A/N: Final chapter, everyone! I've had a blast writing this one with Milaya! If you want to read more on Regina, though, check out Milaya Milen Zeal's series "Long Live The Queen". It's pretty good! And Regina is her OC, by the way! Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story idea, in conjunction with Milaya Milen Zeal. She wrote Noctis's and Zidane's parts.

Nothing Without A Soul

Chapter 27

X*X(10 Years Later)X*X

Ten years passed them by in what felt like the blink of an eye. And it didn't take long for them to each develop their own personality properly.

Regina was like a mini-version of Noctis, almost to a fault. She tended to be rather lazy when it came to waking up in the morning, but once she was up she stayed up (usually WAY past her bedtime). On top of that, she was very protective of her two younger brothers, and while she wasn't physically as strong as her brothers, they'd never actually beaten her in a fight (mostly because they didn't dare beat up their big sister, which didn't sit well with Regina). Studying was something she found to be a pain and a half, but she'd definitely push herself to it. She kept her hair cut short similarly to Noct, though she also had some of her hair resting on her back.

The one thing that Regina did different than her brothers, though, was how she called their parents. While Cloud and Ace called Prompto and Noctis "Mom" and "Dad", respectively, Regina called them "Dad" and "Father". Not out of disrespect, or anything, but she felt it fit them better.

Cloud was a lot like Noct as well in the fact that he was quiet and didn't speak up much unless spoken to, but he seemed to take it a step further. One of his most common phrases by age 7 was "Not interested…" He hardly made time to study, unless his sister managed to drag him off to a session because he had to. He was more interested in fighting, and he spent a lot of his time training with Gladio. His hair stuck out in numerous spiked tresses, and his expression very rarely showed anything, unless he was in the middle of a training session.

Ace was the most like Prompto in that he spent the majority of his time with the Chocobos. Unlike Cloud, he was very studious and often spent time with Regina in the library, reading up on history and other subjects they didn't have to work on just yet. However, he was a little lazy at times, as well; often ending up napping out in the garden on one of the benches there. His hair was as smooth as Noct's, making him look more like a blonde version of Noct.

They were all unique in their own way, and yet they never seemed to stray too far from each other…

Aside from the occasional skirmishes.

Cloud silently made his way down the halls, carrying a hefty bucket in one hand as he walked. He didn't bother looking up at anyone as he passed them, and instead made his way straight for the garden. Once there, the spiky blonde made a beeline for the far end of the garden. And before long, he stood beside the bench where, not surprisingly, Ace was napping, hands on his stomach and breathing softly.


His older brother watched him for a moment longer, as if waiting for him to wake up himself, before he sighed. Without a word, Cloud reached down for the bucket and raised it high…


"GAAAAH!" Ace howled as he bolted upright, soaked to the bone. "What the…? CLOUD!"

"…You up now?" Cloud asked solemnly.

"What was that for, you jerk?!" Ace growled in annoyance.

Cloud didn't answer immediately, before he sighed, one hand on his hip. "…did you forget?"

"Forget what?"

"…Kuja and Joshua?"

"…oh snap!" Ace hissed as he leapt up and hurried off.

And Cloud merely watched him go silently, before he snorted and shook his head, before he started back inside. As he walked by the entrance, though, he stopped as he spotted his sister leaning against the pillar by the entrance to the garden.

Regina didn't say anything, but she did cock an eyebrow silently at him. Cloud regarded her for a moment, before he shrugged his shoulders and walked past her. And Regina merely watched him walk off, before she shook her head and headed off for her room to get changed for when Kuja and Joshua came. And as she did, she hoped that Mikoto hadn't snuck in a dress (again!).

As she was on her way to her room, Prompto spotted his daughter, and smiled knowingly at her. "I took out the dress this time," he told her.

Regina sighed in relief at that news. "Thanks, Dad… I don't get why Aunt Mikoto keeps wanting me to wear dresses…"

"Probably because you're a young lady, but I understand not wanting to keep to tradition," the blonde chuckled, his tail waving in amusement. Regina merely hummed as she walked into her room to change. She left the door open for Prompto to follow her inside if he so wished.

And he did, trailing after her. "So, are you excited for Joshua and Kuja to come?" he asked.

"I'd be more excited if Josh didn't constantly try Scanning us…" Regina said as she pulled off her shirt and tossed it on the bed for the moment as she rummaged through her closet. She spent less than a minute picking an outfit to wear, after which she moved to the bed to get changed.

"Well, it's his specialty, so he likes to…play with it often, I guess," Prompto shrugged. "Where are your brothers, anyway?"

"Cloud is probably back in his room to change," Regina said as she tugged on her dress shirt. "Ace…well, he' probably drying off, first."

"Drying off…? Oh geez… Cloud dumped water on him again, didn't he?" the blonde groaned.

"Yep," Regina said simply as she shimmied out of her jeans to pull on her suit's pants. After a small hop to get in them properly, she looped her tail through the belt straps. "To be fair; he did forget."

"I'd scold Cloud, but…Ace really shouldn't have forgotten…" Prompto sighed. "Well, I'm going to go check on them. See you at the entrance?"

"Yeah," Regina said with a nod as she reached under the bed for her shoes. "Be there in 10 minutes."

"Sounds good," her mother smiled, and then headed off to Cloud's room, which was just a short walk across the hall. Remembering to knock, since Cloud had pretty much locked the door in case of that, he waited for the call that he could come in.

"…'s open," came the disinterested call from inside.

"Hey," Prompto greeted as he came in. "You almost ready?"

Cloud hummed an affirmative as he clipped his combat boots shut over his pants legs, stomping briefly to ensure they were on right, before he stood up. After a moment of stretching his arms over his head, he snagged his jacket from the bed post and solemnly pulled it on.

"Looking good," Prompto chuckled, briefly ruffling the boy's hair. Cloud didn't respond verbally to the hair ruffling, but once Prompto stepped back, he ran a hand through his spiked tresses to smooth them out again. "Come on, let's get your brother. I hope he dried off in time…" the older Genome said, giving his middle child a pointed look. Cloud didn't even flinch at the look. He merely hummed and put his hands in his pockets as he walked after Prompto.

"Ace? Can I come in?" Prompto called through the door after knocking.

"In a minute!" the youngest boy called out…which was shortly followed by a thud and a pained yowl. "Dammit…!"

Cloud didn't even respond; his tail merely swaying slightly behind him.

"Are you okay? And watch your mouth, mister!" Prompto chided, sighing.

"Bumped my toe…ow…!" Ace hissed out.

"Here, let me in," Prompto told him, frowning at the locked door.

"I'm almost…!" Ace called out, before the door was unlocked and the blonde almost stumbled out, his shoes in hand and only one arm in his jacket, his favorite red scarf/cape half-secured around his neck and his hair sticking out at odd angles.

Though Cloud didn't say anything, he did snort softly at the sight. Sighing in exasperation, Prompto steadied his youngest son so he wouldn't fall.

"Easy, Ace. Here, let me help," his mother said, taking his shoes from him.

"Sorry…" Ace mumbled, though he shot his brother a glare around their mother's head.

Cloud merely stared back evenly. '…what are you looking at?'

'You're an ass!'


'Both of you, knock it off,' Prompto scolded, cuffing them both over their heads. 'Cloud, don't dump water on your brother anymore. And Ace, you need to keep track of things better.'

Ace whined a little at the hit and the scolding, but Cloud didn't even respond aside from a single side glance.

"Now, behave when we get there. Both of you. Now, Ace, let's hurry up and get you ready," Prompto said firmly, fixing Ace's hair for him before helping him into his jacket properly. "Get your shoes on, and then we'll go."

Ace nodded quietly as he leaned against his door to pull his shoes on. After he was finished with that, he briefly adjusted his cape and nodded. "Kay…ready."

"All right, now let's go. Regina and your father are probably waiting on us," Prompto told them, and led the way to the entrance, his tail waving in slight excitement at seeing his friends again.

Sure enough, as they reached the entrance, Noctis was already there, quietly helping to fix Regina's hair for her (since she'd been trying to style it the same way he did to the best of her abilities). As they approached, Noctis looked up, before he smiled and finished up with Regina's hair. "There we go, princess."

"Thank you, Father," Regina said with a nod, before she turned to regard the others as well.

"Hey sweetie," Prompto smiled. "Thanks for fixing up her hair, Noct. I know she likes it how you do it."

Noctis nodded with a small smile, as Regina tucked a few loose strands behind her ear (which fell right back out, of course).

"Sorry we took a while," the triplets' mother apologized. "But we're here now. Where are the others?"

"They should be here…" Noctis began to say, before he caught movement from the corner of his eyes and he smiled. "Ah, there they are."

"Lan! C'mon!" shouted a young girl with peach-blonde hair and bright blue eyes, her tail swishing behind her as she went.

"H-hey hold on, Reynn!" called out the boy running after her, very nearly out of breath.

"Hey, you two," Prompto chuckled in greeting as the twins joined them. "Where are your parents?"

"Taking it easy, that's where," Zidane called out with a chuckle as he and Luna walked over casually.

"Hey man," Prompto smiled as he saw his friend.

"Hello, everyone," Luna greeted. "How have you three been?" she asked the triplets.

"Well one of us has been wet," Regina said with a small smirk.

"Siiiis!" Ace whined with a small pout, even as Cloud hummed softly.

"Regina, be nice," Prompto chided.

"I take it Cloud dumped water on Ace again?" Luna guessed.

"Yeah…" Prompto sighed.

"I'm just pointing out the facts," Regina said with a shrug. Before the conversation could continue, there was a familiar roar coming from outside.

"Ah! They're here!" Reynn called out with a smile. Prompto smiled brightly as they watched the familiar form of Nova appear on the horizon, and the dragon was soon landing before them. The blonde, wanting his family together, gathered the triplets close to himself and Noctis.

The silver dragon flew in a circle around the plaza, roaring down to the group waiting for her and her passengers, before she descended, landing easily and almost soundlessly. Once she had steadied herself, she lowered herself down, allowing her passengers off.

Kuja was first to slide off of her back, and he then turned to help Aranea off. Joshua, now 14 years old, followed shortly after, absently patting down his pale purple pants as his tail coiled around his feet. The once small boy had turned into an almost perfect replica of his father, only he'd decided to keep his hair cut short to curl around his face rather than let it grow out.

When he spotted the group, he smiled and gave them all a small wave in greeting.

"Hey Josh! Hey Kuja!" Prompto called, smiling warmly.

Kuja merely chuckled as he nodded in greeting, turning to Nova and murmuring something to her, even as Joshua walked over calmly.

"Good morning," Joshua said with a half-smirk.

"Good morning, Joshua," Noctis said with a nod.

While Cloud didn't respond, his hands still in his pockets, Ace nodded in greeting, and Regina said solemnly, "Hello, Joshua."

"Hm? Something wrong, dear?" Joshua asked curiously.

"I would appreciate it if you would stop calling me that," Regina mumbled. Prompto chuckled; Joshua was definitely his father's son. Calling everyone 'dear' had even passed on with the teen.

"How have you been, Joshua?" Prompto inquired, ruffling the boy's hair.

Joshua allowed a small chuckle as Nova flew off again and Kuja and Aranea approached as well. "I've been well, thank you," he said, twirling a lock of his hair around his finger.

Kuja smiled softly as he stepped up beside his son, before he hummed softly. "I assume Mikoto and Vivi are busy, as usual, hmm?"

"Yeah…they said they'd be over later," Zidane said with a small shrug. "You know how she gets sometimes…"

"Good point," Prompto chuckled, leaning lightly against Noctis.

Joshua hummed, before he glanced over to Ace…and then he smirked. "Had a nice shower, Ace?"

Ace's eyes widened, before he frowned and almost shouted, "Stop Scanning me!"

"Joshua, please don't antagonize your cousins…" Prompto chided, sighing. 'Already it starts…'

Regina frowned lightly, but she bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from saying anything.

Meanwhile, Aranea chuckled at the exchange, before she said, "In any case; shall we head inside, hmm?"

"Sounds like a plan," Noctis said with a nod. Prompto then helped Luna in herding the kids inside, where they headed to the massive living room.

Once they arrived there, everyone took their preferred seats. Regina settled on the couch next to her father, who was sitting next to Prompto. Ace took one of the armchairs, while Cloud leaned against its back, deliberately facing away from everyone. Reynn and Lan were sitting on the floor in front of the chair their mom had taken, with Zidane leaning along its back, hands hanging a little about Luna's shoulders.

Joshua took one of the remaining armchairs, while Kuja and Aranea settled on the other couch.

"So, how have things been in Treno, Kuja?" Prompto asked.

"Considerably quiet," Kuja said simply as he leaned on the armrest. "Compared to the situation 10 years ago, in any case."

"Finally got around to rebuilding the auction house entirely, huh?" Zidane quipped, his tongue flicking out to the side.

"Rebuilding that damage doesn't take 10 years, dear."

"Well, you never know…"

"How have you been yourself, Aranea?" Luna inquired, smiling at the woman as she sat with Kuja.

"Oh I've been enjoying myself plenty," the pale-haired woman giggled as she leaned herself fully against Kuja's side, who didn't seem the least bit bothered by this (no surprise there), "We still have plenty of wannabe rule-breakers that need a firm talking too~" she giggled out.

Lann and Reynn blinked curiously in question, before they regarded each other, not understanding what she was talking about. Cloud, however, snorted softly from where he stood.

"Hm?" Joshua hummed as he looked over to Cloud. "Something wrong, dear?"

"…" Cloud briefly glanced over from the corner of his eyes, but he said nothing else.

Regina remained silent for a moment longer, regarding her two brothers quietly, before she resisted the urge to sigh in aggravation. "…What of yourself, Joshua?" she asked finally, trying very hard to stay civil. Prompto frowned curiously, wondering just what Regina was up to.

Joshua hummed in slight wonder at the question, before he chuckled with a cheeky smirk. "Oh I've been keeping myself busy, so you needn't worry, darling."

Regina resisted the urge to growl, clenching her fists against her knees.

Spotting the gesture, Kuja hummed softly in thought... before he allowed a small smile. "So you have, dear…speaking of; I've noticed you've been spending quite a bit of time with that boy that drops by with his family to the auctions recently…" he murmured, which actually made Joshua flinch in alarm. "Is there something going on we should be aware of?"

Joshua didn't respond immediately; he instead coughed a little before he said, "I don't believe so, Father," but it was clear from his slightly twitching tail that there was definitely something he wasn't saying.

"Oh? And what's this boy's name?" Prompto questioned, also taking notice. He knew it would make his children happy to see Joshua squirm a bit, especially after all of his aggravating teases towards them.

Ace and Regina were, naturally, watching him quite closely, and Cloud was looking out from under his bangs with one eye,

"Ah, can't say I know that one," Joshua said with a small shrug, obviously trying to play it off as unimportant.

Zidane, however, smirked softly as he looked to Kuja from the corner of his eye. 'This 'bout that kid you mentioned a little while ago?'

'Correct, dear.'

'Okay, cool.'

Smirking, the blonde quipped cheekily: "Now that we're on the subject…didn't you mention this kiddo that's been vandalizing your walls, Kuj?"

"Such a crude word, dear," Kuja said with a chuckle, well aware that Joshua flinched at the mention. "It's actually quite unique. I've just not had the chance to speak to the boy properly, yet."

"So what'd you say his name was again? Like…Nicko…Sarasassla?"

Joshua looked at Zidane dryly before he sighed and said without thinking, "It's Neku Sakuraba, actually."

Which, of course, made Zidane grin. "I thought you didn't know him?"


"Nice, Zidane," Prompto smirked, high-fiving his friend before he looked at Joshua. "This might be a wise reminder to behave and not antagonize your cousins, Joshua. Or else we'll continue to ask you about this Neku boy."

"And you know how your Uncle Zidane is about getting answers," Luna added.

Joshua actually pouted at those words, to the great amusement of both Regina and Ace. Hell, even Cloud cracked a small smirk at the exchange before it was gone and he shut his eye again.

Lann looked around in question, before he asked of his sister, "What the honk is going on?"

Reynn merely shrugged, just as confused as her brother.

"Don't worry about it right now, you two," Luna giggled, lightly ruffling her twins' hair. "You'll find out eventually."


After dinner, once their guests were set up in the guest rooms and all the kids were put to bed, Prompto returned to his and Noctis's room after having to remind Cloud (once again) he would always show the boy affection, even as an adult since Cloud was his son. As he sat on the bed while he listened to the sounds of Noctis in the shower, he couldn't help but want to try for more children.

Yes, they had the triplets, but he couldn't help wanting to feel that sense of being needed by dependant infants again. Or even one infant. He just wanted to have another baby, if not more than one. After all, Regina, Cloud, and Ace were growing up, and eventually wouldn't need their parents any more. Sighing, he bit his lip, debating on how he could bring up the topic to Noctis.

As he was deep in thought, though, he hadn't noticed the running water of the shower stop, so he was quite surprised when Noctis approached him, concern on his features.

"Oh, sheesh! Scared the hell out of me, Noct…!" he whined.

"Sorry," Noctis apologized, before he moved over and sat down next to him. "What's wrong?"

"Just thinking, is all," the blonde tried to assure his bond.

"About…?" Noctis murmured as he used the towel around his neck to absently dry his hair.

"U-um… About…trying for…more children…" the smaller male mumbled shyly.

At those words, Noctis raised an eyebrow and cocked his head with a small, playful smirk. "Really? With everyone we have running around now, you want to add even more?" he asked.

"W-well, the triplets are growing up, and I m-miss having them depend on me so much… I miss that feeling…" Prompto admitted, stuttering.

Noctis allowed a slow chuckle. "Prompto." When the blonde looked up, Noctis beckoned him over soundlessly. The Genome scooted over to be closer to his bond. As soon as he was in range, Noctis snapped his hand out and pulled Prompto into a kiss by the back of his neck. This drew a startled yip from the smaller male, but he was quick to respond, kissing back eagerly.

Chuckling into the kiss, Noctis wrapped his other arm around the blonde's waist, pulling him firmly against him as he nipped on the other man's bottom lip. Prompto parted his lips immediately, sliding his tongue alongside Noctis's with a moan as he wrapped his arms around the raven's neck.

After a long moment, Noctis finally pulled away, murmuring, "What am I going to do with you, hmm?"

"Ravish me senseless," Prompto purred back, smirking.

"Careful what you wish for…" Noctis murmured, a wicked grin playing over his face, right before he abruptly threw Prompto back onto the bed. The blonde yelped, startled, before he looked up at Noctis with wide blue eyes. Still smirking, Noctis moved over and climbed over the blonde Genome, just hovering over him for a few moments.

Prompto shivered lightly as he felt Noctis's hot flesh against him, as the towel he'd had around his hips had slipped off in his movements. Noctis noticed, of course, if his smirk was any indication, before he leaned in and locked their mouths together. However, he purposefully didn't lower the rest of his body just yet. The Genome's tail slid around and between them, though, and wrapped around Noctis's cock firmly, teasing him.

Noctis groaned as the furry limb coiled around him, before he reached down and pulled the tail away. "Sneaky little devil, aren't you?" he chuckled out.

"Can't blame me. You're amazing," Prompto whispered.

"Then be patient," the prince chuckled softly as he leaned down and nipped at the blonde's throat, as his hands began to tug on his clothes. Prompto tilted his head back, giving Noctis more room while moaning softly. Once Noctis was sure he'd left a very sizeable hickey, he pulled away briefly so he could pull off Prompto's shirt. The smaller male leaned forward, assisting his bond in removing the article.

Once it was gone, Noctis immediately leaned back in and began to kiss a path down the blonde's collarbone, biting and sucking at random. Prompto whimpered softly, arching into the touches. Just as he did, Noctis closed his mouth around his right nipple, lapping and sucking at it.

"Ahh-ha!" Prompto panted, shuddering at the feeling. Chuckling softly, Noctis closed his teeth around the nub, licking at it as his other hand came up to play with the other. The Genome's tail twitched and writhed beneath him, the sensations of pleasure coursing through him as he moaned.

After a moment more, Noctis moved back and switched sides, while at the same time moving his free hand down the blonde's sides. Prompto whimpered with need at the warm wetness on his chest, and his fingers laced themselves in Noctis's raven locks. Noctis moaned softly at the touch in his hair, before he smirked and let his fingers play along the blonde's hip.

Prompto shivered at the touch, and his tail coiled around Noctis's leg possessively.

"Tell me…" Noctis murmured as he moved back, whispering in Prompto's ear. "What do you want?"

"I…I-I want you…i-inside m-me," the blonde stuttered.

"How much do you want it?"

"I want you so bad, Noct, please!"

Smirking, Noctis hooked his fingers around the blonde's waistband. "Be more specific, Prom…"

"Fuck me, Noct! Please!" the smaller male begged.

With a small chuckle, Noctis pulled away entirely. But before Prompto could complain… "On your front."

Prompto was quick to comply once the command registered in his head, and he shifted to lay his stomach. Once he had, Noctis pulled him up by his hips, both to remove the blonde Genome's pants and to move him up to his knees. Once he had him there, Noctis moved up to his own knees, but spent a few moments fondling his bond's ass, with his thumbs spreading him open at the same time.

Prompto shuddered heavily at the feeling and out of anticipation, eager for more. Eventually, though, Noctis pulled one hand away and spat into it, as his other hand moved and slowly eased open the blonde's entrance by its edges. The Genome whined pitifully, eagerly awaiting Noctis's fingers.

Finally, Noctis pressed two fingers against the twitching muscle, just barely not pressing in. Prompto gave a pathetic whine.

"Nooooct…!" he pleaded. Noctis smirked—right before pushing his fingers inside easily. This drew a startled gasp from the Genome, his tail curling up against his back in response. The raven gave him only a few moments to adjust, though, as he pulled his fingers out and then pushed them back in again, setting a swift rhythm. Prompto moaned and trembled at the teasing, his breath coming out in harsh pants.

Just then, Noctis altered his angle just slightly. This caused a startled yet pleasured moan to escape the blonde, and he cried out, feeling those fingers hit his prostate.

Chuckling at the sound, Noctis pulled his fingers out entirely. "Ready?"

"Yes, just hurry before I cum too soon!" Prompto pleaded. Noctis smirked with a chuckle, before he slowly moved closer, pressing his straining hard-on against the twitching muscle. But before Prompto could complain again, he grabbed him by his hips and pulled him back. Prompto gave a choked cry at the penetration, before the sound shifted into a drawn-out moan.

Noctis groaned for a moment as he held himself as still as he could, which wasn't easy at all. "God…Prom, you're so fuckin' tight!"

"And you're fuckin' huge!" Prompto panted, before he managed to adjust enough to look back into Noctis's dark blue gaze and breathe, "Move…!"

Noctis nodded breathlessly, adjusting his grip on Prompto's hips, before he began to move slowly. The smaller male moaned softly as his bond began to move inside of him, feeling the prince's amazing cock rub along his inner walls. Eventually, Noctis curled his fingers a little more around Prompto's hips, before he picked up his pace, nearly slamming into his bond.

"AH!" Prompto cried out, not expecting the sudden slam against his prostate. He moaned loudly as stars danced across his vision from the intense pleasure. Noctis laughed breathlessly, just before he repeated the motion, slamming in as he coiled over Prompto's back. The Genome's tail curled around Noctis's waist as he did, the blonde himself crying out in pleasure.

With a small smirk, the prince curled one arm around the blonde's hip to grasp his neglected cock and began to stroke it in time with his swift thrusts. This drew a guttural moan from Prompto, and he flushed crimson from the noise, not having intended to be that loud.

"Feels good, huh?" Noctis panted as he nipped on Prompto's earlobe. All the smaller male could manage was a weak nod and breathy moan. Chuckling breathlessly, Noctis murmured, "Do you want to cum?"

"Please, Noct! Please let me cum!" Prompto begged shamelessly.

"Then do it," Noctis purred out deeply, as he slammed particularly hard into the boy then, "Come for me, Prompto."

And with a scream of his bond's name, he did. His cum spurted in the sheets as his entire body trembled and clenched around Noctis. Noctis groaned at the sensation, hissing a litany of curses, before he came with a moan of the blonde's name. Prompto shuddered heavily around Noctis's softening cock as the raven's cum filled him, before he felt his arms about to give out on him. After moving back, Noctis helped Prompto to lie down, before he joined him and pulled the blonde up against him.

"…I hope this works," Prompto murmured hoarsely as he cuddled against his bond, his tail slowly coiling possessively around Noctis's leg.

"Hmhmm…we'll know soon enough if your appetite increases again…" Noctis teased.

"Fair enough, just give it two weeks," Prompto chuckled, nuzzling Noctis's throat with his nose.

The prince allowed a warm smile as he wrapped his arms around his bond a little firmer. "Yeah…well, either way; I bet Shirma and Chroma are going to be thrilled they won't be the youngest for long."

"Good point. Mikoto and Vivi will probably try for more of their own, though, now that we are," the blonde snickered. "And maybe even Zidane and Luna, too."

Noctis chuckled. "We may have to start a daycare then if they are," he joked.

"Nah, I'm sure the older kids would love to help," the Genome whispered, smiling softly. "Though Cloud may have some trouble…"

"I can just hear him saying he's not interested already…" Noctis agreed with a smirk.

"And then he will be once they're born."

"Not sure on that one, yet…but we'll see."

"Give him some credit, Noct. He'll come around, I know it."

Noctis merely chuckled. "If you say so, Prom."

"I do say so," the smaller male giggled. "I love you, Noct…" he murmured then, kissing the taller male's jaw.

Smiling, Noctis kissed Prompto's forehead, murmuring, "I love you, too, Prom."

With that said, the couple fell asleep together, knowing they would be expanding their family even further.