Finally the lights of his hometown loomed into view. He blinked a few times, trying to get some moisture into his dry eyes and he rolled his shoulders. Cracking the window the chill January air made him shiver a little. He'd missed this place; he'd missed a lot of things.

Going away was supposed to clear his head and to some degree it had. It went in a direction he wasn't expecting but if his aim was to figure out what he wanted he'd at least achieved that.

It wasn't until the city was almost touchable that reality hit. He had no home. The plan did not include arriving at 1am but he had been released earlier than expected and felt the overwhelming urge to feel Chicago on his skin again.

Pulling up outside his old building was strange. He'd left in a hurry, barely packing his stuff in time. It had good memories this place and it also was a place he'd felt he needed to move on from. New life, that's what this was. He could see a light in the fourth window across on the third floor, his old place and obviously someone had already taken a lease. Life had moved on and he needed to as well.

Perhaps he could crash at Atwater's? It would make the most sense but he didn't want to be sensible. Being sensible and rational had got him nowhere. Worrying about not upsetting other people meant that he was alone. He didn't want to be alone anymore. He'd just spent six weeks alone.

It took him a good few minutes to actually knock. Softly, almost hoping that it wasn't heard and then he could say he tried. He was so close to leaving when he could hear someone moving around inside. His heart, his barely mended heart was in his throat.

He'd been here before; it had worked out well for him then. Now all he hoped for was that the door didn't slam shut in his face. That would a good start.

By the look on her face, along with the gun in her hand told him he was the last person she expected to see. "You are not going to shoot me are you?"

"Adam?" The adrenaline had already got her heart racing, seeing him standing there she actually clutched her chest fearing it would stop all together. Suddenly she flung herself into his arms and he staggered a little with the force of her body slamming into his. "I was worried about you."


"You left without a word." Prising herself off him she pulled him inside her apartment. Fearing that one of her nosy neighbours would soon be making an appearance.

"I had too."

She moved away from him suddenly conscious of the fact she was wearing just her pyjamas. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't have anywhere to go." Aware of the awkwardness that his unexpected re-appearance had caused. "I can go." He turned towards the door. "I just wanted to let you know I was okay. I thought you'd care?" That came out a little harsher than he hoped.

Kim nervously reached out and grabbed his hand. "Stay. It's okay Adam. I was worried. I'll make up the couch."

Adam watched as she organised a makeshift bed for him and she saw him cringe a little at the pink sheets. They were the sheets she had for Zoe when she stayed. They were girly. "Do not say anything." She waggled a finger in his direction. "Or you will be sleeping in your car."

Adam chuckled. "Okay, I wont' say anything." He eased himself into the chair, feeling weary from his long trip. "How's Intelligence treating you?"

"It's kicking my ass, as is Al."

"That's what Al does. Is it what you expected?"

"Yeah, except for the fact that you weren't there to help me. I was disappointed, you've always supported me." Kim was shaking a pillow into a hideously pink case.

"That's what I was doing. I didn't want things to be awkward for you while you settled in and I didn't think I could see you everyday so I left. For you, I left for you so that you could realise your dream." He was drawing a circle the arm of the chair and doing anything to avoid eye contact. "I didn't want to ruin it for you."

Kim didn't expect that. Finding out that Adam had taken an Undercover Gig to get away from her made her think that it was because he didn't want her in Intelligence and she was determined to prove him wrong, that she was cut out for this. Al, she didn't expect that but they had worked into a better place. She knew she'd stuffed up, Al's badge bunny comment had smacked her fair in the face but once that sting faded Kim straightened her shoulders and was determined to earn back their respect. Easier said than done. "I missed you." Unsure of what he wanted to hear she just blurted it out.

After watching her nervously fuss over the couch he reached out and grabbed her hand, running his thumb back and forward across her knuckles. "Me too."

"Do you want a drink or something?"

"A beer, do you have a beer?"

They sat together on the couch and chatted about her first few weeks in Intelligence, her impression of Rixton and a little bit about his case. He was surprised to hear about his replacement, he didn't expect that. Lindsay had been gone for weeks and wasn't replaced but his seat was barely cold and they had moved someone else in.

Despite his exhaustion the knowledge that she was sleeping just a few feet away, in a bed that they had spent many a passionate night in made him restless and he tossed and turned for an hour before finally drifting off.

He woke with a start and was surprised to see Kim sitting on the table watching him. Her knees bouncing nervously and her hands clasped tightly in her lap. "Are you okay?"

"Adam…. I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant."