Ok~ So this is another deathshipping thing… I don't know I like it at the moment? Ok~ Anyway!
Description~Highschool Deathshipping Au (Alternate Universe) Mariku and Ryou meet when Bakura doesn't tell the Ishtar's about Ryou's existence, Ryou doesn't know his brothers have any friends until he accidentally runs into one who grows a crush on the shy albino. Ryou has two very (Extremely) over protect brothers, who want there friend no where near their brother? And Ryou's a closed off kid who doesn't really open up to anyone.
ThiefShipping is hinted but nothing really, same with RipShipping~ Neither are really anything… Just mentioned occasionally.
Yami Bakura~Bakura
Thief king Bakura~Akefia
Yami Marik~Mariku
Disclaimer-I don't own yu-gi-oh or any of the characters and this will probably sadly not change while I'm writing this… Bleh~
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Chapter One
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Ryou hastily left the classroom despite the way the bell had only just rung he was already practically out the door, he chose to ignore the strange looks from the teacher…they were just confused because in previous years she had him and he had always been last out of the classroom. But today in his new class, he just wanted to get out. He quickly ran down the corridor, class hadn't been that bad…the person who sat next to him didn't decide to show up so its not like he had to really talk to anyone or meet someone new, which was always a hard task when his social skills were shit…it would be better if his brother was in his class but they normally didn't like putting them in the same class because they were twins, so he was alone again…one of his 'friends' were in the class…but still.
He quickly turned around the corner puffing on the wall, and pausing to have a quick break…he really should get fitter instead of playing so many video games, he glanced around the corner hopefully but they were short lasted.
"Thought you could run little Touzoku~" a tall teen from his new class smirked grabbing hold of his wrist as Ryou turned to leave again.
"Let go," Ryou struggled in the others grasp.
"Your Bakura's little brother yes?" the other teen was soon accompanied by two others.
"Twin…" Ryou said quietly, he knew little about his brother. School wise…well he knew he was a trouble maker and a thief…but he constantly pissed off people in school and they always chose to take it out on him, hoping he would run crying back to his brother though he didn't bother, it only resulted to make his brother pissed and beat the kids up…plus as he put it he was a 'bully magnet'.
"We have a score to settle with your big brother," the other teen chuckled dragging Ryou through the school and out toward the more private parts outside, or as Ryou referred to it 'bully central' he was dragged there all the time…he shuddered as he felt the sun hit his pale skin but didn't protest.
"Why don't you settle your scores with him and not me?" Ryou said quickly being shoved against the wall.
"What would that do?" the others chuckled at Ryou's useless plea, "that ass hole wouldn't give a shit what we did to him, but you~" they chuckled running a hand down Ryou's cheek calmly, "he will care," he smirked turning around and grabbing onto Ryou's white hair and tugging it down, pulling Ryou's head with it.
"But I won't tell him…" Ryou said quietly, ignoring the pain.
"Oh…don't worry about that little Ryou~" they chuckled, "we're in the same class now~ we can do this every week until he figures it out~"
"Oh…" Ryou sighed "of course…we'll be in different classes next year probably…"
"So~" they chuckled, "we will come after you every week Ryou~ we will make sure that each week is worst then the next~"
"Why should I care?" Ryou shuddered as he felt a sharp object run along his arm followed by a cold liquid.
"Because we don't care," the leader smirked.
"So…I still won't tell my brother? So whats the point," Ryou said quietly not daring to make eye contact with the other teens.
"You don't need to tell him~ He'll find out eventually~" they smirked, "plus this is a fair punishment~"
"He hurt my little sister~ So I'll hurt his little brother~" the other teen chuckled slamming his fist into Ryou's stomach making him choke on his own breath.
"I'm sorry for your sister…" Ryou sighed being punched again.
"We don't want your pity~" they shook there heads, "we will be doing this every week and if you run we will catch you~ Don't worry if your away either~ We will make sure to do it the second you return and make sure we double the pain~"
"Yes…" Ryou sighed, he didn't see a way of getting out of it, his brothers problems were his especially since his father was never home…he just stays away normally…its rare for him to come home and they never saw eye to eye anyway…he had an older brother but he got in almost as much trouble as Bakura…he graduated last year though, but he was still bigger then him… He wasn't home much either now, he had collage and a job… Though he was pretty sure he would probably still stick around home as much of possible. He could be quiet lazy.
"Ok~ We'll see you next Tuesday~" the man chuckled at the albino, "your a whimp fag…"
Ryou teared slightly as they hit him one more time in the gut before walking off chucking leaving him to sink to the ground…he didn't really want to be seen crying, but he couldn't help it…he had enough problems with his father he didn't need to be constantly reminded of one, it wasn't his fault he liked guys and girls apparently he was only meant to like girls…not both…
He stood up slowly clutching his his stomach despite the way his arm bleed, his stomach was the thing that hurt…he had a first aid kit in his brothers car…plus he never wanted them to see what they did…he was pleased he had chosen to take his jacket off, at least he wouldn't have to sew it…he slowly went over to his brothers car and opened it carefully sitting in the back and shutting the door behind him, Bakura had given him a spare key in case he ever needed to put something in the car. Or use it on rare occasions.
He slowly grabbed out the first aid kit he hid under the chair and opened it, before slowly opening the door again and grabbing his drink bottle pouring it down onto his arm to wash away any blood, he shuddered as the cool water hit the open wound but luckily it drained away the red liquid swimming on his arm and he slowly patted it dry before adding a bandaid and sliding the kit back under the chair…he didn't want to go back out there…he couldn't…he closed the door firmly and sunk onto the ground that way no one would see him, he sniffed balling up and crying into his legs…he would get out when the bell rang…he didn't want to leave, he didn't want to go to school ever again…he didn't want to have to put up with this every Tuesday plus he still knew some kids from last year come to beat him up termly still and then its almost destiny that Bakura will peeve of someone else and they'll come after him too…
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Bakura chuckled laying out on the grass at the back of the field, it was the first day and of course he didn't want to go to class just yet…why should he? "Do ya think you'll survive without me Mariku?" he chuckled darkly at one of the two Egyptian teens next to him.
"I'll be missing you all the way asshole~" Mariku chuckled.
"This just means you'll have to finally take us over to your house," Marik smirked cheekily.
"No way!" Bakura chuckled, "and your in my class you little devil~"
"So!" Marik pouted, "you always refuse to let us over! What are you hiding from us!"
"Nothing," Bakura growled slightly, those two asses weren't allowed anywhere near his house or Ryou…plus they don't know he exists and he doesn't know they exist…and he wants to keep it that way, "I just don't like people coming over to my house…"
"And Isis hates it when your sorry ass comes to ours," Mariku chuckled.
"She loves it deep down~" Bakura winked cheekily.
"I'm pretty sure thats not it," Marik chuckled shaking his blond hair and sitting up… "Though we should get to class Mariku…we don't want her pissed at us more then she already is."
"Awe but Marik! The bells going in a few minuets anyway!" Bakura protested.
"Fine…we'll go back after break," Marik chuckled landing back down onto the grass.
Bakura smirked wider as the bell shrilled through out the school, he contemplated getting up to go check on Ryou…but it was the first day? Who would beat up his little brother on the first day, plus he would have to ditch the Egyptian brothers which could present a task.
"I told you it'd go soon," Bakura chuckled staring at the two other teen, "what did you want to do anyway? I can't be fucked to go beat anyone up…"
"Me neither," Mariku shrugged sitting up little his blonde spiked up hair bounce slightly back up, it had been flattened slightly on the grass.
"We could make-out Kura?" Marik suggested.
"Sure," Bakura shrugged.
"Oh what fun! Watching my ass friend make out with my little brother!" Mariku rolled his eyes swiping past Bakura before standing up and walking off, "have fun~"
"Hey! I'm barely a couple of seconds younger then you ass!" Marik yelled after his brother but was soon dragged away from complaining as Bakura grew tired of waiting and was kissing him teasingly on his tanned neck just above his golden chocker.
"What ever," Mariku growled, "you too asses have fun!" he didn't mind his brother kissing Bakura, but he wasn't going to sit around and watch…plus he couldn't complain he had kissed Kura too…multiple times, but still he wasn't going to sit around watching them do it still…maybe he could go find some girl to make out with? Na, he preferred guys anyway and they were much harder to convince…and most people feared him…
He could go out somewhere, he smirked swinging Kura's keys in his hand…he would go somewhere else for the day, now where did that ass park his car? he growled walking aimlessly around the school, he was stuck in a class by himself again this year…he wondered which scaredy cat he would be stuck next to this year, last year he was stuck next to friendship loving Yugi and it was horrid, Yugi refused to do anything fun and plus he had an over protective brother.
He smirked as he came across the black car, he walked up to it pressing the unlock button and jumping in and shutting the door and quickly driving off…he smirked leaving the school, he would come in later…he drove around for a bit before getting completely bored and just randomly parking, the doors were locked no way was anyone allowed in the bloody car…he froze slightly as he heard as slight sniffing noise from the back, someone was here? He quietly got out of the car and went around the other side of the car and jumping in the back and closing the door again, slightly surprised to see a white mess of hair crying into the school uniform…Bakura was crying in his car? He slowly lifted the boys pale face up and he blinked his brown watery eyes at him but didn't say anything.
"Kura?" Mariku blinked, "why are you crying?"
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First chapter? What did people think? Anyone like it, hate it? Just curious… This was a stupid idea? But I felt like writing it…
Thankyou for reading…