Disclaimer: Still don't own it.

I once again want to thank all those who continue to favor this story and review. I also appreciate the patience with my writing and am still looking for an editor if anyone is interested.

"I still think this is a bad idea," Yang said as she stood by Weiss's side.

The two stood on the tarmac waiting for the transport to arrive carrying the island's newest guest. The sun was high in the sky and there was a cool breeze coming from the ocean not too far away. It was just the two of them as well as a handful of Chief Belladonna's guards on the tarmac for security. Given the guest that was about to arrive, Blake's father thought it best that the private landing pad was the best choice to prevent any incident. Surrounded by palms, it was a perfect place to keep everything on the low end. Ruby and Blake were back at where the meeting would take place preparing the room for the coming event while Qrow was not too far away acting as backup.

"This was the only way you guys would let me meet with him, remember? I was willing to have the get-together be in Mistral but you were the one who said it was a bad idea," Weiss countered sarcastically with an eye roll. Truthfully, she was apprehensive about even having this meeting let alone for the fact that it was going to be here.

When she first got the message, Weiss had shared it with the rest of the group and as expected, got a variety of mixed reactions. Yang had advised, that being a loose term, that she ignore the message and send him an expletive in reply; which even the Schnee would never do. Blake had advised caution and even suggested that not only might it be a trap, but maybe even a fake message to draw her out by their real nemesis. While Ruby had stayed silent, everyone from Qrow to Ghira gave their own opinion with even some arguing coming about. When things got a little heated, it had to be Kali as well as Taiyang to calm everyone down. Even with all the suggestions coming her way, Weiss just wasn't sure what she should do. All she was sure of was the fact that she could not ignore the message about the proposed meeting.

Of course, that was the problem itself. While Whitley wasn't as infamous as her father in Remnant, he was still well known. While some people knew that the youngest Schnee was almost a mini version of Jacques and detested him immensely, others were still on the fence and believed that his attitudes were an act until his father was dead. Weiss scoffed at that particular opinion given that she knew full well that her younger brother was a manipulative little vermin who could do real damage once he was given power over the SDC. This was one of the reasons why she had to put herself in a position of power in her father's company because someone had to keep him in check. It was partially because of her father that allowed the White Fang to have such a large impact over the Faunus which contributed to the chaos of the War and she did not want history to repeat itself with Whitley.

When Weiss announced she would meet with her brother, though she still had no idea what he was up to, everyone thought it was a bad idea. Even Ruby said that might not be a good idea though she did state that she would support whatever decision the Schnee would make. Since Weiss was adamant that she was going to meet with her brother, it had been suggested by Kali that the meeting take place on Menagerie itself. That had shocked everyone, including Weiss herself, and there had been a minute of pure silence as everyone tried to contemplate what the older woman had just recommended. While Weiss was considered more as a war hero than a Schnee and Winter seen as a defender of Menagerie, Whitley was a representation of the worst of humanity to a lot of Faunus. However, it was reluctantly agreed that having him come here to meet Weiss was a lot safer than her going to him; thus they could control the battlefield so to speak.

"I don't think you should be meeting with him at all; that man is not your family and you should just consider him another enemy. One which we weren't able to get rid of during the War," stated the blonde with a snarl as she watched the bullhead with the Schnee family crest on the side approach the tarmac. They had received word of its arrival when Ghira had been informed that the craft had entered Menagerie airspace about thirty minutes ago.

"You can't pick your Blood Yang and like it or not, he is bound to me by Blood. He is also someone I will have to deal with the rest of my life so I might as well hear him out in order to see what he is up to," Weiss said to her friend as she did everything to bury her emotions. While she was somewhat happy that this meeting was happening on her terms and somewhere more beneficial to her than back at the SDC, the apprehension was still with her.

"Of course you can and we already know his motives so there is no point to this what so ever," Yang countered with a scoff as she cracked her knuckles and readied her fists as if she were getting ready for a battle. It pretty much wasn't needed given that Ghira had sent his own guards that surrounded the tarmac with the agreement that the male Schnee was allowed very little in the way of his own security.

Whitley of course had been promised that he would be safe on Menagerie; after all, they did need a diplomatic incident to give Jacques ammunition.

"So what about your mother then? Is Raven coming to the wedding?" inquired the white-haired young woman as if to make a point. She was surprised that Yang would raise the issue of blood relatives given her own family issues.

"Ok, I get your point and I am not sure. I didn't really think about inviting her but it was Blake who sent out the invitation. I was just not sure about having her and dad in the same location, walking me down the aisle," Yang admitted with apprehension in her voice. Weiss now regretted bringing up the subject but it was too late now.

"They fought side by side during the War and they were together during the Battle of Haven. I think they should be fine for the wedding since they both know it's your day," Weiss gently argued in an effort to reassure her friend. While the exact reasons of why Raven had left Taiyang and Yang were still unknown to the Schnee, with only Ruby and Blake in the full know, the War did demonstrate that Raven did still care for the blonde woman in her own way.

"Yeah well, I think Ruby still has an issue with her given what we now know about Summer's death. Sis doesn't talk about it but I think she might still resent mother for what happened," the blonde said as the bullhead started landing. When it came to her designations to the people who raised her, Summer would always be "Mom" in Yang's eyes.

The subject of what happened to Summer Rose was always a touchy thing when the four had reminisced about the War itself. Granted, the truth came out towards the end just before the Final Battle with Salem but it still felt as if it were an open wound that just wouldn't heal. While Ruby and Yang knew that the deceased woman had died a hero and had been there in spirit during the fight with Salem, having seen her there cheering them on, it was the manner of how she died that was the issue. The fact that both Raven and Qrow had been there when she died, not even telling Taiyang the truth, left a bitter point for some time. It was especially bad that it was in some ways Raven's fault for Summer dying though one could argue that there were extraordinary circumstances involved. Ruby had never talked about it and never really showed hostility towards Raven but the younger Huntress was good at hiding her emotions at times.

Weiss never got to say anything as the bullhead landed and the side opened up a few minutes later. Weiss had dressed formally for the occasion, though she didn't really have to, and was in a purple combat dress that was fluffy on the bottom. Yang was dressed in a pair of blue pants and a yellow halter top that was covered in a brown jacket; her weapons equipped. Weiss had her Myrtenaster by her side though she didn't expect she would need it; though she was prepared just in case. Whitley appeared at the doorway and was almost dressed exactly like her father; making Weiss wonder if that was deliberate to stir her emotions. Next to him was a young woman about his age garbed in a white formal dress with green heels. She had long dark hair, was wearing silver earrings, and had dark glasses on. Her face was impassive and her complexion darker than Whitley's which made her somewhat standout as well as out of place in the attire.

"Sister, so good to see you again," Whitley said to Weiss in a polite tone as he walked down the ramp that had been brought to the bullhead by a pair of Faunus guards. His companion walked with him though it was noted by Weiss and Yang that she was a step or two behind.

"Welcome to Menagerie," greeted the Schnee sister while keeping her voice pleasant as well to keep up appearances. She felt she was now in the middle of a battle now against an opponent that was equally cunning.

"I have to admit that the pictures don't do it justice and it truly looked amazing from the air as we approached. It is admirable how the Faunus turned such a desolate place into something like this," Whitley stated as he looked around and genuinely looked as if he meant his words. While there was a small chance that her brother was being truthful, his words were a slippery as a viper.

"I'll be sure to inform Chief Belladonna that you said that," Weiss told her brother while noting the Faunus Guards seemed surprised by his words. While she was sure that more than a few of them didn't believe what he had just said, his words did seem show their approval.

"It's a shame that he could not meet us at the tarmac; it would have been an honor to meet an exceptional person such as he," stated the younger Schnee as if again he meant it. Weiss was starting to get bored with his obvious charm and turned her attention to Whitley's companion.

"I'm afraid Chief Belladonna is rather busy in preparation of the coming wedding as well as business in running the Faunus people but I will send your regards to him," the Schnee sister said to her brother in a tone that indicated that she would. While Weiss would actually convey the words under different circumstances, now was not a good time.

"I would appreciate that," said her younger brother in what could be conveyed as a grateful tone of voice.

"I am guessing this is your fiancé?" Weiss asked her brother while smiling at the younger woman and stepping forward with her hand drawn. The woman smiled back, which seemed real, and shook Weiss's hand with a soft grip.

"Yes this is my bride-to-be Alicia Bonaparte," Whitley presented as if he was showing off something valuable. When he placed his hand on her shoulder, Alicia's smile seemed to lessen though she didn't appear nervous by it either.

"Well it is a pleasure to finally meet you," stated the Schnee sister with somewhat genuine affection. Truthfully, she kind of felt sorry for Alicia given that she was marrying a snake like her brother.

"Thank you," responded Alicia in a soft voice with a forced smile and Weiss could sense the turmoil slightly in her voice. The Huntress now really felt sorry for her since it was now obvious that the Bonaparte was just a tool in a game her parents were playing.

"If you come with me, it isn't too far of a walk to where we can talk. Is your guards coming?" inquired Weiss as she noticed that her brother's escort had yet to make an appearance. She had expected them to have been by her brother and his bride by now.

"I didn't bring any. Father was adamant that I bring some security from the mainland but I felt they were unnecessary since I knew you would take care of my safety," Whitley stated with a smile and Weiss froze with obvious surprise though she kept it from showing in her face. The meaning behind the statement could be interpreted many ways in her mind and she was even more alert now.

"That was very bold of you," Yang said suspiciously, speaking up for the first time. She had kept herself under control so far, which Weiss was grateful for, but her disdain for Whitley was obvious in her mannerism.

"These are bold times we live in; which is part of the reason why I wish to speak with you. I presume you have a place set up so that we talk?" inquired the younger brother and Weiss nodded, motioning for him and his bride to follow her. While the guards moved ahead of them, Yang took a position in the back.

It took about five minutes to get to where they needed to go; which was an old meeting room that had once been used by the White Fang when they had still been active on the island. The small single story building was pretty simple looking with four walls with a single entrance; made of local wood that kind of resembled a hut. The irony had not been lost on Weiss when Chief Belladonna had suggested the room in the first place and it was also kind of funny when one thought about it. It had been abandoned left alone after the War had been concluded but everyone went to work getting it ready for this occasion. The rotten floor had been replaced and carpeted blue while the roof had been repaired. A large table had been set up in the center of the inside area with a few chairs as well as some food and drink. By the time they arrived, Ruby and Blake had everything ready to go.

"So what did you want to speak with me about?" asked Weiss politely as they all took their seats with her brother and bride directly across from her. Ruby was at her side and the guards were all outside making sure they weren't disturbed; Yang and Blake hung out in the back of the room watching as well as serve refreshments.

"Let us drop the formalities and speak plainly with one another. I imagine that you are just as tired in pretending to be civil as I am right now. I just want to say first and foremost that Father and I are not the ones trying to kill you," Whitley said plainly and leaned forward to stare at her as the words came out of his mouth. In the way he said it, one could say that it was almost believable; even to those who the younger Schnee best.

"And why should I believe you? With me gone, you and Jacques would have full control of the company," countered the older sister firmly, dropping all pretense of being polite to him. If Whitley wanted to talk simply and without show, she could do that.

"For how long? You have become quite established in the SDC and we both know that half the Board has more or less sided with you; thus they would unite against Father if something did happen to you. There is also the factor of our older sister to consider given that she clearly despises Father as well as I. If it was revealed that we were the ones behind your death, which she has the resources to clearly root out if true, then the SDC would either be nationalized or broken up with us being jailed. It is not gone unnoticed by Father and I that it is far better for you to remain alive and an obstacle then dead with our immediate destruction," stated her younger brother and what he said did make sense to everyone. It was one of the reasons why Weiss believed her brother and Jacques were not behind the attacks since it would lead to their complete destruction.

"Do you know who is behind the attacks on Weiss?" Ruby asked without emotion before Weiss could respond. When the red-cloaked Huntress spoke this way, those who knew her understood this was Ruby in leader mode.

"If I knew that, I would be here delivering him or her on a silver platter as a way to curry favor. No I do not know who is trying to kill my sister and all of my inquiries are turning up empty. If father knows, he is not sharing though I suspect he would do so," answered Whitley honestly as he looked over at Ruby. It was something he said that caught Weiss's attention though it did surprise her that both he and Jacques were also unaware of her mysterious enemy given their resources.

"Why would you offer his or her identity to me? Why is currying my favor so important?" the Schnee sister asked with obvious curiosity in her voice. She truly didn't understand why Whitley would even consider getting on her good side given their current relationship.

"At some point, Father will die and the SDC will go to me. That is a fact and it is only a matter of time before it happens. When it does, it will just be you and I at the SDC with both of us guiding the company that our Grandfather built from scratch. I have come to realize that you and I must be able to work with one another, not warring in petty battles that would get us know where. I called this meeting sister to propose a truce and forge a new chapter for our family," informed the younger sibling in what appeared to be pure sincerity. Weiss and her friends were taken aback by what he said though Alicia still kept her expression impassive.

"But you hate me and always have," argued the white-haired Huntress in stating a fact. It was hard for her to believe Whitley wanted to turn over a new leaf in their relationship just like that after all those years of bad blood.

"That was when I was young and naïve. I have grown to understand that there is much to admire about you and Winter thus my feelings have changed. While I know we can never forget the past and there will always be tension between us, I feel that once the shackles of our Father are gone we can truly start to mend the cracks in our family. When all this is done with, we should get together- all three of us siblings and even Mother," proposed Whitley and it really did seem he was sincere.

"I'll consider it," Weiss said honestly and she really was despite the warnings going off in her head. She would have to talk with Winter about it to see what she thought and if Whitley had tried to reach out to her as well.

When they retired for the night, Whitley and Alicia having left for their hotel on the mainland in the bullhead, Weiss was surprised to see Winter at her room door.

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