
1,000,000 words written for Remington Steele.

Because Premium Steele has always been one of my top five favorite episodes of Remington Steele, I wanted this story to mark this milestone. From the day I wrote my first RS fanfiction, I promised myself once I hit the one millionth word mark, I'd wrap up my stint writing fanfic and return to my book. It seems these characters we love have a different idea as I have at least another dozen stories writing themselves in my head.

And that, it turns out, is alright by me.

Thank you to everyone that has been so supportive throughout this journey, have offered up stellar story ideas, and keeps these characters alive in their hearts. It amazes me less that I've written a million words, than it does so many people have read every one of them. That's where the true commitment lays!

Thank you… Thank you… Thank you for your time.
