
A/N: Ok, here we go. This is it folks. The last chapter. I would like to thank everyone for their support, special shout outs to:

Random reader: soy un principiante en español, y siempre me de la bienvenida a la ayuda. Voy a tratar de tener en cuenta lo que dijo, incluso si todas las malas palabras desaparecido!

Kelli.n.c: Thank you for enjoying my writing, even if I do use a lot of cliffhangers!

PeanutSPN: Love ya too! I'm glad you like my style, it took a long time to develop a style that worked for me, so it makes my day when others enjoy it too!

Rainbowrider1290: ¡Gracias por todos los comentarios! Realmente hacen mi día! Me alegro de mi pobre español cumplió con sus expectativas!

SupremeMaster: Thanks for letting me know my mistake, I probably wouldn't have noticed it at all if not for you.

Callofdorky: Thank you for pushing me to continue writing this! I probably wouldn't have continued it if not for all the great reviews!

Sparky818: Special thanks for being the first to comment on this dumb story, I'm so glad you liked it!

As all sat around Lance, burning and freezing as one, they all made on singular wish. To save Lance from all this pain. And that's when it happened.

Keith felt a sharp pull in his gut, he pulled in a short breath at the sudden pain, then watched in amazement as his hands began to glow a bright gold. A flaming aura grew from surrounded him, and wisps of gold flew into Lance's side. Lance's back arched and he gasped loudly.

Lance shuddered, then relaxed. His complexion looked fuller, more rich in color. His breathing had steadied.

"What the-?" Keith began, but cut himself off when Shiro cried out. He turned to see Shiro surrounded by the same flowing aura. Then Pidge, than Hunk. All felt the tugging and the pull as gold flew into Lance's wound. Keith could feel his strength fading with each discharge. He watched in awe as the silver wound began to close, gold filling Lance with rejuvenated energy.

Bit by bit, the team was somehow healing Lance with their own quintessence. By joining their very souls with Lance to help ease the pain, their minds had achieved full tandem.

The process was exhausting, and painful. But completely worth it. Eventually, the flow of quintessence began to slow to a trickle, then come to a complete stop.

When it was over, the burning and freezing sensation had vanished. The group collapsed into a tired heap. Lance groaned and opened his eyes.

The pain...was gone. Lance reached down to touch his side, no wound, not even a scar. Lance felt warm and comfortable, his head buzzed with joy. Which, he thought, was a bit weird to think about. Especially since he was in his head. Great. Somebody get a can opener, Lance was stuck in his own head.

He was sure there was a metaphor somewhere in there, but he was too hyped up on quintessence to care.

Lance had had a friend, Enrique, who had ADHD. Enrique had explained what it was like to Lance once before, and it was exactly what Lance felt like right now.

His couldn't sit still, his fingers wiggled, his leg bounced and his head swivelled around to check his surroundings. Everything caught his eye, he couldn't focus on thing at a time, millions of thoughts zoomed through his brain. Disappearing before Lance had time to process them.

It was because of this that it took Lance so long to notice the pile of collapsed Paladins pooled around his feet.

"Oh, hiya guys!" Lance knelt down, poking Keith in the face. "Um, you okay?" Keith glared at him through half open eyes. "I'll just uh, I'll just let you guys take your group nap now." Lance backed away from Keith.
He began walking around, aimlessly. The tornado of silver ghosts had vanished, and all was black, except for the ground, which appeared to be an oversized mirror.

No matter which way Lance went, he always found himself back to where he had begun. He crossed his arms and bit his lip, thinking.

Now how the Hell do I get out of here? Lance huffed, "Dios mio Coran, you find a way to get everybody inside my head but you couldn't download some kinda instructions on how to get them out? My brain doesn't exactly come with a user's manual so I could really use some help right about now." Lance mumbled to himself.

He was so jumped up right now that dying of boredom was quickly becoming an area of concern for Lance.


He gave up after about twenty verses.

After forever and a half, the "Pile O' Paladins" (as Lance had dubbed them) had woken up.

"Finally!" Lance cheered, running towards them, "It's so boring in here."

"You're saying your mind is boring?" Pidge raised an eyebrow.

"Ummm…" Lance blushed, "Uh, how bout' a change in subject, I like this one: What exactly happened? I mean, I was like, dying and stuff, and then I was jacked up on something weird, made my head fuzzy and chest warm, also, LOOK!" Lance turned to show his side, "I'm healed! No pain or anything, also, why were you guys taking a nap? Why are we still in my head? Do you know how to get out?"

Lance could have kept talking, but Keith pulled himself up onto his feet. One hand on his knee as he bended over in exhaustion, Keith placed a hand over Lance's mouth.

"Hey Lance? Shut up." Keith groaned, "I'm really tired, and my head hurts."

Lance opened his mouth, probably to ask Keith why his head hurt, but one look at Pidge's face stopped him. He licked Keith's hand instead.

Keith pulled his hand away, and began to wipe it on his jacket, disgusted. "Gross Lance, what the hell?" But Lance ignored him, he turned to Pidge.

"You alright? You look like you're at a funeral kiddo." Pidge's eyes were watering, and her lip quivered. She ran smack into Lance and began violently hugging him.

"What the-?"

"I'm sorry," Pidge sobbed into his shirt, "I'm so so sorry."

Lance began brushing his hand through her hair, "Katie, what on earth are you sorry for?"

"I-I dropped my g-guard and-and, you got shot and then y-you almost died because I'm s-so stupid and selfish and-"

Lance laughed softly, then kneeled down to Pidge's height, "Listen, all of that is not your fault, it was my choice to jump in and save, and you know what? I'd do it all over again, a million times even. Just to save you, so smile, okay? Because as long as you're smiling, I can smile, and everything will be okay. Now breath Katie, before you pass out."

Pidge hadn't realized she'd stopped breathing, she sucked in some much needed air, and relaxed her body as Lance continued hugging her. She removed her face from Lance's shirt, and smiled at him, faintly.

"There ya go." Lance said, smiling back, "Everyone loves a good ol' midget smile."



"Shut up."

Lance burst into raucous laughter, and Pidge had no choice but to join in. Then, Lance found himself almost thrown to the ground by a large figure.

"Hunk?!" Lance steadied himself. "Hey big guy, you doing ok?"

"Lance," Hunk pulled away to look Lance in the eyes, his own were bloodshot and wet, full of pain. "I almost lost you, for good. We-I didn't know how to save my own friend, I was a failure." Lance smirked.

"Geez, everyone's turning this whole thing into a cry fest huh?" He sighed and shook his head, looking upwards as if to say "What the heck am I supposed to do with you guys?" "Listen, none of you are to blame for what happened, in fact, if there's anything that needs to be said, it's that you guys really pulled through and helped me back there, couldn't've done it without you." Lance winked, then smiled softly.

"Hunk, you are on of the best friend I will ever have. You've been with me from the very beginning, and, despite all my screw ups, you stayed my friend. Putting up with all my crap is a hard thing to do. And yet, you managed the impossible."

"But Lance, I-I couldn't-I'm a terrible person. You almost died Lance, I couldn't do anything to help, I couldn't sacrifice myself the way you did-"

"Hunk, remember that kid from our first year at the Garrison, Jake Arvay?"

"Um, yeah?"

"Do you remember what he told you?"

"He-he said I was useless as a mechanic, that I was a failure of a cadet because I couldn't even ride the elevator without getting sick."

"Do you remember what I did to Jake after he called you useless and a failure?"

"Ummm…" Hunk thought for a moment, "I-I think you punched him in the gut."

Pidge burst out laughing, "I remember that day, you got really mad at him, told him he was a useless and failure of a human being if he believed those things. He got mad and told you at least he was in fighter class and not a caro pilot. You hit him right below the ribcages, knocked the air out of him. He went out of his way to avoid us ever since then."

"Correct Pidge, and if Hunk keeps calling himself useless and a failure, I'll do the same thing to him. No one makes fun of Hunk on my watch."

Hunk sniffed, "I really don't deserve a friend like you."

Lance smiled, "Nah, I think it's more like I don't deserve a brother like you."

Hunk sobbed, and went back in for a crushing hug.

"Ribs ribs ribs." Wheezed Lance, but he smiled all the same.

When Hunk was done, Keith sauntered back up to Lance-and promptly slugged him in the shoulder.

"Ow! Geez Keith, what the hell?!"

"That, is for being a selfless prick." Keith hit him again, harder. "That, was for getting yourself injured like an idiot." Another hard punch, but Lance made no move to defend himself. "That, was for telling us you were fine when you plainly weren't." This punch landed on the other shoulder, as if to even out the bruising. "That one, was for almost dying like a frickin' dumbass." Lance closed his eyes, waiting for the next hit, but instead found himself being pulled into a tight hug.

"And this, is a thank you. Despite all your stupidity and carelessness, I couldn't ask for a better rival."

Lance squeezed Keith back, "Thanks mullet head." He pulled away and punched Keith in the arm in a friendly way. "That's for being just as stupid as me, taking on some of my pain. Geez Keith, how am I supposed to resent you if you keep on being all nice to me and stuff? I'm just a lowly cargo pilot. You're like, the king of flying, an ace pilot. I'm supposed to resent you."

"King of flying?"

"Yeah, you're all-bam! Firebending. And 'watch me fly. I am the eagle that soars-"

"Shut up Lance."

Lance managed a small smile, "Yeah, see? I do annoy you, we get on each others nerves, that's how a rivalry works tonto."

"I apologize for being nice."

"Thank you."

Lance turned to Shiro who had been unusually silent this whole time.

"Hey boss-man, wazzup?"

Shiro drew up close to Lance and placed his galra hand on Lance's shoulder.

"Lance, I want you to know that I am proud to know you. No leader could ask for a better warrior, no human could ask for a better friend, no world could ask for a better hero, no lion could ask for a better Paladin...and no father could ask for a better son."

Lance was at a loss for words for the first time in his life. He choked a little, his eyes tearing up. He swallowed, and stood up straighter.

"Shiro, I'm no hero, and, I-I do fail, a lot, if anyone is the best at all those things it's you. You're my hero Shiro, always have been. I hope, one day, I can do half the things you do, and become at least close to being the hero you are."

"What makes you think I'm the hero Lance?"

"Well," Lance began listing reasons off on his fingers, "One: You were the youngest cadet to graduate from the Garrison, like, ever. Two: You were such a good pilot that you were picked to go on the Kerberos mission. Three: You survived a year with the galra and managed to escape. Four: You came back to earth to warn us, then became a vital part to saving earth. Five: No matter what's going on, you still manage to remain calm and know exactly what to do in order to save multiple universes. You sound like a hero to me."

Shiro sighed, then looked Lance directly in the eyes. "Listen, Lance, somebody once told me that a hero's bravery has to be unplanned - a genuine response to a crisis. It has to come from the heart, without any thought of reward."


"When you jumped in front of Pidge to take that hit for her, was that part of the plan?"

"Well, no but-"

"When you chose to make that deal with Mentira, and fight to save our lives, did you wake up prepared to almost die for us?"

No, but Shiro-"

Shiro was yelling now, "When you woke up that first day we met, did you plan on saving my life, on finding Blue? Did you prepare yourself to fly us all out here, to leave your family, your home behind, in order to save the families and homes of complete strangers? To take that explosion for Coran, to fight magic and technology that could kill you in a matter of seconds?"

"No! But Shiro, you did all those things too, you, Keith, Katie, Hunk, you all did the same things as me!"

"Yes, but most of us have reasons to do so. I have a history with the galra, Katie's family are prisoners of the galra, Keith has family who are galra."

"And Hunk?"

Hunk interceded, "I didn't start out with a reason, but along the way, I made friends, now, I fight to save Shay, and the other Balmarins."

"Yes, but Hunk, you started out just like me, that's what makes you so heroic, far more than me."

"Stop it Lance!" Shiro yelled, "Stop complaining and tell me why you came, why you fight to save lives."

Lance opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, "I-I don't know why, I just...I saw you in trouble, we had to help you, you couldn't help yourself. And then I had nowhere else to go I guess, I couldn't go back to the Garrison, that's why."

"No, Lance. You came here because deep down, you are a hero. You helped me because I needed help, I could have been crazy, and you still came. You took blasts without knowing if you'd live or die, you fight to save people who mock you, tease you, exclude you. Because you Lance, are a hero."

Lance opened his mouth to argue, but Shiro cut him off.

"If you even think of denying it, just remember that I'm pissed off, have advanced alien technology for a hand, and a mean right hook."

Lance shut his mouth again.

"Now," Shiro looked around, "How the hell do we get out?"

"You don't know?" Asked Lance. A cold trickle of worry began to creep down his spine.

"No, we kinda didn't think this part through, too busy trying to save you."



Lance began to think, this was his mind after all, shouldn't he be able to wake himself up or something? He began furiously trying to wake himself up.

"Um, Lance?" Asked Pidge, "You okay? You look like you're constipated or something."

"Yup, fine, perfectly fine." Lance blushed, then sat on the ground. He crossed his legs, closed his eyes, breathed slow deep breathes, and began to meditate.

Home. He thought. Take us home.

Everyone gasped as the blackness began to drip and fall away, giving room for crystalline blue skies, white fluffy clouds, white sands, thick mangroves, and a majestic aquamarine ocean view. Lance opened his eyes.

"Uh, oops, didn't mean to bring us here."

"And where is here, exactly?" Pidge asked in wonder of the beauty all around her.

"Um, by the looks of it, Playa Maguana, Baracoa." Lance had gone pale, checking out his surroundings. His chest hurt, and Lance felt it hard to breath.

It was different in small ways, no tourists, no boats, no birds could be heard singing, no frogs, just pounding waves and a soft, salty breeze.

He could smell the sizzling meat from his tia y tios restaurant, the salt from the ocean, and the overpoweringly sweet smell of tropical plants.

Humidity stuck his clothes and hair close to his skin. Sharp tears pricked his eyes, but he swallowed them down.

"It's beautiful." Pidge whispered, completely enamored with the natural beauty surrounding her.

Hunk was at a loss for words, and Shiro had his eyes closed, looking completely at peace as he breathed in the ocean air.

Keith walked up behind Lance and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Is this your home?" He said softly.

Lance nodded, "Yeah," His voice cracked, he pointed towards a small building to his right.

It was small and homely, but it gave off vibes of care, love, and joy.

"That's my tia y tio's restaurant, they called it Toma Te." Lance laughed a little, "It's a pun, see, Toma means taking, Te means tea, Taking Tea, but put the two words together you get Tomate, Tomatoe."

Lance smiled dreamily, then pointed to a small grove of trees, "That's where Anton, Felipe, Tony, Neo, Montez, and I used to play, We built a clubhouse out of the leaves and branches, we wouldn't let the girls in. Maria was furious, she and Mariposa decided to get revenge by taking some rotten peppers and onions from the dumpster behind the restaurant. They sliced them up to get the most smell out of them, then hid them in the walls of our clubhouse. My nose burned for days." Lance was getting more excited now. He pointed to a small hut, probably a three room house.

"That's where I grew up, All the adults shared one room, the kids another, mi primos, tia y tio stayed in the restaurant, Abuelo had his own room." Lance's smile fell.

"He used to take me outside when the stars came out, even when my mom told him no. He taught me all the constellations and used to tell me all sorts of stories about his adventures in space." Lance bowed his head, "Man,Abuelo was one radio bemba, he also like to take me out onto the beach to watch the yuma come by. He would eavesdrop on them and tell their stories to us at dinner, always putting his own twist on them to make us laugh." Lance grimaced.

"Dios mio, I really miss him."

Pidge walked over and bumped her shoulder against his arm, "Race you to the ocean, slowpoke."

Lance looked up, then smiled, "You're on."

Tossing their shoes off as they ran, the two leapt into the shallow end and began splashing each other, laughing hysterically. Soon, Hunk, Shiro, and even Keith joined in.

Eventually, they all collapsed upon the warm sand, soaked from head to toe, panting, but happier than they had been for a long time. The sun had begun to set, and bright, beautiful stars shone in the sky, in a way they couldn't in crowded cities.

Everyone watched as recognizable constellations appeared above them. Lance pointed to some.

"There's the Dipper, that's Orion, over there is Ursa Major, then that right there is the Swan."

"Wow." Pidge commented, "You really know you're constellations."

Lance sighed, "Yeah, curtesy of my Abuelo."

Keith turned his head towards Lance, "He sounds like a great man."

"He was."

Hunk smiled, "I wish my grandpa was like that, mine just liked to sit in his chair and regale us in stories of his time in the war."

"That's still cool."

"Yeah, it was I guess. I hope when we get back to earth, I can tell him some stories of my own."

"Yeah, if we get back to earth." Keith said, "What if we don't survive this battle, if we bit off more than we can chew?"

"We'll make it out alive, we're heroes, right? Heroes never lose."

"They can lose friends." Pidge mumbled.

Lance started, "Wow Katie, that was depressing."

"I'm sorry, it's just, when this is all over, will we ever see each other again? We all come from completely different lives, and when we return to earth, we'll have to go back to them." Pidge sniffed, "I-I can't imagine leaving you all, I've come to think of everyone here as part of my family, and...the thought of never seeing you guys again…."

"Katie, do you want to know something my Abuelo used to tell me?"


"Los encuentros breves pueden resultar en relaciones largas, brief encounters can result in long relationships. We may be different, and not have known each other very long, but we will eventually. After what we've been through, how could we not stay together?"

"You're grandpa was a very smart man." Said Shiro.

"Smartest I ever knew."

Pidge smiled, "I guess you're right. We really can't leave each other, we're a family, and nothing will ever change that, huh?"

They all sat there, watching the stars go by in silence for a while, then Lance sat up.

"Um, so, this is nice and all, bonding moments and such, but we really need to find a way to leave. We kinda have a universe to save."

"You're right." Shiro grunted as he pulled himself up to his feet. "Let's think, Lance, you somehow changed where we were, right?"

Lance nodded, "Yup."

"Okay, good, so let's see if you can somehow wake yourself up."

"I already tried that, but it didn't work, all I did was bring us here."

"What were you thinking of."

"Well...I was thinking of-of….oh."


"I wanted to go home, I said 'take us home', I meant the ship, but…"

"You brought us to your home instead." Said Hunk, understanding.

"Yeah, whoops."

Shiro shrugged, "That's alright Lance, but now that we know this, think you can try and wake yourself up?"

"I can try." Lance plopped onto the sand, sat up straight, crossed his legs, breathed in, and began to meditate again.

The stars were fading, giving way to a majestic sunrise full of rich orange and yellow, pale blue, soft lilac, creamy green, and vibrant red hues. It was a beautiful array of colors, sparkling off the ocean, shining bright and warm upon the Paladins.

"Wow." Whispered Hunk, "I've never seen anything so amazing."

"No kidding." Agreed Keith, "I've never seen anything quite like it before."

Shiro saw Lance's mouth twist upward in a soft smile at his friends praise of his hometown. Shiro smiled too, this was one experience they'd never forget.

Take us back to the ship, wake us up, take us to Coran and Allura...please. Thought Lance. Another voice began to ring in his ears, unheard by the others.

"My Paladin, you are healed!"

"Hey Blue, ¿que pasa?"

"You wish to return to us, that is good, focus on my voice My Paladin, for I can bring you back."

Lance gave a mental nod. "Got it." Focusing on Blue's calm, deep, tone, Lance began to pull the Paladin's out of his head.

The sky began to crack, as if made of glass, then, with a magnificent crash, the sky shattered and rained down upon them.

And they all woke up.

After about a million hugs (now complete with their very own Allura and Coran!), a huge midnight meal (prepared by Hunk, much to Coran's chagrin, and everyone else's joy), and a long (dreamless) nap, Lance felt right as rain.

Of course, things had definitely changed. But mostly for the better.

Keith and Lance continued their rivalry, but now it was two brothers competing with each other, not two strangers vying for top place.

Hunk and Lance spent more time together. Lance now helped out in the kitchen, teaching Hunk some skills he had learned from his Aunt and Uncle back in Cuba.

Shiro and Lance began to practice together more often, and Shiro had begun to give Lance tips on shooting. Shiro had sworn to be the best "Space Dad" he could be for Lance and the others, and no one could agree more that he was excellent at it.

Pidge and Lance had bonded the most it seemed. On movie nights in the lounge, Pidge would curl up next to Lance, who wou'd throw his arm round her shoulders and give her a slight noogie. They teased each other everyday, but now with smiles on their faces. Lance had even dubbed her "Honorary Little Sister", which Pidge had accepted with joy, since she had begun to think of Lance as a fill in big brother while Matt was still held captive.

Allura and Coran were overjoyed at the Paladin's stronger bond, as were the lions. They formed Voltron almost effortlessly, and fought almost in synchronization.

Lance had not escaped unscathed. He was sometimes plagued by sudden ghost pains in his left side, and Mentira had left Lance with an increased fear of failure. Lance often woke up drenched in a cold sweat.

After One particularly bad nightmare, where Lance had failed to save his friends and watch them be killed, one by one, by the galra; Lance had decided to go and get a drink of water.

He crept down to the kitchen as silently as he could. Once there, he flipped the light switch.

Only to be greeted by all the Paladin's, dressed in various forms of nightwear, all with crossed arms and grim expressions.

"Uh, hey guys!" Lance said cheerfully, "What's up?"

"What's up?" Said Pidge incredulously, "What's up is that you've been lying to us, you think we wouldn't notice the lack of sleep? The random moments of pain flashing across your face? We've been inside your head dumbass!"

"Language." Shiro said sharply, but Pidge ignored him.

"We aren't stupid, and we also care about you. So let us know you're hurting so we can help!"

Lance looked around in awe, "You all knew?"

"Yeah." Hunk said grimly, "We've known for a while."

"We wanted to wait until you told us yourself." Said Keith, "But when you refused to admit you needed our help, we realized we would have to confront you ourselves."

"Ah." Lance said,"Um, sorry?"

"Lance, we all have problems," Shiro explained, "They come in different shapes and sizes, but they are problems nonetheless. That's why we have friends and family, to help us with our problems. But if you can't trust us to help you, what does that make us? Acquaintances?"


"Then why won't you tell us you need help?" Pidge pushed, "Why must you always try to play the high ground and bear this pain on your own?"

"Well...because…" They waited for him to explain. "Because...I don't want to burden you guys with my problems."

"Wrong!" Yelled Keith, "I've seen your memories, I know you Lance, you won't tell us because for all those years after your dad left, you had to be strong for others. You couldn't show weakness or pain because then your family would be sad. But guess what, we aren't like them, we don't need protecting, we need Lance. A Lance who can trust us and we can trust back. You can tell us when you're in pain, when you feel weak. So tell us what's going on."

Lance sighed, and sat down on a chair, the Paladin's circling him.

"I've been having nightmares." He admitted, "I keep seeing myself failing at something and losing my family, my friends, you guys, everyone I care about dying because I couldn't save them. I also have dreams about Mentira, taunting me, saying he survived, I lost, we all died." Lance shook his head in remorse, "It's stupid I know-"

"No Lance." Said Pidge softly, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's not stupid, what was bad, Mentira exposed you to all your fears and doubts, it's no wonder they increased. But you aren't a failure, or a dissapointment. We discussed this, remember? You are Lance. A Paladin of Voltron, and a hero of the universe."

"Lance," Said Hunk, "Do you know what the title 'Paladin' means?"

Lance shook his head.

"Paladin means 'warrior' or 'hero'. It's no mystery why you were chosen by Blue. You are destined to succeed."

"You think so?'

"I know so."

Lance smiled, "Thanks."

"Now," Said Shiro, "What else is wrong?"

"I keep getting ghost pains from that side wound, they appear in flashes, but the more stressed I am, the more they happen, and the stronger they are."

"There isn't much we can do to treat a wound that's not there." Shiro said, "But I get ghost pains as well in my arm sometimes. I've found that reminding myself that it's not real and meditating help."

Hunk nodded, "Yeah, and next time you feel it, let us know. We felt your pain, remember? We know how it feels and how incapacitating it can be. Just holler out and we'll be there. Promise."

Lance smiled, "Thanks, I couldn't ask for a better Space Fam."

"Space Fam?" Keith raised an eyebrow.

"Yup, we got Shiro as the dad, Allura as the mom, Coran the weird uncle, Hunk and I are like the Weasley twins, cause' we're always up to something."

Hunk raised a hand in protest, "Um, I think you mean that you are always up to something, you just pull me along."

"Duly noted, anyway, Katie is the cute little sister, and Keith is the grandpa."

"Excuse me?!"

"Yeah, because you're so behind on all things modern, seriously, who on earth doesn't know who Beyoncé is? Beyoncé?"

"Well I'm sorry, I didn't realize not knowing a singer makes one socially crippled!"

"It does when that singer happens to be the Queen of all Music!"

"Ugh, you're insufferable!"

"Oh yeah? Well at least I know what Hamilton is, unlike a certain mullet head I know who's still stuck in the 80's!"

"You little-"

Allura and Coran hid from view, laughing as the Paladin's continued their midnight argument.

"They really are something, huh princess?" Coran said, his voice was full of love for these Paladin's.

Coran had lost his own children and wife to the galra, so when he had met the new Paladin's of Voltron and realized how young they were...well. Coran had found a new family, and he was sure Allura had as well.

"Yes Coran, they really are quite the team. I've never seen anything like it. Should we make our presence known?"

"No, let them enjoy themselves, they need it." Coran said. "Now, off to bed with you, there's a lot of work to be done tomorrow, and we'll need a well rested princess to get it done." Coran began softly pushing Allura toward her room.

"Alright, alright Coran!" Allura laughed, "Goodnight." She kissed him in the cheek, then walked off to bed.

"Goodnight Allura." Coran smiled, then, looking upwards he said, "King Alfor, I wish you could see how amazing your new Paladin's are, and how your little girl has grown into a strong young woman. I've even come to think of her as my own daughter. You would be so proud."

Coran turned to watch the Paladin's again, where Lance had started an impromptu performance of some strange song about nations rising and empires falling. The others's, excluding Keith, had joined in and were dancing wildly as they sang.

He smiled softly, "Goodnight Paladin's, sleep well." Then he turned around and walked back to his room with the knowledge that the universe was in good hands.

There never was a better team of heroes.

A/N: Aaaaaand, there it is. The ending. That's it. Finished…..unlessIdecidetodoapart2. Ahem. sorry about that, little tickle in my throat. Anyway, thank you so much for all your support and for reading my story even if my writing needs work :P I really enjoyed writing this story, and I can't wait to write my next one, "Groundhog Day", so keep an eye out for it! Love you all!
