decent footing. These after-dusk training exercises Mina had devised were likely to kill her faster than any creature could. In essence all they were doing was an advanced form of hide and seek but given each girl's talents likening it to a simple child's game was highly inaccurate. 'Perhaps adding an element of dodge ball,' she mused sarcastically. '...if the ball was made of fire or lightning, would be more accurate.'
"You have quite a knack for hiding these days," she heard him say behind her. Lost in her own thoughts she hadn't seen him close in. His breathy words felt like velvet against her neck causing a shiver ran to down her spine
Suddenly she was thankful for the dark as her cheeks burned crimson. "Darian…"
A week had passed since their encounter at the temple and while she knew it was childish she found herself avoiding him ever since. She was very confused and she felt seeing him would make that confusion all the worse. It was difficult to feel hurt when he looked at her the way he did. Even now, with only the moon to light his features, the feelings he stirred with his smile were not that of pain and she could feel herself wanting to fall all over again.
Wrapping his arm around her waist she felt him brace them both against the trees interior. "Your training is improving quite nicely." This time she felt his breath on her ear as his lips barely brushed against it.
"Why are you here?" she asked trying to think of anything that wasn't the feel of his body pressed up against her.
"I could say that Mina finally wore me down and I came out of obligation," she could hear the amusement in his words. "But, alas, I came to see you."
The fingertips of his free hand touched her cheek and traced their way from her jawline down her neck. Her breath hitched at the gesture and she leaned into the caress.
"I miss you," he whispered gently placing a small kiss on the other side of her neck just below her ear.
She couldn't say anything. The small kiss itself made her dizzy and she found herself turning toward him.
His lips caught hers lightly at first, a question moreso then anything. She met his lips with her own, a surprising hunger exploding in her chest. It was as though she had been thirsty for days and he was the sweetest fountain she'd ever tasted.
A small moan escaped her lips as he pressed her against the tree meeting her hunger with his own. He traced kisses down her neck as she gave way to the sensation entirely.
He laughed, breathy and low. "I think you just gave way our position."
She, too, sensed the incoming danger and the two of them leapt apart. While the tree erupted in flame, she couldn't help but note the real fire that roared in her belly or the pleasurable stinging that played on her lips.
At the temples base the scouts began to gather after their training. Serena was attending minor scrapes and assessing bruises while Mina and Ami went over logistics and tactics. She smiled appreciatively, listening to them analyzing every move. Her style was much different and while her dodge and duck instinctual method was effective, it wouldn't really lend itself to the conversation.
"Serena?!" Lita called, dashing out of a set of trees to her left.
"What?" She replied caught of guard by the eagerness of her statuesque hovering friend.
"Did I see what I think I saw?" She whispered kneeling beside her and wiggling her eyebrows conspiratorially.
"What?" She asked again this time confused.
"Oh, come on," she said prodding her playfully with her elbow. "Serena and Darian sitting in a tree. K-I-"
Too late, Serena put her hand over Lita's mouth, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"Did you two get back together?" Mina asked, her level of enthusiasm matching Lita's.
"It's good he finally forgave you for whatever you did," Rei interjected while removing her training gloves. She had just emerged from the same area that Lita had entered.
Serena just blinked, lost like a deer in headlights.
"Rei!" Ami chastised.
"What?! I'm just saying that it's good he can be mature and forgiving. She needs that. She's clumsy and screws up easy."
"Rei you're just angry because you saw them too." Lita said dismissively. "I was happy to let them have some time together, but a few moments later the tree was on fire."
"The exercise was evasion and tracking. I did my part." She replied cooly.
"Gold star for the scout then," Lita muttered agitated before turning back to Serena. "It doesn't matter what you did before, it's just good you guys are back."
Serena stared at Lita for a long time before she asked quietly, "Is that what you all think? That I messed up?"
Confused and concerned expressions told Serena more than words could.
"We just assumed...when you never said...that…" Ami trailed off nervously. Though she had to give her credit, she was the only one who tried to say anything at all.
"I see," Serena replied gathering her few things and starting down the long stairway.
"Were we wrong?" Lita asked standing again.
Serena couldn't speak when she turned back but the tear stained cheeks and pained expression told them what she couldn't. They'd underestimated her and it hurt.