Thank you to those who caught the error,
I don't know how that happened,
Here is the real chapter.
I actually wrote this back during Season 7.
I've updated it for Season 9
Chapter 1 Born
Twenty-Three Years Ago . . .
It was almost two o'clock in the morning. There was a heavy rain along with thunder and lightning. The clouds weren't completely able to block the full moon that evening. It had made the evening very creepy and unfortunately, a bit dangerous.
The local ER had gotten swamped that night.
While statistically the full moon did not cause an increase in ER visits or people activing crazy, this night was different. It was one of those nights when the crazies decided to rejoice in their oddities.
Several of those occurrences had ended with people in the hospital. There were a couple of teens that had been brought in inebriated from a party. They had tried to skateboard off of a pool slide.
An entire group had come from some kind of show-off stunts with their cars. It had ended up in a five car pileup on the highway.
The nurses on duty were working with the doctors. There were people crying in pain and others that were screaming obscenities at the other patients. It was a night a night of pandemonium
"Do you think it can get any worse?" One of the nurses, Carol, said to her friend next to her. She was covered in vomit from one her patients. She tossed the plastic covering that protected her scrubs into the bin.
"You get the next odd ball that comes in just because you said that." The nurse, Bea, replied tossing her own blood soaked covering.
The conversation ended at that.
The nurses only had that moment before they were needed. Both were either trying to help patient's injuries and also keep some of the others under control.
Like all things that had been said before something goes wrong, Bea got her wish.
Carol and Bea were near the doors to the ER when a woman came in. She was disheveled and soaking wet. At first look it could be assumed that she was homeless. The women let out a shriek, announcing her arrival
The woman was clearly pregnant and ready to burst.
"She's all yours." Bea said to Carol moving with her to help the woman unto a gurney.
Carol tried talking to the woman. "Can you tell me your name?"
"Then the lord said unto Israel." The woman responded. "Wherefore criest thou unto me?"
She let out another wail of pain.
Carol looked over the woman to see if there was a medical alert bracelet or something that could at least give the woman's name.
"My name is Carol." Carol said to the woman as the two nurses moved her to one of the trauma beds. "Can you please tell me your name?"
The woman looked back and forth between the two nurses. "God made Eve from Adam's rib." The woman said to Carol. She then looked to Bea. "Women cursed by Eve with the blood and the pain of child birth."
"Can you tell me your name or a family member we can call?" Bea tried. "We will help you through this."
"The curse of blood fell upon all women and then on to Jezebel." The woman proclaimed to the celling. She then went through another fit of contractions.
"I'll get a psych consult." Bea said stepping away.
"If ever the Devil was born without a pair of horns. It was Jezebel." The woman called out at one of the other nurses.
Carol managed to move the woman into a better position on the bed. She continued talking smoothly in an effort to try and calm her. She then quickly did a check to see how far along the woman was. It wouldn't be long before she would give birth.
She wondered if the woman even truly understood that she was pregnant. It was a wonder how she even knew to come to the hospital.
"We are going to help you through this." Carol said.
Bea returned along with one of the ER doctors. "I called Dr. Phillips for the consult." Bea said to Carol. "He will be down in a moment."
"I don't know if he is going to make it." The doctor, Dr. Smith, stated. He positioned himself to assist the baby. "Do we have a name?"
"No," Carol answered.
The birth was rough.
The woman continued to spout what sounded like biblical passages.
Carol did not have a strong familiarization with the Bible. She wasn't sure if all the phrases were from there.
Bea tried to tune the woman's rants out as she tried to hold her into position. The woman was starting to remind her of the mother from the book Carrie. All she needed was for a girl to be born and the woman to immediately name her that.
"The head has crowned." Dr. Smith stated.
"You hear that, one more push." Carol continued to stay positive for the sake of the mother and the child.
"Eve was cursed with Cain who struck down his brother Abel." The woman shouted at Carol
"It's a girl." Dr. Smith announced.
Carol and Bea listened to the sound of the baby's crying.
The woman reached up her hand and held something that was around her neck. She then closed her eyes.
"You need to open your eyes." Carol said to the woman.
"She's bleeding out." Dr. Smith stated.
Bea quickly moved to care for the baby. So far it seemed that she was healthy, surprisingly.
"We'll take care of her." Carol said trying to get the woman's attention to wake her.
The doctors continued working on the woman.
"I'm calling it." Dr. Smith stated after a moment. "Time of death, 0336."
Bea and Carol worked to remove the medical devices from the woman to prepare to move her.
Another nurse had come to move the baby to the nursery for care.
Carol then took notice of what the woman had gripped earlier on her neck. It was a cross necklace. Really it wasn't all that surprising considering her rants.
Carefully she undid the necklace and held it up to look at it.
"That looks real." Bea said looking at the cross. "She looks homeless. How did she get a hold of something like that?"
"I don't know." Carol replied. "Didn't Mike work his way through college with that pawn broker?
"Yeah." Bea answered. "I'll finish this up. I think you better check with him on that."
Carol immediately walked over to the administration desk.
A small man was working at the desk.
"Mike," Carol said addressing him. "Can you tell the difference between a real gold necklace and a fake?"
"You kidding? That's what got me through college." Mike said holding out his hand to accept the necklace. Mike pulled out his reading glasses and looked over necklace. "Yup, this is real. 24 Karat. Where did it come from?"
"Jane Doe." Carol answered. "Died after giving birth. Really strange, because she seemed homeless. She wouldn't give her name or anything."
"I've got a box here." Mike said reaching under the desk. "That way you can leave it with her personnel effects. Maybe someone knows her." He handed the boxed necklace back to Carol.
Carol walked back to the ER. She wondered if anyone knew who the woman was.
Present day.
It was mid-afternoon. There were only a few clouds outside. It would have been a nice day to be outside. There were those that weren't able to enjoy the sunshine. Several college students were in the library working on their assignments.
Sitting alone at one of the tables was a young girl. Her hair was black. She had a black skirt, black sweater, black shoes and a barely seen white button shirt. Around her neck was a small gold cross necklace.
The girl was looking over what looked like crime scene photos. It seemed to be something from a criminal studies class. She was diligently taking notes off of the photos.
"I want to be out in the sun." One of the girls, Harper, said to her other girlfriend, Alexa. "My tan is almost gone."
"You know that tanning in the sun prematurely ages you." Alexa responded.
"So," Harper replied. "I'll be old anyway. I'll probably gain 15 pounds by then."
"That old saying the woman gain 10 or more pounds after college." Alexa responded.
Harper looked longingly at the window. She then looked at the other patrons in the library. "I bet she needs to stay in here."
"I know." Alexa replied. "She doesn't talk with anybody. She doesn't go out. Have you heard her in class? She's creepy."
All at once the girl stood. She hastily grabbed her stuff and then moved quickly out of the library.
"Creepy nut case." Alexa commented.
The girl quickly walked out of the library and made her way to the dormitories. She did not speak or acknowledge anyway along the way.
When she reached her room she closed and locked the door. The girl then fell, face first, onto her bed. She put her pillow over her head, stuffing it into her ears. She whimpered out loud into the room.
Eventually she turned over and stared into the room with tear soaked eyes. "No, Tobias." She whispered.