Romeo ran through the forest, clutching his wounds as he made his way towards the guildhall. Blood fell from his opening. Romeo kept running and running, not feeling the pain thanks to a potion that Porlyusica had given him. Romeo would be numb from all his wounds that he had and any he would receive for the next hour, but after the hour, he'd feel an unparalleled amount of pain. Romeo looked up and noticed he was in a different part of the forest, but closer to the guildhall. Romeo kept running because he knew of the threat that the mages were. He needed to get to the guildhall. He was the only chance they had to win. He knew the abilities of these mages so maybe that could help his guild win. Romeo gasped for air as he kept running. He could feel his heart beating against his chest. His lungs felt like they were burning as he wouldn't stop.

Romeo looked towards the guild as the corner of his eyes started to go white. Suddenly everything had turned white. Romeo looked around and noticed that he couldn't see where this whiteness had ended. Romeo was completely alone. A strange feeling flooded Romeo's body. Romeo had a strange feeling that this place was familiar.

"Damn it, what's happening? I have to hurry." Romeo yelled.

Romeo noticed that he seemed to be moving. Romeo looked around and noticed that the whiteness seemed to be fading. Romeo looked and noticed that the whiteness seemed to crumble. Beneath the whiteness, it looked like a starry sky. Romeo noticed that he was no longer standing on the ground, but was instead floating above it. A white light appeared in front of Romeo and revealed the silhouette of a man.

"Who are you?" Romeo asked.

"Who am I? There is a simple answer to that." The light faded away and revealed a man. He appeared to be in his late twenties. He had short black hair and black eyes. Tattoos of strange symbols lined both of his arms. His clothes seemed normal for the most part, just a pair of black pants and a sleeveless black shirt. "Romeo, I am you."

Laxus stared at the sight before him. He thought that he had just finished fighting the former master of Phantom Lord. But here he was, raising his magic to a higher level. The shadows clung to Jose giving off a strange aura. Laxus looked and saw that Jose was now covered completely in a purple aura. Laxus couldn't see anything resembling Jose's original body, besides his black eyes.

"This fight is over now." Jose declared as he sent a punch forward. Laxus tried to block the punch but was knocked backward.

"How has his strength changed so much. It's like I'm fighting a completely different person." Laxus thought.

Laxus regained his footing as he noticed that Jose was gone. A fist hit Laxus on the side of his head, knocking him away again. Laxus tried to fire off a blast of lightning but Jose dodged it as his fist began to glow a lighter shade of purple. Laxus saw this and started to charge his magic.

"This is the end, Dead Wave." Jose announced as a large flurry of shadows launched towards Laxus.

"Lightning Dragon's Roar" Laxus called out as the two attacks clashed.

The two attacks clashed both meeting and fighting for dominance. The two kept putting more magic into their attacks until Laxus began to lose.

"This is the end for you, and then all of Fairy Tail." Jose said as his attack won the clash.

A small explosion went off which was accompanied by Laxus' scream. Once everything cleared, Laxus was on the ground. Jose began to laugh as he walked up to the fallen mage. Jose deactivated his form and pick Laxus up by the neck.

"With my strength, nobody can defeat me." Jose laughed. Jose felt his grip loosen as Laxus' eyes shot open. Laxus grabbed Jose bringing him into a bear hug. Jose tried to struggle but couldn't get his arms free. " Wait, you were defeated."

"I realized that with all that concentrated magic around you, I probably couldn't get through it very quickly. But I need to get back quickly to help my companions." Laxus' body began to emit lightning at a dangerous rate. Laxus raised his magic higher and higher until it lept beyond his old magic limit. "I won't let you hurt anyone else. Dragon Slayer Secret Arts: Lightning Dragon Destructive Grip."

Lightning surged through the two mage's bodies. This caused a loud scream to come from Jose. Laxus strengthened his grip and put more magic into the attack. Jose's screams went on for a few more moments before his eyes when white and his body went limp. Laxus released the hold and let Jose fall to the floor. Laxus tried to walk back to his companions but fell to his knees, grabbing his chest.

"That took more out of me then I thought. I guess I'll just have to leave it to the rest of you." Laxus said as he looked towards where his companions were.

Rogue was quickly skimming through a book as Sting and Gray took out a few dark mages. The numbers finally stopped increasing and the three mages finally started to make some progress. Flames appeared from behind the dark mages as their numbers were finally diminished. Natsu, Gajeel, and Erza appeared and the six mages were gathered again.

"Took you long enough to take those guys out." Natsu teased.

"Hey, we had their reinforcements attacking us the entire time. We took out more images than you did." Sting said defending himself.

"Alright, we aren't fighting between ourselves now." Erza told the two dragon slayers with a death glare. "What do you have there Rogue?"

"Some notes I found. It seems they were from some of the people who were here." Rogue explained.

"Anything we need to worry about?" Sting asked.

"Not from what I can tell. To be perfectly honest, the notes don't really make sense. Rogue replied.

Sting turned to see that one of the dark mages had gotten up and was preparing to attack. Gray saw this as well and trapped him in ice. The man saw he was trapped and started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Gajeel asked.

"It's just that, you guys are so weak compared to them." The man said still laughing.

"Compared to who?" Erza questioned.

"A group of mages that Master Jose brought in. Their strength is insane. Each one is stronger than Master Jose. And now, they should be attacking your guildhall." The man revealed.

Romeo stared at this other person who claimed to be him. This just seemed to be unbelievable. How could someone else be him?

"I know that what I said might not make a lot of sense but trust me on this." The older Romeo asked.

"Wait, I have to hurry and get back to my comrades, they need me right now." Romeo said as he tried to look for an exit.

"Don't worry, where we are is outside the normal worlds. Time is a bit different here so only a few moments would have passed so don't worry about that." The older one revealed.

"Well then Romeo, or what should I call you?" The original Romeo asked.

"Well, just call me Conbolt, that should make things a hit easier." Conbolt suggested.

"Well then, why am I here?" Romeo asked.

"That's because you're in limbo." Conbolt replied.

"Wait, if I'm Limbo then I'm dead!" Romeo shouted.

"Not exactly," Conbolt said which got Romeo's attention. "You or I should say, we are a bit different than most people."

"Good different or bad?" Romeo said interrupting Conbolt.

"That's where it gets difficult. While we aren't exactly bad, we aren't considered good." Conbolt said confusing Romeo

"Wait, how are we bad but not good?" Romeo asked.

Conbolt took a deep breath before he opened his mouth again. "That is because we aren't like normal humans, we are unique and for that the gods hate us."

Romeo looked at his older self with disbelief. Romeo tried to find the words to speak but found himself unable to. Romeo looked at his older self and saw the pain in his eyes.

"Why do they hate us?" Romeo asked.

"They hate us because we don't follow the natural laws of the universe. Before I move on I think I should let you know that we aren't the only ones in the universe. In fact, there are multiple universes. Most of them are similar to yours, while some can be completely different. Your world is just one of many", Conbolt explained to his younger version, " but I feel like you already know this, don't you?"

"That's why I have to get back to the guild. I have to warn them before it's too late." Romeo replied. "Why do the gods hate us? Why are we different?"

"With most universes, two versions of each other will never meet. On rare occurrences, they will. We are different because we are an anomaly. On some occasions, when a Romeo comes close to death, they will meet with a version of themselves from another world that is already deceased."

"Then that means" Romeo began with disbelief

"Yes, I am already long dead. While I do not know what world you are on, I know mine. I am from the forty-second world. I was born when the multiverse was still young. Even with my age, you are only the second person I've met with. Now it's time for the choices. Right now, you only have two choices you can make. You are going to die, that is for certain. So you can become an existence like me, guiding other versions of yourself, or you can choose to die naturally. Now, which do you chose?"

Romeo heard these words and just stood there with a look of disbelief. How were these his only options? Was he just destined to die? He couldn't afford to die. He had to find a way to help his friends.

"I'll take the third option." Romeo told his older self. "I chose the option where I get to live and I find a way to help my friends."

"That wasn't one of the options" Conbolt argued.

"It doesn't matter if that's an option or not, that is the choice I am making. I don't care what is supposed to happen, I'll change it so it happens the way I want it to." Romeo replied.

Conbolt stared at Romeo with a look of surprise before he burst with laughter. Romeo was caught off guard before Conbolt put a hand on Romeo's shoulder.

"Spoken like a true Romeo. This is why we are anomalies. We go off on our own path that shouldn't be possible. Now tell me, Romeo, are you willing to become hated by the gods and possibly hunted down until the end of your life it means that you are able to save your loved ones?" Conbolt asked.

I would jump at that opportunity." Romeo answered without any hesitation.

"Now I know without a shadow of a doubt that you are a Romeo. I definitely like you. Now, Romeo, you are weak, but we will make you strong." Conbolt revealed. "Take my hand."

Romeo reached forward with his good arm and grabbed Conbolt's. Romeo felt a surge of power enter into his body. Romeo looked at his hand to see that nothing had changed.

"Now you have the ability to help your friends. If you ever need me, then just come knock at my door."

Romeo felt himself being pulled as the starry sky disappeared. Romeo reappeared into the room of whiteness and noticed that a door was now there. The door looked like a normal door beside the fact that it was faded red and had numerous cracks in it. Romeo felt himself being pulled again as he noticed that he was now back in the real world. Romeo noticed that he was about to hit the ground. Romeo put his good arm in front of him as he caught himself and pushed himself back on his feet. Romeo noticed that he could see smoke coming from the direction of the guild so he quickly started running again.

A/N: And I'm finally back with updating this story. I hope that it was worth the wait. So I finally got a path for this story to go down to finish it. So just to let you all know, this story will be ending soon. The way I wrote this story didn't give me much room for the long term but while this story is finishing, the storyline is not. The entire thing with Romeo is something I've been planning for my stories since I started, I just never knew how to introduce it until now. More will be coming. I hope you all enjoyed. Let me know what you thought.