Graduation has come and gone. I am at least talking to Clyde. I can tell he is going out of his way to be nice to me and I let him because I always have. Most of our classmates are going away to college but not me. I am staying behind in good old South Park spending a year not doing shit. I am surprised my dad isn't trying to kick me out of the house.

Token is planning this trip to the lake. His parents have a time share there and he decided to take advantage of it this year. Token plans to stay the whole week with Nicole and Friday night is the party where some of us will most likely end up staying over.

I am in Tweek's room spilling my guts out to him because I don't feel like I can be honest with Clyde or Token for that matter. Tweek never judges me and always tries to help me make sense of things.

"You sure you don't want to come to the party?"

"Oh I'm sure" replied Tweek. "Not really my scene." I nod in agreement. Tweek is not really the partying type. "I know that's not the only reason you are here."

I sigh. "Nope, I um, I don't know where to start." Tweek looks at me from his desk.

"You should try being honest with yourself Craig. You have feelings for Clyde. It's like you're afraid. Don't let your parents' marriage mess up a good thing you could have going." God, can he read me like a book.

"I didn't know if I had feelings for him not" I explained annoyed at myself more so than him. "You know we have been hanging out and I mean I have pretty forgiven him and moved forward but I can tell he is putting on a front. I'm hurting in a way."

"We're omegas. We need our alphas. If I must say again I think Clyde is an excellent choice. Why don't you try returning his feelings and see where things go? You don't have to bond yourself to him. Gah, you know what I mean."

I smile. "Yeah Tweek I do. Are you sure you can't come?"

"Yes. Have you had your heat yet?" I winch. I haven't had my heat since back in April.

"No" I reply.

"What!" exclaims Tweek.

"I don't know what is going on" I explain. "I spoke to Kyle about it a little since he is smart as hell and he thinks it might be stress related or whatever."

"I think he might be right" agreed Tweek. "Do you have your heat pills?"

I frown. "No, I don't think I need them."

"You never know" explained Tweek. "I keep some in my backpack and in my car."

"Yeah okay, thanks for the advice doctor. I'm about to go so I won't be late."

I stand up to head towards the door. I make my way over to Token parents house. I walk over to Token where he has the Rav loaded. Everything I have is in a medium size duffel bag. I see Clyde look at me and smile. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach. I toss him my bag with no warning, his athletic ass manages to catch it. He goes and adds it to the truck as Token walks over to greet me.

"Glad you could finally show up" grinned Token.

"Whatever" I said pulling out a cigarette.

"Hey! None of that! I have given the address to several people so I am sure they will show up sometime later tonight. You riding with Clyde right?"

"Yes" I replied. I walk over to Clyde's truck more than ready to get the show on the road. On the way there we just made mindless chat about summer plans. Clyde is so excited about taking the summer off. He is trying to decide if he wants to go on a road trip or not. Sounds pretty cool but I keep that thought to myself.

We arrive and I get settled into the room I am staying in. I wonder what my life would be like if my parents were loaded? I would probably still be an asshole. I am pleased to see the room has its own bathroom. Yeah, Token's parents have to be loaded. I went back downstairs and saw no one was in sight. It appears Token is giving a tour. I already go for the booze. I feel so nervous about letting everything out. I know he loves me or whatever but I am not the best at exposing myself.

Pretty soon I start to spot some of my old classmates. Amazing how the cliques didn't seem to change too much. I see Stan and Kyle huddled in the corner. Stan is hovering over him very protective like. He has always been protective of Kyle but ever since they bonded Stan seems a bit more possessive. Everyone is fine as long as they do nothing to hurt or put Kyle in harm's way. Cartman has even stopped making his usual cruel jokes on Kyle, he knows better.

I see Clyde on the dance floor dancing with Annie. I frown at the sight. I want to make a move but dancing is not really my strong point. I feel like I have two left feet. After I finish my 3rd drink I feel loose enough to make an ass out of myself on the dance floor. I head out to the floor bobbing my head before trying to move my legs and other body parts. I have my eyes closed as I get lost in the music. I don't hear anyone laughing at me so I must not be doing too bad.

I feel a hand on my hip sending chills up my spine. I don't want to lose my nerve now. I continue dancing and I can smell Clyde. I open my eyes and look down and I see the sleeve to his letterman jacket. I feel my heart speeding up. Knew I should have just kept on dancing.

He pushes up against my ass causing me to gasp in surprise. He is actually hard. Makes me wonder how the hell is he hiding it. I can hear him breathing in my ear as he has leaned closer.

"You trying to capture my attention?" he whispers. "No need, you always have my attention." I feel myself blushing.

"Um yeah, I kind of need a break" I lied. "I need to use the restroom." I walk off the dance floor not waiting for Clyde to respond. I get to the bathroom inside the room I am staying in. I splash water in my face. Why is this hard for me? I dry my face and shrug my shoulders at the question I just asked myself. Maybe I just need to stop giving a fuck. I have to say that is the boldest thing he has said to me in months. He usually doesn't hit at the fact that he is in love with me. I walk out of the bathroom surprised but not surprised to see Clyde. "Stocking me Donovan?"

He chuckles. "No. I don't think I have ever seen you dance. Not even at prom."

"Sounds about right" I agree crossing my arms to distract myself from looking at the bulge in his jeans. I look at his face that is slightly flushed from drinking. He stares back at me with such an intense stare. You think I would be use to this shit after dealing with it for months but I'm not.

"I know you feel it" stated Clyde standing up into a dominate position. I swallow hard. We are both aroused. I am good at hiding it but the drinking has me worn down. "You said you trust me a while back Craig?"

"Of course, I trust you" I scoff. "I mean I am trying here." Clyde nods.

"You ready to head back to the party?"

"Yeah" I reply following him to the door. I get close enough to hug him from behind. Clyde stops moving as I hug my chest into his back. I breath in his scent. I whimper a little because I am trying to keep myself from going into a heat. "I know it doesn't seem like I am trying but I am. "Clyde." I just listen to him breathing as I know he understands me, he always does.

"It's cool dude" he said. "Calm down though. I can feel your body temperature rising."

"I'm trying" I whine. I just me trying to hold back my feelings after I knew what they are backfired. I feel the heat taking over my body and making my ache. "Shit"

"I got you" said Clyde pushing my back into the room. He closes the door locking it and goes to open the windows. I can feel my slick pooling, god this is embarrassing. Clyde tossing his jacket off and removing all of his clothes quickly. I am bit more shy although I shouldn't be. He has seen me before. Clyde looks at me and I want to drop to my knees and suck him dry. "Let me help you."

He undresses me quickly. When he gets to my briefs I can tell my scent has gotten to him because he lets out a low growl. I feel his hands running over my hips and I moan from the contact with the aching getting worse.

"Clyde" I choke out shakily.

"I know" he admits standing up. "What position do you want? This should make your heat disappear."

"Doggy" I say not even thinking about it. I want Clyde's alpha side to pound as deep in me as possible like the animal I know he is deep down inside. I see Clyde grabbing a condom that is special made for alphas to hold the loads of cum and knotting. I lay on the bed and spread my legs while being on my knees. I can now feel the slick dripping down my legs. "Hurry"

Clyde climbs behind me and I can hear him stroking his massive dick making me groan in anticipation. He grabs my hip sliding in slowly. It feels so good I almost feel like crying. He thrusts into me sending a wave of pleasure my way.

"Thank you" I cry because I can't hold it in. Clyde continues to stroke me deep and slow not missing a beat.

"Admit that you love me Craig" he said. "Or we will have to keep dealing with you going into the unnecessary heat because you are stressing yourself out."

"Ah" I moan. "There is nothing to say. I'm happy, everything is good." Clyde stops moving.

"You are going to try and lie to me" he states.

"Please don't stop" I beg reaching my hand back to grab his hips.

"Tell me the truth" he said leaning closer to me. "Tell me that you love me?" He is not using his alpha voice so this is not a command in any way.

"I love you" I choke out. "I really do now for the love of god keep fucking me." Clyde hovers closer to me kissing my neck.

"I love you too" he responds. "Now take this dick." I come hearing him say this. It's nice to not have to hear Clyde being emotional and owning his alpha. "Shit." I am sure he could feel my ass clinching him tightly. He goes back to thrusting inside me. I am still enjoying every minute of it despite the fact that I just came. Clyde stops giving me instructions to turn over.

I am looking up at Clyde as I can feel the heat clog slowly remove. The only thing I enjoy about after the first heat you can get rid of your heat by mating. Clyde hits my happy area causing me to arch my back. He slides his hand under my back pulling my closer to him.

"Fuck" I moan as I feel myself getting hard again.

"Tell me how good it feels" asks Clyde as he continues to move inside of me.

"It feels good" I reply.

"You don't sound convincing" said Clyde hitting my spot again. I dig my nails into his back so hard I feel like I am going to leave a mark.

"Clyde" I whine. "You always make me feel good. Rather you are here or not. Your all I can think about." Clyde buries his face in my neck grunting as he continues to serve me this good thick stick that is currently soothing my soul. "I have always had love for you but I didn't want to be vulnerable." Clyde pulls up slowing down his pace.

"I love you so much man" he confesses. "I want to protect you and love you forever." I moan as I feel the bond he branded me with. I knew he was telling the truth even without the bond. I want to bond with him, knowing we are both in love and he can protect me from everything. I lick my lips staring at him. "Do it." He leans over and I bit into his neck.

I hear Clyde hissing and moaning. I latch my hands onto his back feeling the scratches I left behind. I can tell he is coming by the way he is thrusting. I feel his knot expand inside me as his strokes become slower until he finally slows down to a stop. We can hear nothing but our breathing for a while. I can feel everything he is feeling; he is so happy that I love him. I close my eyes realizing he has loved me since we were kids but I never knew. I feel so bad knowing I hurt him when I started dating Tweek. Tweek and I were kind of paired together and nature finally took its course.

"You really had no clue, huh?" stated Clyde.

"No, I didn't" I reply lowly. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"It's okay" replied Clyde shifting to lay beside me. "I know you really care about me and accept my love for you. I know you love me but had a hard time expressing it. I understand why though." I nod not wanting to talk about the issue as much. Being ignored by my parents left me feeling alone and unloved. Tweek was the only person I ever let in because he accepted me flaws and all. Clyde, with me loving him the way I did. I wanted him to be impressed with me not turned off by my mental issues.

"Do we have to go back to the party?" I ask.

"Not if you don't want to" said Clyde.

"I just want to stay here in your arms a bit longer" I admit. Clyde hugs me from behind as we are still connected by his knot. I do feel safe in his arms and wish I could have been bonded to him a long time ago. I stare out the window listening to the water on the lake and I think about what my life will be like from now on.