Here is my second DGM fanfic! Review if you want, now onto the story!

- Prologue -

"According to the Finder we had in the area, the innocence was located near a circus in the more darker side of London." Komui gave them the reports.

"So... why all four- I'm sorry- five of us going?" Allen asked. Lenalee, Lavi, Kanda, and- of course- Link nodded in agreement.

"Well, you see, it's better if all of you go instead of one or two people. That way, if one of you get lost or disappear, there are others to continue." Komui sat back down behind his desk.

"Okay, when do we leave?" Lenalee asked, flipping through the report.

"In a couple hours. Be safe." Komui dismissed them and Allen frowned when he left.

"What's wrong, Walker?" Link asked and Allen looked at him.

"It's... It's nothing." Allen sighed, looking at the report. He had hoped to never return to that part of London again, or near that circus. But fate has other plans he guessed.

"Lenalee!" Allen knocked on the Chinese girl's door. She opened the door and smiled up at him.

"Yes, Allen-kun?"

"I was wondering if you could help me." He smiled and she let him in.

"Thank you, Lenalee. It looks just like it used to!" He picked up a strand of his now brownish-red hair.

"Your welcome, but one question. Why did you want to dye it it's original color?" She asked, putting the dye up.

"Ah! Well... white would've been too obvious and an easy target for thieves and kidnappers. Also, it'd help me blend in seeing as we're going undercover." He lied, looking away so he didn't have to meet her gaze.

She pouted, "Okay... Anyway, it's almost time. We best be getting ready."

"Yeah.." He smiled and walked out with Link towards their room.

They entered the run-down part of London and Allen sighed, breathing in the air. Memories returned and he knew exactly where to go for information about the circus. Allen stood there for a few moments, looking around. "Nothing has changed.."

"What was that, Walker?" Link asked, grabbing everyone else's attention.

"I said nothing's changed since I was last here." Allen looked at them, pointing towards the streets.

"What do you mean about that, Allen-kun?" Lenalee asked and Allen smiled.

"This place is where I grew up."

"You grew up here, Allen?" Lavi asked, a little surprised his polite gentleman friend grew up in a place like this.

"Che, Moyashi lived in a dirty place like this?" Kanda looked around, kicking something out of his way.

"It's Allen, BaKanda, and yes, I grew up here." Allen glared at him before returning his gaze to the streets. He began walking towards a certain alleyway before stopping at it's entrance. "I wouldn't recommend following me into here. But if you do, please don't be too surprised. What you're about to see is... well... the real me." Allen glanced back at them before continuing into the alley. They followed behind him, only Lenalee was a bit hesitant before following.

Allen suddenly stopped and his aura instantly changed from the kind, polite aura to a much more different aura. The new aura held no kindness, only the sense of emptiness and loneliness. Allen's smile disappeared and was replaced with a scowl, which made Link check twice to see if the 14th had taken over.

A man walked out of the shadows with a dark grin and raised his fist. He hit Allen perfectly on his left side of his face and Allen was pushed over to the wall. Fighting back, Allen managed to dodge the attacks thrown at him. Lenalee was about to step forward to help, but Lavi held her back, shaking his head. "This is Allen's fight." He whispered to her.

Allen and the man continued to fight until Allen finally knocked the man to the ground. "Gr... Ya gonna pay for that kid!" The man growled, his voice carrying a heave British accent.

"I'm not as weak as I used to be." Allen growled back, wiping the blood from his lips.

The man studied Allen and then laughed, "Ya got to be kiddin' me." The man stood up and wiped the dirt from his pants. "I see ya all grown, eh? Stronger too, Red."

Allen's scowl lost some of it's intensity, but still remained on his face, "Ya haven't changed at all, Jimmy." He put his hands into his pockets, his voice now also carrying the thick British accent.

"Didn't ya leave tis' place, Red? Why ya back?" Jimmy asked, crossing his arms.

"I didn't want to return, but it comes with mah new job. Hey, is ta circus in town?" Allen asked, looking bored.

"Why ya wanna return there? And yea' they're here. Lemmie guess, ya want info for tis' new job?"

"Yea'. Are they in ta same place?" Allen glanced back at his friends for a split second before returning his eyes onto Jimmy.

His friends' expressions somewhat amused him. Lenalee was shocked, Lavi's brows were raised, Link just looked utterly lost, and Kanda was... well... Kanda.

"Same as always. I gotta go, I got a girl now and she ain't patient. See ya 'round Red!" Jimmy walked away and Allen watched him.

"Whatever.." He looked away then turned to face his friends, putting his mask back on. "Sorry you had to see that." He apologized, losing the accent.

"A-Allen... Who's Red?" Lavi asked and Allen smiled.

"Just something people called me before Mana began calling me Allen. I guess you could say it was my old name." He scratched the back of his head. "Or you could call Red my old personality."

"Where to now, Walker?" Link asked, regaining his head.

Allen's face darkened a bit, "Somewhere I never thought I'd return to. We're off to the circus."