Question. What would it take for someone to go insane? I just want to you to think about that as you read. I don't own the Loud House.

"Boyfriends, stupidity, rock music, jokes, sports, poems, animals, tea parties, machines, diapers. These are the things that could take away sanity." Lincoln was in a straightjacket in a fedele position with goggles that blocked color. He also had bloody cuts on his face. The boy was also chained to his bed. Lincoln's family looked on in horror.

"Doctor Savino, is he going to be alright? What's wrong with him?" Rita asked.

"He is undergoing a psychotic illness. Or more commonly known as insanity." The doctor adjusts his glasses and he looked over Lincoln's papers.

"What caused this?" Lynn Sr. girls looked at each other. Knowing what happened.

"Umm… Doctor Savino. We know what happened." Lucy said.

Three days earlier

It was Friday February 17th. This was the four day weekend for Washington's birthday. Lincoln walked into his room with a stack of comic books. He then notices the viewer.

"Oh hey everyone. I just bought a bunch of comic books. From Ace Savvy 1 to the current issue number 406. I know someone of you are asking 'Don't you have some of these already?' And the answer is yes. But the…" Lincoln was cut off by Lola bursting into his room.

"Lincoln stop talking to yourself and help me out. I need "tea bags" for my tea party I'm having. Could you get me some?" Lola asked.

"Sorry but I'm about to read these comics. Nostalgia here I come." Lincoln said that last part quietly. Lola was starting to get annoyed. She started begging with the infamous puppy dog eyes.

"Nice try Lola. I built an immunity to puppy eyes. How about asking someone else?" Lincoln said as he took off his socks and shoes.

"But I did ask everyone else. Please Lincoln." Lola begged even more.

"I got two lines for you pick your choice. Either 'Enjoy the show' or 'Sucks to be you' take your pick." Lola just stormed off.

"Now where was I?" Lincoln asked now in nothing but his underwear. Lincoln grabbed issue one.

"Hello old friend. 2015. Nice." As Lincoln turned to the first panel, Lynn Sr. yelled for his son to come here. Lincoln put his clothes back on and headed downstairs.

"Lincoln, did you tell Lola 'Enjoy the show' or 'Sucks to be you'? If you did why?" Lincoln went on a rant on what happened the two minutes ago.

"OK. Lola go get all your sisters. Bring him in here. I need to talk to my son." Lynn Sr. was mad at Lincoln.

"Tell me Lincoln, how long did it take for you to get those comics? All of them?"

"Two hours."

"How much were all the comics?"

"812 dollars."

"Where did you get the money?"

"Saved it. I found it around the house."

"And do you know who's money that is?"


"Since the house is in my name, that was my money meaning my comic books." Lincoln was going to say something, but Lynn Sr. put his hand up to stop him from talking. Just then Lola came downstairs with the rest of the girls.

"Here we are dad." Lola said.

"I've got good news for you. Since Lincoln wants to be a jerk to Lola, I got a punishment that you guys will like. For the rest of the four day weekend, he's going to do favors fit you." The girls cheered.

"Dad how is that fair?"

"Because when we were deciding on where to go for vacation, you made is your slaves." Luan said.

"But I thought I made it up to you guys." Lincoln said confused.

"That was for a few hours. You did it to us for a day and a half." Lori said. Lincoln gulped. Knowing what was in store, he panicked. The nightmare began immediately. The girls started reaching for him.

Present day

"All the things he's chanting are the things we put him through." Lucy said.

"We noticed something was wrong last night at dinner. He just kept talking to himself. When we left for our rooms I heard him talk about him going insane. I wanted to help him, but he jumped out of his bedroom window." Lisa said.

"So you guys did this to him? Unbelievable." Rita wasn't showing it, but she was furious. She looked in the window of Lincoln's sell. Lincoln was pacing back and forward. Free from his chain.

"Can I see him?" This was maternal instinct.

Well that's it. This loud house stories I make are getting hard to write because originality. If this story with the same premise is somewhere. Let me know so I can avoid copying them. Anyway Lincoln's in the madhouse. Who do you think will save him? Favorite, follow, and review for Lincoln's mind. Take care.