Chapter 9: Coma

Khadgar sighed as he placed the pale blue hand he was holding onto Nova's waist. Laying as she was, he could almost fool himself thinking she was only sleeping. This was entirely his fault. Every horrendous thing that has happened to her since teaming up at the portal to Draenor was his fault. What was he thinking?! That after all that she survived, a simple experiment on his behalf would be nothing?

Varick walked up quietly and placed a hand on the mage's shoulder as he said, "It's not your fault…"

"Yes it is, "Khadgar insisted not bothering to look away from the woman, "I asked her to do it. It's my job after all. Send her off into danger while I stay here safe as a bug in a rug in Dalaran. I should have never have asked that she keep the Light's Heart at Trueshot Lodge to begin with. I should have…""

"That's enough Khadgar, "Varick growled, "Blaming yourself will not help her. Finding a cure will. The healer's are stumped, saying there is nothing physically wrong with her but she remains in a coma. So what do you plan to do about it?"

Khadgar closed his eyes for a few seconds and then sighed, "You're right. I'll start researching for a possible cure. There has got to be something in Dalaran's libraries that can help."

As the mage stood up, Varick stepped back and added, "I'll stay here and keep an eye on her for awhile. If I have to leave I'm certain our druid friend over there will be happy to pass the word if she wakes."

In a tub next to Novazul's bed, a druid stuck in the form of a sea lion snorted. "Not like I have anything else to do."

(The next day)

An exhausted looking Khadgar was dragged by his ear into the counsel hall by Archmage Modera, who insisted that he stop whatever pet project he was on and work on the serious matter of Dalaran's defenses. He didn't get the chance to explain that he was working on a possible cure for the Huntmaster and just as when he was about to give Modera a piece of his mind, the sound of Draenei hooves walking into the hall made him look towards the entrance with hope. Hope that proven true, for none other than Novazul walked into the room.

"You live!, "Khadgar exclaimed as he hurried over to take hold of the hunter's upper arms,"Your champions came to me after they failed to rouse you at your order hall. We brought you here and put you in the infirmary. What happened?"

Novazul closed her eyes briefly as she considered her words and then said, "The Naaru, Xe'ra, pulled me into her mind to speak with me. She described how Sargeras defeated the Titans eons ago. Only the Army of the Light is preventing him and his Burning Legion from fully taking over this universe but they are now in trouble on Argus. They need not only our help but Illiadan as well."

"Dead? The titans are dead?" Khadgar exclaimed and then took a few moments to consider. He then answered his own questions, "It explains so much, yet I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of sadness. We have been on our own all along. Our gods killed before we were born. As for the Army of the Light and Illidan. I am at a loss. I have never felt so powerless."

The archmage turned to look at the other stunned members of the counsel and said, "Illiadan is dead and the Golden Army fights an endless war in our name from across the cosmos. I...I need a moment, Nova. This is too much bad news for an old man to bear."

Nova suddenly gasps in pain as she takes hold of her head and falls to her knees. Heard only by her, the Naruu Xe'Ra's voice rings in Nova's head, " The pain will subside, champion. You now carry my mark, and through it I am able to see and feel as you do. Return to me when you are able. We have much to do."

"Nova! Are you alright? Should you even be out of bed?"Khadgar worriedly queried as he moved to help the Draenei stand

The Dreanei sighed and gave the mage a small hug, "I'll be find…just need to get my bearings. Has anything else happened while I was out?"

It was Kalecgos that replied, "One of our newest Archmages was able to acquire the water pillar as well as some unique allies."

"So only one more pillar to go…"the hunter sighed and then more strongly asked, "Any ideas as to where to find it?"

"No, "Khadgar answered and then stood tall as he crossed his arms, "Even if there was a clue, it would not be you who would be investigating it. You just woke up from a coma. If you think I'm going…"

"Huntmaster, "Kalec quickly interrupted, "We'll inform you of any new developments. Until then, why not rest and perhaps check on your people?"

Nova raised an eyebrow and then nodded, "I should at least go report in to let my second know that I'm still alive."

"If you don't mind, "Khadgar added, "I'll go with you. There's something I wanted to look into in Highmountain anyways."

Nova smiled and nodded, "I would like the company."

"Archmage Kha…"Modera started only to be silenced by a firm hand on her shoulder. She turned to glare at the dragon in Half-Elf form as Kalec said, "Good, we'll hold down the fort here and let you know if we find anything about the final pillar."

The Archmage and the Huntmaster left the building, with Khadgar keeping close to Novazul. Once the pair were gone, Kalec removed the hold he had on Modera's shoulder and the female Archmage turned to demand, "What the Void was that for?! He should be here working on defenses or plans not wasting precious time…"

"You have not been paying attention, "Kalecgos said using a tone of voice he hasn't used since he lost the Aspect mantle, "You pulled him away from research that was aimed towards bringing back a valued leader in our forces who just so happens to be someone he deeply cares for. You asked a man who has given up everything, even his actual youth in protection of this world to skip spending a little bit of time with that same someone who has been in the infirmary unconscious for three days. Let him see that she is healthy and safe so then he can fully focus on what needs to be done. Plus, let the man have a little bit of joy in his life. With way things are going, he may not have another chance."

(A few weeks later)

"Varick!"a female voice called out as the warrior was walking pass the purple tower, "I would have a word with you!"

With a raised eyebrow, the dark haired male turned and looked up the steps to see Archmage Modera standing with her arms crossed. The man sighed, wondering what did Khadgar do this time. It seemed that every time that crazy mage did something others might consider wrong or weird, he would disappear and his loyal 'bodyguard' would take the heat. Knowing there was no point in avoiding the inevitable; Varick waved to indicate he heard her and started up the stairs. Once he got within a reasonable distance he asked, "Archmage, is there something I can help you with?"

"I want to talk to you about the Huntmaster, "Modera explained, "How well do you know her?"

Varick had to fight off the smirk that threatened to appear hearing those words. So, Novazul has gotten the attention of the other Archmages…I wonder how. The man shrugged and said, "I first met her just before expeditions to Northrend to investigate the Arthas' return. Since then I crossed paths with her regularly enough. She always seems to be on the front lines, running errands for the Alliance and its allies. If you want to know more about her, you might want to talk to the men and women who served under her on Draenor. She was the Commander of the Alliance forces, only Khadgar, dranei guy and the King had higher rank."

"I don't need to know her military service record, "the mage sighed, "I need to know about her. What kind of person is she? Could she have an alternative motive spending so much time with a member of the council? Does she blindly follow Vellen…"

"Stop right there, "Varick said in a tone of voice that could have been easily mistaken for a royal order by King Varian, "Huntmaster Novazul is one of the bravest and most honorable persons I've had the honor to have worked with. If she has any faults it's her decided lack of self preservation when it comes to serving the Alliance and her ability to hold a grudge." Varick paused for a moment and then added, "Anything else I know about her is private. Want to know about Novazul, ask her directly but be warned; she can be brutally honest. Now if you would excuse me…"

Modera eased up her stance and lowered her arms as she said, "All I want to know is what I'm seeing between her and Khadgar real? She's known the Archmage for years and now they start courting? I…"

It finally dawned on Varick that the mage was just looking out for a friend. The warrior smirked and said, "They may have just started courting, but from what I understand, they been rather fond of each other since they first met in Shattrah. They even got rather…ugh…close during their time on Draenor. It was mainly Khadgar's concerns about his physical age and their respective duties that kept them apart."

Just then a bright light and a thunderous boom came from within the tower. The Archmage and warrior ran in to investigate to see a large arcane orb floating in the middle of the hall. "I'll find Khadgar, "Varick immediately said as he turned to leave. Modera nodded and started belting out orders to secure the area.


"I can't believe you actually poked that thing, "Varick said as he followed Novazul as she tracked the magical trail left behind by a Nightfallen Elf.

"Someone had to do it, "Nova mumbled her reply as she had Gezza sniff around, "The council was taking too long and Khadgar's suggestion seemed the most immediate. Besides I'm always the one stuck poking, shaking or kicking the whatever dangerous thing that shows up."

"And you nearly gave the poor guy a heart attack when you did, "Varick pointed out as he looked around carefully, "He's still blaming himself for putting you in that coma."

"Khadgar did not put me into a coma, "Nova sighed as Gezza returned. She then muttered angrily, "It was a crazy Naaru."

"He still blames himself and you know that's why he asked that I go along, "Varick pointed out and then added, "If it was me, I would have ordered you restricted to Dalaran."

Nova gave her partner a look that spoke volumes. For the week following her recovery from her visitation with the ancient Naaru, Khadgar had been trying his best to keep her out of the field but with no luck. The lack of official assignments enabled the Huntmaster's search for Illidan. Watching how Illidan turned to Fel energies to fight the Legion was sobering. It vaguely reminded her of her own path. Borderline self exile from the Draenei, anger at Prophet Vellen, fighting a war that she had little hope of winning…the main difference between Illidan and herself was the fact that the one she cared for returned those feelings where the woman that Illidan loved preferred his brother. Where she now had someone to lose if they fail, he sacrificed everything when he didn't have that much left to lose. Nova frowned and then said, "Varian, promise me if I ever fall to the Fel…"

The warrior next to her stiffened and then nodded as he said, "I'll see that your death is quick and painless. I ask the same of you, agreed?"

"Agreed, "Novazul said with a single nod.

To be continued…