Chapter 1
Some people were born to be great cops.
Others take a little longer to become one.
Sonny Carisi seemed to be the latter.
At least that was what Amanda Rollins was thinking as she sat at her desk and watched Carisi from across the squad room. He was busy typing his report and was oblivious to her pensively observing him.
From Amanda's viewpoint, when Carisi began working here, he seemed rough around the edges and inexperienced as a rookie detective. In fact, he had become the running joke in the squad room.
But then everyone, including herself, had underestimated him.
Amanda couldn't recall when it happened, but slowly Carisi became the competent, tough, reliable detective he is today.
As she continued her private thoughts regarding Carisi, he unexpectedly looked up from his work and their eyes were locked from across the room seconds longer than necessary.
Color rose to Amanda cheeks at her being caught staring at him.
She wanted to look away, but as usual, she would confront the situation. First, she cleared her throat.
"Sooooo Carisi, you've got that report typed up yet?" she asked, loud enough so others within listening distance would hear, "I don't want the higher ups breathing down our throats over late reports."
At first a puzzled scowl appeared on his face and then it disappeared just as quickly.
"Not even close," he recovered, "you know how I am; it takes forever for me to type up these reports 'bein' a hunt 'n peck kind of guy."
Finn overheard the comment and casually added, "Hunt 'n peck is my style, too. That's why I type with as few as words as possible. My reports all read like tweets!"
Shaking her head, Amanda softly chuckled and went back to her paperwork. She was glad to get out of the awkward moment, yet still wondering what Carisi had been thinking in that split second when their eyes met.
Their shared moment was forgotten as the squad room became once more a place of police business again when a woman from outside entered the precinct.
The female had inconspicuously walked in and stood at the middle of the room, looking lost, as she glanced about. Even without make up, the early 30's brunette woman was attractive looking. Yet her prettiness was in contrast to her rather plain clothing, consisting of a tee shirt with mom jeans, tennis shoes, with a navy windbreaker worn over them.
She didn't say a word as her moist, brown eyes scanned the room.
Through her office window, Olivia Benson had seen the woman entering the squad room and went out to investigate.
"Hello, " Olivia tried to appear open yet businesslike, "I'm Lieutenant Benson, commanding officer here. May we help you?"
The woman slowly turned towards Olivia.
"I-I'm not sure..." she confessed, her eyes darting back and forth.
She obviously appeared frightened of something. Her eyes now focused towards the back, in the direction of the exit door. She looked like a caught deer needing to escape.
Upon closer observation, Olivia saw a slight bruise beneath the woman's right eye, despite the woman attempting to cover it up with concealer.
"Do you want to talk with someone?" Olivia tried to sound understanding and accommodating, "Anything you tell us will be held in the strictest of confidences; we're here to help you any way that we can."
"What?" the woman's eyes widened with fear, "Help? No, I..." she began to confusingly back away towards the exit.
Amanda immediately sprang up from her desk and approached the woman, intent on dissuading the woman from leaving.
"There's no need for you to go just yet, is there?" Amanda tried to sound very casual in order to buy time, "I mean, you just came from outside, and it's still pretty cold out there, right?"
The woman hesitated.
She looked unsure as she took another anxious look towards the exit, "...I-I've come to the wrong place...I'll go now..."
Now Carisi came forward.
"You want some coffee, Miss? Or how about some hot chocolate?" he invitingly asked and then his eyes became excited, "Better yet, you'll love our hot tea! We have all sorts of tea, but my personal favorite is peppermint tea 'cuz it's very soothin'. Doesn't that sound great?"
The woman now switched her sight to Carisi. She gave him a slow once over and then her face softened a bit.
"Peppermint tea? T-That sounds.." her mind worked to find the right word, "...nice..."
Olivia and Amanda exchanged looks.
It was obvious who the woman felt most comfortable with.
"Great!" Olivia brightly smiled, "so, Detective Carisi... why don't you take Miss, uh..."
"It's Mrs.," the woman corrected Olivia, "Last name is McMasters."
"Fine," Olivia felt encouraged, "So Detective Carisi, please take Mrs. McMasters into the..." at first she was going to say the interrogation room, but thought better of it, "...conference room?"
"Sure thing, Lieutenant," Carisi complied, as he gestured the direction, "This way, Mrs. McMasters, and we'll get you all set up..."
"You'll be with me in the room, right?" she asked tentatively of Carisi.
"Me and the peppermint tea will definitely be with you, I promise," Carisi assured her, "the room's down the hallway over there..."
Olivia and Amanda watched Carisi and the woman walk down the hallway until they disappeared in the room.
"She looks scared," Amanda opinioned.
"So I've noticed," Olivia stated, "And did you notice that bruise below her eye?"
"I did," Amanda concurred, "And from the way she's casually dressed, she certainly wasn't out on a hot date; my guess is that the culprit is either a long-term boyfriend or husband. You want me to help Carisi question her?"
Olivia nodded, "I think that'll be a good idea. The woman might appreciate a female presence," she then added, "but let Carisi take the lead; it seems like he's already developed some kind of rapport with her."
Amanda noticed that, too, but didn't say it.
"Fine by me," she acknowledged as she headed down the hallway.
By the time Amanda had entered the visitor's room, Carisi had two mugs on the table as he sat opposite the woman. They both both turned their heads when Amanda entered.
"You're just in time, Detective," Carisi stated invitingly, "We had just settled down with our drinks. I can fix you up one real quick, if you want."
He's acting like this is a tea party, Amanda thought. Although Carisi's approach was more empathetic, Amanda felt sometimes one needed to press victims if they wanted answers. For now, however, she would play it non-threatening. She answered the question about the drink with, "None for me, thanks."
"Okay, then," Carisi next made introductions, "Detective Rollins, this is Laura McMasters."
They exchanged greetings. Laura then leaned over towards Carisi, as if she were telling him a secret.
"Uh, Detective, is it really necessary to have another detective here?" she whispered as her eyes wandered over in the direction of Amanda.
Unfortunately it was said loud enough so that Amanda heard the comment
"If I'm not needed here," Amanda commented while gesturing at the outside door, "I can go out and finish my typ..."
"No need for you to go, Detective," Carisi quickly interjected, " I think we could always use another good listening ear. Have a seat."
Amanda had no choice, "O-kaaay."
Clearing her throat, she went and sat next to Carisi facing Laura McMasters, who still viewed Amanda with trepidation. Once Amanda had settled in, Carisi addressed Laura.
"So, Mrs. McMasters, anything you want to talk in particular?" he asked her, deciding to start the talk off slowly.
Laura's hand was shaking as she took a sip of her tea. Putting down her mug, she looked guardedly at Carisi.
"I-I..." she was stuttering, so she took a deep breath in and began again, "...I really don't know if I want to say anything at all."
Then she looked down and was silent again.
This was going nowhere fast.
And it was driving Amanda crazy.
So she decided to be direct.
Sometimes victims needed that.
"If you don't want to talk about what you came here for..." Amanda began, "...how about just giving us the name of the person who hit you?"
Carisi shot Rollins a look of surprise at her bluntness.
Meanwhile Laura's hand flew up to her right bruised eye and when she realized what she was doing, she quickly put her hand back down and darted a look at Carisi.
"I...I'm not sure what she means..."
Amanda would not back down.
"We can easily see the bruise below your eye," Amanda plainly stated, "Who assaulted you, Mrs. McMasters?"
Laura shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
Carisi backed Amanda up.
"Just give us a first name, if you want," he encouraged her, "Once you say it, it might even make you feel better."
It was obvious from her uncertainty that Laura McMasters was vacillating as to whether to answer with name. When at last she decided, she looked anxiously over at Carisi.
"Jack," she managed to choke out.
Carisi and Amanda felt relieved. Some progress at last.
"Jack," Carisi repeated the name and then very gingerly asked, "is he...your boyfriend?"
She shook her head.
"Your husband?"
They waited. It took some time, but at last she nodded, her lip bottom trembling.
"So you wish to file a complaint?" Amanda asked, as she slid a yellow legal pad and pen towards her.
Laura's eyes widened in fright at the sight of the pad. She clammed up again, looking down on her lap.
"Mrs. McMasters," Carisi took a different approach, "Jack is why you are here, right?"
At the sound of his name, she looked scared again.
"No!" but she stated it too loudly and took a deep breath out, "...I mean...yes..." she admitted at last.
"So you do want to file a complaint," Amanda stated it like a fact.
"No," Laura shook her head vigorously, "no I'm not here for a complaint."
Carisi gave her his most sympathetic look, "Then why are you here?"
Laura bit her lower lip and stared at him for a time, as if determining whether or not she should trust him. She then looked back at her lap as if she had shut down. Amanda opened her mouth to say something until Carisi gave her a look which said don't rush her. Amanda impatiently leaned back with a scowl.
The room had been silent for a time when at last Laura looked back at Carisi with determined eyes.
"I-I'm here," she shakily began, "because..." she swallowed and then continued, "...because I need you to stop me... from shooting Jack dead!"
Hi! I'm so excited yet nervous about posting this story! Let me know what you think!
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